Mulan (2020)

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Post by The Top Crusader »

Catspaw wrote:Yes, I'm definitely waiting as well. December will be here soon enough. I highly doubt that they will release numbers, but I would be curious to know how many people are willing to pay the price. It seems excessive to me. I was only moderately interested to begin with. I guess if it was something super awesome that I was eagerly awaiting and was worried about spoilers, I might bite the bullet on the price, but not for this.
Yeah a new Marvel thing that looked good would be a lot more tempting.

Once it is included with regular D+ in December I still don't really want to see it of my own volition. Not that it looks horrible but its not extremely interesting to me, either, and my valuable time can be better spent watching Youtube videos of middle aged guys in their basements talking about 30 year old video games or movies.
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Post by Catspaw »

I'm sorry to hear Monica's report that she knows people who were disappointed. I know some people who want to watch it (who don't have Disney+) so I was thinking I might just watch it with them. I was hoping it would be better than my expectation. ;)

Top, you are clearly swamped. Idea: Play Donny Osmond singing "Be a Man" from the animated version of "Mulan" while you watch the video game videos. I think it will provide an enhanced experience, especially if you sing along.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Is that the same rap song that Randy Savage recorded to dis Hulk Hogan?

I really want to link it but I think it had a mild swear or something. :(
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Post by Catspaw »

I will have to continue on with my life without the joys that surely come with such a song. When your daughter is older you will have to show her the animated Mulan and then you will know the wonderful song that I am referring to.
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Post by bookworm »

Catspaw wrote:I highly doubt that they will release numbers, but I would be curious to know how many people are willing to pay the price.
There are so many issues with the details of this release plan that I really don't see how it's a positive outcome for the studio however it ends up playing out.

First, it's absolutely absurd to require a subscription on top of the unlock price. What are people paying for then? If you buy this it needs to go to a separate part of the app that remains playable with or without an ongoing subscription - especially when it's getting added to the regular Disney+ catalog later anyway. At that point there's no benefit to anyone who paid for it ahead of time. At least let them still have access to it if they stop their subscription to differentiate them from people who didn't prepay because in a few months nothing will, everyone will be in the same state, able to watch it when their account is active and not able to when it's not.

The early access window being so short also makes no sense. If they're going with the on demand model to offset lost theater tickets they need to actually go with it. Even though I think the model is bad, I think they have to commit to it. Make people who want to see it any time soon have to see it this way. Announcing already that as soon as December it's going to be available to everyone, and not even planning to sell it all the way until then as the availability apparently ends in November, I have to believe the vast majority of people are going to say 'If I wait just a couple months I save $24? Yeah, I'm gonna do that.'

When there's no actual reason to prepay since at the end of the on demand window those who paid and those who didn't have the exact same experience from then on, why would someone choose to be in the former group if the amount of time separating being one or the other is so short? The only thing your extra money gets you here is temporary early access so the length of that access time needs to be long enough to make it seem worth buying, not an amount of time that will be easily waited out by most people causing an early purchase to have no appeal whatsoever to them since there's no other reason to consider it.
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Post by Catspaw »

Yeah, I agree with all of those things. You're right that they need to either really provide motivation for people to pay the money, or just not bother, because this way doesn't seem great. Disney is usually pretty smart when it comes to turning a profit ;) so I'm guessing that if it doesn't work well, they definitely won't do it again.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

They should work something out that if you pre-order the DVD/bluray they email you a code that unlocks it on D+ or something.
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Post by Catspaw »

I had complaints but no alternative. Enter...The Top Crusader. \:D/ That's a really good idea. That would probably up DVD sales a decent amount and allow people to feel like they still got something extra for their money.
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Post by Polehaus53 »

This movie is now available to watch on Disney+ without paying the extra $30. Has anyone watched it yet?
Unfortunately, the reports I heard from everyone who was disappointed turned out to be true. They literally took out all the good things from the original 1998 Mulan. No Mushu and no singing. :noway: :shame: (although instrumental versions of the original film's songs are used a little, I think)

I didn't like the changes they made to it:

-The character of Li Shang was split into two separate characters.

-Cri-Kee (I think that's the name of the lucky bug?) is not even in the film unless you count a spider that appears for two seconds which Mulan tries to squish in the scene with the matchmaker.

-Shan Yu has been changed to Böri Khan, and his falcon is now an evil witch who transforms into the hawk. And does not turn into Mongolian barbecue at the end. :x

The only thing I liked is that we got some cool fight scenes and that there's an epic battle at the end between Mulan and Böri Khan. :duel: That's about it. :anxious:

Overall, it was mostly a disappointment to me. I apologize if I'm being too harsh. To be honest, I prefer watching the original 1998 Mulan. :- :anxious:
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Post by Catspaw »

I haven't seen it yet. I heard it wasn't great so I wasn't in any rush, and haven't heard anyone say they really liked it. I was already pretty iffy on it ahead of time, so I haven't found a reason to watch it. There's just too much good content out there to bother with something I have low expectations for. I might watch one day, but I certainly have no immediate plans.
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