Ember Patrol: Death by Desert

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Post by bookworm »

I give my XP to Woody for providing a different perspective on things.
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Post by Woody »

I give my XP to Tikvah for distracting the mercenaries.
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ToO Historian
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Post by bookworm »

Egg Extraction, Session 4 of 6
Continued from Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Continued by Part 5, Part 6
We need a retrieval team. The Ember Patrol has located a dragon's egg, and must reach it under the ancient city of Rindtis before the Dragon Cult manages to get their claws on it.
18:11 <bookworm>: Not sure how long I'll have tonight.
18:14 <Skid_GMing>: Well, there really isn't a lot of dungeon left, basically you just need to get out with the egg.
18:14 <bookworm>: Right.
18:16 bookworm is now known as Gareth
18:16 Tikvah is now known as Olwen
18:16 Woody is now known as Leviticus
18:18 <Skid_GMing>: To set the stage, in brief, Gareth and Leviticus are at one end of a hall of traps, Olwen is at the other end, under an animated statue of a dragon. She has the dragon's egg.
18:19 <Gareth>: I shine the light thing in the dragon's eye.
18:19 <Skid_GMing>: The dragon turns to face you, its armor once again opening up to reveal its leafy interior.
18:19 <Skid_GMing>: Well, it swivels its head to be precise.
18:19 <Gareth>: How far away?
18:20 <Skid_GMing>: I believe I said the hall was about 60 feet long? So about 40 feet away.
18:20 <Gareth>: I wave the light around, keeping the beam in its eye.
18:20 <Skid_GMing>: Also, random tiles in the hallway are depressed, triggered by the dragon's flame spitting.
18:21 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a perception check.
18:21 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained effort
18:21 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained effort: 5
18:22 <Skid_GMing>: Its head moves slightly, tracking the light source. With its armor opened like this, the statue must be much more vulnerable to damage.
18:22 <Gareth>: It's not coming over though?
18:22 <Skid_GMing>: Its feet have not moved during the entire encounter.
18:22 <Gareth>: Hmm
18:23 <Gareth>: I guess I shoot plasma at it.
18:23 <Skid_GMing>: Roll an attack?
18:23 <Gareth>: Do I need to put the disk down?
18:23 <Skid_GMing>: No.
18:24 <Gareth>: I envision it as a two handed spell, but just for aesthetics. If needed I can just zap away I guess.
18:24 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
18:24 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 10
18:25 <Skid_GMing>: You hit it. Electricity crackles amidst the foliage, which curls reflexively.
18:26 <Skid_GMing>: Now entering combat. Roll initative all around.
18:26 <Gareth>: I hope it doesn't shoot a fireball at me.
18:26 <Gareth>: !roll d20
18:26 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 16
18:26 <Gareth>: Yay
18:27 <Olwen>: !roll d20
18:27 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 2
18:27 <Olwen>: :|
18:27 <Skid_GMing>: Well, you're not going first. =p
18:28 <Olwen>: Nope.
18:28 <Gareth>: What happens with a tie?
18:28 <Skid_GMing>: I suppose you could re-roll to break it.
18:28 <Gareth>: Yeah
18:29 <Gareth>: But that's just between the two right? It doesn't affect the overall order if they get something high
18:29 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
18:30 <Gareth>: Oh sorry, I think I had Bind Tongue on Woody
18:30 <Gareth>: *dispell magic*
18:31 <Gareth>: ...
18:31 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, turn order: Gareth, Dragon, Olwen, Woody.
18:31 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, you get another shot as you open combat.
18:31 <Gareth>: I take it then
18:31 <Skid_GMing>: Roll away.
18:31 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
18:31 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 18
18:32 <Skid_GMing>: That's a hit.
18:32 <Gareth>: Yay
18:33 <Skid_GMing>: The dragon lets out a hideous roar and spits a glob of liquid fire down the hallway back at you.
18:33 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a dodge.
18:33 <Gareth>: Oh btw, I've put on the fireproof robes
18:33 <Gareth>: If I didn't say that last time
18:33 <Gareth>: I don't remember
18:34 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
18:34 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 7
18:34 <Skid_GMing>: You haven't been wearing it, as far as I know.
18:34 <Skid_GMing>: But okay.
18:34 <Gareth>: I wasn't before, but I put them on after seeing the dragon.
18:34 <Gareth>: Do I need to wear them from the beginning? I figured I packed them and could change if needed.
18:35 <Skid_GMing>: No, I'll let it go this time.
18:35 <Skid_GMing>: You're hit by the sticky ball of fire, but it mostly rolls off your heavy robes. Take 2 fire damage, after armor.
18:36 <Gareth>: So a 7 attack right
18:36 <Skid_GMing>: Yup.
18:36 <Gareth>: Got it
18:37 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen, you hear roaring and the opening of combat outside the chamber you're in.
18:37 <Olwen>: AH.
18:38 <Olwen>: Well, I don't really know what I can do.
18:39 <Gareth>: Oh I messed up
18:39 <Gareth>: Keep forgetting my new spell
18:40 <Olwen>: I think I'll just stay here.
18:40 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
18:40 <Gareth>: Might as well take a shot, just from there
18:40 <Skid_GMing>: We pause briefly to see if Levi stops being entranced by his rock to actually take an action.
18:41 <Gareth>: It's a pretty cool rock
18:41 <Gareth>: Can Olwen attack?
18:41 <Olwen>: No.
18:42 <Gareth>: Why not?
18:42 <Olwen>: If I open the door I get shot at.
18:42 <Olwen>: I'm under the dragon.
18:42 <Gareth>: I didn't know it was closed.
18:43 <Skid_GMing>: You can count having a door to close as two assets to cover from its attacks.
18:44 <Olwen>: Well, I don't think I can reach to do anything.
18:45 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
18:45 <Skid_GMing>: Top of the turn order again, then.
18:46 <Gareth>: I cast Distort Space
18:46 <Gareth>: On the dragon
18:46 <Skid_GMing>: Space distorts around the dragon.
18:47 <Gareth>: You should come out now Olwen, it's -9 to hit you :p
18:47 <Gareth>: Even more if you have any dodging skill
18:47 <Skid_GMing>: The dragon fires another glob of flaming spit at you.
18:47 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
18:47 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 4
18:47 <Gareth>: Ugh
18:47 <Gareth>: Thank goodness I got those robes!
18:49 <Skid_GMing>: And you get hit again, the flaming liquid building up a bit, this time suffering three fire damage.
18:49 <Gareth>: Oh great, incremental damage. Help from Levi would be great; we need to take care of this thing quick.
18:49 <Skid_GMing>: Well, it's the fact that the flaming stuff is sticking to you.
18:49 <Gareth>: Ah
18:49 <Olwen>: How many turns does it take to open the door, take a shot and close it again?
18:50 <Skid_GMing>: Opening the door and shooting is one turn. Closing it again could be handled as part of the dodge roll if it attacks you.
18:50 <Olwen>: Am I still holding the egg?
18:51 <Skid_GMing>: It's in your posession.
18:51 <Olwen>: I open the door and shoot at the dragon.
18:52 <Skid_GMing>: Roll your attack. You have a full view of its exposed neck.
18:52 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
18:52 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 4
18:52 <Olwen>: -_-
18:52 <Gareth>: My spell boosts you too
18:52 <Gareth>: On that roll it doesn't matter though
18:52 <Gareth>: ;)
18:52 <Gareth>: Actually
18:52 <Gareth>: That's 13?
18:53 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, that's still a level 4 attack, with flanking advantage, so it just hits.
18:53 <Gareth>: :D
18:53 <Skid_GMing>: The distortion in space sucks your arrow into its throat.
18:53 <Gareth>: Yahoo
18:54 <Skid_GMing>: Perception check?
18:55 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen.
18:55 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
18:55 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 2
18:55 <Skid_GMing>: Nah, you don't catch it.
18:55 <Olwen>: Come on.
18:55 <Gareth>: What you don't know won't hurt you
18:55 <Gareth>: Hopefully
18:55 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, Levi.
18:57 <Skid_GMing>: ...and Gareth again.
18:57 <Gareth>: Zappy
18:58 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized, effort to damage
18:58 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized, effort to damage: 7
18:58 <Gareth>: Whew
18:58 <Gareth>: Almost a waste
18:59 <Leviticus>: Hau
18:59 <Skid_GMing>: That's a hit, the dragon convulses and goes limp, its head collapsing onto the trapped floor, instantly torn to pieces by activated spinning blades.
19:00 <Gareth>: W00t
19:00 <Olwen>: :D
19:00 <Gareth>: I single handedly downed a dragon!
19:00 <Gareth>: Oh Olwen got one hit in
19:00 <Gareth>: Whatever
19:00 <Skid_GMing>: Well, an animated dragon statue.
19:00 <Gareth>: Close enough for me
19:00 <Gareth>: \:D/
19:01 <Gareth>: I carefully approach, avoiding the trap, and break off one of the teeth ;)
19:02 <Skid_GMing>: Uhm, it's at the end of a rather elaborately trapped hallway.
19:02 <Skid_GMing>: It might be a bit complicated to get there.
19:02 <Gareth>: Olwen just stepped across?
19:02 <Olwen>: I grab a handful of rocks and make my way back over.
19:03 <Skid_GMing>: Uhm, perception check?
19:03 <Leviticus>: I watch the people
19:04 <Olwen>: NOW you show up.
19:04 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
19:04 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 10
19:04 <Gareth>: The traps are all on the ground?...
19:04 <Skid_GMing>: That you've activated so far, yes.
19:04 <Gareth>: Mmm.
19:05 <Leviticus>: What are we doing now?
19:05 <Skid_GMing>: We're extracting Olwen.
19:05 <Skid_GMing>: The dragon's head is now holding down several of the tiles. You're pretty sure they'll trip immediately when it's their turn to be reset, meaning that the tiles you intend to walk on may also reset as well.
19:05 <Olwen>: Oh. Drat.
19:05 <Gareth>: I thought the head splintered, maybe sending a tooth over here :angel:
19:05 <Leviticus>: You wouldn't happen to have a levitation spell, would you, Gareth?
19:05 <Olwen>: Can Gareth bridge me across?
19:06 <Skid_GMing>: There's nothing visibly preventing you from doing so.
19:06 <Gareth>: Traps come from the walls I think.
19:06 <Olwen>: No they don't just try it.
19:07 <Leviticus>: The wall traps are activated by the tiles
19:07 <Gareth>: There are holes in the walls; but it's your neck.
19:07 <Gareth>: I start placing walls as floating platforms.
19:08 <Skid_GMing>: So far, you've just seen traps attacking near the tiles that have been activated.
19:08 <Skid_GMing>: And they're mostly blades on short arms.
19:08 <Gareth>: I start from her end.
19:08 <Olwen>: I cross the platforms.
19:08 <Gareth>: I ask her to snag a loose tooth on the way.
19:08 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you make it safely across.
19:09 <Olwen>: Yay!
19:09 <Skid_GMing>: Uhm. Acrobatics check if you intend to do that.
19:09 <Gareth>: Pick up a tooth?
19:09 <Olwen>: !roll d20 trained
19:09 <Dicebot>: Olwen, trained: 5
19:09 <Olwen>: Nope.
19:09 <Leviticus>: Aaaaand, Olwen's dead
19:09 <Gareth>: No, just hit.
19:10 <Gareth>: We're on our way out, it's okay.
19:10 Leviticus begins thinking about how to get his cat out
19:10 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, you get hit by a spinning blade and take 5 damage.
19:11 <Gareth>: But she got the tooth right
19:11 <Gareth>: :p
19:11 <Skid_GMing>: No, she didn't get a tooth.
19:11 <Gareth>: Well she can get it now, she's on the ground
19:11 <Leviticus>: You starting a tooth collection, Gar?
19:11 <Gareth>: I bridge the rest of the gap.
19:12 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you're across.
19:12 <Gareth>: Started with the Bloated Stalker, yes
19:12 <Gareth>: I've gotten two other kinds since then
19:12 <Gareth>: This will make three (Four total)
19:13 <Skid_GMing>: There may be some clever ways to grab a tooth that don't require actual contact with the area.
19:13 <Gareth>: I'm not clever
19:14 <Olwen>: This is your fault, Gareth.
19:14 Olwen pouts.
19:14 <Gareth>: Yes I know
19:14 <Gareth>: I activate Aetherial Armor and start stepping over slowly.
19:14 <Gareth>: "You can start taking that thing out."
19:15 <Olwen>: I exit the hall and move towards the entrance.
19:15 <Skid_GMing>: You walking on your platforms?
19:15 <Gareth>: Oh yeah I have that. :p Yeah I go on that.
19:15 <Skid_GMing>: Because you need like four effort in armor to actually tank the blades... =p
19:16 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, how are you reaching for this tooth?
19:16 <Gareth>: Two will make it nonlethal though if I fall
19:16 <Skid_GMing>: Ah, fair enough.
19:17 <Gareth>: So I lean over and just reach for one I guess?
19:17 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, acrobatics check.
19:18 <Gareth>: Speed?
19:18 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:18 <Gareth>: Drat
19:18 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:18 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 10
19:19 <Skid_GMing>: Effort?
19:19 <Gareth>: Do we have another fight before getting out? That's been two
19:20 <Skid_GMing>: How would you know?
19:20 <Gareth>: Intuition
19:20 <Gareth>: Yeah, effort
19:20 <Gareth>: It better make a difference
19:21 <Gareth>: I still have that salve from the first mission to replenish if needed, I just don't want to waste the points
19:21 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, you can't seem to get a tooth loose without touching the floor in horrible, stabby ways.
19:22 <Gareth>: Someone clever analyze this
19:22 <Gareth>: He said there's a solution
19:22 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a knowledge: are things trying to kill me check. =p.
19:22 <Gareth>: Is that a category of magic?
19:22 <Gareth>: :p
19:23 <Skid_GMing>: Not specifically, no.
19:23 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:23 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 19
19:23 <Skid_GMing>: You seem to have secured the area. Unless something comes washing down the river or is waiting at the cave entrance, you should be mostly safe.
19:24 <Gareth>: Because we delayed the cult
19:24 <Skid_GMing>: Presumably.
19:24 <Gareth>: How far above the floor am I?
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Not far. The issue is that the teeth are made from stone, part of the same stone armor the rest of the head is covered in.
19:25 <Gareth>: Yeah I realize, I was hoping the impact knocked one loose.
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen: You head back out into the main cavern area. You hear wasps dimly buzzing far above.
19:27 <Leviticus>: Do you have a Force Pull, Gareth?
19:28 <Gareth>: Not yet. He made me pick one, and push was more effective as the original intent was to be a defense mechanism.
19:28 <Gareth>: Okay, I continue over the platforms to where Olwen was, make my rope into a lasso, and loop the head.
19:29 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
19:29 <Gareth>: And pull it to me...
19:29 <Gareth>: o.o
19:30 <Skid_GMing>: It clanks across the floor, triggering traps.
19:30 <Gareth>: At least then we'll know what the traps are.
19:30 <Gareth>: Heh
19:30 <Gareth>: I prepare to duck into the doorway
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: Well, it cuts your rope.
19:31 <Gareth>: I have a plan b
19:32 <Gareth>: Oh, and a plan c now that I think of it
19:32 <Gareth>: Maybe.
19:32 <Skid_GMing>: Meanwhile, Olwen is outside growing a baby dragon. =p
19:33 <Gareth>: It wouldn't cut my net would it? Metal
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: Fair point.
19:34 <Gareth>: I throw my net over it then.
19:34 <Gareth>: And reel it in?
19:34 <Olwen>: Hmm.
19:34 <Skid_GMing>: You've got a net full of stone dragon's head.
19:35 <Gareth>: Yay!
19:35 <Gareth>: I recast the platforms (I assume the originals faded by now?) And go back over.
19:36 <Skid_GMing>: Sure.
19:36 <Gareth>: "So, what about the hornets?"
19:37 <Olwen>: "Well, as soon as you're ready we can go."
19:37 <Gareth>: We have the thing to kill them, but only have one pulse.
19:38 <Gareth>: We need to make sure they're all down here.
19:38 <Olwen>: We not just leave them?
19:38 <Gareth>: They'll attack us I'm sure.
19:38 <Gareth>: If not, then obviously
19:38 <Olwen>: Well, we can still try it.
19:38 <Gareth>: Of course, but we need to be prepared if they do
19:38 <Gareth>: Know what our response is
19:39 <Olwen>: Well, you have the machine, so are you ready?
19:39 <Gareth>: How much does the spike do Skid? 2?
19:39 <Skid_GMing>: 3.
19:39 <Gareth>: Oh, I'm immune then! Let me go out and see what they do.
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: Immune?
19:40 <Gareth>: 3 armor
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: It's specifically irresistable damage.
19:40 <Gareth>: Oh yeah
19:40 <Gareth>: Well Levi do it then
19:40 <Gareth>: ;)
19:41 <Leviticus>: It's irresistable to me too
19:41 <Leviticus>: =P
19:41 <Gareth>: But you haven't taken any
19:41 <Gareth>: Cause you've been gone
19:41 <Skid_GMing>: Anyway, you've just got one river blocking you from just walking away.
19:41 <Gareth>: Go walk through. If they ignore great, if not make sure they all come down, then spike them.
19:42 <Leviticus>: Okay
19:42 <Leviticus>: Though I still have 7 damage from previous parts of this mission
19:43 <Gareth>: You didn't heal?
19:43 <Leviticus>: Wait, no, 15 damage
19:43 <Gareth>: O.o
19:43 <Leviticus>: Remember the catfight?
19:43 <Gareth>: Yes, but I healed after that
19:43 <Gareth>: I'll do it then, like I said
19:43 <Gareth>: I take the spike.
19:43 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
19:43 <Gareth>: And walk back toward the river.
19:44 <Leviticus>: I'll use my in-combat and take the spike
19:44 <Gareth>: It's fine
19:44 <Gareth>: I'm in okay shape
19:44 <Skid_GMing>: You don't seem to draw any immediate attention.
19:44 <Leviticus>: !roll d6+1
19:44 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 5:4+1
19:44 <Gareth>: I keep going.
19:44 <Leviticus>: I put it all to might
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
19:45 <Gareth>: Anything?
19:46 <Olwen>: So are we ready to cross?
19:46 <Gareth>: I'm seeing
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: You aren't harassing the wasps, currently, so they're leaving you mostly alone.
19:47 <Gareth>: I look back and motion the others to follow.
19:47 <Olwen>: I'm already out here, soo...
19:47 <Gareth>: And hope they have short memories
19:47 <Gareth>: Olwen
19:47 <Gareth>: ;)
19:48 <Olwen>: Hey!
19:48 <Gareth>: I'd hold a grudge if you wrecked my home
19:48 <Gareth>: :p
19:48 <Olwen>: So will you bridge us, or do we find a different way?
19:48 <Gareth>: At the river? Sure, worked before
19:49 <Olwen>: OK, let's go.
19:49 <Gareth>: I do that
19:49 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you bridge across leaving the depths behind.
19:49 <Leviticus>: Skid do we have any more encounters?
19:49 <Leviticus>: Cuz I have to go
19:49 <Gareth>: We cautiously exit.
19:50 <Skid_GMing>: Not tonight, no.
19:50 <Gareth>: We made it?
19:51 <Skid_GMing>: Well, since we're low on time, Levi you gather your cat on the way out, and as you exit the cave entrance, everyone make perception checks.
19:52 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
19:52 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 13
19:52 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained effort
19:52 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained effort: 19
19:53 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
19:53 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 19
19:53 <Leviticus>: Wow, we did good
19:53 <Gareth>: We're very perceptive
19:54 <Skid_GMing>: A large bird hops from the rock above the cave and flies towards the main tower of Rindtis. You note the green magical signature of a mage as it leaves.
19:54 <Gareth>: Hmm
19:54 <Olwen>: Can I shoot it?
19:54 <Leviticus>: Zap it, Gareth
19:54 <Gareth>: Ha
19:55 <Gareth>: I cast distort space on it so Olwen can shoot it
19:55 <Skid_GMing>: With those perception scores, you have time to take a shot each.
19:55 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
19:55 <Leviticus>: Okay
19:55 <Olwen>: I shoot at it.
19:55 <Skid_GMing>: Roll.
19:55 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 1 effort to hit
19:55 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, 1 effort to hit: 16
19:56 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialised 2 effort to hit
19:56 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialised 2 effort to hit: 16
19:56 <Skid_GMing>: What are you attacking with, Levi?
19:56 <Leviticus>: my sword...
19:56 <Gareth>: Doesn't matter, 25 from Olwen
19:56 <Skid_GMing>: So, you're throwing your sword at it?
19:56 <Skid_GMing>: =p
19:56 <Leviticus>: Sure, my medium sword
19:56 <Gareth>: That seems dangerous
19:57 <Leviticus>: Don't wanna lose my heavy one
19:57 <Gareth>: Olwen has this
19:57 <Skid_GMing>: Well, Olwen shoots it through the heart. The magical signature immediately dissipating.
19:57 <Gareth>: Uh
19:57 <Olwen>: Ah.
19:57 <Gareth>: You weren't supposed to kill it...
19:57 <Olwen>: What was I supposed to do?
19:57 <Gareth>: Down it. Through the wing, you know
19:57 <Olwen>: You want to collect teeth?
19:57 <Olwen>: :P
19:57 <Leviticus>: xP
19:57 <Olwen>: From the bird.
19:57 <Gareth>: Ha
19:58 <Gareth>: Yeah once we catch it
19:58 <Gareth>: She rolled good enough to aim at the wing didn't she?
19:58 <Olwen>: I have to go.
19:58 <Gareth>: Me too
19:58 <Gareth>: We'll check the bird later
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: It's a common wood pigeon not native to the area. Magical knowledge reveals that it was under a form of enchantment.
20:00 <Gareth>: It's not a shapeshifter?
20:00 <Olwen>: Can I go?
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: Yep, We're done. 2 XP each.
20:00 <Olwen>: Yay!
20:00 <Olwen>: Bye, everyone.
20:00 Olwen quit
20:00 <Gareth>: If it was just eyes in the sky alright then
20:01 <Gareth>: I thought *it* was a mage
20:02 <Leviticus>: So, spy-bird
20:02 <Gareth>: Do we get back home or is there wrap-up needed?
20:03 <Skid_GMing>: You go home... which starts the next mission.
20:03 <Gareth>: So no healing
20:04 <Skid_GMing>: Well, going home takes weeks, which will be time for healing.
20:04 <Gareth>: Good
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Post by Woody »

An excerpt from the journal of Leviticus Rutter:
(Egg Extraction, Session 4)
With the dragon egg found, all that was left was to escape the cave, and more specifically, the booby-trapped hallway. Gareth and Olwen managed to take down the stone dragon, but it fell on top of the tiles, activating the corresponding traps(spinning blades extended from the walls). Once these had retracted, Gareth used his force platforms to bridge Olwen across. After a significant amount of trouble in securing a tooth from the dragon, we were on our way out of the caves.

We deliberated shortly over how best to deal with the hornets we had stirred earlier. We agreed that Gareth would go ahead of us with the Vitality Spike, and use it should we encounter the hornets. We passed without incident, however. I collected my kitten from the old forge, and we exited the underworld. But as we emerged from the cave, a bird suddenly flew away toward the Tower of Rindtis. We noted a magical signature on the bird and brought it down. We found it was a spy, presumably sent by a mage in the general direction the bird had flown. We decided we ought to go to the tower to see what this mage was up to, and how we might avoid his detection on our journey back.
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Post by Tikvah »

I give my XP to bookworm for watching Woody's back.
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Post by Woody »

You mean standing around while I took on the boss alone? :p

I'll give mine to Tikvah for getting intel from the baker.

Also, while I'm here:

An excerpt from the journal of Leviticus Rutter:
(Egg Extraction, Session 5)
We arrived at Rindtis Tower as night was falling, and found a camp made there by the dragon cult. We assumed this was the place Ajax had led them to. Luckily for us, the camp was mostly deserted. Only three servants blocked our way to the tower. We decided we'd rather not kill them, as they weren't members of the cult, only working folk.

We decided to scare them off, and so attempted to look as intimidating as possible. We were quite successful, and two of the servants fled into the desert. One, however, made a run for the tower. We managed to intercept him, and interrogated him to ascertain what dangers we may face in the tower. He informed us that the mage, Bartley, was a mercenary working for the cult. He also had some kind of a dog, which we though may be much more than a simple dog. We decided that since we had the advantage, having trapped the mage in the top of the tower, we ought to simply climb the tower and greet whatever dangers we may face. We thus began to ascend the staircase, which wound along the perimiter of the tower, keeping mindful of the cavernous pit in the center. As we neared the top, however, the mage spoke to us, making it obvious we had been detected. We prepared ourselves for combat, unsure what would happen next...
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Post by bookworm »

Standing around was having your back; you surrendered before I needed to intervene, but I would have if necessary.

But I think that was her giveaway from last week?
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Post by Tikvah »

Ooh, sorry. :anxious: I forgot to post last week's. for last week I give my XP to Levi for coming up with the idea of enlisting.

Sorry about that.
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Post by Skid »

Okay, last week our adventurers began infiltrating the mercenary's camp. Tikvah, Woody, and bookworm each earn 2 XP for participation, and one to give away. Woody earned a bonus XP for facing the Mercenary leader in a duel.

Woody also earns 2 XP for journal posts.
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Post by bookworm »

I give my XP to Woody for convincingly infiltrating the mercenaries.
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Post by Tikvah »

I give my XP for bookworm for helping come up with a plan for taking back the castle.
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Post by Skid »

The Ember Patrol completes their infiltration of the Scythian mercenary band and prepares to take it down from the inside.

2 XP each to Bookworm, Woody, and Tikvah for this session, and 1 to give away.
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Post by bookworm »

I give my XP to Woody for thinking of the poison idea. Whether we end up using it or not it was good brainstorming.
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Post by Woody »

I give my XP to Tikvah for befriending the baker that's now going to help us with the poisoning.
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Post by bookworm »

Egg Extraction, Session 5 of 6
Continued from Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Continued by Part 6
We need a retrieval team. The Ember Patrol has located a dragon's egg, and must reach it under the ancient city of Rindtis before the Dragon Cult manages to get their claws on it.
18:04 bookworm is now known as Gareth
18:06 Tikvah is now known as Olwen
18:07 Woody is now known as Leviticus
18:08 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, this session needs to start with a decision. Pursue the mage who was spying on you, or head straight back to base?
18:08 <Olwen>: Hmm.
18:09 <Olwen>: I want to know who was spying on us, but I feel like we shouldn't risk the egg.
18:10 <Olwen>: Gareth? Levi?
18:11 <Gareth>: Whoever it is knows we have it now though. We need to be able to determine how problematic that is, since the return trip will take a good deal of time.
18:11 <Gareth>: All we know now is we're pursued by a nebulous spy.
18:11 <Olwen>: But what if they have a trap or something?
18:12 <Gareth>: I thought of that, yes.
18:12 <Olwen>: Levi? what do you think?
18:12 <Leviticus>: Hmmm
18:12 <Leviticus>: I would like to know what's up with the mage
18:13 <Leviticus>: And if we caught him, he wouldn't be able to report back to his cronies.
18:13 <Olwen>: If we do go after the spy we should decide who should carry the egg..
18:13 <Gareth>: You can speed effort away if it's a trap right?
18:13 <Olwen>: Maybe.
18:13 <Leviticus>: But wait, didn't Olwen killshot him?
18:14 <Olwen>: The bird is dead.
18:14 <Olwen>: The spy might get word another way though.
18:14 <Leviticus>: Oh yeah, the bird =/= mage
18:14 <Gareth>: Exactly, Levi. Right now I think it's just one guy. If we get him before he can report, we go back home unannounced.
18:14 Leviticus nods
18:14 <Leviticus>: Makes sense to me
18:14 <Olwen>: OK
18:15 <Olwen>: But then maybe Levi should carry it since he's the most armoured.
18:15 <Gareth>: But how can we backtrace an enchanted bird?
18:15 <Gareth>: Especially when it's dead
18:16 <Olwen>: Well, we know it was headed "towards the main tower of Rindtis."
18:17 <Gareth>: Ah yes!
18:17 <Gareth>: It depends on, if trouble comes, is it better to defend it or run it away.
18:17 <Olwen>: Well, what do you think?
18:18 <Gareth>: I thought run at first, but it depends on what the trap ends up being. If it's an ambush we'd have to fight it out so armor would indeed be better.
18:19 <Olwen>: Well, do we know if the "main tower of Rindtis" has windows?
18:20 <Olwen>: Because if we're going there I might be able to grapple and escape through a window.
18:20 <Gareth>: I would imagine
18:20 <Gareth>: Let's look
18:20 <Skid_GMing>: It's a stone tower, mostly buried in sand, extending down to the caverns below. There are some windows above sand level.
18:20 <Olwen>: Oh, drat. That won't work then.
18:20 <Olwen>: I think Levi should carry it.
18:21 <Gareth>: Levi can start with it I think; when unsure what defensive tactic is needed you can't go wrong with armor.
18:21 <Olwen>: Alright. I give the dragon egg to Leviticus.
18:23 <Gareth>: Can it go in the bag or do we have to have it in the open?
18:23 <Olwen>: Bag. If you hold it directly it's too hot.
18:23 <Gareth>: I meant does it fit. I had trouble envisioning the size before
18:23 <Olwen>: Should we approach the tower stealthily?
18:23 <Gareth>: Definitely. Cloaks on
18:23 <Gareth>: Though he knows roughly where we're coming from, we shot him in the eye...
18:23 <Olwen>: the eye?
18:23 <Olwen>: I put on my cloak.
18:23 <Gareth>: He was looking through the bird right? So he saw us shoot it down.
18:24 <Skid_GMing>: It'll take several hours to reach the tower. Do you want to get there before or after sunset?
18:26 <Leviticus>: After sunset, I say
18:28 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
18:30 <Gareth>: I don't know. Darkness would probably be better for stealth, but might make it easier to miss seeing if there's a trap.
18:32 <Olwen>: For some of us.
18:32 <Skid_GMing>: So, what's the plan?
18:32 <Gareth>: We need to heal
18:33 <Olwen>: So, rest and then go after dark?
18:34 <Gareth>: Running low on recovery rolls though
18:34 <Gareth>: Pools need 24 hours to replenish right? So that won't happen here
18:34 Leviticus is down to a one hour and a 10 hour roll
18:34 <Gareth>: Same
18:35 <Olwen>: I have my 1 action heal as well.
18:35 <Leviticus>: And I'm missing 10 points
18:36 <Gareth>: I'm in acceptable shape right now though actually, it's Levi that needs to do something
18:36 <Leviticus>: Cuz I spend 8 points every mission on bringing along my animals
18:37 <Gareth>: From what?
18:37 <Leviticus>: Shadowpath Summon - Costs 4 Intellect points. An animal companion you touch walks the shadowpaths. For the next 24 hours, they will follow you at a distance, avoiding all detection and passing freely through obstacles. As an action, you may summon them to your side, where they will appear on your following turn. A marked creature can be summoned and dismissed any number of times during that 24-hour period.
18:37 <Leviticus>: 4 points for each animal
18:37 <Gareth>: That's not really important for you survival wise though is it?
18:37 <Gareth>: Intellect
18:38 <Leviticus>: Yeah, I suppose not
18:38 <Gareth>: Your might is what's vital
18:38 <Gareth>: How is that?
18:38 <Leviticus>: 14/16
18:38 <Gareth>: Oh let's go then!
18:38 <Gareth>: I thought you were beat up
18:39 <Leviticus>: We're off to see the wizard!
18:39 <Olwen>: Before sunset?
18:39 <Leviticus>: The terrible wizard of Rindtis!
18:39 <Olwen>: 0_o
18:40 <Gareth>: Cave cats and dragons and mages, oh my!
18:40 <Leviticus>: =D
18:40 <Gareth>: I see benefit of either; whichever you guys think.
18:40 <Leviticus>: Well, he can probably guess we're coming
18:40 <Leviticus>: And probably has other animals spying on us
18:40 <Leviticus>: So likely the cover of darkness wouldn't be that helpful
18:40 <Gareth>: Yeah, and the point of this is to get to him before he gets to someone else, so as soon as possible
18:41 <Olwen>: OK, before dusk, let's go.
18:41 <Leviticus>: So let's go now
18:43 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. You set off towards the tower. I'm assuming you're going to want to make stealth checks?
18:44 <Olwen>: Yes
18:44 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll for it.
18:44 <Leviticus>: All of us?
18:44 <Skid_GMing>: If you're all trying to sneak over there. You can help each other with sneaking though.
18:45 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
18:45 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 11
18:45 <Olwen>: !roll d20
18:45 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 15
18:45 <Gareth>: What pool?
18:45 <Skid_GMing>: Speed.
18:46 <Olwen>: Oh, then I'm adding an effort.
18:49 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you approach the tower as night falls. At its base you see several tents, and a single cooking fire burning. It's attended by roughly-clothed servants.
18:49 <Olwen>: How many?
18:50 <Skid_GMing>: There are three visible outside the tents right now. They look bored.
18:50 <Olwen>: How many tents?
18:50 <Skid_GMing>: Eight.
18:50 <Leviticus>: Oi
18:51 <Leviticus>: Well, guess what, the mage has told someone
18:51 <Skid_GMing>: Some of them big enough for many people. This looks like a fairly permanent camp.
18:51 <Olwen>: How close can we get without them noticing?
18:51 <Leviticus>: Shall we abandon this and head back to base?
18:51 <Skid_GMing>: Roll perception checks.
18:51 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
18:51 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 12
18:52 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained effort
18:52 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained effort: 7
18:52 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
18:52 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 16
18:52 <Skid_GMing>: The camp seems almost entirely deserted at present, save for those servants and livestock.
18:53 <Leviticus>: Oh? Are they all down in the caves?
18:53 <Olwen>: Are the tents circling the tower?
18:53 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. The two largest ones are next to the front door though.
18:54 <Skid_GMing>: How close do you want to get?
18:56 <Olwen>: Eh, I dunno.
18:59 <Gareth>: Okay I've got this
18:59 <Gareth>: Let me check my sheet
19:01 <Gareth>: Okay yeah
19:01 <Gareth>: What's the layout exactly? Are the servants clumped or spaced around
19:01 <Skid_GMing>: The servants are clustered around the fire, about 90-degrees around the tower from the door.
19:02 <Skid_GMing>: To the left.
19:02 <Gareth>: Oh maybe not then... how many again?
19:03 <Skid_GMing>: Three.
19:03 <Gareth>: How far away are we?
19:04 <Skid_GMing>: That's up to you. Given the time of day and your stealth abiltiy, you can probably get to within 200 feet without the servants having any chance of detecting you.
19:05 <Skid_GMing>: Actually, make another perception check.
19:05 <Olwen>: Everyone, or just Gareth?
19:05 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth.
19:06 <Skid_GMing>: You could too, if you want.
19:06 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained effort
19:06 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained effort: 11
19:07 <Skid_GMing>: You see another small bird exit a tower window and fly south in the direction you came from.
19:07 <Olwen>: Maybe he thinks we're still there.
19:07 <Gareth>: Okay I wanted to silence all of them and we each take one out, but I don't think we can get close enough
19:08 <Gareth>: We should just rush them
19:08 <Olwen>: OK, is Leviticus around?
19:08 <Gareth>: So he'll hear us coming, but he's in a tower. Presumably nowhere to go
19:08 <Gareth>: We actually have the edge
19:09 <Leviticus>: I'm here
19:09 <Olwen>: Alright, let's go.
19:09 <Gareth>: Is the tower door visible?
19:10 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. It's a gaping archway, a solid 20 feet across.
19:10 <Leviticus>: I summon my poodle
19:10 <Skid_GMing>: It looks like supplies have been piled inside the door.
19:10 <Gareth>: Okay, I have a secondary plan once we're up there too. Everybody pick a target.
19:10 <Leviticus>: Any difference between them, Skid?
19:12 <Skid_GMing>: Well, they're working folk, unarmored, basic dagger weapons, one's a grey-haired woman in her 50's, the other two are younger men.
19:12 <Gareth>: I take the fireproof robes off again if we're doing battle
19:12 <Leviticus>: Alright, should be easy
19:12 <Leviticus>: I feel bad to kill 'em, though
19:13 <Olwen>: We might not have to.
19:14 <Leviticus>: I hope not, if they're just servants
19:14 <Gareth>: Hmm, should we try getting them to just leave? Maybe they're not with the mage, just serving him?
19:14 <Olwen>: Sure, we can try
19:18 <Gareth>: So, we rush them, but don't attack yet.
19:18 Leviticus shrugs
19:18 <Leviticus>: Okay
19:18 <Gareth>: We're just abandoning stealth right?
19:19 <Gareth>: So I'll yell at them to leave?
19:19 <Olwen>: Sure.
19:19 <Gareth>: Try to intimidate or whatever?
19:19 <Olwen>: Do something scary.
19:19 <Skid_GMing>: So you're going for intimidation.
19:19 <Leviticus>: Gareth, some lightning aimed slightly over their heads would be good for effect
19:20 <Gareth>: Okay, come up with me, Olwen draw back your bow. Levi, ready your sword menacingly.
19:20 <Olwen>: Alright.
19:20 Leviticus does so, and gets both animals summoned and growling like demon dogs
19:21 <Olwen>: I do so.
19:21 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. Ready to roll this plan out? Roll intimidate checks. Intellect.
19:21 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
19:21 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 14
19:21 <Gareth>: I rush up to them and charge a plasma orb but don't shoot it. "Get away if you don't want to die!"
19:21 <Leviticus>: Rolling for pets now
19:21 <Olwen>: !roll d20
19:21 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 13
19:21 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
19:21 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 7
19:22 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
19:22 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 19
19:22 <Leviticus>: That second one is for the poodle ;)
19:22 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained persuasion, effort
19:22 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained persuasion, effort: 10
19:23 <Skid_GMing>: The servants look up as you rush towards them, drop what they're doing, and flee. Two of them run screaming out into the desert. The remaining man makes a run for the tower entrance.
19:23 <Olwen>: How far away are we from the tower entrance?
19:23 <Leviticus>: I block the entrance
19:23 <Leviticus>: If possible
19:24 <Olwen>: Can't Gareth make a wall?
19:24 <Skid_GMing>: It's about 50 feet to circle around to it.
19:24 <Gareth>: I cast bind tongue on him.
19:24 <Leviticus>: I send both dogs to the door, they're faster than he is, right?
19:24 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a run check to intercept him, Levi?
19:25 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
19:25 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 13
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: And a handle animal check to make them do what you want.
19:25 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
19:25 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 4
19:25 <Leviticus>: Oi
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you run him down and catch him yourself.
19:25 <Leviticus>: Yusss
19:26 <Gareth>: I proceed a few steps into the entrance and quickly survey the layout.
19:26 <Gareth>: I want to know the stair system specifically
19:27 <Leviticus>: Skid, does he flee, or do we have to kill him?
19:27 <Olwen>: Seriously, can you think of no inbetween?
19:27 <Skid_GMing>: Well, you're holding him. He looks terrified and is unable to speak.
19:27 <Leviticus>: Okay
19:27 <Olwen>: If you caught him, just tie him up.
19:27 <Gareth>: I drop my net on him
19:27 <Leviticus>: Okay, he's taken care of.
19:27 <Gareth>: Then do the above
19:28 <Leviticus>: After the mage now?
19:28 <Leviticus>: Wait
19:28 <Leviticus>: Gareth, we should question him
19:28 <Leviticus>: About traps
19:28 <Gareth>: I have the plan
19:28 <Gareth>: We will
19:28 <Gareth>: I'm not going in I said I'm looking
19:28 <Gareth>: Pull him along with us to the door
19:28 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, A wide spiral ramp descends to your left into the darkness. To the right, a much narrower staircase ascends into the ceiling. In the center of the tower an enromous pit just drops away into the darkness.
19:29 <Skid_GMing>: So, the tower is hollow. Ramp goes down the the cavern city, stairs go up into the tower.
19:30 <Skid_GMing>: You detect the Wizard's signature faintly.
19:31 <Leviticus> If we climb that staircase, I want a force wall over the enourmous pit =P
19:31 <Gareth>: The stairway is a hallway? Or just open along the wall
19:32 <Skid_GMing>: Open along the wall, until it reaches the ceiling about 30 feet up.
19:32 <Gareth>: It goes through a hole in the ceiling?
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:33 <Gareth>: Perfect. I climb 10 feet up the stairs and cast force wall over that to seal us off from the upper level.
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
19:33 <Gareth>: Then return to the captive and kneel down.
19:34 <Gareth>: I lean in "Can we talk without you alerting the mage, or do we need to silence you... more permanently?"
19:34 <Gareth>: I put my hand on my sword hilt suggestively.
19:34 <Skid_GMing>: He nods vigorously.
19:35 <Gareth>: "Good. Who's up there? Quietly."
19:35 <Gareth>: And wait for bind tongue to wear off
19:36 <Gareth>: I motion for Olwen to look through the stuff meanwhile.
19:36 <Olwen>: I start looking
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: It's camping gear, of the sort you would expect from a large expedition.
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: Though it looks like there has only been a skeleton crew at this level for quite a while, based on food stocks and refuse.
19:39 <Skid_GMing>: When the bind tongue wears off he blurts out "Bartley and his dog and his pigeonspleasedon'tkillme."
19:39 <Gareth>: I put my finger to my lips.
19:39 <Skid_GMing>: He shushes.
19:40 <Gareth>: "Why is he here?"
19:41 <Leviticus>: Bartley must be the mage
19:41 <Skid_GMing>: "He's a scout. Keeps people away."
19:42 <Leviticus>: That's it?
19:42 <Gareth>: "Is he working for someone?"
19:43 <Skid_GMing>: "He works for the guys in robes. I think he's a mercenary."
19:43 <Gareth>: "We need to go talk to him; can we just go up, or are there traps in here?"
19:44 <Skid_GMing>: "There's just his dog."
19:44 <Gareth>: Read person check.
19:44 <Skid_GMing>: Roll it.
19:44 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort
19:44 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort: 12
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: "Dog" is used loosely here.
19:45 <Gareth>: "Okay. Well," I gather the net off him, "I need this, so I'm trusting you to be good and go sit in the corner quietly, right?"
19:45 <Gareth>: "We have no quarrel with you, if you don't give us a reason."
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: "Okay. Okay." He shuffles off to the side and sits down, nervously.
19:51 <Gareth>: Okay guys, we just need to do this incrementally. Take out the dog, then the mage. Because it doesn't matter he knows we're here once he knows, so we don't have to worry about dragging things out if that's what it takes.
19:51 <Olwen>: OK
19:51 <Gareth>: For example, detaining the mage somehow to simply hold him up while focusing on the dog. Luring it down here and throwing it down the pit perhaps.
19:52 <Gareth>: Wait...
19:52 <Gareth>: Can Levi shadowmark the dog?
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: He can only mark animals that are trained to him and willing.
19:53 <Gareth>: I thought he could only retrieve animals like that.
19:53 <Gareth>: But that's less broken
19:53 <Gareth>: ;)
19:54 <Skid_GMing>: He can't do it to any random animal, no. =p
19:54 <Gareth>: Was a good idea though. Just send it into the ether
19:54 <Gareth>: Okay, so yeah
19:55 <Gareth>: We need to see how big this thing is. If it looks like we can just fight it, I wall up the mage of something and we go at it. If not, I think the pit looks good.
19:57 <Gareth>: That's assuming the mage is the easy subdue and the dog isn't. If it's the other way around, I net the dog while we whallop the mage
19:57 <Gareth>: Right?
19:57 <Olwen>: Right.
19:57 <Gareth>: I start up the stairs then.
19:57 <Olwen>: I think I'll have to go soon.
19:57 <Olwen>: I follow.
19:58 <Skid_GMing>: Sneaking up the stairs?
19:59 <Olwen>: Yes.
19:59 <Gareth>: Yes, staying stealth as long as we can, just no worries once it does run out
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll for it.
20:00 <Olwen>: !roll d20 1 effort
20:00 <Dicebot>: Olwen, 1 effort: 19
20:01 <Olwen>: :D
20:01 <Olwen>: Of course it couldn't be something important.
20:01 <Gareth>: !roll d20
20:01 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 2
20:01 <Gareth>: Good thing it's a group check :p
20:03 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
20:03 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 17
20:03 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you make it up the first flight of stairs, and are facing a similar set on the next level, when a smirking voice floats down to you. "I think we should have a chat."
20:04 <Gareth>: Nice
20:04 <Olwen>: Ooh.
20:04 <Gareth>: Should we break for tonight?
20:04 <Olwen>: Yeah, I think so.
20:04 <Leviticus>: No, let's keep going
20:04 <Olwen>: I have to go.
20:04 <Leviticus>: =[
20:05 <Gareth>: I can keep going, but it would be a good place
20:05 <Leviticus>: Skid, do you have any side missions for Gareth and I to do?
20:05 <Leviticus>: I need something to kill
20:06 <Skid_GMing>: Heh. I don't have a lot longer to go tonight either.
20:07 <Olwen>: Well, I'm out.
20:07 <Skid_GMing>: G'night.
20:07 <Gareth>: XP
20:07 <Gareth>: \:D/
20:08 <Olwen>: Heh.
20:08 <Skid_GMing>: 2 XP each for tonight.
20:08 <Olwen>: Yay!
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Post by Skid »

And the lines are drawn for the great boss battle, as the heroes infiltrate the tower in the darkness of night and rush in to battle Cyrus the Mercenary Commander and his planet-sized ego.

2 XP each to Bookworm, Woody, and Tikvah for this session, and 1 to give away.
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Post by bookworm »

I give my XP to Tikvah for coordinating the poison plan.
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Post by Tikvah »

I give my XP to Bookworm for silencing Cyrus and blocking the other door.
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Post by bookworm »

Egg Extraction, Session 6 of 6
Continued from Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
We need a retrieval team. The Ember Patrol has located a dragon's egg, and must reach it under the ancient city of Rindtis before the Dragon Cult manages to get their claws on it.
18:32 bookworm is now known as Gareth
18:33 Tikvah is now known as Olwen
18:33 <Gareth>: Can we do this without Levi and his dogs?
18:34 <Gareth>: Doesn't seem like a two person fight
18:34 <Skid_GMing>: Well, it's not a fight yet.
18:35 <Olwen>: True, Maybe we'll just talk our way out like we did with Juno. :P
18:35 <Skid_GMing>: Whoever is up the tower said they want to talk.
18:35 <Gareth>: I doubt he means it sincerely; more like taunt you before I kill you.
18:36 <Olwen>: Well, we can try it.
18:36 <Skid_GMing>: Roll... sense motive?
18:36 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort
18:36 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort: 15
18:37 <Skid_GMing>: They seem to want to try negotiating.
18:37 <Gareth>: I cautiously proceed upstairs against my better judgement.
18:37 <Olwen>: I follow, keeping an eye out for traps.
18:40 <Skid_GMing>: All right. You emerge into a circular lamplit room. The first thing you notice is the huge furry beast curled up against the far wall. Leaning against it comfortably is a bearded, middle-aged man in leather armor, smoking a pipe.
18:40 <Skid_GMing>: To either side you see a variety of birdcages, some full and some empty.
18:42 <Olwen>: "You have a lot of birds."
18:42 <Skid_GMing>: "They come in handy in my trade."
18:43 <Skid_GMing>: "So, the Ember Patrol, way out here." He pauses dramatically. "I suppose you're hunting someone."
18:44 <Olwen>: "Maybe we are."
18:45 <Skid_GMing>: "And yet you go down into the caves where no one else has ventured."
18:45 <Gareth>: "We like to explore."
18:46 <Gareth>: "Found some trinkets down there."
18:46 <Gareth>: I display the troll figurine as demonstration.
18:46 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a deception check.
18:46 <Olwen>: !roll d20
18:46 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 18
18:47 <Gareth>: That's not a deception?
18:47 <Olwen>: Oh?
18:47 <Skid_GMing>: No, but you're concealing your motives.
18:47 <Gareth>: I suppose...
18:48 <Skid_GMing>: So it's a generalized "avoid being read" check.
18:48 <Gareth>: Ok
18:49 <Skid_GMing>: "I'm sure you did. My employers have been dragging up all sorts of things from the depths. Seem desperate to get a particular item. Don't suppose you'd know anything about a dragon's egg?"
18:49 <Skid_GMing>: "Because hypothetically, if you did, I'm sure we could work out a lucrative arrangement."
18:50 <Skid_GMing>: "If not, well, I'll just have to mention that you passed through. Scouting this area is what I'm paid for. Can't be shirking my duties."
18:52 <Gareth>: Didn't we read/hear it might have been taken somewhere else Skid?
18:52 <Gareth>: I can't remember, but there was something at the end of Search and Rescue
18:53 <Skid_GMing>: Yes, it might have been taken to the place that you just got it from.
18:54 <Gareth>: I thought it was like, what we found said it was here, but other people or reports said maybe somewhere else
18:54 <Skid_GMing>: The other reports claimed that it should have been where search and rescue took place.
18:54 <Gareth>: Oh that's right
18:55 <Gareth>: Because it was; then moved. Here
18:55 <Skid_GMing>: And Ajax has been feeding the Dragon Cult misleading information on where it is around Rindtis.
18:55 <Gareth>: Right
18:55 <Olwen>: "We saw a couple dragon statues, but no sign of a real live dragon."
18:55 <Olwen>: "Some wild creatures too."
18:55 <Skid_GMing>: "Is that so."
18:56 <Gareth>: "Indeed, very impressive architecture."
18:57 <Skid_GMing>: "It is Rindtis. The city of hubris."
18:57 <Skid_GMing>: "Spectacular until it all came crashing down around their ears."
18:57 <Olwen>: "Do you know what happened?"
19:00 <Skid_GMing>: "Of course. They dug too deep, built too high, until one day the greatest cavern collapsed on itself, burying the palace and all its nobles. They built this tower on its ruins, a highway to the surface. And then it all filled with sand when the Widow's Sea swept in.
19:00 <Olwen>: "That's horrible."
19:01 <Skid_GMing>: He shrugs. "Happens to every great city sooner or later, though not usually this literally."
19:03 <Skid_GMing>: "Odd that you're all the way out here without knowing the history of the place."
19:04 <Gareth>: "Not really, we go where we're told. Don't always need the background."
19:04 <Gareth>: "Though I do prefer to learn about history myself, I'm a bit of an academic."
19:05 <Olwen>: "He's the history scholar, I'm more interested in the action and adventure."
19:05 <Skid_GMing>: "Ah, fair enough."
19:06 <Skid_GMing>: "Did you find the adventure you were looking for today?"
19:06 <Gareth>: "I did."
19:07 <Gareth>: "As I said, I was looking for trophies. Found some nice items."
19:08 <Skid_GMing>: "May I see them? I consider myself a little bit of a scholar in my off time."
19:09 <Gareth>: "Certainly, but they're really just various baubles, I doubt there is historical significance."
19:09 <Olwen>: "There was definitely adventure down there. The size of the wildcats was crazy."
19:09 <Gareth>: I take the figurine back out, and my silver crossbow.
19:10 <Skid_GMing>: "That's a beautiful weapon. I wouldn't mind owning one of those myself."
19:11 <Gareth>: "I thought the craftsmanship was rather exquisite, yes."
19:12 <Skid_GMing>: "You're Ember Patrol. My current contract has some... less than pleasant people in it. Would you trade that crossbow for some untracable rumors?"
19:13 <Olwen>: I look at Gareth.
19:14 <Gareth>: "Mmm... I'd hate to part with this so soon, are you sure it would be worth the trade?"
19:17 <Skid_GMing>: "How about a sample then. The second in command of this expedition is wanted in Francis under another name. Look up the Skyborn Murders when you have the time."
19:17 <Gareth>: Is this valuable information for us Skid?
19:18 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a... General crimefighting knowledge check.
19:18 <Skid_GMing>: But yes, you've heard of these murders.
19:18 <Olwen>: Both of us?
19:18 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort
19:18 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort: 7
19:18 <Olwen>: !roll d20
19:18 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 9
19:18 <Gareth>: It would be good for the Patrol to know I mean
19:19 <Gareth>: So it would behoove us to make the trade?
19:19 <Gareth>: Maybe not for us personally, but for the bigger picture
19:19 <Skid_GMing>: Yes, the Ember Patrol has a vested interest in finding that guy.
19:20 <Gareth>: "Oh... very well. But this does pain me. In truth I wasn't going to use the weapon, I'm not a bowman, but I was looking forward to displaying it on my desk."
19:21 <Skid_GMing>: The man smiles. "His new name is Stanley Hook. Had his face worked on, but I hear one of the survivors could identify him by a scar on his chest."
19:22 <Olwen>: "Good to know."
19:24 <Skid_GMing>: "And as a bonus, if you're looking for a bit of side work, the shriveled up fellow with a hook hand has been taking money from slavers."
19:24 <Olwen>: "That could be useful. Thanks for the information."
19:24 <Olwen>: Gareth, can you tell if the birds in the cages are already enchanted?
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a magical knowledge check if you want to know that.
19:25 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized effort
19:25 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized effort: 12
19:26 <Skid_GMing>: When you first got up here, one of the birds was enchanted. The enchantment wore off while you were speaking to him.
19:28 <Skid_GMing>: "Nice doing business with you."
19:29 <Gareth>: "Indeed, it was a pleasant surprise to find someone out here, we didn't expect to."
19:29 <Gareth>: "What it your name?"
19:30 <Skid_GMing>: "Call me Marl. And yourselves?"
19:30 <Olwen>: "I'm Olwen."
19:30 <Gareth>: "Gareth."
19:30 <Gareth>: "Perhaps we'll see each other again sometime, if you're staked out here long term. I may return to explore further sometime."
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: "I suppose I'll be here until they quit paying me, or they find that egg."
19:32 <Gareth>: "How long has it been so far?"
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: "Weeks. And most of them sitting up here with nothing but Odd Josephine and her boys for company."
19:35 <Skid_GMing>: "I don't suppose you'll be staying the night?"
19:36 <Gareth>: "Not this time, we have a long trip back."
19:37 <Olwen>: "We should be getting back to headquarters. I'm sure the Patrol will be eager to hear the information you've given us."
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: "Suit yourself. I guess I should be making a show of chasing you off."
19:37 <Gareth>: "Must keep up appearances."
19:37 <Olwen>: "We wouldn't want you're boss thinking you were in league with us."
19:38 <Skid_GMing>: "And they have been paying me all this money to absolutely keep people away from their precious tower."
19:39 <Gareth>: "We'll hurry off then."
19:39 <Olwen>: "Well, what sort of show should we give them?"
19:39 <Skid_GMing>: "Feh, I'll escort you out."
19:40 <Gareth>: I nod and start downstairs.
19:40 <Olwen>: I follow Gareth.
19:40 <Gareth>: Is the servant still in the corner?
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: The servant is long gone.
19:40 <Gareth>: Heh
19:41 <Skid_GMing>: He rises to his feet and his creature rises too, standing almost twice his hight. Its body is wolflike, but its face is twisted and reptilian. Four dark eyes glint in the lamplight.
19:41 <Gareth>: It's that big O.o
19:42 <Olwen>: Well, let's hope we survive.
19:42 <Gareth>: Is it bipedal?
19:42 <Skid_GMing>: It's quadrupedal.
19:42 <Gareth>: That *is* huge then!
19:42 <Skid_GMing>: Marl places a hand on its forehead, and an enchantment washes over it.
19:43 <Skid_GMing>: "Run." The wolf-thing says with Marl's voice.
19:44 <Gareth>: I go to where we left the camel or whatever.
19:45 <Olwen>: I follow Gareth. Quickly.
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: The wolf follows at a respectful distance, putting up a show of barking and snarling, then breaks off and returns to the tower.
19:46 <Olwen>: "Well, that went pretty well."
19:46 <Gareth>: "Yes, a very pleasant surprise."
19:46 <Gareth>: "Because he wasn't actually with the cult, just working for them."
19:47 <Gareth>: "Running into a member would have been a different story."
19:47 <Olwen>: "Indeed that would have been messy."
19:47 <Olwen>: Can we head back now?
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: Yep, you can return to base.
19:47 <Gareth>: Yay!
19:48 <Gareth>: Do we know what kind of beast that was?
19:48 <Gareth>: Pretty impressive
19:49 <Skid_GMing>: It's a lot like a larger versions of what Levi insists is a poodle, but with comparitively shorter hair.
19:50 <Gareth>: So it could be seen out and about wild lands?
19:50 <Gareth>: It's a natural creature
19:51 <Skid_GMing>: If you're unlucky on a dark night, yes.
19:51 <Gareth>: Hehe
19:53 <Gareth>: Info on the loot now?
19:54 <Gareth>: Crossbow, rapier, and gloves
19:56 <Gareth>: Oh and the sunlight disk
19:56 <Skid_GMing>: The crossbow is a common crossbow, but worth 90 Nobles because of silverwork. Rapier is a masterwork and so are the gloves, I'll get you those stats.
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: Quickblade (4 damage, light) (7 Royals) - This rapier almost seems to dance on its own. It can be used to attack twice in a turn if its first attack is a hit.
20:00 <Olwen>: Nice.
20:00 <Gareth>: Levi's new sword
20:00 <Olwen>: Indeed.
20:03 <Skid_GMing>: Draining Gloves (4 Royals) - These gloves are a tool of enchanters, conduits that allow the wearer to leech power from an enchanted device and return half it to their intellect pool.
20:07 <Olwen>: That's good.
20:08 <Skid_GMing>: Sunlight Disk (Special Artifact, Shines) (10 Royals) - This disk emits a constant beam of daylight, as if it were linked to the sun itself.
20:09 <Gareth>: Olwen write down your crossbow and 11 silver bolts
20:10 <Olwen>: Oh, I forgot.
20:10 <Gareth>: I'm assuming I gave Marl my bolt with the bow.
20:10 <Skid_GMing>: Hey, you didn't say you gave him any bolts for it.
20:10 <Gareth>: No, but I probably put it out with it when displaying my treasures
20:10 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
20:10 <Gareth>: Since they go together
20:12 <Skid_GMing>: Well, you each get 2 XP for this session, and I'll make a master-post adding up all the XP for the mission tomorrow. Finally.
20:12 <Gareth>: Any pay?
20:13 <Skid_GMing>: Oh, yes. But not really anything compared to the loot. 50 Nobles each for a vital secret mission with combat.
20:14 <Gareth>: Results of returning the egg? Or is that next time?
20:14 <Skid_GMing>: That's the next mission.
20:14 <Gareth>: Okay cool
20:14 <Gareth>: We get to go after that bandit sometime though right
20:15 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. That's part of what's next.
20:16 <Olwen>: Yay!
20:17 <Olwen>: So, anything else happening tonight?
20:18 <Skid_GMing>: No, that's about it.
20:18 <Gareth>: I'm going to buy a bunch of stuff with all this XP :p
20:18 <Skid_GMing>: Well, besides that.
20:18 <Olwen>: Oh right, I have a bunch to spend as well.
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I give my XP to bookworm for helping me with the poison gathering.
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