Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet

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Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet

Post by bookworm »

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Post by Catspaw »

I loved the first movie, but thought that the trailer looked lame ahead of time, but now I'm already expecting something good. :D I'm curious where the princess angle is going to go, though I was happiest when Eeyore showed up! \:D/
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Post by Parakeet »

I am so excited my whole family is.
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Post by bookworm »

I've been really nervous about this since it was first announced they were making it. The first one was genuinely one of the best moves ever made. I wrote a big post about it, so just to very briefly summarize, any way you look at it there's greatness. The world building of bringing all the games to life in truly genius ways, the story which is really layered and has something to take away from it for all ages, the heart and lessons that are in it which run way deeper than you would expect from what the premise of the movie is. It's just greatness. And it didn't need a sequel.

But it was so well done that I trusted the creators wouldn't do a sequel just to do one, if they felt it was worth it there must be something there making it worthwhile. I still hope that's the case, but I'm not convinced of it yet from what I've seen so far. I'm worried it's going to just be a series of 'look at these references' moments, which would be fine for some generic family film, indeed it could be very fun with some really clever things done, but if that's all it is it would be a disservice to the original which was so much more than that. Because the first movie was so truly transcendent of that 'family movie' genre I worry if the sequel is just 'fun' without the deeper heart to it the first one had it will stop people from giving the first one its full due because they'll just go 'oh yeah that's that series of movies where video games come alive, it's kind of fun' and not remember how truly special the first one was.

This could be baseless concern of course and it turns out there is a meaningful story behind this movie and it will be as impactful as the first, and I certainly hope that's the case. It's just that the original movie means so much to me I'm somewhat oversensitive to the possibility it could be lessened in any way.
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Post by Scientific Guy »

I have two thoughts on trailer 2:
1. For some reason, Merida is pictured with the Disney Princesses even though she's NOT a Disney Princess. She's a Pixar Princess. Get it right, Disney!
2. Could that person at the end of trailer 2 be the villain?
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Post by bookworm »

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Post by Catspaw »

Haha, I hadn't seen the new trailer yet! Thanks bookworm. It looks great to me. I was already interested from the other trailers, but this one was good too. The song (which I will not reveal) made me happy too. \:D/
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Post by Pound Foolish »

I'm hyped. This is one of the few Disney films I actively wanted a sequel to. And tah-dah. What did everyone think of the Tiana-drama?
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Post by Catspaw »

Could you elaborate on what you mean by Tiana-drama? :anxious:
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Post by bookworm »

I hadn't heard about that 'controversy' until just now, but that's pretty dumb. 'Oh my gosh they didn't use the exact same RGB value for her skin color! Obviously that's intentional whitewashing!' Oh except they didn't make her white. I recognized who that was right away and I haven't even seen her movie.

And what are people going on about with changes to her features? I legitimately have no idea what they mean by that. It's a 3D version of a 2D animation, it's impossible for it to look exactly the same. Nothing stands out to me as significantly or intentionally altered, it's just a difference in medium.
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Post by Catspaw »

Hmm, I hadn't heard anything about that either. Interesting. I can see how some things change out of necessity, but it is important to properly maintain her appearance. Clearly it is important to the voice actor and many fans, so it's good that Disney noted their concerns.
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Post by bookworm »

It's out!

I'm staying away from detailed information, definitely want to experience whatever the movie is for myself unspoiled, but I'm sensing the general, undetailed response is highly positive which I'm glad to hear!
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Post by Catspaw »

Excellent! I also want to avoid specifics until I see it myself. A friend and I are planning to go see it, but not until next week at the earliest.
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Post by bookworm »

Hoping to go this weekend!
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Post by Catspaw »

Did you make it yet, bookworm?

I went with a couple of friends today, and we really enjoyed it! There were a couple of times where we were the only ones laughing in a mostly full theatre, like at the Ted Talks joke and the book club scene. It was an interesting story with lots of fun moments. We were slightly wary of the "follow your dreams and do what makes you happy" message since that can be taken a bit far, but that's just a minor concern. There was a great story of friendship and lots of laughs, as promised in the trailers! We were glad we went.
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Post by bookworm »

I did! Haven't gotten my notes typed into a post yet but short version is I liked it a lot!
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Post by Catspaw »

Oh my, you certainly put me to shame in the reviews department, bookworm! I will look forward to the long review, coming to a ToO page near you soon! ;)
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Post by GMarchiani »

I am going to see it soon...and never saw the first one...is that a problem? :lol: :D
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Post by Catspaw »

I think you'll still enjoy it! I always like to see things in order, but it's not like you can't catch on to this story and enjoy it without having seen the previous one.
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