surefire hiccup cure

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surefire hiccup cure

Post by bookworm »

This is kind of a random thing to post about, but I was just thinking to myself that if I didn't know about this I would want someone to share it with me, so I'm going ahead and sharing it with all of you in case you haven't heard of it before. I'm also curious, if you have heard of it, where you heard it from.

We've all heard the cliche things for getting rid of hiccups like hold your breath or drink water in a specific way and there may be something to those, but they're definitely not guaranteed cures. Neither ever worked for me. But the go-to I use now works every time, and works within seconds. It's truly amazing how effective it is.

I discovered it as a kid many years ago. I was watching an episode of Arthur and someone said "a spoonful of peanut butter chewed slowly always cures the hiccups." I almost didn't think anything of it because it seemed like just a throwaway line, but then I wondered if it was actually a genuine thing. Next time I had hiccups I tried it and it totally worked! I've used it every time ever since.

I can't guarantee it will always work for you, because I don't know, but I can say in the several dozen times I've tried it over the years it has a 100% success rate for me. It's definitely worth trying next time you need a cure.
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Post by Catspaw »

I have never ever heard of this before, and will plan to try it the next time I have the hiccups (and have peanut butter nearby). That sounds like a delicious solution, if it would actually work for me! If I try it, I'll post to say how it went!
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Post by bookworm »

Ah, I'm glad I went ahead and posted then; it will help at least one person! :) Assuming it works for you. Do report back when you ever get to try it!

Yeah, the only issue is you have to have peanut butter on hand at the time so you can't use it in every situation unfortunately.
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Post by Catspaw »

I had the hiccups this morning and thought of the peanut butter cure...but I had just brushed my teeth and was headed out the door to church, so I didn't want to try it. In a fortunate turn of events, I got the hiccups again later in the day and was actually able to try a spoonful of peanut butter. I'm happy to report that it worked for me! \:D/ I used a moderate spoonful of crunchy peanut butter, and that was the end of the hiccups! For a minute afterwards it almost felt like I wanted to hiccup, but didn't. It was kind of a weird feeling.

Thanks, bookworm! :D I will definitely be using peanut butter to cure my hiccups again in the future!
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Post by bookworm »

That's great! :D Thanks for reporting back!
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Post by shnoodlec »

Allergic to peanut butter... I'm cursed to hiccupdom forever!
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Post by Catspaw »

You get to help investigate why the peanut butter works. Try Wow Butter or whatever alternative you use and see if it works too!
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Post by bookworm »

Yes it's worth experimenting; it seems that what actually stops them is the chewing motion through something of that texture, not the actually being peanut butter. At least according to some sources I saw. I haven't found a definite explanation of why it works.
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Post by Catspaw »

My six month old niece had the hiccups today, so I brought up this surefire cure. For obvious reasons we didn't try it on her ;) but I appreciated the chance to spread the word about the peanut butter cure!
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Post by EK »

I tried this the other night. Didn’t work. :(
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Post by Catspaw »

Really? Bummer. I've still only tried it one time, so I can't vouch for it entirely, but I had high hopes of it always working!
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Post by bookworm »

It has a very high likelihood of working, as near a guarantee as you can get from the various cure attempts, but depends on the person what the success rate will be.

For me it's been 100% over the years which has been at least 20+ uses so I'd say it always works for me. My mom also uses it after I told her about it and it sometimes doesn't work for her, but usually does, her success rate is around 90% so it's worth trying again next time to see if that was just an outlier.
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Post by Scientific Guy »

I always just take a gulp of air right after I hiccup and then push until my lungs start to burn. Is that healthy? Works every time, though!
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Post by Jonathan »


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Post by Catspaw »

Haha, nice one, Jonathan. I guess you'll only know if the incredible wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes holds up in this particular case if you try it yourself. O:)
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Post by Tikvah »

I should have read this thread sooner. :( As someone prone to frequent hiccups, I will have to try this. Maybe I can trigger them on purpose just for the purpose of this experiment.
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Post by Catspaw »

Yay, another person willing to try bookworm's cure! Let us know how it works for you, Tikvah.
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