Blackgaard Clan Goodness!

Audio-drama fan fiction released to the public!

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Will this new audio drama rival AIO?

It doesn't hold a candle to our favorite radio show!
Hoobler, McCusker, and Co. better start looking for a new job!
It doesn't matter as long as I get to hear about creampuffs, nailfiles and other Blackgaard coolness!
Total votes: 19

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Blackgaard Clan Goodness!

Post by Dr. Watson »


Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present the first Blackgaard audio drama--The Blackgaard Clan--The Geneva Convention!

This thrilling 14-minute drama, featuring several of your favorite Blackgaard agents, will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the action.

After first this was posted a few months ago in the Blackgaard Clan Mansion, where it received strong critical acclaim. But now the time has come for you, the citizens of the Town of Odyssey to hear it for the first time!

I first conceived the plot when re-reading the GF thread, "The Case Against the Blackgaards," when Pepper (then Jennifer) Doyle wrote,
Jennifer Doyle wrote:Apparently the Blackgaard behavior at the Geneva convention in '88 doesn't mean anything to you?
And I began thinking, what on earth was she talking about? What Blackgaard behaviour? So I decided to explore this little concept and bring it to life via audio dramatization. I hope you all enjoy it, as I certainly enjoyed producing it. May I remind you that this could only be the beginning! :badgrin: More Blackgaard dramas may be on the way! \:D/

So without further ado...

The Blackgaard Clan--The Geneva Convention

***Note: At about 12 minutes through the drama, an odd screeching sound may blast through your speakers. Fortunately, it is between scenes and doesn't affect the story. Something apparently malfunctioned when I was converting to MP3 format. At any rate, it lasts only a few milliseconds and shouldn't harm your listening experience! :)
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Post by Jonathan »

Dude, I vote number 3 \:D/
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Post by Aelwyn »

That was really cool! :D
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

For Dr. Watson: :twat:
:-# I shall now have to crawl away and hide in utter embarrassment. :thud:

Other than the parts with me, it's awesome though! \:D/ Good job, bro! :hug:
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Post by Catspaw »

But Laura, you're wonderful as me! \:D/ And now when I say "Meet my nail file, you big goon!" people will know where I got it from! \:D/

Dr. Watson, I've said it before, but I'm more then willing to say it again...this production rocks! \:D/

I voted for option 3. Option 2 is equally valid, but not quiite as much fun. ;)
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Post by Pc Pro »

I vote #3
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Post by Ruthie »

That is so great! :D

I loved it! At times I wasn't sure who was talking- but it was still awesome anyway! ;)
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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

Didn't even have to listen to it to vote #1!! *HOLDS UP THE DOYLE FIST*

Just kidding...nice to know that once again, I've inspired your Clan. :D
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Post by Applesauce »

Hmm...I can't get it to work for me. :-k I think something's wrong with my Quicktime player.
Smushed and Spicy! \:D/

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Post by Mr.Whit »

Who did the voices
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Post by Catspaw »

Dr. Watson and Laura did all the voices, if I remember correctly. :-k I know for sure that Laura did Catspaw's voice! \:D/
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Thanks for your responses everyone! :D

Yes, Laura voiced Catspaw, my older sister voiced Vespucci's henchwoman Maria, and I did all the rest. :)
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Post by Catspaw »

Yay for Dr. Watson being so multi-talented! \:D/ That's a lot of voices to do, which is why I couldn't remember whether Dr. Watson did all the guy voices or not, but that's incredible! \:D/
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Post by Mr.Whit »

more more we want more
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Post by Candy »

All I can Get is "welcome to the blackgaa....."
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Did you click on save-target-as or are you listening to it live? If it's streaming, then it may be just be delayed until it downloads the next chunk.
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Post by xiao »

The screech noise is actually pretty cool.
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Post by bookworm »


How did this thread only get so few posts? This is absolutely epic!
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Post by Catspaw »

What a great blast from the past! I had to read through and see what I said back in 2006. ;) Good times! Dr. Watson did such a great job with this little Blackgaard classic. :D (And Laura too, of course.)
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Post by Jonathan »

Totally forgot about this, gonna have to listen later this week
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