The Contest-Contest!

This forum is home to games of all various shapes and sizes. Members are welcome to start and participate in contests on this board.
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The Contest-Contest!

Post by bookworm »

As a stipulation for playing Monty’s game, a portion of my prize money needs to go into a contest. However instead of just putting together a contest and running it, like everyone else does, I decided to do something that I don’t think has been done before. It’s going to be very meta, and it may make your head hurt a little bit.

This is The Contest-Contest!

Contestants in this contest will pitch ideas for a contest. At the end of the submission period I will select my favorite contest. The contestant who submitted the winning contest will win this contest and the prize money. I will then run the winning contest as a new contest.

Doesn’t that sound awesome?! \:D/

Contest ideas may be submitted from now until 11:59 PM Hawaii Time on Thursday July 25th.

If you have questions about something please ask, if it is not addressed in the following list of conditions and specifications. And if you are hyper-protective of your ideas, be sure to read the fine print.

There are no criteria for what submissions must entail, they can be simple contests or complex contests, whatever you can think of, so get your ideas in! I’m excited to see what you all come up with. :)

  • Ideas are to be posted publicly in this thread, not mailed.
  • Contestants are allowed to draw inspiration from previously submitted contest ideas for their own idea. However, reposting a previous submission with minimal changes is not permitted. Each submission must be substantially distinct.
  • Contestants may submit more than one contest idea, however only one idea may be submitted per post.

By submitting a contest idea you agree to waive all rights to idea possession. The idea you submit becomes public domain for any citizen of the ToO. The winning idea is reserved to bookworm to run, but if you, or anyone else, is inspired by one or more of the other ideas submitted they are free to run that contest themselves without needing to obtain permission. (Though it would be courteous to obtain it anyway.) However regardless of permissions requested or granted, if someone does decide to run a contest submitted by someone else, the creator of the original idea is to be given credit at an appropriate place during the run of that contest.
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Post by Woody »

Two questions:

1. How much is the prize money?

2. Am I allowed to submit an idea from the ToyJoy platform, so long as it was my idea?
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Post by bookworm »

1. You can do the math if it matters to you. That's not the point of this.

2. You can submit absolutely anything that resembles a contest! :)
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Post by Woody »

In that case, I shall submit:

People will sign up. Then two quiz topics will be chosen. Each quiz will last a week, with a question every day. While those two quizzes are happening, people will nominate topics for the third quiz. The topics that get two or more nominations will be put into a poll. The topic that gets the most votes will be the third quiz.
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Post by bookworm »

So, one single participant.
I am very disappointed; I thought this was a great idea.

I’m shocked there was no interest, because you didn’t have to come up with anything elaborate, it could have literally been as simple as suggesting ‘Get signups, then select a winner at random’ and you would have been in the running. This was about as close to effortless as you could get.

I’m disappointed because I envisioned this as a cooperative effort to spark and share creativity between ToOers who enjoy O105 events. The ideas were supposed to inspire people and be used or improved to start off a wave of fun interaction here since it’s been a bit dormant lately. But apparently I’m the only one who thought that would be nice.

So as there is only one submission, making choosing a winner impossible, I guess I ‘win’ this contest and retain the prize. Though in reality, since the purpose was to share ideas and none were presented, I lost. As did everyone else.
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Post by Monty »

Well, with that morbidly accurate, and slightly angry post, I think I will submit (though a little late) a contest which I had thought about running, but didn't have the time to fully flesh out.

Before I do so, I must express full agreement with your post, bookworm. That was supposed to be the idea of my contest as well, but only time will tell whether or not it succeeds.

So, without further ado, here are a few ideas that I stuck on the back burner.

1. Family Feud! Using a popular statistics website, I would ask a question and look for answers, with one twist: I would give the answers, and they would guess what percentage of people surveyed said it (if any).

2. Scenes From A Hat. Following the popular show Whose Line Is It Anyway, I would present a scenario, such as Things You Wouldn't Expect Presidential Candidates to Use For Their Slogan. After a predetermined time, I would judge the entries and give money to the winner.

3. 1,000 Blank White Cards. This is more of a game than a contest, but it requires people to make their own rules, in a way. This one I may actually do in the future...

4. Elect the Executioner. This is a cutthroat game where players vote on who decides who is eliminated each round...

5. Survivor: Redux. This streamlined version of a game I started well over a year ago would bring fun and enjoyment for the whole family!
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
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Post by bookworm »

Thank you Monty, those are some great ideas. They are not in the running for this event, as the deadline has passed (and you couldn't submit multiple ideas in one post anyway) but by being posted here they are now public domain for if and when you or anyone else wants to give them a shot.

I will refund the money I was unable to award to you so it may be put back into your game.
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