ToO Trivia!

A stroll through random stops on memory lane!

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ToO Trivia!

Post by bookworm »

To celebrate this year's ToO Birthday come join me on a stroll down memory lane! Instead of stopping by your typical list of well known events and happenings from our history we'll be meandering through some random, silly, and maybe forgotten moments from years long past! :)

Full disclosure: I came up with this event as an excuse to post about some random old topics first and as a real trivia game second. I've gone through a great number of ancient threads over the last several months while working on various ToO projects and while doing that I came across several funny and random things from our past that I wanted to bring attention to somehow, but there was no clear way to really do it. So I had the idea to make a pretext of having it be a game! \:D/

This means that the intended audience for actual participation in the trivia part of this is definitely older board members. Of course anyone is absolutely welcome to join in and submit guesses, but I don't expect most of these questions to be answerable unless you have actually seen the relevant posts at some point, and even then they might not all stick out in your memory.

The real purpose of this game is that once we see who, if anyone, remembers these things firsthand I'll then make an informational post about the event in question and everyone, old and new, can learn about it together! People who were there for it can have their memories refreshed about old times and people who weren't can get a look at some of the interesting interactions of our early days. :D
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Post by Catspaw »

Woohoo! With my memory, being around for a while may not be a big advantage. ;) I'm looking forward to the fun, bookworm! :yes:
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Post by bookworm »

Question 1:
What Christian music artist is our Town Founder Shadowpaw said to resemble?

Anyone with a guess post your answer in a spoiler tag!
No peeking at what other people say until you make your own guess!
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Post by Catspaw »

Okay, this is super easy for those of us who own a printed picture of the mash-up of Shadowpaw's face with this famous Christian artist, which I assume is lots of us? No? :anxious: O:)

(Or at least I used to have that picture...I don't know where it is offhand.)
Steven Curtis Chapman
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Steven Curtis Chapman
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Carman, RIP
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Post by Jonathan »

I'd have gotten this one wrong.
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Post by bookworm »

Question: What Christian music artist is our Town Founder Shadowpaw said to resemble?

Answer: Steven Curtis Chapman
STRYPER wrote:Oh my goodness :shock:

With all this talk about how much they looked alike I didn't actually take a look at SCC's picture or anything.

They REALLY look alike \:D/

I started out with an easy one that most people have probably seen referenced at some point at least once. :)

The first recorded link of Shadowpaw and SCC was this post. At least that was the first here on the ToO; I'm unaware offhand whether this was something that dates back to the Town Hall forum, but judging by the response it appears not. Shadowpaw initially resisted the comparison, but eventually he came around to the truth.

The connection continued to be a recurring reference many more times over the years. This is one of my favorites:
Baragon wrote:Everytime I’m in the car listening to Steven Curtis Chapman with Top, I’m told that it’s really you singing!!! \:D/ Which really, totally ruins the song…

As Catspaw noted there was an actual photo mash-up created at some point, but I've been unable to find reference of it in any posts so it seems to have been something that was only shared off-forum and I can't verify who originally made it and when. If anyone still has a copy please let me know!
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Post by Catspaw »

I have too much unsorted stuff, and other stuff that I sorted and then stashed away somewhere. I don't have time to dig through stuff this weekend but one day I will try to dig out the picture that I'm almost certain I still have. I don't remember who made it or how it was distributed - do I have the only copy? :shrug: I have a recollection of a birthday box (maybe from Frank) with a pink Care Bear (maybe made of chocolate) so maybe that was the source? I've thought of multiple people who could have made it/sent it but can't actually remember.
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Post by bookworm »

Question 2:
What was the name of the concerned voter being reassured by Ronald in a ToO Election ad?

Anyone with a guess post your answer in a spoiler tag!
No peeking at what other people say until you make your own guess!
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Was my name Agatha?!
Good times, good times. :anxious:
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Post by Catspaw »

I have no memory of this at all.
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Post by bookworm »

Question: What was the name of the concerned voter being reassured by Ronald in a ToO Election ad?

Answer: Helen
Dr. Watson wrote:Meanwhile, Helen and Ronald discuss the campaign. \:D/

Cheer Helen up and vote for Dr. Watson and BMuntz!

Back in the day some teams running in ToO Elections would put out actual 'radio' ads for their campaigns. "Helen and Ronald" was one of the most well recieved, a concept by Dr. Watson that was voiced by himself and Laura Ingalls. The original ad ran during the 2nd Election, supporting the team of Dr. Watson and BMuntz before Catspaw replaced Watson on the ballot. The pair reappeared four years later to voice support for King Regis in the 12th Election.

A collection of a few other various ads can be found here. :)
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Post by Jonathan »

I had forgotten about the radio ads. I remembered the signature banners.
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Ha, that's right, Helen. Could not think of it!! I always hate listening to my voice in those ads. Blech.
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Post by Catspaw »

I feel better about forgetting when even Laura apparently forgot! I was a supporter of Dr. Watson and Barry (long before they picked me to replace the good doctor on the ballot) ;) so I'm sure I listened to the ads at the time. Laura, you're hilarious! You're really quite good.

Bookworm's link led me to listen to an ad that I apparently made for Top and EB that I also have no recollection of, so that was fun to listen to. ;)
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Post by bookworm »

Question 3:
To what movie did The Top Crusader compare his first experience meeting Continental Admiral in real life?

Anyone with a guess post your answer in a spoiler tag!
No peeking at what other people say until you make your own guess!
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Post by Catspaw »

I clearly remember the, "Verily, I have met the Continental Admiral" thread and the "They're engaged and I'm enraged" thread (among other Top Crusader classics), but don't recall a movie reference in his description of the big meet-up. :anxious: It might sound familiar once I hear it.
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Post by EK »

I’m gonna go with Santa with Muscles.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I think I know.

I actually am not absolutely 100% sure if I made the specific movie comparison I have in mind now on here, but I know I’ve made it elsewhere, so I probably did.
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