In response to Catspaws challenge and in celebration of this here Town's anniversary, Envision will be giving away 9 signatures to the first nine people that request one.
All you have to do is post below saying you would like a signature and I'll 'envision' and create something unique just for you. =]
Also, please state what username you would like on the signature or if you rather not have a name on it at all. If you don't say anything, I will end up putting whatever username I know you best by. ANNDDD, please let me know if you would like the signature to be a certain size. Otherwise I'll just make it whatever I think best.
snubs is not dumb as he really is very smart. — Bmuntz
I 'd like one! Something to do with the Get Smart from the 1900's please. Thanks fro doing this snubs!
Who am I? I'd rather not answer that question, the real question is, "Who are you?". Right now I am trying to think of something witty to put here.. I might not find anything, but that's fine. This block of text should be fine for a signature. Wait, are you still reading this? Why are you reading this? Stop. Seriously.
This sentence is true.
The sentence above is false.
I dare you not to read this.
Hey! I said not to read this.
Maybe if I talk like this.
Wait, you still see me? *sighs* I give up.
Ooooooh, me wants! "shnoodlec" (no capital letter) on it, please.
High wellborn Lady shnoodlec Knight of the Order of Augustine, formally known as Queen of the Monkeys. now enjoying an era of peace between the Monkeys and Vampires. permanent n00b. Q&A thread HERE. come find me on the ToO chat if you dare.