The Great British Bake Off

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The Great British Bake Off

Post by Petrichor »

Does anyone else on the ToO love the Great British Bake Off as passionately as I do? \:D/ I'm actually shocked there isn't a thread about it already, since I figure at least a few people on here have to be fans.

On the off chance you've managed to completely avoid the bake-off craze, GBBO is a fairly standard baking show, except all the competitors are amateur home-bakers and they're all nice to each other. I hate watching other cooking shows where the contestants always have to throw each other under the bus, so it's nice to watch something where everyone's so kind and pleasant. I'm definitely a fan of the older seasons with Mel and Sue as the hosts, although I must say, I'm starting to come around to Prue as Mary Berry's replacement.

Has anyone started the new season on Netflix yet? I'm trying to hold out until they've uploaded all of the episodes because I'd rather not have to watch week by week.
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Post by bookworm »

I know it has a really big following and I totally get why people who love it love it, but it's not my kind of thing.
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Post by Petrichor »

To quote the old saying, "For people who like that sort of thing, it's the sort of thing that they'd like." If you don't at least semi-enjoy cooking shows, then you probably won't really care about Bake Off. BUT if you do like cooking shows and you get tired of seeing the contestants acting catty and unpleasant, GBBO is awesome. :yes:
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Post by KODY 105 »

I forget how terrible necroposting is here, so here goes. I will submit to any reprimand from Catspaw or other mods as required.

I really like the Great British Baking Show (that's how Netflix titles it, iirc). I'm all caught up on the current season. We just had bread week, and I really like baking bread myself. I generally bake boring things like rolls or "Amish bread" which is the most generic thing ever: flour, oil, yeast, water. Oh, and the same for tortillas. But back to the show:
the reigning twice-Star Baker Jurgen fellow didn't win this week! Now it's the other powerhouse, Guiseppe. Is that Italian for Joseph, right? So basically Joe. Between the IT dude with a physics degree and the actual engineer, I have high hopes of those two dominating the whole show.
Like Petrichor, I appreciate that the contestants are so nice. I don't watch any other contest shows, so have no experience with any bad behavior there, and I don't want to. Watching this show is entertaining, and can even wow you with a great bake. Sometimes people invent clever showstopper bakes.

I'd have to say my favorite bake is the technical bake (the second one in each episode), because I like that the end result is supposed to be the same. It's more easily comparable to each other's bakes, for evaluating if you accomplished the goal. I would hate to have to participate in the technical bake, but it's the best one to watch.
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Post by Catspaw »

No lecture here! It's better to add to the existing thread than start something new unnecessarily or wish you could post something interesting but are worried that I will be mad. ;)

I've never watched but my sister watches sometimes and likes it. I just haven't gotten around to giving it a try.
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