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Post by bookworm »

I can't pick a favorite "clue" post, they are all so ingenious. I remember when I was going through those for the first time (it was while the arc was going on, so I already knew he was Blackgaard and could see the revelations) I got to the post a picture one and I thought "this should be interesting" and when the skeleton popped up I literally laughed out loud. That was unbelievable! You were either crazy, or a genius (or maybe both) to carry those clues so far. You basically spelled it out!
Oh, and I loved the one where he says he has a twin that is into Shakespeare. :lol:

Okay, here’s a follow-up question Shadowpaw.
(By the way I hope you aren’t planning on leaving us again any time soon, I have quite a few others lined up.)
Shadowpaw wrote:If you cross referenced certain things in the timeline with posts by Gabriel on or around these dates, you would discover some symmetry.
Could you elaborate on this a bit? I would try to figure it out myself, but I do not know which posts to check as we do not have the Timeline’s half of the information. Namely, which dates the posts correspond with.
(I can’t believe you didn’t save a copy! That would be the ultimate behind the scenes release! Awesome ToO timeline though)
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Post by Shadowpaw »

I'll address your question later bookworm, I'm at work so I'm just going to make this fast but I prepared a few quotes to tide everyone over...

Here's a collection of never before read (except by the recipient!) private messages Gabriel sent!

A message Gabriel sent Fenix when I intended him to use Blackgaard:
Gabe wrote:In case you choose to help, here are the facts. Creating any additional facts must go through me. These facts cannot be changed, there is a reason for everything.

I'm in the United States right now, but I'm originally from England.

I have a brother. My brother is an actor. I am currently unemployed.

I have not seen my brother in years. We had a big fight many years ago and lost touch.

I love cats.

I love politics.

I love spies and terrorist stuff.

My age is not to be revealed, but I am actually 50+ years old. I just speak with lots of smilies. Never refer to parents unless in the past tense.

I am currently very good with computer programming but it wasn't always that way.

I am a misunderstood individual who was never treated with the respect I deserved.

I like to travel to lots of exotic locations.

I "listened" to Odyssey from the beginning till 1995. Then again in 1998. But have not heard an episode since then.

My brother still "listens" to the show.

(Both above facts have already been posted and do not need to be mentioned again).

The posts do not need to have any mention of the facts above, but if you start creating things to say, they cannot break from any of the information above.
To Catspaw, asking if he can get into the Blackgaard Clan
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Catspaw wrote:The Blackgaard clan is a bit harder than that to get into, unfortunately. :( It's a groupe of people that have a history with each other, and you can see why somebody who's been a member for less than 24 hours isn't somebody who will be able to see all the information in the Blackgaard Mansion faction. :) If you're truly interesting in joining, become a part of the RPGs in Gower's Field and things will go from there. However, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. ;) There are lots of other fun factions that you might prefer to become involved with! :D

- Catspaw
I see.

Ok then. Thanks anyway. Maybe I'll go join the Red Scorpions or something. Or start a Blackgaard clan of my own.
Later in the same convesation, flirting with Catspaw:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Catspaw wrote:I don't actually believe in the Force, but I do like the Star Wars movies. :D Especially Han Solo! :inlove:

Hi, Gabe! It's nice to meet you! \:D/ I'm Catspaw Blackgaard. But ou can call me Catspaw. ;)
Han Solo! You like the bad guys, hrm?!? :stooges:

Well then, my turn. I want to one day lead the Blackgaard clan! :twisted:
Later still...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Catspaw wrote:Oh, come on! Han Solo isn't bad! :noway: He's almost bad in a cool kind of way! yes: Not to mention more than somewhat attractive. ;) That doesn't hurt, either.

Leading the Blackgaard that would be quite the chore! :-k You might want to offically meet Rachael before you decide on making that your life's goal. ;) And let EB know that he's on the way out. ;)
Imagine what it must have been like to think he was dead, frozen in carbonate, and then to come back to life! :cold: What a weird feeling! [ed And one that he knows all too well!]

And Rachael is the one obsessed with Regis Blackgaard right? :insane: I've read a few of her posts and she kind of creeps me out. :shrugs: (sorry if you are friends with her).

And it's only a dream, I don't expect it to become a reality. This is a tight knit group. :hithead: My first obstacle is getting accepted into the clan. But I'm not a RPG player. No time for it! :noway:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Catspaw wrote:I'm a bit too young to have experienced the wait between episodes 5 and 6 - I actually only started liking Star Wars (especially the original trilogy) a couple years ago. Are you one of those people old enough to have seen the original theatre releases? \:D/ That would be cool!

Rachael is married to Regis (or Uncle Reggie, as I fondly refer to him as ;)) in the RPG world. She can seem a bit odd at first as a result, but she is a friend - she's kind and caring, and an excellent writer. :) I think with some time, you'll definitely like Rachael! :D

I never used to do RPG stuff, and I still don't very much, but some threads can be fun! I like the more random ones, not the really planned ones with super complicated plotlines.
To your first point, are you subtley trying to get me to reveal my age? :noway: I'm too clever for that! O:)

Rachael is married to Regis? Has anyone asked him how he feels about such an arrangement? :dunce: Dr. Blackgaard strikes me as the type who would not waste his time with a female, it would weaken him to be seen as a man in a commited relationship! #-o

But as long as she's only pretending to be weird, maybe I can grow to like her. :^o

You don't like planned storylines? I always like the long complex ones, with big twists at the end :happyang:. But random stories are fun too. I just have a hard time sitting down and thinking about one thing for too long. :waaah: [ed. Possibly one of my favorite clues for it's stupid foreshadowing]
Asking to join the Red Scorpion faction:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Top Crusader wrote:We're rather disorganized right now. ;) I'm in the process of moving... once I get things situated here, I'm going to start a big RED SCORPION drive for members, so keep an eye out for a thread about joining. :)

Thanks for your interest! \:D/
Will do! Trust me, you'll want my services! :)
No clues here... just funny:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Frankie wrote:Thanks for the fast reply! \:D/

I'm glad you like it here, and yah, all the ToOers are wonderful. :yes: (Especially when it comes to greeting newbies. :wink:)

You don't have to apologize, it's totally fine that your age is a personal piece of information. Most people don't share their real ages, names or anything, and we still love them! :D (Haha, did Cowboy ask you? I was wondering if he would be the first.)

Well, get back to posting! (Can you reach 100 posts by Saturday? \:D/)
They are such a nice group of people. Odyssey citizens are the best! :thumbsup:

I'm tempted to ask if your real name is Frank, but that might be personal :fro: . If not, please elighten me! And yes, the cowboy did ask for my age. He's my first friend here :inlove:.

100 posts by Saturday? I hope so! I just don't want people to think I'm a spammer. :bounce: So I'm restraining myself.
From Darcie to Gabe... after introducing himself...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
darcy wrote:Hmm... plans? None so far! Although a few weeks ago, while we were chatting with Shadowpaw, he was joking I should run next time with the whole platform of bringing Jimmy back to AIO! Of course I have to way to make that happen, but.....
You watched for far too long... now I know how you know so much. Isn't it a little weird to know so much about everyone else, and have them not know that you know? :-$

Jimmy Barclay returning to Odyssey, now that is what I would :inlove: to see!

But not at the expense of my ambitions :noway: (LOL! just kidding) Would you ever consider running?? You are quite popular in your short time you have arrived on the "Scene." :worship:

And yeppers, it is very strange to know so much. I believe I caught people off guard with my familiarity. I am scaling back now, no need to scare potential new friends away! :bolt:

But I know people will come to know me very well over the next few months. Great things are going to happen! \:D/
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
darcy wrote:I would consider it... but I like to be the second fiddle type ;) So you can be Mayor and I'll be CoP! :lol:
I'm only "popular" (and I think you really mean "well-known") because of the way my "true identity" was revealed, and because I have had the time lately to be here.
I was thinking it was funny that you called CoT your first ToO friend... he was mine as well! He pmed me to say hi, then soon donated me sig money too. But I think everyone feels like CoT is one of their best friends due to his rapid fire posting/pming style ;)
Aww... I would love to run with you, but I've already secured my running mate ](*,).

Though I'm not sure I'm popular enough to win and wouldn't want to hurt your chances. I'm doing it for the experience, not for actually winning.

Now you, I could totally see winning legitimately! [ed. Love this.... I was basically implying that I was intending to win illegitimately when combined with the above statement] O:) And not because you're married to Jimmy, but because you are a really, really nice member who's mature enough to have a good head on her shoulders. If I wasn't already running, I'd certainly vote for you! :yes:

That's :hilarious: about CoT! He donated me money too! Too bad he's going on a trip :(.
Gabe's awesome... (note this was sent June 2.. MONTHS before the election...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
darcy wrote:Oh, you did get someone already? Cool!!
Naw, I really don't want to run at this point. I'd happily be a mod though. I will provide some sense of reason while being totally ridiculous at the same time ;)
You shall be the first mod I appoint! \:D/

Or maybe once I win, I'll imprison my running mate and appoint you in his place! :lol: [ed. This was the original intention, to appoint someone to actually run the board temporarily while Regis Blackgaard was running amok, but the story changed...]

I shall call you Darcie from now on, as requested in this title. :)
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
darcy wrote:As always, I will reserve my decision until all the nominees are announced and I have carefully reviewed their platforms. :noway:
But my vote can be bought. ;) jk
I shall inform Mr. Money-Bags (ie, Fenix LOL!) of your offer! O:)
Kind of funny... the clue just being that he doesn't live with a woman and it explains why he was terrible with computers early in the series and then later was able to develop a virus:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Trinarius wrote:Hey Gabe! :)

My name is Josh. O:)

I like computers...when they're working properly that is. ;)

I am a computer expert! It wasn't always that way, but I became quite good with them! You are right though, can't live with 'em! :cpu:

They're kinda like women! :lolsign:
More clue...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Trinarius wrote:Haha, I'm not that good at sports to be honest. ;) Although I do like swimming whenever I have access to a pool! \:D/

Are you a sports guy?

I'm afraid not! I have a bad hip, so I can't play sports very well! :(

What's your favorite drink? I like a good cup of Earl Grey Tea! :)
Gabriel sent "Me" a message asking if he could "purchase something"... the replies...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Me wrote:If you refer to the Ruku virus, it is not for sale. :)
I was referring to your degrees... what would I want with a virus? Eck! :sickly:

However, I have been informed this is against the rules to purchase degrees from members, so I am sorry for asking! :anxious:
I believe these WERE posted publicly when Pepper Doyle tried to out Gabriel's evil ways... but as a reminder... Gabriel joined the brotherhood and then got into a bitter spat with Pepper Doyle because of her "beliefs"... she did not know they were about her anti-blackgaard clan stance...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:So what?
No, I'm not liberal. But you are weak minded and foolish. ](*,)

I'm running for mayor and I don't want to be associated with you and your antics. :noway:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:What did I do?

I respect and admire your attitude.

But you'd be wise to not cross me. :shocking:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:Forgive me for wanting some reason for your freaking RUDENESS.
The way you spoke of people who do not feel the same way as you is proof enough of your own actions. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

I have read other posts you have made. You are not someone who I feel is respect by the other members of this board and cannot tarnish my image by being a member of your silly club. ](*,)
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:Sorry, but the way you just treated me has be insanely upset. I hope you NEVER get elected if you treat people you disagree with or take a dislike to in that fashion.
No need to be uspet. I am sorely missing my medication and reacted poorly. I am sorry. You are set in your ways, I understand this. I simply joined the brotherhood without realizing where you stood on issues that are important to me. And was surprised at somethings you have said to offend other people's beliefs. ](*,)

I seek your forgiveness in this matter. :pray:
Haha awesome...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
blank wrote:cool! \:D/

well, I'm not sure why i chose to make mine all caps :-k but I meant it as a name, not as a word, and I was trying to make a bit of a distinction. Also, it's my code name.

and despite what is going on in the thread about liberals, stick around and enjoy the rest of the board. Everywhere you go there is going to be some spoilsport, some idiot.

your friend,

P.S. don't say my name to anyone else, k? thanks :)
Nice to meet you Ronald! My brother's name is Ronald! How neat is that? :hilarious:

Thank you for your kind words. I'm not a liberal myself, but I don't understand why people have such strong opinions in the extreme. Can't there be a "half way" where we all can meet? O:)
After Gabriel and Top publicly fought, his wife was not too happy with Gabriel...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Continental Admiral wrote:Mind explaining that one?
All I've seen from Top since I've joined is disparaging remarks about other members, mocking them, or outright insulting them. He's been very disrespectful to numerous people and I can't imagine how anyone voted for him unless he was a much different person a year ago. ](*,)

As a former mayor, I would expect him to understand that I was only trying to help the moderators enforce the rules. As I've since learned, Wooton was talked about spamming Whit's End that day and I was not out of line in my comment. :shrugs:

Oh well, I'm not going to push this issue anymore. Top Crusader is too popular for a little "troll" like me to take on.

Good day to you ma'am.
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Continental Admiral wrote:In his defense, Top is usually just kidding. And he's known for his sarcasm. People on the board(s) know how Brian is and usually just ignore him. Either you like him or you hate him. Either way, he was voted in as a mayor, and he was voted in by a good majority if I recall and I honestly don't see it particularly helpful to question Top's "Moral" character.

You weren't out of line in your remarks about spamming, no. But you crossed the line from friendly sarcasm to being mean when you questioned Top's moral character.

Maybe I'm biased, though. :-s
I am sorry :(. I've never experienced someone mocking me on the board like he did and I just reacted poorly. I was upset and confused.

I don't hate the Top Crusader, I just wish I could have handled the situation differently. Now the board will see that we're both him and I are pretty awful people :(. [ed. I think my favorite part of Gabriel is that he was willing to insult everyone even if he pretends he's not.... he'll casually make himself sound just as awful as everyone else making it sound like it's ok...] Oh well, from here on out I will strive to be more understanding and not as quick to make a comment when someone directs an attack at me.
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
The Top Crusader wrote:Hey, Gabe, I just want to formally apologize via PM... what you said to Wooten wasn't all that bad. ;) My church is basically falling apart at the seams, I get back from a late night meeting/debate/argument about that, get online... and the littlest thing rubbed me the wrong way...

So, again, I really am sorry. I've just been really stressed between church and all the various issues and problems of arranging a wedding and getting a better paying job, etc. :boohoo: Heh... yeah, I know its not really a good excuse--I shouldn't take that out on *anyone*, but I try to stay happy for my family, friends, and fiance... so... its easy to blow up at the random internet stranger.

I apologize too (I just posted mine publicly, maybe I should have done so privately... but I feel so ashamed about my comments). #-o

I was just a little surprised by the comment you made about me pointing out the rules, since I had received earlier confirmation from a moderator thanking me for saving them the trouble as they had been discussing that very thing at the time I posted my message :(. I just felt like I was being attacked and wanted to defend myself, but chose to lash out rather than remain my composure. :sniff: I am sorry for the things I said, especially questioning your ability to get elected. I had just been noticing a few comments here and there from you directed at other new users and was just surprised I was suddenly the target of your sarcasm (which CA has explained is just your way of going about things). ;)

As for your excuses. I do not see them that way. I see them as plausible reasons. :mope: We all have personal things to deal with and I guess we sometimes just forget that when reading a message board. I hope your church gets back in order and I hope you do find your better paying job.

And you have my solemn promise I will not attack you like I have again tonight. [ed. Note the wording... "I have again tonight..." implying other nights he's more than happy to attack...] I am so ashamed for my behavior. I really thought I had gotten over my anger issues. But I guess it just takes work. :anxious:
After asking Xiao to make some avatar stuff for his campaign...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Xiao wrote::noway:
Guess you won't be a mod then :(.
And in a follow-up...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Xiao wrote:Xiao: He said "Guess you won't be a mod then". He's quote confident...
Sonuna: Utterly idioticly confident

I thought private messages were private?????
The return of Pepper Doyle... after Gabriel announces his intention to run for mayor. Titled: "You won't be elected."
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:I'm saving your rude PMs to me to ensure that.
I was very rude that day and I apologize. You are welcome to share those comments and I will be held accountable for what I said. :yes:

I simply did not know how narrow-minded, offensive, and outspoken you were when I joined the brotherhood. :noway: I regretted joining your group when I discovered this and since your beliefs are the complete opposite of mine, I didn't want people to think I shared those beliefs. ](*,) By associating myself with the Brotherhood I am submitting myself to your authority and acting in conjunction with your beliefs. I do not share those beliefs and I cannot in good conscience allow myself to be bullied by someone like you.

But look at me now :(. I'm the hypocrit. I hadn't even realized until now that by treating you the way I did, I was simply reducing myself to your level. However, if I'm going to run for public office, I must be held accountable. I am willing to accept whatever smeer campaign you are preparing for me. :hug:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:P.S.S. You weren't in The Brotherhood, so don't worry about that tainting your sterling image.

Don't bother replying if it's just going to be a threat or another veiled insult. Try responding with the FACTS instead of saying things and offering no basis.
Ok, here's a FACT: ... ht=#290591

So don't tell me you didn't let me into your club. :noway:
Note you may not be able to see the thread... it is in the Brotherhood... Gabe was invited to fill out his application which is as follows... of which he WAS accepted. It was a FACT... haha.
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:Ok... time to brainstorm! :lol:

Name: Gabriel
Family: Oldest of two brothers, parents killed tragically by enemy spies! ](*,)
Schooling: Agent Training (hehe, one day!) O:)
Favorites: Fancy cars, adventure, exotic locations, martini's shaken (not stirred!) :pirate:
Skills: Computer programming, espionage, taking on different aliases :cpu:
Past jobs: Government Intelligence :proff:

I love James Bond, can't you tell? :adore:
Later after they have patched things up...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:Yes, election season is grand.

I apologize for the following:

-- Writing that you were a "jerk".
-- Threatening you

I accept your "apologies" in turn.

Have a swell life.

P. Doyle
Thank you Ms. Doyle. :anxious:

I apologize for being so rude to you without even knowing you :(. I've been accused of being overly familiar with people and I have issues with frustration and anger that get the best of me. My medicine doesn't control or lessen my anger, it just makes me less irritable. :sickly:

I hope there are no hard feelings and no lost sleep over this issue. :snore: I would like to respectfully go our separate ways and if you chose to run in the upcoming election, I wish good things for you! :angelfly:
The same day Gabriel announces his intention to run for mayor, he contacts Catspaw asking her which board she wants to moderate. Her reply...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Catspaw wrote:My goodness, what a question! I think that I shall perhaps wait a tad longer before I worry about that. ;) Besides, I never asked to be a mod any other term, and things worked out well, so I don't think that I'll try to do too much advance negotiation. Thanks for asking, though...
Ok, I'll keep that in mind.

I guess I am jumping the gun with this election thing! I haven't even won yet and I'm already planning my staff. :hilarious:
Kind of ruining the spirit of her intentions but it's been years...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Bigbird9339 wrote:I've got some advice! Be nice to all people! Be nice to nOObs because hey don't know you very well and you'll get their vote! Try to not critisize as much as compliment :D PM people. I'm new but this is what I think.
Don't ever post this please :D
I don't think private messages should be made public at all! :noway: Don't worry.

Pepper Doyle was going to post mine so I had to do it first, because people would think I was hiding something. :sad:

She blackmailed me :(. I would never post something someone sent me otherwise. You have my word! :hug:

And that is wonderful advie! I shall be very nice to you! I loved your posts so far, especially the insanity one! :)
Nothing like a little personal jab... after he asked why Felicity's last name was Blackgaard...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Felicity Blackgaard wrote:Because my husband is Edwin Blackgaard, of course. :)

How do you do?
Ah -- you're married to Edwin?? :bolt:

I'm fine -- and normal. :anxious:
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Felicity Blackgaard wrote:Oh, you're 'normal', huh?

Yeah, some people consider themselves 'normal'. But of course, I'm married to Edwin in a 'ROLEPLAY'!!!

Of course, I wouldn't expect any 'local yokels' to fully understand the ego simplicities of being a Blackgaard. If you hadn't noticed, we have our own Blackgaard clan on this board. Best watch what you say around a Blackgaard wife, wouldn't wany any 'accidents' happening, would we? :-$
No, I don't want any trouble. I just have a hard time believing any real Blackgaard would actually get married. #-o

But, as you said, I'm a "local yokel" and likely have no concept of what it means to be a Blackgaard . :shock: [ed. yikes that's funny...]

That is all. :-
Kind of hilariously ironic in the double meaning... Fenix/Phoenix Gabriel/Regis...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:Darcie my dear,

You wouldn't happen to have time to make an old friend some sigs for his campaign, would you? *puppy dog eyes*

Nothing fancy -- just something nice that says: "Gabe and Fenix - Rising from the Ashes!"

If you have no time, that is understandble. :hug:
A couple of examples of manipulation....
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Vote Gabe And Fenix wrote:u told robo he'd be great at running the too. you were being sarcastic. i'll try an find the link an send it to you.
Oh dear me, I would never insult Robo! I love Robo and livin4messiah! If I wasn't running in this election (or if I get eliminated in the run-off) I would definitely be voting for them! They are great people! :)
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
+10 rep points (Sonuna)
+1 cookie
Thanks Sonuna :hug:. As we've made it clear, if Fenix and I were not running, we would definitely be supporting you and EK :).

This was sent to Hakeber, WINDSHEAR, danadelfos, robo, Ryan, Lord Sesshoumaru, Agent Robert Mitchell... hoping to get everyone on the fence to vote for us.
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:Dear [INSERT USER HERE],

With the run-off election behind us and us still being in the race, Fenix and I determined it was in our best interest to begin approaching the candidates we wanted to appoint to moderator positions. :D The previous campaigns appointed their moderators within a week, but we are hoping to get this out of the way right away so we don't waste any time. :yes: There's no guarantee we will win, but we were wondering if you were interested in moderating "[INSERT FORUM HERE]"? Fenix and I both think you would do a terrific job in that capacity. :truce:

Please, let me know what you think!


Gabriel Dragsack and Fenix

A little behind the scenes...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
The EKster wrote:Not really, but still. Stop being a slacker. :x Also, EKS didnt win... :(
No :(

Remember, you're devestated. Anyone expressing their condolences to your campaign and you have to make sure they know you're obviously disappointed :(.

But remember, you'll get your recall election in a couple of weeks (depending on how long Regis will be in control of the board).
After the election...
Gabriel Dragsack wrote:
Robo wrote:So since you won... Am I a mod, now?

That's it! Well that's all I'm going to post... there was some other little tidbits and side stuff here and there but these are the core that directly related to the significance of Gabriel.

I hope you enjoyed reading them! And I hope everyone who was quoted doesn't mind that I posted your private messages... though aside from Pepper's, which were made public anyway (by Gabriel no less... to beat her to the punch before she could do it to me!) everything is pretty standard and friendly!
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Post by Catspaw »

As Gabe said to xiao and Sonuna, "I thought private messages were private?????" :x

Anyway... ;) I still laugh over those Han Solo PM's sometimes. Just one more reason to love Gabe! :inlove: Too funny. I had forgotten that he had talked to me about moderating so early one until I saw the quoted PM's. Good times!

I enjoyed all the little explanatory comments you added, Shadowpaw! There were lots of funny moments. I love how Gabe was so underhanded about everything he said and did. It was just always on that edge of, "Did he mean it in such a bad way? No, I must have misunderstood. Or did I? Oh, he apologized. He's a nice guy with issues, just like the rest of us. Yay Gabe. Wait, did he really just say that?" Thanks for taking the time to dig out all these deliciously evil messages! \:D/

Gabe wrote:Han Solo! You like the bad guys, hrm?!?
I would say that somebody who manipulated an entire AIO board of nice, sweet people for his own amusement is pretty bad. O:)

(Shadowpaw worries about my health if I don't try to flirt with him on a regular basis. I would hate to cause him to worry about me!)
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Post by Shadowpaw »

bookworm wrote:
Shadowpaw wrote:If you cross referenced certain things in the timeline with posts by Gabriel on or around these dates, you would discover some symmetry.
Could you elaborate on this a bit? I would try to figure it out myself, but I do not know which posts to check as we do not have the Timeline’s half of the information. Namely, which dates the posts correspond with.
(I can’t believe you didn’t save a copy! That would be the ultimate behind the scenes release! Awesome ToO timeline though)
The post I made before yours was something I put together to help in the creation of the timeline... there was other dates added that would be in the timeline if it was discovered. So the day Gabriel showed up on the board would be marked with the description, in the timeline, of "Commencement of Reanimation" or something along those lines... and then the period of time Gabriel was sick from the board would be marked in the timeline as "Extensive testing of the subject scheduled to occur. Will need to monitor health."

Then after the Regis arc people would refer to the timeline and realize it all lined up with Gabriel... but yeah, I got pretty scared people would figure it out.
Catspaw wrote:I enjoyed all the little explanatory comments you added, Shadowpaw! There were lots of funny moments. I love how Gabe was so underhanded about everything he said and did. It was just always on that edge of, "Did he mean it in such a bad way? No, I must have misunderstood. Or did I? Oh, he apologized. He's a nice guy with issues, just like the rest of us. Yay Gabe. Wait, did he really just say that?" Thanks for taking the time to dig out all these deliciously evil messages! \:D/
I love how under handed and dirty Gabriel was too... he was so fun to play. In fact, reading his horrible insults and reading people's reactions to them have been really a huge time waster this evening.

But sadly it appears that the public has long since been denied access to this treasure trove of information stored in the Fifth Town of Odyssey Election board.... especially since everyone who wasn't present really doesn't get what Gabriel was about and the kind of fuss he kicked up...

So what's a guy to do? Considering the historical implications that election board has for the Town of Odyssey, I have (I think) made it open to registered members of this board!! (if I haven't, could you do it for me Catspaw? *puppy dog eyes*) :lolsign:

The Fifth Town of Odyssey Election
Relive the posts... reading the debate... the scandals... the arguments... the disection of people trying to discover why Gabriel was so popular... it's all there. In the Ruins of the Town of Odyssey under the First Church of Regisville...

Aside from reading the platform threads, I strongly encourage you to check out the debate and most importantly, Question the Answers. In this thread, Gabriel takes his mean streak to a WHOLE new level and rocks the board with a shocking revelation.
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Post by Sonuna »

So I not only got that meaningful reference, but explicitly pointed it out?, 2006-me, you truly were a shining genius of the highest caliber.

Thank you for coming back and writing all this up; it's been very interesting to see the thought process which went on behind the scenes.
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Sonuna wrote:So I not only got that meaningful reference, but explicitly pointed it out?, 2006-me, you truly were a shining genius of the highest caliber.

Thank you for coming back and writing all this up; it's been very interesting to see the thought process which went on behind the scenes.
Hahaha, to be fair, you were one of the few who even picked up on that quote and at that point Gabriel was so widely hated that no one would have blamed you for not realizing he was not a real person.

For those who are confused... Sonuna sent Gabriel a message telling him PERFECT REFERENCE TIMING + 10 + cookie... it makes no sense if you don't know what it was for, but it was because she picked up on his reference in this platform thread.
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Post by bookworm »

Shadowpaw wrote:The post I made before yours was something I put together to help in the creation of the timeline... there was other dates added that would be in the timeline if it was discovered. So the day Gabriel showed up on the board would be marked with the description, in the timeline, of "Commencement of Reanimation" or something along those lines... and then the period of time Gabriel was sick from the board would be marked in the timeline as "Extensive testing of the subject scheduled to occur. Will need to monitor health."
Haha, that's great!

At the request of Shadowpaw, I have copied the Gabriel pms over to The Fenix Interview.
Comments on them can be posted there, so this thread is kept clear for more questions.

Okay then Shadowpaw, just a clarification:
“June 28: Margaret Faye leads the town back to Secret Informant.”
What does that mean?
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Post by Shadowpaw »

bookworm wrote:Okay then Shadowpaw, just a clarification:
“June 28: Margaret Faye leads the town back to Secret Informant.”
What does that mean?
The thing I quoted was in the story event planning board and it was called "The Story So Far..." to keep everyone up to speed on everything that was going on. I must have written it at the time that Margaret Faye pmed people clues that would eventually lead people to Secret Informat's NPC account... there's not too much to read into it and it's not really significant other than it was the last thing that had occured before I wrote the post.
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Post by bookworm »

I see.

Here’s another question then.

As you may or may not recall, there was some speculation that Blackgaard’s posts held a hidden message of some sort. Mainly because he seemed to bold and italicize unnecessary words.
Is there any truth to this? Or were you just using a lot of italics to try to add extreme emphasis?
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Post by 31899 »

Who is your favourite AIO character, and if you had to choose a character you were most like who whould you choose and why?
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Post by Mr.Whit »

Hi Shadowpaw. This is like Narnia you mention me out of the distant pass and I appear (completely by accident).
I have not beewn a regular user for some time. I now just come on every couple days to look at the Whits End forum. I think I should come on a little more. I'm flattered that you actually remember me. I cannot believe that it has been three years since you left. Man time sure flies. I remember thinking that I was so new to the board when I was only hear three months or so after it had started and now its been around for so long.
Glad your back and that you brought all these fond memories with you. Also because of The Too I learned proper punctuation :)
Thanks and welcome back
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Hey there Mr. Whit! :D It's good to see you post again - how's your sister doing these days? Haven't seen her around in forever. :)
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Post by Mr.Whit »

Hi Laura.
My sisters busy with things and I highly doubt she'll be on.
But I'm back at least for a while :)
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Post by Shadowpaw »

bookworm wrote:I see.

Here’s another question then.

As you may or may not recall, there was some speculation that Blackgaard’s posts held a hidden message of some sort. Mainly because he seemed to bold and italicize unnecessary words.
Is there any truth to this? Or were you just using a lot of italics to try to add extreme emphasis?
There was never anything hidden in Blackgaard's posts... the emphasis was, as you mention, an effort to emphasize (or in this particular case "color") words. I envisioned Blackgaard saying those things and whenever I felt in my head that Earl Boen would color a certain word (be it stressing it, dragging out the "ssss", or just using a different inflection), I did the same in my typing.
31899 wrote:Who is your favourite AIO character, and if you had to choose a character you were most like who whould you choose and why?
It changes all the time, but off the top of my head my favorite character is probably Eugene. He's great and always has been. The character most like me... that's tough. I'd imagine there's not really any character quite like me. I always tried to model my behavior on the board when I ran things to be similar to how Whit or Jack would run it if they were in charge... but in real life, I'm not really anything like those characters (as anyone on this board who's met me in person would probably attest to). I'm probably closer to a Rathbone or Blackgaard. ;o)
Mr.Whit wrote:Hi Shadowpaw. This is like Narnia you mention me out of the distant pass and I appear (completely by accident).
I have not beewn a regular user for some time. I now just come on every couple days to look at the Whits End forum. I think I should come on a little more. I'm flattered that you actually remember me. I cannot believe that it has been three years since you left. Man time sure flies. I remember thinking that I was so new to the board when I was only hear three months or so after it had started and now its been around for so long.
Glad your back and that you brought all these fond memories with you. Also because of The Too I learned proper punctuation :)
Thanks and welcome back
Hey mr.whit! Haha, that's great that you managed to not only stop by but see this thread! I'm glad you were able to take something out of the experience you had here and I hope to see you around more! Be sure to say hi to your sister for me!
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Post by Mr.Whit »

I will and thanks.I also now have a question.
What are your opinions and feelings with the new Odyssey season coming up, with the new Whit and everything.
I'd be curious to hear your opinion on the subject
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Post by bookworm »

Shadowpaw wrote:I envisioned Blackgaard saying those things and whenever I felt in my head that Earl Boen would color a certain word (be it stressing it, dragging out the "ssss", or just using a different inflection), I did the same in my typing.
That's what I thought. Thanks for clearing it up. :)

Another clarification:
“July 20ish: A bug in the board cripples the town and some accounts are deleted”

Being before my time, I don’t know how you mean that. Was it a real bug or was it planned?
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Mr.Whit wrote:I will and thanks.I also now have a question.
What are your opinions and feelings with the new Odyssey season coming up, with the new Whit and everything.
I'd be curious to hear your opinion on the subject
I'm certainly curious what direction the show will be heading. I believed (and still do) that rather than replace Whit, the writers should have taken the time to reinvent the series without Whit. I feel some of the best years of the series were when Whit wasn't actually on the show and I don't think relying on Whit at this point, especially considering the actor has been replaced, was the most creative thing to do. That's not to say the writers aren't going to be creative, (I'm sure they will!) but I saw the hiatus as a perfect opportunity to challenge the status quo of the series and come up with fresh ideas instead of relying on exisiting characters.

I guess I kind of pictured the hiatus as an opportunity to jump the series 5 years into the future... after characters like Jack, Whit, Bernard, Tom, Joanne, etc... had passed away and start fresh with a new cast while still using Eugene and Connie to ground the show in the history it had. They wouldn't need to explain why some characters weren't on the show anymore... it would just be assumed... and the first episode would be the unveiling of some new wing at Whit's End or invention dedicated to the memory of John Avery Whittaker. From there the show would have a new feeling and shake things up and provide a perfect opportunity to attract new fans. I love Whit. I love Whit's End and I love the series. But after 20 years of the same old thing, I was really hoping the show would take a completely different direction while still remaining faithful to the established series.

But I haven't heard any of the new shows and I don't know what stories are going to be told and maybe I'll be blown away so it's really too early to tell right now. I can't really judge something I haven't heard, though my gut feeling is that this hiatus may have been a missed opportunity to breathe new life into an aging franchise. Odyssey has always felt like a real town with real arcs and real changes. To ignore that and continue with the same characters (with different actors) just seems odd... it might work for cartoons, but Odyssey isn't a cartoon and I don't want it to become one.

So I guess we'll find out. :)
bookworm wrote:Another clarification:
“July 20ish: A bug in the board cripples the town and some accounts are deleted”

Being before my time, I don’t know how you mean that. Was it a real bug or was it planned?
That was a real bug. The Gabriel Dragsack story was intended to blend the real events of the board with the plot to the point you didn't know WHAT was going on. Hence the introduction of an NPC who seemed like a real person... and incorporating my relationship with Fenix into the story and using past events like real bugs and stock market glitches to further the storyline. I wanted people to "feel" like they were part of the story and not just watching it unfold before them. So I tried to tie into things that affected people on a personal level to achieve that.
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Post by Mr.Whit »

Shadowpaw wrote:
Mr.Whit wrote:I will and thanks.I also now have a question.
What are your opinions and feelings with the new Odyssey season coming up, with the new Whit and everything.
I'd be curious to hear your opinion on the subject
I'm certainly curious what direction the show will be heading. I believed (and still do) that rather than replace Whit, the writers should have taken the time to reinvent the series without Whit. I feel some of the best years of the series were when Whit wasn't actually on the show and I don't think relying on Whit at this point, especially considering the actor has been replaced, was the most creative thing to do. That's not to say the writers aren't going to be creative, (I'm sure they will!) but I saw the hiatus as a perfect opportunity to challenge the status quo of the series and come up with fresh ideas instead of relying on exisiting characters.

I guess I kind of pictured the hiatus as an opportunity to jump the series 5 years into the future... after characters like Jack, Whit, Bernard, Tom, Joanne, etc... had passed away and start fresh with a new cast while still using Eugene and Connie to ground the show in the history it had. They wouldn't need to explain why some characters weren't on the show anymore... it would just be assumed... and the first episode would be the unveiling of some new wing at Whit's End or invention dedicated to the memory of John Avery Whittaker. From there the show would have a new feeling and shake things up and provide a perfect opportunity to attract new fans. I love Whit. I love Whit's End and I love the series. But after 20 years of the same old thing, I was really hoping the show would take a completely different direction while still remaining faithful to the established series.

But I haven't heard any of the new shows and I don't know what stories are going to be told and maybe I'll be blown away so it's really too early to tell right now. I can't really judge something I haven't heard, though my gut feeling is that this hiatus may have been a missed opportunity to breathe new life into an aging franchise. Odyssey has always felt like a real town with real arcs and real changes. To ignore that and continue with the same characters (with different actors) just seems odd... it might work for cartoons, but Odyssey isn't a cartoon and I don't want it to become one.

So I guess we'll find out. :)
Wow. That is great resoning. And I wish you were on the Oddsey team mr.Paw. I agree, I think they should have no or even eventual have Connie take overe as manager of Whits END BUT MOVING FIVE YEARS IN THE future would have been a great idea. But I geuss will just have to wait and see what they do :-k
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Mr.Whit wrote:Wow. That is great resoning. And I wish you were on the Oddsey team mr.Paw. I agree, I think they should have no or even eventual have Connie take overe as manager of Whits END BUT MOVING FIVE YEARS IN THE future would have been a great idea. But I geuss will just have to wait and see what they do :-k
They gave me an opportunity to pen a script when I interned there and the only thing that kept coming into my head was "how will I bring Blackgaard back?" But never once could I figure out something simple and mundane and turn it into a good story. Write an episode about someone cheating on a test? I just can't wrap my head around making that exciting, but the writers can and that's their gift. So no, I wouldn't wish my writing skills onto anyone when it comes to AIO. I'd ruin it. Haha.

I'm more of a big thinker kind of guy... I like large complex plots with twists and story turns and character development. AIO dabbles in that from time to time and I imagine I would probably be useful in that area, but I just can't wrap my head around the simple stuff that makes AIO so awesome. I'm sure all of us can come up with an exciting way to bring Richard Maxwell back or explore details about The Chairman a little bit more, but how many of us sit down to write a slice of life episode that can be entertaining to anyone who knows none of the history of the show? AIO has always been a very balanced variety show that caters to pretty much every genre and type of story telling possible. I'm not that balanced.

I wrote a play for a play writing class I took last year and despite my efforts to keep it simple, it turned into a ghost story spanning 60 years. It's one thing to have good and/or big ideas... but it's another to keep things focused and accessible to a wide range of audiences. The AIO writers are capable of that. I don't think I am.
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Post by bookworm »

Shadowpaw wrote:
bookworm wrote:A bug in the board cripples the town and some accounts are deleted
That was a real bug.
So some random account got deleted? Were they real members, or NPCs?
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