Jungle Cruise

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Jungle Cruise

Post by bookworm »

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Post by Catspaw »

This looks like fun. In general the idea of turning Disney rides into movies sounds silly but has worked out fairly well, so I think this could be good. Not Oscar-worthy good, but tons of fun kind of good. The sense of humour in the trailer is appealing to me. "The price just went up." :lol:
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Post by Danadelfos »

This reminds me of the new Jumanji movies and I want to see it. \:D/ But I don't know about in theaters..
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Post by bookworm »

-- April 19th, 2020, 5:39 pm --

I also think this looks kind of fun, to my surprise. When I heard it was in development way back when I could not have been less interested in the idea. But seeing what they ended up doing with it, I'm actually willing to give it a try.

-- May 28th, 2021, 9:40 am --

Definitely looking fun the more I see from this.
Pirates of the Caribbean vibes showing up out of nowhere in the new trailer; totally unexpected but I'm in for it.
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Post by Catspaw »

Nice! It still looks like fun. POTC ended up being awesome while based on nothing more than a ride, so there's no reason that this can't be fun and still have a decent story too. I will definitely watch this at some point. We'll see what my theatre status is this summer. It looks like a great theatre movie - more fun on the big screen!
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Post by bookworm »

Oh yeah, I didn't even put together that PotC was also a ride-turned-movie actually, I was just referring to the feel I was getting from the ambiance and action in this trailer and the sudden focus on supernatural enemies that wasn't in previously released material.
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Post by Catspaw »

I thought maybe you were referring to both aspects, since when I watched the trailer I saw what did indeed look similar to the undead pirates.
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Post by bookworm »

This is really fun!

I'm surprised I was so apathetic about it at first (though in my defense the initial teasers really did not impart the feel of the kind of movie it ended up being) if the later trailers hadn't brought me around on giving it a try I would have missed out on a movie I enjoyed very much.

The opening scene gave me strong National Treasure vibes, just the way the set up was presented with that tone of the narration over the flashbacks. The rest of the movie was a fantastic blend of Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean.

The Rock was excellent, this is definitely my favorite role I've seen him do so far. I always like seeing him because he's a great personality, but that doesn't mean he's always a good fit for a movie. This was exactly the kind of movie and exactly the kind of character that really works for him.

I really liked how they actually showed the Jungle Cruise ride as a thing being done in-world. That's so meta and was a clever way to have a really fun nod to what this whole thing was based on.

(If you aren't familiar with the ride, watch this video of it after seeing this movie and you'll get it.)

My only major criticism is that the CGI for the jaguar was really bad most of the time, almost to a distracting degree. Which is very surprising considering how much it's shown throughout the movie; you'd think they would have fixed it up a bit. It doesn't ruin the viewing experience for me at all, I just had to mention it because I'm usually very forgiving when it comes to CGI and don't even really take notice when it's not perfect, or at most I notice initially and then get over it pretty quickly, but something about this really stood out to me as being not good and I never really got past it.
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Post by Catspaw »

Hmm, the jaguar didn't bother me much. I saw the movie in 3D. Maybe it looked better that way? Or I just wasn't noticing the stuff you were?

One of my criticisms was actually something you mentioned, bookworm - it reminded me of a bunch of things, but I thought it paled in comparison to the things it reminded me of. I just couldn't shake the thought that multiple parts of elements reminded me of some of the same movies you mentioned - but those are better, so it wasn't great for me to keep thinking of them as I was watching this movie.

I definitely agree with bookworm that The Rock was good in this movie, and so was Emily Blunt. Some of the situations or lines were a bit much, but their acting worked for me.

It was a fun movie overall. I went to see it with my brother just to see something fun in August, since we wanted to go to a movie and this was the only thing we were both interested in. I'm glad I saw it. I'm not in any big rush to see it again. To me it was a decent fun summer movie, just nothing really special.
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Post by bookworm »

Oh that's an interesting take Catspaw. I thought that conglomerate feeling was a positive, because the pieces it echoed are all some of my all time favorite franchises, so I was loving getting those kinds of feelings again here. Yes it was definitely lesser than those great originals, but I didn't see that as disappointing because I didn't think of it as being derivative, I was just having a great time with it. But now that you bring it up, I could definitely see how some people could take it the other way if they were looking at it that way instead.
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Post by Catspaw »

That's one of the great things about posting our thoughts - sometimes seeing a different perspective helps us understand why other people like or dislike a movie. It's funny that we thought such a similar thing but felt differently about it. I'm wondering if I was too critical or comparing too much.
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