In your 20s and an AIO fan

In your 20's and remember listening to AIO as a kid when episodes like Prodical Jimmy were brand new

Whit's wiping down the counter, Connie's mopping the floor, and the kids are sipping on their milkshakes. If you want to talk about Adventures in Odyssey the radio drama, this is the spot to do just that!

What year did you star listening to AIO?

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Post by Catspaw »

The dog's name was Sherman, and the cat was Jasper, I think. That was one evil cat. ;)
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Post by snowflake »

yay--that's right. I rememer now. thanks wardrobe;)

Thanks Lucy Pevensie for my awsome avatar and signature!!!

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Post by fatlooy »

[email protected] wrote:DBD came out, and I was already an old fan!! The first episode I remember hearing really was Apple Sauce. But I was 6 so who really knows what the first one I remeber is. If you know the trivia, DBD was created to End AIO. They couldn't find another Whit voice, so they created DBD to end it. But then suddenly we had a new Whit, and no reason to end it. So they just continued.

I actually still own AIO on tape. I have volume one on tape. Whits flop included. It makes me sound so old when I say that. I'm acutally only 22 though.

I actually remember listening each week as DBD unfolded. Im not sure how old I was, but I know I was at least 13, because I had met my best AIO friend. He knew as much as I did about AIO. And we listened to DBD together. And I met him at 13 so.... ok now I do feel old lol.

One more post for the night. My favorate episode for many many years(and still very well may be, but there are just so many more to chose from now adays) was Windy City. This would be the one when Whit and Connie go to Chicago and end up meeting Dr. Blackgard. Connie gets kidnapped, there is that funny clown Pinky and we find out Dr. Blackgard's cat is named Sasha. Yes I actually remember all that off the top of me head! I was born and raised in Chicago, and always thought it funny how they talked about Ohare being such a huge airport, since I frequently traveled out of there. It actually does have it's own zipcode btw for those who are curious.

Please try not to double post. Use the edit button instead. Thanks, Me. :)

I'm 13 and i lisen to AIO on tape all the time so it dosent really make you sond old.
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Post by LizzieG »

I grew up listening to Odyssey - my parents don't even remember when it all started for us. I have most of the albums now, but back then, the radio was my Odyssey connection: 4:30, every weekday! Oddly enough, though, I can't remember being surprised by anything (in my younger years, I mean)! I think I remember when DBD came out...I was writing down all the episodes I'd heard for some reason, and I remember thinking that "Small Fires, Little Pools" was a two-parter at first. I know I heard a lot of the episodes out of order, and as a little kid I probably didn't pay too much attention, but...

...suffice it to say, AIO is very near and dear to my heart, and I will be loading up all my episodes onto my ipod and taking them with me to college this fall!
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Post by EUCC »

Lizzy, I listened to Odyssey in college too. My roommate liked it, too, and we would quote things to eachother that our 3rd roommate wouldn't understand... ( a favorite was "just to lighten the mood on this tense domestic scene" from Jimmy telling his family a riddle....). Lots of inside jokes there. I would take my radio to the stair well to listen on Sat. mornings so my roommates wouldn't complain (or wake up).
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Post by LizzieG »

it would be so awesome to have a roommate who always enjoys Odyssey! lol, i know what you mean about quoting things, my sister and I do that all the time. one of our favorites is "so you say, but the environmental detection agency says you ain't" (bart to tom in their mayoral debate). Kind of an unusual one, but we use it sometimes when one of us says something far-fetched. lol, fun times :D
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Post by Catspaw »

I spent three years living in dorm at a Christian college, and my secnd and third years I had roommates that liked AIO enough to not mind me listening to it (my first year my roommate wore hearing aids, and she took them out at night, so she only would have heard the eps if I listened really loudly), and who knew enough to have at least some conversations with. I also talked to other people at the college who listened to AIO, or used to, and ended up lending several people some of my sets so they could hear more. \:D/
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Post by [email protected] »

I was lucky enough to go to a Christian college where one of my childhood friends also attended. We found a few other AIO listeners, and we would meet in the girls dorm lobby with a small portible radio, and listen to AIO episodes. They were mostly on tape, because I still had only the newest ones on CD, and I did take all my takes with me to college and fit them in my 12 x 16 dorm room which I shared.
Also before I went to college the summer before I worked at a Christian summer camp, and found an AIO fan there as well. We would listen to AIO together on our time off. Lucky for me he also ended up attending the same college, so we have a group of three instantly when we arrived. It grew to about 6 or 7 of us. Small, but it was fun while it lasted.

I'm getting married in 3 montsh (84 days to be exact), and lucky for me my husband to be likes AIO. He grew up on it. Not as big a fan as I am, but he enjoys them. Which really works out well, since I still use them to help me fall asleep at night. A habit my parents started with me when I was a very tiny kid. Even before AIO came out, I had other Christian stories.

It was funny. I told my mom a few days ago that I was posting with some AIO old timers. She goes I remember when I heard the first AIO segment on Focus on the Family. You were 4 years old, and a few years later you started listening every afternoon with your dad to them on the radio.

Oh, and Lizzie, don't worry you'll find an AIO listener at college. Find a group of Christians there, and you'll find at least one person who has grown up on AIO. My parents joked since I was like 13 that I could only get married if I found someone who would listen to AIO at night since I couldn't go to sleep without it. Well I did:) They just appear everywhere.
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Post by EvangelineWalker »

I remember the first episode I listened to was "Someone to watch over me" in the car to my grandparents' when I was 7. I listened every night at 6: 30 and on Mondays when we had to go help at a Nursing Home service we'd record it... For some reason I stopped listening for awhile so I didn't hear much of Darkness Before Dawn when it first came out-- just 'Small Fires..." and "Final Conflict" which didn' t make much sense! But then my mom got several albums for us to listen to while she was away at a camp and I remember listening to all the DBD episodes in one day, along with my sister. Odyssey has been a part of my life for a long time--listening while doing dishes, in the car, going to bed, and when we didn't have a tape, we could quote episodes...I will always be an Odyssey fan! It would be cool if it was still going when I have kids of my own :shock:! :D
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Post by Catspaw »

[email protected] wrote: I'm getting married in 3 montsh (84 days to be exact), and lucky for me my husband to be likes AIO. He grew up on it. Not as big a fan as I am, but he enjoys them. Which really works out well, since I still use them to help me fall asleep at night. A habit my parents started with me when I was a very tiny kid. Even before AIO came out, I had other Christian stories.
Wow, congratulations! \:D/ I think that it would be coo to marry somebody who also enjoys AIO. That way you won't have any problem deciding whether your kids should listen to them or not! ;)
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