Ember Patrol: Death by Desert

Subcypher Chatroom RPG

The place where role players come to play! If you want to start an interactive war, chat with real citizens of the town, or find other uses for your faction, this field can accommodate those desires. As with anything else, please try to keep your role playing appropriate... but you're still welcome to have a little fun!
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Post by Tikvah »

Olwen's one off journal entry:

I never imagined that joining the Ember patrol would lead to me being a wanted criminal. I was tasked with a simple mission: Travel to Balor's Conquest, pick up a package and travel to the Gullet, where it would be handed off to another Ember. When I arrived I found the mansion deserted. Entering by the kitchen, as I had been instructed I heard someone coming down the stairs. I readied myself for danger, thinking it might be an ambush when a man came down wielding twin daggers. He obviously wanted to leave and when I demanded what he was doing tried to bluff himself out. When threatening didn't work he tried to attack me. He managed to slice my bowstring, but I took him down. After tying him up I collected his daggers and went upstairs to find the couple that owned the house murdered, presumably by the intruder. I found their daughter hiding in her room, and after piecing together some clues (which included opening the letter I was given for the murdered nobles) concluded that the girl was the "package" I had been sent to pick up. I took her out of the city with some difficulty and not without being recognized. I passed her off at the Gullet and returned to base.
Recently I have been informed their is warrant out for someone of my description at the capital for the murder of the Swan clan and abduction of their child. Shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as the Emperor doesn't doesn't demand that I be handed over. Outside of the capitol I have protection as a member of the Embers. If it becomes too dangerous the "face taker" has been offered as an option. Hopefully though, it will only come to the occasional bounty hunter out for blood. I expected adventures, but nothing coming close to this.
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ToO Historian
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Post by bookworm »

Excerpt from the journal of Gareth Trevelyan
We were dispatched with a search team to an ancient city some scientists had been excavating. They hadn't been heard from for weeks. It was an eerie setting. The city was massive, winding streets through crumbling buildings long abandoned. We found a camel from the expedition that appeared to have been frightened by something. Perhaps whatever happened hadn't just been an unfortunate accident as we had thought. There might be real trouble here.

Continuing through the city we found the street flooded with murky water. We went around it by a side street rather than trudging through, and discovered the source. A woman was using a pump to apparently drain the basement of one of the houses. She identified herself as Maya, a member of the expedition, and said the rest had gone down into the basement when the sewer had burst (or was burst, we learned later) and it flooded. They had been down there for days, she didn't know if they were even still alive. She couldn't check, obviously, until the water was drained, and the pump had been malfunctioning. I helped get the pump running again, and as we waited for the basement to clear Maya informed us that the expedition was being sabotaged by an invisible figure. Of course it was, why would we have ever thought this was a mere excavating accident? We should know by now our assignments are never that simple. She said she hadn't noticed it since the basement flooded, so it was probably trapped down there along with the others. When the water was drained we headed down, warily.

The group had apparently marked their path, so we followed it. In one of the chambers we were suddenly set upon by the invisible assailant! We tried in vain to attack it, but instead of retaliating it simply left. Very strange. I doubt we scared it off, we had failed to display much ability to combat it, so it apparently left voluntarily. But that doesn't fit with Maya's story of a vicious stalker trying to kill everyone. After the encounter the door to the last chamber apparently sealed, so hopefully there's another way out.

Further on we located Dr. Vimes, alive thank goodness. Perhaps now we can find out the full story of what is happening.
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Oh, my... I leave you alone for one game... Oh gosh, Skid is going to have to get me caught up! I am sorry for missing it guys! I was all set to start them my internet crashed... :boohoo: I have just now restored it!
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ToO Historian
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Post by bookworm »

Search and Rescue, Session 1 of 6
Continued by Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
We need an investigation team. Several researchers set out to hunt down the treasure of ancient Aethantis, and after several weeks with no word the Grand Academy has offered a reward. Discover their fate and rescue any survivors.
19:03 bookworm is now known as Gareth
19:04 Tikvah is now known as Olwen
19:04 <Skid_GMing>: And I wrote the beginning of this mission specifically so that Lightning would have a chance to use his hawk form for something.
19:05 <Gareth>: :(
19:11 <Skid_GMing>: The Grand Academy has posted a reward for anyone who can recover information about the fate of Dr. Villus Vimes and his research team. After months of excavation in the ancient city of Aethlantis, no word has been recieved from them in three weeks. You are being dispatched with a sizable support train (about 10 people) to venture into the desert and look for survivors and hopefully collect the posted reward of 5 Royals.
19:14 <Skid_GMing>: Your starting point is the Great Oasis, and you cross a hundred miles of desert to before you reach the search area on the edge of old Aethantis. It's an ancient crumbling city, it's obsidian towers out of place amidst the sandstone and dunes of the desert. Once home to hundreds of thousands, the desert has driven all but the smallest pockets of animal life from the city.
19:16 <Skid_GMing>: It's time to scout the area. What is your strategy?
19:17 <Olwen>: "I think we should stay together."
19:18 <Gareth>: "I concur. This place could be dangerous."
19:18 <Olwen>: "What do you suggest?"
19:18 <Gareth>: I try to determine the path of the excavation group?
19:18 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll a tracking check.
19:19 <Gareth>: Is that under perception?
19:19 <Olwen>: Can I look too?
19:19 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:19 <Skid_GMing>: And yes.
19:20 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
19:20 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 19
19:20 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
19:20 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 4
19:20 <Olwen>: -_-
19:20 <Olwen>: I do so well on my own.
19:22 <Skid_GMing>: All right. The traces of passage have been all but obliterated by the weather, but you manage to find a well-worn trail leading into the city. You pass jagged masonry and faceless statues as the ruins grow taller around you.
19:22 <Gareth>: "Watch your step."
19:23 <Skid_GMing>: Ahead, you see an animal moving through the ruins. From a distance, it appears to be a pack camel.
19:23 <Olwen>: I look a little closer.
19:24 <Skid_GMing>: It's a pack camel, sickly but skittish. A long tether drags on the ground behind it.
19:24 <Gareth>: "Hmm."
19:25 <Olwen>: I look to see where it came from.
19:25 Penguin joined #Gowers
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Its path winds off deeper into the ruins.
19:25 Penguin is now known as Deimos
19:26 <Gareth>: I slowly approach it.
19:26 <Skid_GMing>: Roll an animal handling check.
19:26 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:26 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 18
19:28 <Skid_GMing>: The camel backs away uncertainly, but you catch its tether and reel it in. The pack on its back is only half loaded, as if the beast bolted as its owner was preparing to leave.
19:29 <Olwen>: "Oh no.."
19:29 <Olwen>: "It's never simple, is it?"
19:29 <Gareth>: I take the tether and check the pack for anything important.
19:29 <Skid_GMing>: The pack itself contains fragments of inscribed stone, carefully wrapped in linen.
19:30 <Gareth>: I try to read them.
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: They're written in old runics that are outside you area of knowledge.
19:31 <Gareth>: I put them in my bag.
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: You're putting 60 lbs of stone tablets in your backpack?
19:31 <Gareth>: You said they were just fragments, I thought like tablets.
19:32 <Gareth>: I take the pack off the camel then.
19:32 <Skid_GMing>: Yes, some of the pieces are small.
19:32 <Skid_GMing>: Why not just... leave them on the camel and take it with you? Your party already has pack animals.
19:32 <Gareth>: It's going to run away?
19:32 <Deimos>: Hold tight to the rope =p
19:33 <Gareth>: I'll probably have to fight something.
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: Well, if you want. How much of the tablets do you want to have though?
19:34 <Gareth>: I want all of them, in case they're important. So I didn't want them on a camel we might lose.
19:34 <Gareth>: If we can integrate it into our group that's fine.
19:34 <Skid_GMing>: Well, some of your group members object to carrying around rocks of indeterminate value.
19:35 <Skid_GMing>: But you can just stick them on one of your camels.
19:35 <Skid_GMing>: So, what next?
19:36 <Gareth>: Some of my group members need a more open mind. These could be vital later on; we don't know whats going on here.
19:36 <Gareth>: I tie the camel into our pack.
19:37 <Gareth>: And continue on the perceived path.
19:37 <Olwen>: I follow.
19:37 <Deimos>: As do I.
19:38 <Skid_GMing>: "Look, we're here to find some bodies and get paid, not carry around the shopping lists of long-dead magicians."
19:38 <Olwen>: "Who are you?"
19:38 <Gareth>: "They may have triggered a trap we need these runes to disarm."
19:39 <Gareth>: "Until we know what the situation is, we can't assume what it isn't."
19:39 <Skid_GMing>: Magical knowledge: Runics are just language, not generally an element of spellcasting. You use gems for that.
19:39 <Gareth>: Doesn't have to be a magical trap.
19:41 <Olwen>: "Let's go, we're wasting daylight."
19:42 <Deimos>: "Agreed"
19:43 <Skid_GMing>: You hear a chuggind sound ahead in the maze, like churning machinery.
19:43 <Olwen>: "Gahhh."
19:43 <Olwen>: "Let's go see what it is."
19:44 <Gareth>: "Carefully."
19:44 <Gareth>: Wait we're in a maze?
19:44 <Olwen>: I head towards the sound. Carefully.
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: Metaphorically. The city planners of Aethantis weren't big on organization.
19:45 <Gareth>: That's what I thought; just making sure.
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: Steathily or just slowly?
19:45 <Olwen>: both.
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll a stealth check.
19:45 <Olwen>: !roll d20
19:45 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 4
19:45 <Olwen>: -_-
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: The engine sound sputters, and stops.
19:46 <Gareth>: "Wha..?"
19:47 <Olwen>: Are we any closer?
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: You're getting closer.
19:47 <Gareth>: Can we tell where this is coming from?
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: Around a couple more turns in the road.
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: The engine sound starts, coughs, chokes, and dies again.
19:49 <Gareth>: I continue forward.
19:49 <Olwen>: I follow.
19:49 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you find the street ahead flooded with water, up to a couple feet deep.
19:50 <Gareth>: Do we see a source for this?
19:50 <Olwen>: "I wonder if it's dangerous."
19:50 <Skid_GMing>: You don't yet see a source for it.
19:50 <Gareth>: "What is this?"
19:51 <Skid_GMing>: The engine sounds resume. The water ripples.
19:51 <Gareth>: Is it moving or standing?
19:52 <Skid_GMing>: The water? It's not flowing anywhere you can see, except draining into the sand.
19:52 <Gareth>: "Do we just trudge through or what?"
19:52 <Olwen>: Is there any way around it?
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, you could take side streets. The water itself is murky and grey, and smells stale.
19:53 <Olwen>: "We should go around."
19:54 <Gareth>: "Probably."
19:54 <Deimos>: "I think so too"
19:54 <Olwen>: I move around the water through a side street.
19:55 <Deimos>: I follow.
19:57 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you circle around and find yourself entering a sort of square area. A wagon sits on one side of it, water pouring from one end and hoses running from it down into basement doorway. A young, sunburnt woman with black hair sits slumped against the wagon. She's surrounded by tools.
19:58 <Olwen>: "Should we speak to her?" I whisper.
19:58 <Gareth>: "Yes."
19:58 <Olwen>: "You go first."
19:58 <Gareth>: Does she look like one of the scientists?
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: You don't know what the scientists look like. She's definitely a mechanic of some sort.
19:59 <Gareth>: This is the voice we had heard yes?
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: You haven't seen her speak since you got a visual on her.
19:59 <Olwen>: Did it sound like a woman?
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:59 <Gareth>: I approach. "Having trouble?"
19:59 <Olwen>: I follow at a distance.
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: The engine dies again, and water stop pouring from it. She looks up, looks at you, and at the machine.
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: "Oh." She seems stunned.
20:01 <Deimos>: I stay behind with Olwen
20:01 <Gareth>: "What are you doing?"
20:01 <Skid_GMing>: "Are you a mage?"
20:01 <Gareth>: How did she ask that?
20:01 <Olwen>: With her mouth?.....
20:01 <Skid_GMing>: By talking to you?
20:01 <Gareth>: The tone :roll:
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: Exausted and desperate.
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: "This thing's almost out of juice. I need a mage."
20:02 <Gareth>: "I am."
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: "THEN CHANNEL SOME JUICE."
20:03 <Gareth>: Do I see where it needs to go?
20:03 <Olwen>: "Can we have your name, by any chance?"
20:04 <Skid_GMing>: Yes, you see the enchantment interface. How much intellect pool do you want to channel into it? Bypasses intellect edge.
20:04 <Skid_GMing>: "Maya. Vimes is down there with Alex and Petra. Might be drowned already. Can't leave the machine to get help."
20:05 <Gareth>: Start with 1 I guess.
20:05 <Skid_GMing>: You channel a little power into the enchantment. Maya pulls a lever, and it kicks back into life.
20:06 <Deimos>: Are Alex and Petra part of Vimes research team?
20:06 <Skid_GMing>: They are.
20:06 <Olwen>: "What are you doing in this city?"
20:07 <Skid_GMing>: "Hunting artifacts. Alex found a way into the old sewers that would bring up right us against one of the old temple vaults."
20:07 <Olwen>: "Do you want help?"
20:07 <Skid_GMing>: "Then something started sabotaging us."
20:08 <Gareth>: "Some-thing?"
20:08 <Skid_GMing>: "Killed Matthias and Juno. Chased off our animals. Cut the hoses twice."
20:09 <Skid_GMing>: "It's invisible. Using powerful magic. Opened a floodgate somewhere."
20:09 <Gareth>: "Right."
20:10 <Skid_GMing>: "Shows up powerful red on deepglow."
20:11 <Skid_GMing>: She points to stakes pounded into the ground at interval around the square. "Surveyors marks. Only way I know when it's sneaking up on me."
20:11 <Olwen>: "Would you like assistance with anything?"
20:12 <Gareth>: "What do you do when it sneaks up on you?"
20:15 <Skid_GMing>: "I go in the water. It doesn't seem to get its feet wet. Messes with the cloaking."
20:15 <Gareth>: "Hmm. Good to know."
20:16 <Skid_GMing>: "And yes, everything. We get the pumps going and maybe we can pull the guys out. They've been down there for days."
20:15 <Olwen>: "Has it left any footprints?"
20:16 <Skid_GMing>: "I... yeah, normal people footprints as far as I can tell. Big ones. I don't know what it wants."
20:18 <Gareth>: "What can we do for you first?"
20:18 <Olwen>: "When did you last see it?"
20:18 <Skid_GMing>: "I haven't seen it since Vimes was trapped."
20:19 <Skid_GMing>: "Put enough juice into that pump that I can get my strength back. I've been draining myself dry recharging that thing. If you've got any clean water with you, I'd appreciate it."
20:20 <Olwen>: How much water do we have with us?
20:20 <Skid_GMing>: Enough to share.
20:20 <Skid_GMing>: Not gonig to be an issue unless something goes wrong.
20:20 <Gareth>: Which it always does.
20:20 <Olwen>: "We have water."
20:22 <Skid_GMing>: "Thank you. I didn't know how much longer I was going to last."
20:23 <Deimos>: Do we know where Vimes is trapped?
20:24 <Skid_GMing>: "He's down in the sewers. Through that flooded basement."
20:24 <Olwen>: "What shall we do first?"
20:25 <Skid_GMing>: "The vault is a few buildings west of here, but the tunnels could go on for miles. I hope he's between here and there."
20:28 <Skid_GMing>: "I told them we had to get out, but Dr. Vimes said he could handle any magic this place could throw at us."
20:29 <Olwen>: "Well we need to get him out, then."
20:31 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes. Can you? I assume you're not a bunch of tourists armed like that."
20:31 <Olwen>: "We're from the Ember Patrol."
20:31 <Gareth>: "We're a search party."
20:32 <Olwen>: "Sent to find you."
20:32 <Skid_GMing>: "Well. Congratulations."
20:33 <Skid_GMing>: So...
20:33 <Gareth>: We're waiting on you... :p
20:34 <Olwen>: "What do we do first?"
20:34 <Skid_GMing>: You could go look at the basement you need to crawl into, or help her with the machine.
20:34 <Gareth>: I did.
20:34 <Olwen>: I go look at the basement.
20:36 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you go over to the dingy stairway the hoses emerge from. The stairs descend about 20 feet before being submerged in dark water.
20:36 <Skid_GMing>: The water level is creeping slowly downwards.
20:36 <Olwen>: Anything else to see?
20:37 <Skid_GMing>: It's a narrow passageway carved from obsidian.
20:38 <Skid_GMing>: Do you want to enter the water?
20:38 <Olwen>: I look at the water.
20:38 <Olwen>: Does it look special?
20:38 <Skid_GMing>: It's the same silty grey water you saw on the surface.
20:39 <Olwen>: I stick my foot in it.
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: It's wet.
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: And cool.
20:39 <Olwen>: Yay.
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: Like cave water usually is.
20:39 <Olwen>: I rejoin the group.
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: "How's the water level?"
20:39 <Olwen>: "Going down."
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: "How far is it?"
20:40 <Olwen>: "About 20 feet down"
20:40 <Olwen>: "By the way, we found a camel with some stuff on it. Does it belong to you?"
20:40 <Skid_GMing>: "Then you should see the doorway in about 10 minutes if this doesn't die on us."
20:41 <Skid_GMing>: "Oh, yes, it's probably one of the pack beasts."
20:41 <Gareth>: I kick some pebbles around.
20:42 <Deimos>: I just stand there.
20:42 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, wait ten minutes and the water level descends.
20:42 <Olwen>: I check the tunnel again.
20:43 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, the doorway is about half-exposed, leading into complete and soggy darkness.
20:43 <Gareth>: Of course it's darkness.
20:43 <Olwen>: soggy darkness
20:44 <Gareth>: Even better
20:44 <Deimos>: yay
20:45 <Gareth>: "We should get going I guess."
20:45 <Skid_GMing>: Maya stands at the bottom of the steps. "Alex! Dr. Vimes! Petra!" There is no response.
20:45 <Gareth>: I light my lantern.
20:45 <Olwen>: Do we have torches?
20:45 <Olwen>: I light mine.
20:45 <Skid_GMing>: You have your lanterns, as are standard issue.
20:46 <Deimos>: "Let's go then"
20:46 <Gareth>: We go then
20:46 <Olwen>: I start along the tunne.
20:47 <Deimos>: I follow behind
20:47 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, the chamber beyond is about 20 feet one ach side with a vaulted ceiling and broken pottery around the slimy edges. High in the middle of the far wall a jagged hole has been punctured.
20:47 <Skid_GMing>: It's large enough to crawl through.
20:47 <Olwen>: I peer through.
20:48 <Skid_GMing>: It opens at the floor level of a muddy hallway, that runs further than your lights reach both east and west.
20:49 <Gareth>: Do I know any ways to counter invisibility?
20:49 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a magical knowledge check.
20:51 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
20:51 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 10
20:52 <Skid_GMing>: Invisiblity is a true magical oddity that has rarely been captured through spellforging. The best forms are still recognizable by their radiant magical signature, and interrupted by interaction with physical objects.
20:53 <Gareth>: "Choose a side."
20:53 <Skid_GMing>: Perception check for anyone who climbed through.
20:53 <Olwen>: !roll d20 Specialized
20:53 <Dicebot>: Olwen, Specialized: 1
20:53 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
20:53 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 19
20:53 <Olwen>: -_-
20:53 <Olwen>: sorry
20:53 <Gareth>: :p
20:54 Deimos pats Olwen
20:54 <Skid_GMing>: Well, Gareth, you notice "20 M ->" Scrawled high one the wall in chalk. It is pointing east. Also, your badge starts to glow a dim red.
20:55 <Olwen>: "It's coming."
20:55 <Deimos>: =o
20:55 <Gareth>: "How are we going to take this thing?"
20:56 <Olwen>: We could throw sand at it.
20:56 <Olwen>: You should have picked some up last mission.
20:56 <Gareth>: Yeah
20:57 <Olwen>: Skid was on to something.
20:57 <Olwen>: We need to make it have physical contact.
20:57 <Gareth>: Yeah but how?
20:57 <Gareth>: If we can't see where it starts out from?
20:58 <Deimos>: What is the sand supposed to do?
20:58 <Gareth>: We would see when it hits it
20:58 <Olwen>: "The best forms are still recognizable by their radiant magical signature, and interrupted by interaction with physical objects."
20:59 <Skid_GMing>: Of note: the tunnel you're in is about 5 feet wide and 10 feet tall.
20:59 <Gareth>: So it would run into us.
20:59 <Gareth>: At least we will know when it's there.
20:59 <Olwen>: Or it might stab us.
20:59 <Gareth>: Deimos has armor right?
20:59 <Skid_GMing>: Light armor.
21:00 <Deimos>: This is true.
21:01 <Skid_GMing>: The red is getting neither brighter nor dimmer.
21:01 <Gareth>: We follow the sign.
21:02 <Olwen>: I follow Gareth.
21:02 <Skid_GMing>: All right, you follow the hallway. The red light dims, and disappears.
21:03 <Skid_GMing>: The floor rises slowly, and becomes drier.
21:04 <Gareth>: Continue
21:04 <Skid_GMing>: Roll perception checks.
21:04 <Olwen>: I'm scared.
21:05 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialized
21:05 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialized: 19
21:05 <Olwen>: :D
21:05 <Skid_GMing>: there is a dull "thud" in the hallway behind you.
21:05 <Olwen>: I turn around.
21:06 <Olwen>: How is the badge doing?
21:06 <Skid_GMing>: It's dark. The thud was far away.
21:07 <Olwen>: Anyone else rolling?
21:07 <Gareth>: Anything else to see?
21:07 <Gareth>: You had a pretty perfect success
21:07 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, this is a boring strech of hallway.
21:08 <Olwen>: I continue.
21:09 <Skid_GMing>: Ahead, the tunnel branches into two paths. One large with a vaulted ceiling, the other a passageway that you would need to crouch to move through. There is a slab of stone in a slot over the door, as if waiting to decend into position.
21:10 <Olwen>: "Which way?"
21:10 <Skid_GMing>: The chalk marking point to this lesser door with "30 M ->"
21:11 <Skid_GMing>: Also, the floor here is dry and only slightly dusty.
21:11 <Olwen>: "Smaller door it is."
21:11 <Deimos>: "Right."
21:11 <Olwen>: I go through the small door.
21:12 <Deimos>: I follow.
21:13 <Skid_GMing>: You duck under the slab and creep forwards through the low, musty passageway. It twists in several places, branching off, but a path is always marked by the chalk drawings. Suddenly, all of your badges flare red.
21:14 <Olwen>: Do we see anything?
21:14 <Skid_GMing>: You see empty tunnels, and hear your own breathing.
21:14 <Gareth>: I fire plasma forward.
21:15 <Olwen>: I throw an onion backwards.
21:15 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, your bolt of plasma flies down the passage and fizzles against the far wall.
21:16 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen, your onion flies down the passage... and is suddenly and violently deflected into the floor.
21:16 <Gareth>: I fire plasma
21:16 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, magical knowledge check.
21:16 <Gareth>: Ah
21:16 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
21:16 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 2
21:16 <Olwen>: I ready my bow.
21:16 <Skid_GMing>: Your badge's hue shifted color slightly when that happened.
21:17 <Gareth>: I fire plasma
21:17 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll for it.
21:17 <Gareth>: Glad I used all my good rolls on looking around and petting camels
21:17 <Gareth>: !roll d20
21:17 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 3
21:17 <Olwen>: Yup.
21:17 <Gareth>: Yeah
21:17 <Skid_GMing>: You get a wall fizzle.
21:17 <Olwen>: I fire an arrow.
21:17 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
21:18 <Olwen>: !roll d20 trained archery 1 effort to accuracy
21:18 <Dicebot>: Olwen, trained archery 1 effort to accuracy: 8
21:19 <Skid_GMing>: The arrow's course turns slightly as it flies and it skitters along the floor.
21:19 <Skid_GMing>: The red glow fades.
21:19 <Deimos>: What does the hue change mean? =o
21:20 <Gareth>: We don't know, I failed to recollect.
21:20 <Skid_GMing>: The hue change is repeated every time a projectile is deflected.
21:20 <Olwen>: I go get my onion.
21:20 <Skid_GMing>: Your onion is bruised.
21:20 <Olwen>: I knew I'd have a use for it.
21:20 <Gareth>: "Why didn't it attack?..."
21:21 <Skid_GMing>: You hear the dry crash of masonry slamming into place.
21:22 <Olwen>: "..and we're locked in."
21:22 <Deimos>: "great."
21:22 <Gareth>: "Well we weren't going that way."
21:23 <Skid_GMing>: Somewhere up ahead, distorted voices echo off the walls.
21:23 <Olwen>: I continue.
21:23 <Deimos>: I do so as well
21:25 <Skid_GMing>: You continue creeping, the voices growing louder.
21:25 <Skid_GMing>: "Hello?"
21:25 <Olwen>: I continue.
21:26 <Skid_GMing>: You notice a new magical signature on your badge,: sky blue.
21:26 <Olwen>: I keep going.
21:26 <Skid_GMing>: "It's coming again! Get ready!"
21:27 <Gareth>: "We're a rescue party!"
21:27 <Skid_GMing>: "You're, OH FINALLY."
21:27 <Olwen>: "What?"
21:27 <Gareth>: "Doctor Vimes?"
21:27 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes, it is I."
21:27 <Skid_GMing>: "Is the passage clear?"
21:28 <Olwen>: "Of water."
21:28 <Gareth>: "Yes. And blocked."
21:28 <Skid_GMing>: You emerge into a large room, or rather an empty tank. There are flootholds carved in one wall.
21:29 <Olwen>: Anything there?
21:29 <Olwen>: [I have to go really soon.]
21:30 <Deimos>: [I as well =|]
21:30 <Skid_GMing>: The tank itself is empty, but above its upper rim a hawk-like face with enormous shaggy eyebrows peers down at you.
21:30 <Skid_GMing>: Well, we can break here then.
21:31 <Olwen>: OK.
21:31 <Skid_GMing>: You each get 2 XP for participation.
21:31 <Olwen>: :D
21:31 <Deimos>: Yay!
21:32 <Skid_GMing>: And then next time we can pick up with exploring the temple proper.
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Post by Skid »

Okay, XP stuff. Tikvah gains 1 XP for her side mission journal post. Penguin, bookworm, and Tikvah earn 2 XP for participation in the Saturday session. Bookworm earns 1 XP for a journal entry.

-- Sat May 23, 2015 10:25 am --

Side mission with bookworm and Woody's rookie mission.

After only two days on the road the killer of the Swan clan appears to reclaim their daughter, but is defeated and captured by Gareth and Leviticus. He will be taken to Dawn Fortress for questioning, and Lillian will continue on her journey to Cairnport. Loot from the encounter: 50 nobles from the bounty purse, 3 smoke bombs, 1 flashbang grenade, a fancy hat, and 2 horses. You'll have to decide how to divide it up.

You gain 3 XP each for a brutally tough boss fight, and 20 Nobles each for combat pay.
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Post by bookworm »

Side Mission, Gareth and Levi: Package Protection
Continued from Package Collection
Takes place between the Sandstorm Attack and the Search and Rescue mission
17:33 Woody is now known as Leviticus
17:51 <bookworm>: Is this continuing the package story?
17:51 <Skid>: Yes, you'll be picking up at the Gullet waystation and heading for Great Oasis with Lillian in tow.
17:52 <bookworm>: How does that work in context? Why would we be taking legs of this assignment individually instead of just doing it all as a group start to end?
17:57 <bookworm>: That is to say, why would I specifically be given a leg of this. As a member of Olwen's team it seems odd she would start and then pass to me. (I know she doesn't know who is picking up next, but it seems strange choices for whoever is orchestrating this behind the scenes.)
18:01 <Skid>: It was supposed to be a low risk escort mission, originally. And since anyone hunting you guys is looking for Olwen, it's kinda important to swap out.
18:02 <Skid>: You're being speficially picked... because you happened to be around.
18:03 <bookworm>: Yeah I get breaking it up, I'm more confused by who it was broken up by. Like I said, just trading among team members. Oh unless we're trading out *because* we're team members?
18:03 <bookworm>: Just passing it down the line because the escort should keep changing?
18:05 <Skid>: Yes.
18:05 <bookworm>: Okay that works. I initially thought this was a secret assignment she got on the side.
18:06 <Skid>: You guys regularly escort caravans and other travellers along this route.
18:06 <Skid>: The firt part of the missinos was covert since it was outside your jurisdiction.
18:06 <bookworm>: Ok I'm ready to go; I guess
18:06 <bookworm>: Nervous to be on my own. Don't kill me!
18:07 <Leviticus>: We could do this mission together
18:07 <Skid>: Also true.
18:07 <Skid>: If you want some extra firepower.
18:07 <Leviticus>: If you like, bookworm
18:07 <bookworm>: When is this taking place in our chronology? After our current group mission concludes?
18:07 <Skid>: Some time before, I think.
18:08 <bookworm>: Directly after Olwen's leg right?
18:08 <Skid>: Yes.
18:08 <bookworm>: Which was before this Search and Rescue; Got it
18:08 <Skid>: So this is between crazy tree and search and rescue.
18:09 <Leviticus>: This could be the mission that makes me join the Embers
18:11 <bookworm>: We met Levi back after the first mission. I think it would be better if he went and joined up shortly after that, to give him sufficient time to get trained and assigned to meet back up with us (coming in next session on the search) so if he's coming along here I think we're past being an additional experience that prompts him to Ember up, I think he's already in and this is his final evaluation or something?
18:12 <bookworm>: And the reason he missed the original search session was he was just off doing something else, with Ezra; he'll come in for part two as we enter the temple or whatever.
18:14 <bookworm>: Is this acceptable in the canon?
18:14 <Skid>: Yes.
18:15 <Skid>: So Levi has been paired with you for this easy mission as a semi-rookie.
18:15 <bookworm>: Right great
18:24 bookworm is now known as Gareth
18:25 Skid is now known as Skid-GMing
18:26 Penguin joined #Gowers
18:26 <Skid-GMing>: Then let's get this on the road.
18:26 <Skid-GMing>: ...if penguin joins I'm just going to send all the ninjas after you.
18:26 <Gareth>: No
18:27 <Penguin>: D=
18:27 <Gareth>: This is my mission!
18:27 <Skid-GMing>: =p
18:27 <Gareth>: He gets the next leg
18:27 <Skid-GMing>: All right.
18:27 <Penguin>: Oh I see =p
18:27 <Gareth>: If there is one
18:27 <Skid-GMing>: If you don't all die, there should be.
18:27 <Gareth>: Levi is just here cause he's new
18:27 <Penguin>: I was just making sure this wasn't an actual mission.
18:31 <Skid-GMing>: All right. You guys finish an unrelated and uneventful caravan escort and arrive at The Gullet waystation, a small walled Ember Parol compound on the shores of The Gullet itself. All the water of the Karst River stops here, sinking into the sand and descending to subterranean channels that suck the moisture from the desert.
18:32 <Skid-GMing>: You find the station clerk, an old, leather-faced woman with ramshackle teeth.
18:32 <Skid-GMing>: "Hail younguns, you here for your next assignment?"
18:33 <Gareth>: Have we been told by Olwen what's going on here yet, or are we thrown right into this and compare notes later?
18:33 <Leviticus>: "Indeed, ma'am"
18:33 <Skid-GMing>: You don't know anything from Olwen yet.
18:33 <Gareth>: Got it
18:33 <Gareth>: "We are."
18:34 <Skid-GMing>: "Well, the last caravan headed south was Fortend Company, so they had their own guards. There's a girl here though. Olwen says she's headed south."
18:34 <Leviticus>: "That's who we're looking for"
18:35 <Skid-GMing>: "She's over in the canteen, poor thing. Take good care of her, you hear?"
18:36 <Gareth>: "What is the final destination?"
18:36 <Skid-GMing>: "Cairnport. Has some family down there."
18:37 <Gareth>: "Very well; thank you."
18:37 <Gareth>: I go to the girl.
18:37 <Leviticus>: I follow
18:39 <Skid-GMing>: All right, you find the girl. She's sitting alone at one of the rough canteen tables, eating cookies and looking downcast. Her hood is pulled low over her face, and what little is exposed is badly sunburnt.
18:39 <Gareth>: How old is she?
18:39 <Skid-GMing>: Roughly 12-ish, guessing by height.
18:40 <Gareth>: I approach gently. "Hello."
18:41 <Skid-GMing>: She looks up, and her hood falls back, revealing sandy yellow hair. "Hi."
18:41 <Gareth>: "We're here to help you get to Cairnport."
18:42 <Skid-GMing>: "Okay." She drags herself from the bench and stands up, gathering her remaining cookies into a pocket.
18:43 <Gareth>: "I'm Gareth, and this is my friend Levi."
18:43 <Leviticus>: "Hello" Levi waves
18:43 <Skid-GMing>: "I... I'm Lillian."
18:43 <Leviticus>: "Nice to meet you, Lillian."
18:43 <Skid-GMing>: Oh, do you have your wolf along on this mission?
18:44 <Leviticus>: Thinking no?
18:44 <Leviticus>: But maybe as it is a trek, I should?
18:44 <Skid-GMing>: It seems like a viable option.
18:44 <Gareth>: I'd say no if we're supposed to be inconspicuous
18:44 <Gareth>: Are we supposed to be?
18:44 <Skid-GMing>: Having a scary dog isn't particularly unusual out here.
18:44 <Skid-GMing>: That's up to you.
18:44 <Gareth>: Were we told to be?
18:45 <Skid-GMing>: Not yet.
18:45 <Gareth>: Up to Levi then
18:45 <Leviticus>: Numbers comes
18:45 <Skid-GMing>: "Are you here to keep me safe from the assassins?"
18:45 <Gareth>: "..."
18:46 <Gareth>: I look at Levi.
18:46 <Gareth>: "We're here to keep you safe on the journey."
18:46 <Skid-GMing>: "You're not assassins, are you? Let me see your badges."
18:47 <Gareth>: I show my badge.
18:47 <Leviticus>: "Of course not" Levi shows Lillian his badge
18:47 <Gareth>: "You're smart to check."
18:48 <Skid-GMing>: "We don't have to walk again, do we?"
18:48 <Gareth>: OOC: Do we? (Story wise)
18:49 <Skid-GMing>: You could pull a camel for the mission.
18:49 <Gareth>: OOC to Woody: Think we should do that?
18:50 <Leviticus>: OOC: Yes
18:50 <Gareth>: "I'll see if I can arrange something."
18:50 <Gareth>: I see about getting a camel.
18:50 <Skid-GMing>: Okay, you arrange for a pack animal.
18:50 <Leviticus>: OOC: The camel can carry her to a safe distance should we be attacked
18:50 <Skid-GMing>: You could have this discussion in character...
18:51 <Leviticus>: True =P
18:51 <Gareth>: I didn't want his character's thoughts I wanted his as a player ;)
18:51 <Gareth>: We set off, if there's nothing else to attend to here
18:52 <Skid-GMing>: Lillian seems relieved.
18:52 <Skid-GMing>: You lift her onto the camel and set out.
18:52 <Gareth>: "Have you been traveling long already?"
18:53 <Skid-GMing>: "Almost a week."
18:53 <Leviticus>: "Why are assassins after you?"
18:53 <Skid-GMing>: "Daddy said he had made the emperor's friends angry."
18:53 <Skid-GMing>: "But he hadn't done anything wrong, so they couldn't put him in jail, but I needed to go away to be sure for a while."
18:53 <Skid-GMing>: Okay, are you following the main highway, or travelling off on an overland route?
18:54 <Gareth>: Which is faster/easier
18:54 <Skid-GMing>: The main highway is quite a bit faster and easier. But far more public.
18:54 <Gareth>: The other would be less assassin accessable?
18:55 <Skid-GMing>: It would keep them from asking around for your location, but might make your physical trail more obvious.
18:56 <Leviticus>: The main highway would likely be safer
18:56 <Leviticus>: As assassins can't do their work in public
18:57 <Gareth>: And faster seems better
18:57 <Gareth>: At the moment
18:58 <Skid-GMing>: All right. You set out along the Imperial Highway. Perception checks.
18:58 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
18:58 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 4
18:59 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
18:59 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 2
18:59 <Leviticus>: xD
18:59 <Leviticus>: Wooooow
19:00 <Skid-GMing>: You see the normal highway traffic as you wind through the dunes for your first day. Heavily loaded caravans, pilgrims, and assorted travellers. Most don't give a second look to your little party.
19:00 <Leviticus>: Good
19:01 <Skid-GMing>: That night, Numbers growls at something lurking outside the camp.
19:01 <Leviticus>: Leviticus reaches for his sword
19:01 <Skid-GMing>: All right.
19:02 <Gareth>: I investigate.
19:02 <Skid-GMing>: How do you investigate?
19:03 <Gareth>: How far outside camp?
19:03 <Skid-GMing>: You're not sure. There are low dunes in every direction, but Numbers hasn't left Levi's side.
19:04 <Gareth>: Can I tell what direction he thinks something is?
19:04 <Skid-GMing>: Yes.
19:04 <Skid-GMing>: It's vaguely northwest.
19:04 <Leviticus>: I follow Gareth
19:04 <Skid-GMing>: There's very little light, and only a sliver of moon.
19:04 <Gareth>: I motion for Levi to stay with the girl.
19:05 <Leviticus>: I obey
19:05 <Skid-GMing>: She wakes up and sits bolt upright. "What's going on?"
19:05 <Gareth>: Do we have a fire going or anything?
19:05 <Skid-GMing>: That's up to you.
19:05 <Skid-GMing>: Did you light a fire?
19:06 <Gareth>: I think we had a small campfire probably
19:06 <Leviticus>: "Stay calm" Levi says. "It may be nothing"
19:06 <Skid-GMing>: Okay, you have a small campfire. It's burnt low.
19:06 <Gareth>: I take a branch from it to use as a torch and approach the suspect dune.
19:06 <Skid-GMing>: Okay, roll a perception check.
19:07 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
19:07 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 10
19:08 <Skid-GMing>: You hear shuffling sand as something retreats into the darkness, and eventually reach footprints 40 feet outside the edge of the firelight.
19:08 <Gareth>: I follow the prints for about 100 feet.
19:08 <Skid-GMing>: Roll a tracking check.
19:10 <Gareth>: Just one pair of prints?
19:10 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:10 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 4
19:11 <Skid-GMing>: Just one set of tracks that you can see. They spent some time watching your camp and moving about before running off.
19:12 <Gareth>: Have I followed them out?
19:13 <Skid-GMing>: You can follow their tracks as they go.
19:13 <Gareth>: I just want to check them back to about 100ft from camp.
19:14 <Skid-GMing>: They go more than 100 feet out.
19:14 <Gareth>: No one is there?
19:15 <Skid-GMing>: They haven't stopped at 100 ft, if that's what you mean.
19:15 <Leviticus>: Anything happening on my end?
19:15 <Skid-GMing>: Lillian is looking worried.
19:15 <Gareth>: No I know the tracks continue, but I haven't crossed their maker right?
19:15 <Skid-GMing>: You have not.
19:15 <Gareth>: I return to camp.
19:15 <Skid-GMing>: You could hypothetically run them down, maybe?
19:15 <Gareth>: I don't care about catching them just now, I'm satisfied if they're not lurking around anymore.
19:16 <Skid-GMing>: Okay, you return to camp.
19:16 <Skid-GMing>: "What was it?" Lillian asks.
19:17 <Gareth>: "It's alright, there was no one there." I add quietly to Levi "Anymore."
19:18 <Leviticus>: "I'll stay up and keep watch" I whisper
19:18 <Skid-GMing>: After a few minutes Numbers gives up on growling, but keeps looking out over the desert.
19:19 <Skid-GMing>: The rest of the night stretches on as long vigil, until dawn appears on the horizon.
19:19 <Gareth>: We continue on.
19:20 <Skid-GMing>: The wind picks up, blowing a dusting of sand across the dunes, obliterating tracks.
19:21 <Skid-GMing>: Your journey continues, and you find that the winds has stripped the sand away from the terrain ahead, exposing rock and low canyons.
19:22 <Gareth>: Which direction are we traveling in relation to the way the tracks retreated?
19:22 <Skid-GMing>: Perpendicular. They probably dashed off into the desert before circling around to where they intended to go.
19:22 <Skid-GMing>: You have the option of travelling on the ridges for better visiblity, or in the canyons for better stealth.
19:23 <Leviticus>: Your call, Gareth
19:23 <Gareth>: Ridge. If they know we're here they know; we need to know if someone else is.
19:24 <Leviticus>: I like your logic
19:24 <Skid-GMing>: Your group moves along the ridge. Perception checks.
19:25 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
19:25 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 19
19:25 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
19:25 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 18
19:27 <Skid-GMing>: You see the usual caravans again, spread out as they pick their way through the rough terrain. After a couple hours you see something dark persistently slipping from rock to rock a few hundred feet to your left.
19:27 <Gareth>: What does it look like?
19:27 <Leviticus>: I stop our party to see if the shadow will stop as well
19:28 <Skid-GMing>: It's hard to tell. After a few minutes of observation, definitely man-sized.
19:29 <Skid-GMing>: It disappears behind a ridge and you don't see it again.
19:29 <Leviticus>: We continue
19:30 <Skid-GMing>: It begins following again.
19:30 <Skid-GMing>: A second shape appears, moving along your other side, about the same distance.
19:30 <Gareth>: So to our left and right?
19:30 <Leviticus>: I whisper to Gareth "What do we do?"
19:31 <Skid-GMing>: Yes.
19:31 <Gareth>: How far our can we see in all directions?
19:31 <Skid-GMing>: To the horizon, but the canyons and low blowing sand leaves several blind spots.
19:32 <Gareth>: Are there any others coming? Either from new directions or to backup these ones?
19:33 <Skid-GMing>: Perception check.
19:33 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
19:33 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 18
19:33 <Skid-GMing>: There are several caravans off in the distance, but behind you you notice three riders, approaching with some intent.
19:34 <Gareth>: Three riders coming behind, one person on foot to each side?
19:34 <Skid-GMing>: Yes.
19:34 <Gareth>: And what distance out were they? Each
19:35 <Skid-GMing>: All at about 300 feet distant for the side ones, the riders are still a mile off.
19:35 <Gareth>: "Keep moving for now."
19:36 <Skid-GMing>: You keep moving.
19:36 <Gareth>: "You're the heavy hitter; if one of these," I motion to the sides, "come up on us you take them. If the riders catch up, I have an idea how to handle them."
19:36 <Leviticus>: "We have to get the girl somewhere safe. We can't have her in the thick of battle"
19:36 <Leviticus>: I have to go >_>
* Intermission *
15:57 <Gareth>: Previously, on Ember Patrol: Our heroes were being surrounded by unknown parties; one figure on foot to each side and three riders following behind.
15:58 <Skid_GMing>: Indeed. You're in a region marked by a maze of small canyons, travelling along one of the ridges between them.
15:59 <Gareth>: The riders were still a ways back, the figures were closer, correct?
15:59 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. you've got about 300 ft clear to your sides and a mile on the riders.
15:59 <Gareth>: Are they moving to close in on us or just tagging alongside?
16:00 <Skid_GMing>: They haven't made a move yet, but the one on your left is drifting in and doesn't seem to be concealing himself anymore.
16:00 <Gareth>: What are the riders riding?
16:00 <Skid_GMing>: Impossible to tell for sure at this range. Probably horses.
16:01 <Gareth>: We continue on for now.
16:01 <Gareth>: "Watch this one."
16:01 <Leviticus>: Leviticus watches the approaching figure on the left
16:01 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, unless you move away from him or do something else, the one closing will reach 100 feet... about now.
16:02 <Gareth>: "See what he wants. I'll guard the girl."
16:02 <Leviticus>: "Plasma him?" I whisper
16:02 <Gareth>: "Might not be a foe."
16:02 <Leviticus>: I approach the stranger. "Can I help you?"
16:02 <Skid_GMing>: He raises a bow.
16:02 <Gareth>: I plasma him
16:03 <Skid_GMing>: "Hand over the--"
16:03 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:03 <Gareth>: !roll d20
16:03 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 12
16:04 <Skid_GMing>: You catch him mid draw and shoot lightning through his body. He lurches and then dives for the cover of a canyon, disappearing from view.
16:05 <Skid_GMing>: And your turn again.
16:05 <Gareth>: What is the other doing?
16:05 <Skid_GMing>: He's disappeared.
16:06 <Leviticus>: I leave Gareth to guard the girl and follow the assassin into the canyon
16:06 <Gareth>: We continue on while he pursues.
16:06 <Skid_GMing>: All right. You run forward and look over the edge. Roll a perception check.
16:06 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:06 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 4
16:07 <Leviticus>: xP
16:07 <Skid_GMing>: You don't see where the assassin went.
16:07 <Leviticus>: I return to the caravan
16:08 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll wilderness navigation checks.
16:08 <Gareth>: !roll d20
16:08 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 15
16:08 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained wilderness knowledge
16:08 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained wilderness knowledge: 6
16:09 <Skid_GMing>: A canyon is obstructing your path forwards. To move ahead you will either need to descend into it, or divert your path significantly to the right.
16:09 <Skid_GMing>: It's the same canyon the assassin dived into.
16:09 <Leviticus>: Your call again, Gareth
16:10 <Leviticus>: Though it seems to me the canyon may be a trap
16:11 <Skid_GMing>: It's winding, about 15 feet deep, the same across, and you do have a fairly safe descent path into it. The bottom is wind-smoothed sandstone.
16:11 <Gareth>: Is one or the other going to make the trek significantly longer?
16:12 <Skid_GMing>: You mean the trip of several days to Great Oasis?
16:13 <Gareth>: Of getting back on the highway here, to continue
16:13 <Skid_GMing>: The highway itself normally relies on this area being covered in deeper sand. The canyons are unmapped.
16:14 <Skid_GMing>: An hour or two added to your day's travel, at worst.
16:14 <Gareth>: "I feel we should stay above, where we have visibility of ambush attempts. I don't want to become cornered in the canyon."
16:14 <Leviticus>: "Agreed"
16:15 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. The assassin to your right fires an arrow at your party, narrowly missing your camel.
16:15 <Gareth>: I thought he left
16:15 <Skid_GMing>: He took cover. He didn't vanish into thin air.
16:15 <Leviticus>: Is he still at 300 feet?
16:15 <Gareth>: How close is he?
16:16 <Skid_GMing>: He's about 300 feet away still, well beyond the range he can fire accurately.
16:16 <Leviticus>: (The one on the left was the one that hid)
16:16 <Skid_GMing>: They're assassins. Stealth is kinda their thing.
16:17 <Gareth>: He went in the canyon, I asked what the other did, Skid said we didn't see him anymore
16:17 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:17 <Leviticus>: "I suggest we get Lillian off the camel. She's an easier target up there."
16:17 <Gareth>: "Yes."
16:17 <Leviticus>: I help Lillian down from the camel
16:18 <Leviticus>: (I assume she knows by now that we are being attacked?)
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: Another arrow plinks harmlessly into the sand.
16:18 <Gareth>: I shield her. "Go take care of him."
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. She huddles behind you and tries to make herself as small as possible.
16:18 <Leviticus>: I approach the assassin
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: The guy 300 feet away?
16:18 <Leviticus>: Yes
16:19 <Gareth>: We continue on while keeping the protective stance while Levi goes ahead
16:19 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, Roll a run check.
16:19 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:19 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 19
16:20 <Skid_GMing>: You /cover ground/. Make a speed defense roll as his focus switches from shooting at the camel to shooting at you.
16:20 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:20 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 4
16:20 <Leviticus>: I have armor
16:21 <Skid_GMing>: An arrow strikes you, dealing 4 might damage. (reduced by armor) You're now 50 feet away from the assassin.
16:21 <Gareth>: Reduced to what?
16:21 <Leviticus>: (2 weight, 2 defense, reducing the blow to 2 damage?)
16:21 <Skid_GMing>: Correct.
16:22 <Gareth>: Nice
16:22 <Leviticus>: Braced defense, then
16:22 <Gareth>: You can't move while doing that. Just charge him! You have a heavy weapon.
16:22 <Leviticus>: Okay. I charge.
16:23 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained swordsmanship
16:23 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained swordsmanship: 9
16:23 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you close the remaining gap with your continued run.
16:24 <Leviticus>: I attack.
16:24 <Skid_GMing>: The assassin fires off another shot and then drops his bow.
16:24 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:24 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 14
16:24 <Skid_GMing>: Make a dodge roll first.
16:24 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 dodge
16:24 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, dodge: 20
16:24 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you bat away the arrow and close in for the kill. Cinematic action?
16:25 <Leviticus>: I cut off his head
16:25 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:25 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:25 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 3
16:25 <Gareth>: That will be nice for the kid to see
16:26 <Leviticus>: (She saw her parents murdered, this can't be any worse)
16:26 <Leviticus>: (Plus, I'm 300 feet away, and probably hidden)
16:26 <Skid_GMing>: Well, you fail to hit with your initial attack, but now you get your actual turn.
16:26 <Gareth>: It's not worse, but that doesn't mean it's not an issue.
16:26 <Leviticus>: I attack
16:26 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:26 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 7
16:27 <Leviticus>: *trained
16:27 <Skid_GMing>: Still a miss. The assassin draws a wicked pair of blades and parries, then lunges in for his own strike, searching for a weak point in your armor.
16:28 <Skid_GMing>: Dodge.
16:28 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:28 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 12
16:28 <Skid_GMing>: His strike is fruitless, meeting nothing but steel.
16:28 <Leviticus>: I attack again
16:28 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
16:28 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 14
16:29 <Skid_GMing>: You cleave through his flimsy cloak, dealing 6 damage.
16:29 <Skid_GMing>: He recoils and strikes again. Dodge.
16:30 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, perception check.
16:30 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:30 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 13
16:30 <Skid_GMing>: You're in the clear. His fading strength allows you to evade his blades.
16:30 <Skid_GMing>: Your turn.
16:30 <Leviticus>: Will this be a fatal blow?
16:31 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained perception
16:31 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained perception: 8
16:32 <Skid_GMing>: It could very well be fatal.
16:32 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, you see the left assassin pop up over the canyon wall, 40 feet away, sinister blades in both hands.
16:32 <Gareth>: Ahead?
16:32 <Skid_GMing>: To your left, where the canyon is nearest.
16:32 <Leviticus>: I attack again
16:32 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
16:32 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 8
16:33 <Gareth>: I fire plasma
16:33 <Skid_GMing>: Okay Gareth, roll.
16:33 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort to hit
16:33 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort to hit: 16
16:34 <Skid_GMing>: He tumbles but rushes forwards with unnatural speed, throwing a knife at you.
16:34 <Gareth>: I hit him though?
16:34 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:34 <Gareth>: Good
16:35 <Leviticus>: And my roll?
16:35 <Skid_GMing>: You do need to dodge though.
16:35 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized dodging
16:35 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized dodging: 14
16:35 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth: you're good.
16:35 <Skid_GMing>: Leviticus: you miss. Your assassin drops a smoke bomb and you are engulfed in choking blackness.
16:35 <Leviticus>: Braced defense
16:36 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, Gareth: your turn.
16:37 <Gareth>: If I advance to the guy, accuracy becomes a nonissue?
16:37 <Skid_GMing>: No, you'll still have to deal with him dodging and moving around.
16:37 <Skid_GMing>: If you stuck him in a grapple I suppose you could electrocute him directly.
16:38 <Leviticus>: There is also the issue of leaving the girl to advance
16:38 <Gareth>: Not really, we're close enough for the movement to be part of my action I believe.
16:38 <Skid_GMing>: You are.
16:39 <Gareth>: It doesn't become easier at all with less distance? You said in the rules thread something like effort can be put to damage rather than accuracy when you're fairly certain an attack will land. When are we fairly certain of that?
16:41 <Skid_GMing>: When you have enough skill or assets to be sure of landing the attack.
16:41 <Skid_GMing>: Or when you want to gamble.
16:41 <Gareth>: So never. Because even if you're specialized you could roll a 1
16:41 <Skid_GMing>: Or if the enemy is immobilized or pinned in a way that keeps them from evading.
16:41 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:42 <Skid_GMing>: Combat is never a sure thing.
16:42 <Gareth>: Ok just making sure I wasn't missing something
16:42 <Gareth>: How close is he now and what is he doing? (On his feet? Stumbling?)
16:43 <Skid_GMing>: 10 feet away, just having thrown a knife.
16:43 <Gareth>: I use force push.
16:43 <Skid_GMing>: From what you know about being hit by lightning, he can't be in good shape.
16:43 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, roll for it.
16:45 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort to accuracy
16:45 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort to accuracy: 15
16:45 <Skid_GMing>: He is thrown backwards, crashing down 30 feet away.
16:46 <Skid_GMing>: Throwing him will buy you two turns. He has to get up and then close the gap.
16:47 <Skid_GMing>: Levi: blades slash out at you through the smoke, glancing harmlessly off your inpenetrables defenses. Your turn.
16:50 <Leviticus>: Will attacking break my defense?
16:50 <Skid_GMing>: No.
16:51 <Leviticus>: How many turns until the smoke clears?
16:51 <Skid_GMing>: There's a pretty good wind. Probably soon.
16:51 <Leviticus>: Okay. I attack in the direction of the blades.
16:52 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:52 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 15
16:52 <Skid_GMing>: Your attack would be good... if the assassin was there.
16:53 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth's ninja's turn. He scrambles to his feet. Gareth, go.
16:53 <Gareth>: I plasma the thrown guy
16:54 <Skid_GMing>: Roll it.
16:54 <Gareth>: !roll d20
16:54 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 3
16:55 <Skid_GMing>: He's quick enough to slide out of the way.
16:55 <Skid_GMing>: Levi, the smoke begins to clear and you see the assassin, circling around to strike at you from behind. Roll a dodge.
16:56 <Leviticus>: His attack can penetrate my defense now?
16:57 <Skid_GMing>: Have they so far?
16:58 <Leviticus>: <Skid_GMing> Levi: blades slash out at you through the smoke, glancing harmlessly off your inpenetrables defenses.
16:58 <Skid_GMing>: Roll the dodge already.
17:00 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
17:00 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 18
17:00 <Skid_GMing>: He rushes at you, attempting to knock you from your feet. You catch him with a boot to gut. Your turn.
17:01 <Leviticus>: I attack
17:01 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
17:01 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 19
17:01 <Leviticus>: *trained, not that it matters
17:02 <Skid_GMing>: It does matter.
17:02 <Skid_GMing>: And you get that decapitation you were looking for.
17:02 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a perception check.
17:02 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
17:02 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 3
17:03 <Skid_GMing>: Well, nothing to be gained there.
17:03 <Skid_GMing>: You stand over the corpse of the assassin. Back to you, Gareth.
17:04 <Gareth>: It's the ninja's turn first I think?
17:04 <Skid_GMing>: Your assassin hesitates, and then flees back to the edge of the canyon, dropping out of sight.
17:04 <Gareth>: Oh but I still have one turn from the throw?
17:04 <Gareth>: Oh okay then
17:05 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, until he tried to attack you. But he decided to escape with his life instead.
17:05 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a perception check.
17:05 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
17:05 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 1
17:05 Skid_GMing throws up his hands.
17:06 <Skid_GMing>: You turn around just in time to see the three riders bearing down on you. If you're lucky, Levi will be able to return just as they reach your position. They're heavily armed. Two wield swords, and the third holds a huge axe.
17:07 <Gareth>: Whaaat
17:07 <Leviticus>: I return to Gareth immediately
17:07 <Skid_GMing>: You guys just kept flubbing perception rolls the whole time you were fighting.
17:08 <Skid_GMing>: Also, they're on horses.
17:08 <Gareth>: The girl is dead, we're dead, and the next two side missions are precluded from taking place
17:08 <Gareth>: Yay
17:08 <Leviticus>: =P
17:09 <Gareth>: Noticing them earlier wouldn't have changed anything, we still were engaged in battle
17:09 <Skid_GMing>: To clarify your terrain again: you've got about 3 turns before they reach you. You're 50 feet away from a canyon, and 300 away from Levi.
17:10 <Skid_GMing>: And you have a camel.
17:10 <Leviticus>: Use the camel as a shield
17:10 <Gareth>: Is any of this information supposed to help us?
17:10 <Skid_GMing>: It could.
17:10 <Gareth>: I have no idea what to do that gives us any chance of survival
17:11 <Leviticus>: We move out of the way, and they charge into the canyon and die =D
17:11 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you each just crushed an assassin without taking any noticable damage.
17:12 <Gareth>: By using about half my Int points. I can't do that three more times.
17:12 <Skid_GMing>: Were you using effort?
17:12 <Gareth>: Yes
17:12 <Skid_GMing>: Ah, those times.
17:13 <Gareth>: And three on one is way different, they'll either all attack me, in which I die, or one will get the kid while I'm occupied
17:13 <Gareth>: We're definitely dead either way
17:13 <Leviticus>: Let them charge into the canyon, then we have the advantage
17:14 <Gareth>: We do? By being surrounded by walls?
17:15 <Leviticus>: No. They're charging on horseback. If we move out of the way at the last second, they go barreling into the canyon
17:15 <Leviticus>: That leaves them disoriented and unable to attack for a turn. It evens the scales a bit
17:15 <Gareth>: Oh *into* the canyon. Good thinking, but I doubt they would fall for it
17:16 <Leviticus>: Hmm... Then we hide the girl in the canyon? I sense from Skid that the canyon is important
17:20 <Gareth>: If I slap the camel to send it off can I direct it or would it just run wherever?
17:20 <Skid_GMing>: Make an animal handling roll.
17:20 <Gareth>: !roll d20
17:20 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 16
17:21 <Skid_GMing>: You think you could keep it to a specific direction.
17:22 <Gareth>: I send the camel off toward the riders and lead the girl quickly into the canyon. We want to get to the top of the other side and meet back with Levi.
17:22 <Skid_GMing>: Also, you have the vague recollection that horses are afraid of camels.
17:23 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you dash down the rocky side of the canyon. The fleeing assassin clearly disappeared around one of its curves already.
17:24 <Skid_GMing>: You've got a winding canyon path in either direction, and a 15-foot rough rocky wall on each side. It would be a moderately challenging climb.
17:24 <Skid_GMing>: Levi, what are you doing?
17:25 <Gareth>: He is running back to us.
17:26 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, Going for the canyon or staying above?
17:28 <Leviticus>: Gareth I think I know what to do. We have to seperate them
17:29 <Leviticus>: Send the girl to me. I can protect her better, you'll fight better on your own
17:29 <Skid_GMing>: You'd fight better together, really, but...
17:29 <Leviticus>: Oh?
17:30 <Leviticus>: Can we have some stats on these guys?
17:30 <Skid_GMing>: The leader looks like a tough guy. The two with him? Proabably about the same as the two you just faced.
17:30 <Leviticus>: Ugh. I have to go.
17:32 <Skid_GMing>: At the very worst you could hop out the other side of the canyon and make it a fair foot chase to try to lose them.
17:35 <Skid_GMing>: Other worst case scenario: leave the girl and run away. Return and ambush your attackers later.
17:37 <Gareth>: If we leave the girl why do we need to do anything about the attackers? She's the one they want.
17:37 <Skid_GMing>: Well, yes.
17:37 <Skid_GMing>: What do you think is going to happen if you fight these guys? Levi is going to tank a ton of damage. The mooks will go down in two hits each. The big guy will take three.
17:38 <Skid_GMing>: Well, it'll take a few more hits from you, but still.
17:38 <Skid_GMing>: If you make it up the other side of the canyon you'll have a couple turns of free shooting as they try to climb up.
17:40 <Leviticus>: I agree, this situation is not hopeless
17:40 <Gareth>: How are we supposed to make it up? A kid can't make a moderate climb I thought. They're level 1?
17:40 <Skid_GMing>: You help them.
17:40 <Gareth>: How tall is it?
17:41 <Skid_GMing>: 15 feet. You could just force push her up, though it might hurt a bit.
17:41 <Skid_GMing>: Controlled telekinesis might be worth investing in at some point.
17:41 <Gareth>: Levi is running back?
17:42 <Gareth>: I take the girl to the edge and try getting her up to the other side.
17:42 <Skid_GMing>: Yes, Leviticus, are you running along the top of the canyon or dropping in?
17:42 <Skid_GMing>: And roll a run check in either case.
17:42 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, roll a climb check.
17:42 <Leviticus>: Which is shorter?
17:42 <Skid_GMing>: About the same length.
17:42 <Leviticus>: Then I drop in
17:43 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 run
17:43 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, run: 17
17:43 <Gareth>: !roll d20
17:43 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 8
17:43 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, you manage to drag yourself and Lillian about halfway up. Leviticus, you make it about halfway there.
17:44 <Skid_GMing>: Horses shriek in the distance, and you hear someone cursing.
17:44 <Gareth>: "Listen to me Lillian. When you get to the top, run. Not too far, stay in sight, but get away from the canyon."
17:45 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. Going to complete the climb and run, I assume?
17:45 <Leviticus>: I continue running
17:45 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 run
17:45 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, run: 9
17:46 <Skid_GMing>: Eh, you reach the point where Gareth and Lillian are just topping the edge of the canyon.
17:46 <Gareth>: "Pull her up!"
17:47 <Leviticus>: I pull Lillian up
17:47 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
17:47 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 16
17:47 <Skid_GMing>: He's below you guys. But you all make it to the top.
17:47 <Gareth>: Oh
17:48 <Skid_GMing>: Unless there's an actual danger of death by falling, the climb check just determines how fast you do it.
17:48 <Skid_GMing>: From the top, you can look across and see the riders, two of them have stopped as their leader's horse rears and wheels, apparently panicked. The camel gallops off into the distance.
17:48 <Leviticus>: If you plasma, go for the leader. He'll be the biggest threat up close so we have to take him out first.
17:48 <Gareth>: I send Lillian off and prepare to hopefully ambush our pursuers.
17:49 <Skid_GMing>: Lillian runs off into the dunes.
17:49 <Skid_GMing>: Making stealth checks then?
17:49 <Gareth>: No, just watching for when they come by. They know we're here.
17:49 <Leviticus>: Or do they?
17:50 <Leviticus>: And, I'm gone
17:50 <Gareth>: They saw us go in here I'm sure.
17:50 <Skid_GMing>: Well, You can see them. They're about 200 feet away feet away on the other side of the canyon.
17:50 <Skid_GMing>: Make stealth check if you don't want them seeing you.
17:50 <Gareth>: I would hope they did, that's why they follow us down.
17:51 <Skid_GMing>: You wouldn't take a chance to lose them completely?
17:51 <Gareth>: How?
17:51 <Skid_GMing>: They're a bit distracted at the moment.
17:51 <Gareth>: Oh because of the camel?
17:51 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
17:51 <Gareth>: Very well then
17:51 <Gareth>: !roll d20
17:51 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 15
17:52 <Skid_GMing>: Plus asset... you fade into the dunes.
17:52 Leviticus quit
17:52 <Skid_GMing>: Make your roll Levi, we might just be wrapping this up.
17:52 <Gareth>: He's down in the canyon. Auto success to be out of sight?
17:52 <Skid_GMing>: Well, then they can't see him at all.
17:53 <Skid_GMing>: !roll d20
17:53 <Dicebot>: Skid_GMing: 1
17:53 <Skid_GMing>: Hmm.
17:53 <Skid_GMing>: Well, they know you guys went over the edge.
17:54 <Skid_GMing>: They saw you guys drop into the canyon. They didn't see you guys come out.
17:56 <Skid_GMing>: I'm not sure what to do with Leviticus, since he's not out yet.
17:57 <Skid_GMing>: You could leave him to get run down, I suppose.
17:57 <Gareth>: Because they follow us in?
17:57 <Skid_GMing>: Well, if they think they'll find him in the canyon, yeah. They'll follow you guys in.
17:58 <Gareth>: When they see we're not in there they'll keep chasing us then?
17:58 <Skid_GMing>: Well, they'll have to go waaaay around if they want to use their horses.
17:58 <Gareth>: So we're back to the plan of pick them off crossing the canyon?
17:58 <Skid_GMing>: With the wind erasing tracks you could lose them easily if they chose to.
17:59 <Skid_GMing>: If they choose to leave the horses... you circle around and steal the horses.
17:59 <Gareth>: Why would they choose that?
17:59 <Skid_GMing>: Because they think they can run you down.
18:00 <Gareth>: And how would we do that? We need to go back through the canyon to get to the other side don't we?
18:00 <Skid_GMing>: You would. It would take a wide circle.
18:01 <Gareth>: But if they're crossing to get to us and we're crossing to go back... we meet in the middle?
18:01 <Skid_GMing>: A canyon is a long thing. You don't have to go back in the exact same place.
18:02 <Gareth>: I see.
18:03 <Skid_GMing>: This would be an optimal place to fight them though. Tank down in the canyon to engage them in melee and you safe above firing down electricity.
18:03 <Gareth>: Well this is all assuming we lose them. If we don't we still need to fight, but it will be away from the canyon. It seems we should stay and just take them on here, using what little advantage we have while we have it.
18:04 <Gareth>: What you said yeah
18:04 <Skid_GMing>: You've also got time to shoot them or their horses as they approach though.
18:05 <Gareth>: If we get them into the canyon we should be good. The problem was making sure they go there.
18:05 <Skid_GMing>: Why? If they choose not to enter the canyon at all you're completely safe until they circle alllll the way around.
18:06 <Gareth>: Right we're good, for now, either way - I mean for a fight. For taking care of them for certain, here and now.
18:07 <Gareth>: How much time until they get here? Or are we still in turns?
18:08 <Skid_GMing>: If they choose to engage you... you've got a a couple turns until they get the edge of the canyon.
18:09 <Gareth>: I meant for using my 10min roll. Probably not enough time?
18:10 <Skid_GMing>: No, you won't.
18:10 <Gareth>: I use my action one then
18:10 <Gareth>: !roll d6+1
18:11 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 5:4+1
18:11 <Gareth>: All to Intellect
18:15 <Skid_GMing>: You spend your time camping on the edge of the canyon, force pushing them back into it, waiting for the fall damage to stack enough for them to give up? =p
18:15 <Gareth>: Don't have enough points! ;)
18:17 <Skid_GMing>: All right. I guess this'll have to stretch to a third session.
18:18 <Gareth>: Just a bit of one. I'm assuming this fight is the end?
18:18 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
18:20 <Skid_GMing>: I think we've been forgetting about that wolf all game.
18:20 <Gareth>: Wait a minute where is the assassin that ran off? Didn't he go into this canyon?
18:21 <Skid_GMing>: He booked it and kept going. One more hit from either of you would have ended him.
18:21 <Gareth>: I'm sure he'll come back when he sees backup arrived
18:21 <Skid_GMing>: He has no way of seeing them arrive.
18:21 <Skid_GMing>: And really, he likes being alive more than being paid.
18:21 <Gareth>: He's probably sneaking up on Lillian as we speak >_>
18:22 <Gareth>: ;)
18:22 <Skid_GMing>: Hey, that'll only happen if you crit fail a roll. =p
18:22 <Gareth>: Which will definitely happen
18:23 <Skid_GMing>: Never hurts to be paranoid.
* Intermission *
15:32 <Gareth>: Let's do this!
15:33 <Skid_GMing>: Muahahaha.
15:33 <Gareth>: I apologize for getting hysterical last time; I misunderstood the layout. We are in fact currently in a good position for this I think. Tactically. Whether it works out is another thing.
15:33 <Leviticus>: So, are we being stealhy, or flat-out attacking?
15:33 <Skid_GMing>: I'm assuming a bit of both.
15:34 <Gareth>: I am currently in stealth as they aren't aware I climbed back out of the canyon. You were down in it, so I don't think they know you're here at all.
15:34 <Skid_GMing>: Levi is down in the canyon. Gareth is concealed on the cliff above him, the riders are across the canyon, bringing their horses under control.
15:35 <Gareth>: We sent the wolf off with the girl to guard her, a little ways back from the canyon.
15:35 <Leviticus>: Distance?
15:35 <Skid_GMing>: ~200 ft.
15:35 <Leviticus>: As soon as they're within 100, zap em, Gareth
15:35 <Leviticus>: Particularly the leader
15:36 <Gareth>: Well that's the question actually. Do I attack them flatout and reveal our setup, risking scaring them from entering the canyon? Or wait until they head down to ensure they go in the trap?
15:36 <Leviticus>: Skid, can we say I took the bow from the assassin I killed?
15:36 <Skid_GMing>: Okay.
15:36 <Skid_GMing>: As they close in you get a better look at them. The leader with the Greatsword is dressed in the battle regalia of the northern barbarians, as is the first of his companions. The third is a finely dressed man with a feathered hat.
15:37 <Skid_GMing>: They rush onwards towards the canyon.
15:37 <Leviticus>: Okay, I will shoot at them while they are distanced, then go with the sword once they get close enough
15:37 <Leviticus>: For now, though, braced defense
15:37 <Skid_GMing>: Levi, as you're in the canyon, you can't see them until they reach the edge of it.
15:37 <Leviticus>: Gotcha
15:38 <Leviticus>: So I won't see them until they're close enough to use my sword?
15:38 <Skid_GMing>: You'll see them when they're about 8 feet above your head up the slope.
15:38 <Skid_GMing>: They reach the edge of your range, Gareth.
15:39 <Gareth>: I remain concealed, trying to determine their path choice.
15:39 <Leviticus>: So I shouldn't use the bow?
15:39 <Skid_GMing>: You could get a surprise attack off as they reach the edge, I suppose.
15:40 <Skid_GMing>: They gallop into the 100 ft range.
15:40 <Leviticus>: I draw my sword and wait in my defensive pose
15:40 <Skid_GMing>: Not attacking, Gareth?
15:40 <Gareth>: Do I get a sense whether they are going to head into the canyon or stay atop?
15:41 <Skid_GMing>: And slide to a stop at the edge of the canyon, looking down at Leviticus.
15:41 <Skid_GMing>: Hmmm. Roll a sense motive.
15:41 <Gareth>: From the 'way' (direction/speed) they're riding
15:42 <Gareth>: !roll d20
15:42 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 6
15:42 <Skid_GMing>: The barbarian and his companion are already poised to dismount.
15:42 <Gareth>: At the edge of the ridge?
15:42 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
15:43 <Gareth>: I hold for a moment then.
15:43 <Skid_GMing>: They leap from their horses to the edge of the descent. The feathered hat reaches into his pack for something.
15:43 <Gareth>: Is he still at the top?
15:44 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
15:44 <Gareth>: I shoot plasma at him.
15:44 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
15:45 <Gareth>: !roll d20
15:45 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 13
15:45 <Skid_GMing>: Suprise bonus... You hit him, and he fumbles, dropping his crossbow into the dirt.
15:45 <Skid_GMing>: The two Barbarians rush down the slope, closing the gap with Leviticus. Levi's go.
15:46 <Leviticus>: I attack the leader
15:46 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
15:46 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 10
15:47 <Skid_GMing>: You lock swords with the mighty barbarian, but don't overwhelm his guard.
15:47 <Skid_GMing>: Turn order: Gareth, Barbarians, Levi, Fancy Hat.
15:48 <Skid_GMing>: The fancy hat pulls his horse to a kneel, and ducks behind it.
15:48 <Leviticus>: Fancy hat \:D/
15:48 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, go.
15:48 <Gareth>: Did he regain his crossbow?
15:48 <Skid_GMing>: He didn't.
15:48 <Gareth>: Then I fire plasma down at the leader.
15:48 <Skid_GMing>: He's got a pretty hefty pack though. Who knows what's in it.
15:49 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
15:49 <Gareth>: !roll d20
15:49 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 4
15:50 <Skid_GMing>: You fire into the melee, but your shot misses the brawlers.
15:50 <Skid_GMing>: The Barbarians lunge in, striking at Levi.
15:50 <Skid_GMing>: Dodge roll.
15:51 <Gareth>: For both?
15:51 <Skid_GMing>: yes.
15:51 <Gareth>: Only the boss should be over his defense?
15:51 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
15:51 <Skid_GMing>: So... really only the one matters.
15:51 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
15:51 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 1
15:52 <Leviticus>: Seriously?
15:52 <Leviticus>: Can that be for the one that can't pentrate my defense? =P
15:52 <Skid_GMing>: You are knocked down by their combined assault, losing your defensive bonus. You take 6 might damage.
15:53 <Gareth>: Yeah
15:53 <Skid_GMing>: Reduced by 2 armor.
15:53 <Gareth>: Nvm then I was right the first time - we're definitely dead
15:53 <Skid_GMing>: Don't be so quick to give up.
15:53 <Skid_GMing>: Levi, your turn.
15:53 <Gareth>: We can't take a bunch of 6 d hits, even with armor
15:54 <Skid_GMing>: Well, he's taken 1.
15:54 <Leviticus>: Ow
15:54 <Skid_GMing>: And I forgot to specify that that defense can't be taken while knocked down.
15:55 <Skid_GMing>: So.. I guess it can be taken while knocked down.
15:55 <Leviticus>: Does a heal count as a turn?
15:55 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. Your recovery roll takes a turn.
15:56 <Leviticus>: Reactivating defense
15:56 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, You pull yourself up to one knee and prepare to defend yourself. You're still at a 1-level disadvantage while attacking.
15:57 <Skid_GMing>: Fancy hat doesn't seem to be doing anything yet.
15:57 <Skid_GMing>: So, Gareth's turn.
15:57 <Gareth>: I try hitting the boss again
15:57 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
15:58 <Gareth>: !roll d20
15:58 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 16
15:58 <Skid_GMing>: You zap him, drawing a small cloud of smoke from his ears.
15:59 <Skid_GMing>: The barbarians crush forward, trying to beat Levi into the ground. Might defense roll.
16:00 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:00 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 17
16:00 <Skid_GMing>: You press back, rendering their attempts futile.
16:01 <Skid_GMing>: The fancy hat pops back up over the horse and fishes for his crossbow, snatching it before ducking back for cover.
16:01 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth.
16:01 <Gareth>: Is Levi going to be attacking soon?
16:02 <Leviticus>: My turn now?
16:02 <Skid_GMing>: Oh, right, sorry.
16:02 <Skid_GMing>: Yes, go.
16:02 <Leviticus>: I attack the non-leader barbarian
16:02 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
16:02 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 9
16:02 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
16:03 <Skid_GMing>: You fail to penetrate his guard.
16:03 <Skid_GMing>: Now Gareth.
16:03 <Gareth>: I fire at the nonboss
16:04 <Skid_GMing>: Roll.
16:04 <Gareth>: !roll d20
16:04 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 20
16:04 <Skid_GMing>: Cinematic action. Extra (lethal) damage, or...?
16:05 <Gareth>: You said an extra turn was an option?
16:05 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:05 <Gareth>: I also shoot at the boss
16:05 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:05 <Gareth>: !roll d20
16:05 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 9
16:05 <Gareth>: Gah
16:05 <Skid_GMing>: That's a miss.
16:06 <Gareth>: Worth a try
16:06 <Skid_GMing>: You blast the minion and and he staggers back.
16:06 <Leviticus>: Barbarians?
16:07 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. They try again to murder you in the most direct way possible. Roll a dodge.
16:07 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:07 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 2
16:07 <Leviticus>: Oi
16:08 <Skid_GMing>: The chieftan connects, slicing into you. 6 Damage.
16:08 <Leviticus>: D=
16:08 <Leviticus>: I use my in-combat heal
16:08 <Skid_GMing>: ...reduced by armour, but I shouldn't need to say that every time.
16:09 <Leviticus>: Provided I am still in defense?
16:09 <Skid_GMing>: Reduced by armour unless otherwise noted.
16:09 <Skid_GMing>: You were, last I checked.
16:09 <Skid_GMing>: You didn't crit fail, and they weren't trying a shove.
16:09 <Gareth>: Wait he is in defense? Thank goodness!
16:09 <Leviticus>: =D
16:09 <Gareth>: That changes everything
16:09 <Leviticus>: Still using the heal right?
16:09 <Skid_GMing>: If you wish.
16:09 <Leviticus>: Gareth, advice?
16:10 <Gareth>: What is your Might to?
16:10 <Leviticus>: I'm down to 4 might
16:10 <Gareth>: Is it your turn?
16:10 <Skid_GMing>: It is.
16:11 <Skid_GMing>: Might be worth it then.
16:11 <Gareth>: Keep swinging. Don't 'need' to heal until you're at zero, impairing your aim.
16:11 <Leviticus>: kk
16:11 <Gareth>: Right?
16:11 <Skid_GMing>: Right.
16:11 <Leviticus>: I attack the boss
16:11 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:11 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 8
16:11 <Leviticus>: Ugh
16:11 <Skid_GMing>: You clash swords with him, and he roars in your face.
16:11 <Leviticus>: The boss is level 5?
16:12 <Skid_GMing>: He is.
16:12 <Leviticus>: And my training brings him down to 4. Meaning I have to roll 12's to get him
16:12 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah.
16:13 <Skid_GMing>: Wait, you have a heavy weapon, so your training is cancelled by your weapon weight.
16:14 <Leviticus>: Darn
16:14 <Skid_GMing>: Anyway, the fancy hat takes a pot shot at Gareth. Roll.
16:14 <Gareth>: Dodge?
16:14 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:14 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
16:14 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 17
16:15 <Skid_GMing>: You skitter right out of the way.
16:15 <Skid_GMing>: And it's your turn.
16:15 <Gareth>: I fire at the... boss
16:15 Skid_GMing watches all the HP counters descend in parallel.
16:16 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:16 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort to hit
16:16 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort to hit: 17
16:16 <Skid_GMing>: You blast him again. His face goes from red to pale.
16:17 <Leviticus>: YES
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: The old routine of beating on Leviticus is getting old, and the chief orders his minion to start scaling the cliff to deal with Gareth. He goes in at Leviticus for another swing.
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: Dodge roll.
16:18 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:18 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 13
16:18 <Leviticus>: Not horrible
16:18 <Leviticus>: For once =P
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: You take a blow for 6 damage.
16:18 <Skid_GMing>: The minion makes it about halfway up the cliffside.
16:19 <Skid_GMing>: The fancy hat shoots at Gareth again. Dodge roll.
16:19 <Leviticus>: Wait
16:19 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
16:19 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 2
16:19 <Leviticus>: You skipped my turn
16:19 <Skid_GMing>: Ahhh, I did. Do something.
16:19 <Leviticus>: I attack the boss
16:19 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
16:19 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 6
16:19 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, it's fancy hat's turn yet. Ignore that roll.
16:19 <Leviticus>: I hate you, Dicebot
16:20 <Skid_GMing>: You continue your fruitless duel with the boss.
16:20 <Leviticus>: Never mind, I attack Dicebot
16:20 <Leviticus>: xP
16:20 <Skid_GMing>: Now Fancy hat attacks Gareth. Roll to dodge.
16:20 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
16:20 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 10
16:20 <Skid_GMing>: 16 total... you are very nearly impossible to hit. Your turn.
16:21 <Gareth>: That was the plan.
16:21 <Gareth>: I shoot at the boss.
16:21 <Skid_GMing>: There's a guy shooting at you and another guy trying to climb your cliff.
16:21 <Gareth>: I am aware.
16:21 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. The guy climbing is at an intense disadvantage for dodging.
16:21 <Skid_GMing>: But roll for it.
16:22 <Gareth>: He's also one hit from dying?
16:22 <Skid_GMing>: Possibly.
16:23 <Gareth>: So I can get him 'anytime' in theory. More pressing to take pressure off Levi.
16:24 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort to hit
16:24 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort to hit: 2
16:24 <Skid_GMing>: Your shot goes wide.
16:25 <Skid_GMing>: The chief delivers a powerful kick, attempting to drive Levi into the cliff behind.
16:25 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 dodge
16:25 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, dodge: 12
16:26 <Skid_GMing>: The kick connects. You fall, sprawling, and take 3 impact damage.
16:26 <Skid_GMing>: The Minion's fingertips appear at the top of the cliff.
16:26 <Leviticus>: On what pool?
16:27 <Skid_GMing>: Unles it actually says speed or intellect, it's might.
16:27 <Leviticus>: I'm down to 2 there
16:27 <Skid_GMing>: Well, apply your armor. And if anything is left over, subtract it from speed.
16:27 <Leviticus>: Down to 1 =P
16:28 <Leviticus>: Wait
16:28 <Skid_GMing>: It's your turn.
16:28 <Leviticus>: Or am I still defensed?
16:28 <Leviticus>: xP
16:28 <Skid_GMing>: You're down. You're not defensed.
16:28 <Leviticus>: kk
16:28 <Gareth>: You were for that hit(?) But not anymore
16:28 <Leviticus>: Um... set up defense, or attack? hmmm
16:29 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:29 <Gareth>: So the kick did no damage, but it deactivated your defense. Right Skid?
16:29 <Gareth>: So what are you at then?
16:29 <Leviticus>: Oh, then that hit did no damage
16:29 <Leviticus>: 2
16:29 <Skid_GMing>: It did 1 damage.
16:29 <Skid_GMing>: Eh, fair point.
16:29 <Skid_GMing>: It did none.
16:30 <Gareth>: This is hard enough without you sucking extra damage from us! :x
16:30 <Skid_GMing>: You could stand up, which would remove your 1 level disability to dodging and attack.
16:30 <Leviticus>: Okay, I stand up xD
16:30 <Leviticus>: Yaaaaaaay
16:30 <Leviticus>: *fanfare and applause*
16:30 <Gareth>: Is that a full action?
16:30 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
16:31 <Gareth>: Then it probably wasn't worth passing on another swing. If he connects on the next attack you're empty either way if you moved or not
16:31 <Skid_GMing>: So, it's fancy hat's turn, and he keeps shooting at Gareth.
16:32 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
16:32 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 1
16:32 <Leviticus>: I probably should have healed...
16:32 <Leviticus>: I had basically no chance of hitting
16:32 <Gareth>: I probably should have rage quit
16:32 <Leviticus>: xP
16:32 <Gareth>: I have basically no chance of living
16:32 <Leviticus>: Too late now, we've got assassins to kill
16:33 <Leviticus>: You've got a better chance than I have
16:33 <Skid_GMing>: You get shot through the ankle, pinning your foot to the ground. Also, 4 damage.
16:33 <Gareth>: I wasn't going to move anyway
16:33 <Skid_GMing>: Of note: the fancy hat guy is within 25 feet of you.
16:33 <Skid_GMing>: And it's your turn.
16:33 <Gareth>: I don't have points to spare on that but thanks for the hint anyway
16:34 <Skid_GMing>: ...ground which is sand. I guess that isn't going to stop you from doing much.
16:34 <Gareth>: I shoot at the boss in futility.
16:35 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:35 <Gareth>: !roll d20
16:35 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 19
16:36 <Leviticus>: YES
16:36 <Skid_GMing>: You fry him. He roars and looks distinctly sick.
16:36 <Leviticus>: Is he still going to attack me?
16:37 <Gareth>: No he's going to kill you
16:37 <Skid_GMing>: He rushes to the cliffside as well, and begins climbing.
16:38 <Leviticus>: Hmm... to give chase, or defend Gareth...
16:38 <Skid_GMing>: Since you've done basically no damage to him, and Gareth has been buring his beard off all fight...
16:38 <Skid_GMing>: Uhm, pretty sure they're both the same thing at this point.
16:38 <Leviticus>: Oh
16:38 <Leviticus>: Then I chase the boss
16:38 <Gareth>: Are you impaired yet?
16:38 <Skid_GMing>: You catch him at the bottom of the cliff and still have time to make an action.
16:39 <Leviticus>: Nope, still got 2 Might
16:39 <Gareth>: How?? But good!
16:39 <Leviticus>: Sweet, I attack
16:39 <Leviticus>: Is he weakened?
16:39 <Leviticus>: Or in bad defense?
16:39 <Skid_GMing>: He's definitely distracted.
16:39 <Leviticus>: !roll d20 trained
16:39 <Dicebot>: Leviticus, trained: 8
16:39 <Leviticus>: I hate you, Dicebot
16:39 <Gareth>: That should hit?
16:40 <Leviticus>: It should?
16:40 <Gareth>: If your target is 12
16:40 <Skid_GMing>: Hmm. That's really close.
16:40 <Gareth>: It's not a 14?
16:40 <Skid_GMing>: Heavy weapon penalty.
16:41 <Gareth>: He's trained?
16:41 <Skid_GMing>: yes.
16:41 <Gareth>: That doesn't negate that?
16:42 <Skid_GMing>: It does. Which gives him a total attack of... 8
16:42 <Gareth>: Plus distracted asset, Plus training?
16:42 <Skid_GMing>: Minus two levels for climbing the cliff is still 9.
16:42 <Gareth>: I don't get it
16:42 <Skid_GMing>: Give me one good reason I should give the attack.
16:42 <Leviticus>: Because we're dying
16:42 <Skid_GMing>: The penalty for a heavy weapon is 1 level. The asset for training is 1 level.
16:43 <Skid_GMing>: They cancel out.
16:43 <Gareth>: What? >_>
16:44 <Skid_GMing>: I mean one creative, dramatic reason that tips the situation in your favour.
16:44 <Leviticus>: Because I will rage quit if you don't #emptythreat
16:44 <Gareth>: I thought the penalty was absorbed by training; I didn't realize it simply paid for it
16:45 <Gareth>: Okay I have a dramatic reason
16:45 <Skid_GMing>: In the case of heavy weapons, the first level of training cancels the penalty for carrying a weapon that hits for 6 damage.
16:46 <Gareth>: Because it would be Levi's redemption. This is the closest he's been to connecting - and it's just off by one point! If we can't see that as a win there's no point in playing.
16:46 <Skid_GMing>: I'll give it you. You slash at him as he climbs, bringing him crashing to the ground. He's dead before he lands.
16:46 <Gareth>: Yay
16:46 <Gareth>: Two more still, you'll die anyway. Just delayed the inevitable.
16:47 <Skid_GMing>: Good to see a voice of hope in the crowd. =p
16:47 <Gareth>: The voice of realism. If it took a whole pool to get one guy, two more guys take two more pools - dead
16:48 <Skid_GMing>: Fancy hat shoots at Gareth again, and then throws his crossbow into the canyon in disgust.
16:48 <Gareth>: Before he sees if he got me? :p
16:48 <Skid_GMing>: Roll to dodge.
16:48 <Gareth>: I got in his head
16:48 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
16:48 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 20
16:49 <Skid_GMing>: You dodge and get a free action.
16:49 <Skid_GMing>: His big, expensive ace just died.
16:49 <Gareth>: I deflect the arrow down into the guy hanging off the cliff.
16:50 <Gareth>: ^.^
16:50 <Skid_GMing>: He screams and falls on top of Levi.
16:50 <Leviticus>: YES
16:50 <Leviticus>: We're going to live!
16:50 <Skid_GMing>: Levi, make a dodge roll.
16:50 <Leviticus>: !roll d20
16:50 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 6
16:50 <Leviticus>: Spoke too soon...
16:51 <Skid_GMing>: Well, 200 pounds of barbarian comes crashing down on you. Take 4 might damage. That barbarian is now dead.
16:51 <Gareth>: We're fine, fall damage isn't going to kill you here. Just impair you.
16:51 <Leviticus>: I only have two might left
16:52 <Skid_GMing>: Well, your pool is empty then. You're impaired.
16:52 <Leviticus>: but my armor brings the damage down to two
16:52 <Skid_GMing>: Levi, your action.
16:52 <Leviticus>: I use my in combat heal
16:52 <Leviticus>: !roll d6+1
16:52 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 2:1+1
16:52 <Skid_GMing>: You gain 2 HP.
16:52 <Leviticus>: Wow
16:53 <Leviticus>: Dicebot hates me tonight
16:53 <Gareth>: That was an odd natural 20 'reward' - the impairment of a teammate
16:53 <Skid_GMing>: The actual reward was the auto-hit with the arrow. The falling on Levi was just me being mean.
16:53 <Skid_GMing>: The Fancy hat mounts his horse and turns away. "I'll Get you! You and your little girl too!"
16:53 <Leviticus>: Oh dear
16:54 <Leviticus>: I'm so scared, prissypants
16:54 <Gareth>: I force push the horse.
16:54 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:54 <Leviticus>: Please, please
16:55 <Skid_GMing>: Actually, you'll need an effort to affect an animal that big.
16:55 <Gareth>: Are horses that big? Yeah I guess
16:55 <Skid_GMing>: More than twice your mass? Yes.
16:55 <Gareth>: I just push him off then. ;)
16:56 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:56 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort to accuracy
16:56 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort to accuracy: 13
16:57 <Skid_GMing>: He goes flying off the horse, his hat left hanging in the air above it.
16:57 <Gareth>: I plasma him.
16:58 <Skid_GMing>: The horse bolts off into distance.
16:58 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for it.
16:58 <Gareth>: !roll d20 effort to damage
16:58 <Dicebot>: Gareth, effort to damage: 7
16:58 <Skid_GMing>: Your blast kicks up sand in his face.
16:58 <Skid_GMing>: "Augh! Stop! Stop!"
16:59 <Gareth>: Levi has hopefully been climbing the canyon while this has been going on
16:59 <Gareth>: That side, to go detain the guy
16:59 <Skid_GMing>: Levi?
16:59 <Leviticus>: Yep
17:00 <Leviticus>: Climb check?
17:00 <Skid_GMing>: Eh, no need.
17:00 <Skid_GMing>: Go on up.
17:00 <Leviticus>: kk
17:00 <Skid_GMing>: The hatless man is kneeling in the sand, hands above his head.
17:00 <Leviticus>: So I reach no-more-fancy-hat
17:00 <Leviticus>: Should I kill him? Or hold for questioning?
17:01 <Gareth>: "Tie him up!"
17:01 <Leviticus>: I do so
17:02 <Skid_GMing>: "I must warn you, I am the son of Count Everstead! If any harm comes to me, there will be consequences!"
17:02 <Leviticus>: I stuff a gag in his mouth
17:02 <Leviticus>: =P
17:02 <Gareth>: I call to Numbers and Lillian "Come on back here"
17:02 <Gareth>: I motion for Levi to drag the guy to the canyon
17:03 <Leviticus>: I drag no-hat back to the canyon... face down
17:03 <Skid_GMing>: I was not expecting you guys to capture this dude. I had to go look his name up again.
17:03 <Gareth>: We bring him to the other side of the canyon.
17:03 <Leviticus>: Sorry, no mercy for folks who kill children
17:03 <Gareth>: I take his fancy hat.
17:03 <Skid_GMing>: So... you drag him down one side of the canyon, and back up the other?
17:03 <Leviticus>: Nice
17:04 <Gareth>: Yes. With another rope
17:04 <Skid_GMing>: You take his fancy hat. It's wide brimmed and navy blue with red trim. It has an enormous bunch of ostrich feathers protruding from the band.
17:05 <Gareth>: Nice!
17:05 <Gareth>: I ask Lillian "Have you ever seen this guy before?"
17:05 <Skid_GMing>: "He... he was at my house."
17:05 <Gareth>: "When?"
17:05 <Skid_GMing>: "Often. He came and yelled at my dad."
17:06 <Skid_GMing>: "He was tied up in the basement when Olwen took me out."
17:06 <Gareth>: I am puzzled.
17:07 <Skid_GMing>: "Did... he kill my mom and dad?"
17:07 <Gareth>: I use my 10min roll while we're talking
17:07 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
17:07 <Leviticus>: "I think it's safe to assume so"
17:07 <Gareth>: !roll d6+1
17:07 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 2:1+1
17:07 <Leviticus>: I do too
17:07 <Gareth>: To Int
17:07 <Leviticus>: !roll d6+1
17:07 <Dicebot>: Leviticus: 3:2+1
17:07 <Leviticus>: To might
17:07 <Skid_GMing>: Her eyes fill with tears.
17:07 <Gareth>: "Did you, scum?"
17:08 <Skid_GMing>: "Hmmerpher gerphm argerb." He says through the gag.
17:08 <Gareth>: "Speak up!" I smack him
17:08 <Skid_GMing>: "ARGPHERB."
17:08 <Gareth>: I undo the gag.
17:10 <Gareth>: I go through his pockets.
17:10 <Skid_GMing>: "I was there, yes. I'm sure you know. There's no point in pretending you don't. I was there when the assassin came and took this child. My mission was to retrieve her."
17:11 <Gareth>: "I believe our mission was to retrieve her. Try again."
17:11 <Gareth>: We loot the assassins, including the one ninja we beat.
17:11 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, I'll handle loot after this.
17:11 <Skid_GMing>: "Retrieve her to where? A child's family was killed and you think the course of action is to steal her away across the desert?
17:12 <Gareth>: "Those were our orders."
17:13 <Skid_GMing>: "And you just blindly follow them? And now you've killed two of my men. You'll be lucky to escape the noose."
17:13 <Gareth>: "You attacked us, sir."
17:13 <Leviticus>: "In self-defense."
17:14 <Skid_GMing>: "I believe you fired the first shot."
17:14 <Gareth>: "Wait. Two of your men? The ninja wasn't with you?"
17:15 <Skid_GMing>: "Oh, they were paid, but hardly worth counting. Much like yourselves."
17:15 <Gareth>: "Right, then as I said, you attacked us."
17:15 <Skid_GMing>: You find a note on the chieftan, with a purse of 50 Nobles. "Half now, half when Lillian is returned to me."
17:16 <Gareth>: "Who is 'me'?"
17:16 <Leviticus>: "Who were you to return Lillian to?"
17:16 <Skid_GMing>: "Her mother's family. My family. The Eversteads."
17:17 <Gareth>: "We were taking her to family."
17:17 <Skid_GMing>: "My agents approached you with a request for peaceful negotiation. You struck them."
17:17 <Leviticus>: "Actually, they stuck a bow in my face."
17:18 <Gareth>: "Peaceful negotiations are not arranged by bow."
17:18 <Leviticus>: "Lillian, is this true?"
17:18 <Skid_GMing>: "I... yes. Grandpa Everstead lives there. But he never liked me. Or daddy."
17:20 <Leviticus>: "So this man is... your uncle?"
17:20 <Skid_GMing>: "No, no. Cousin, I think?"
17:21 <Gareth>: "Why do you need mercenaries to go see your cousin?"
17:21 <Skid_GMing>: Who are you asking this?
17:21 <Gareth>: The one that hired mercenaries
17:21 <Skid_GMing>: Technically speaking, both sides hired mercenaries. You guys are functioning as mercenaries.
17:22 <Gareth>: But Lillian didn't hire us
17:23 <Skid_GMing>: "Do you completely fail the concept of kidnapping? One of your agents slays an entire family and you expect me to come here, hat in hand, to ask for the return of the survivor?"
17:23 <Gareth>: "You're saying the assassins were for us."
17:24 <Leviticus>: "What do you mean? We killed no one."
17:24 <Gareth>: I begin to understand, barely.
17:25 <Skid_GMing>: Roll detect deception. You auto succeed. This guy warps the truth to fit the reality he has constructed.
17:27 <Gareth>: "I say we complete our assignment and sort this out at Great Oasis."
17:27 <Skid_GMing>: "I highly suggest you release me, hand over the girl, and let us return to the capitol."
17:28 <Gareth>: "To do what?"
17:29 <Gareth>: "It doesn't sit well with me that a friend is wrongfully suspected of multiple murders."
17:29 <Skid_GMing>: "To take her home to her surviving relatives, and recover from this terrible tragedy."
17:29 <Skid_GMing>: "Wrongfully? Everyone knows she's guilty. I made sure of that."
17:30 <Gareth>: "I'm a part of everyone, and I know she isn't, so no."
17:30 <Leviticus>: "This is a situation that has to be sorted out with our superiors and our suspected friend. We will continue to the Oasis and arrange a meeting."
17:31 <Skid_GMing>: "Ah. Everyone who matters. You desert rats and your idea of law don't hold much appeal to me."
17:31 <Gareth>: "So I gathered. That's fine, the feeling is mutual."
17:32 <Skid_GMing>: "When your 'friend' is tracked down this will be dealt with in the high courts."
17:32 <Gareth>: "Indeed. Shall we go?"
17:33 <Leviticus>: "Lillian, you can resolve this question. Did Olwen kill your parents?"
17:33 <Skid_GMing>: "No... I don't think... I thought she did, but then she didn't."
17:34 <Leviticus>: To fancy hat: "Wouldn't our friend have killed Lillian as well, if she killed her parents?"
17:36 <Skid_GMing>: "How am I supposed to know how pyschotic desert rats think? Everyone knows that the Embers take anyone who can pick up a sword and not stab themselves with it."
17:36 <Gareth>: I sigh and use Bind Tongue
17:36 <Gareth>: :p
17:36 <Skid_GMing>: Hah.
17:36 <Skid_GMing>: He becomes silent, and concerned.
17:37 <Leviticus>: "Well?" I ask Gareth
17:37 <Gareth>: "We continue on."
17:38 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, there are two horses standing at the edge of the cliff. There's a camel and and another horse somewhere out in the desert.
17:38 <Gareth>: Will it be a problem if we don't return the camel?
17:38 <Skid_GMing>: It might be.
17:39 <Gareth>: We say it was this guys fault
17:39 <Skid_GMing>: Hmm. Neither of you have money evalution skills, do you.
17:39 <Skid_GMing>: In short: the horses are probably worth more than the camel.
17:40 <Gareth>: We ride the horses, the guy walks behind tied to one.
17:40 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
17:41 <Leviticus>: "But what if he didn't do it?"
17:41 <Gareth>: "He did something. We can't sort it out here."
17:42 <Gareth>: I have doubts the kid survives until the end of this storyline. We *barely* got through with two people; how can Deimos or Ezra take the last two legs solo? Presumably the threat only increases the closer to completion the mission is.
17:42 <Skid_GMing>: You guys just handled the worst of it.
17:43 <Gareth>: Good
17:43 <Gareth>: We proceed to Great Oasis?
17:44 <Skid_GMing>: Loot from the encounter: 50 nobles from that purse, standard weapons, 3 smoke bombs, 1 flashbang grenade, a fancy hat, 2 horses.
17:44 <Gareth>: We keep the horses?
17:44 <Skid_GMing>: Until you decide to turn them in, yes.
17:45 <Gareth>: Turn them in to who? Their owners are dead
17:45 <Skid_GMing>: If you want to replace the camel, hypothetically.
17:45 <Gareth>: Right
17:48 <Skid_GMing>: Oh. 3 XP each for this mission. That was a tough fight.
17:48 <Gareth>: Yes it was
17:48 <Gareth>: And you wanted me to do it solo!
17:48 <Skid_GMing>: I made it tougher because you got backup.
17:48 <Gareth>: I would hope so
17:50 <Gareth>: Any wrap-up when we check in at Great Oasis?
17:52 <Skid_GMing>: Well, you arrive there and you get free drinks. There's an agent to take Lillian, and she thanks you for taking care of her out in the desert. There's not really anywhere here to lock up Everstead though, what do you want to do with him?
17:52 <Skid_GMing>: He could be sent south to Dawn Fortress.
17:53 <Gareth>: We should keep him somewhere until we can figure out the full story of what's going on
17:53 <Skid_GMing>: Well, the fortress has proper cells. And considering his claimed status, someone might want to recover him.
17:54 <Gareth>: Very well
17:56 <Gareth>: The end?
17:56 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
17:56 <Gareth>: *whew*
17:58 Leviticus waits for Olwen's hanging
17:58 <Skid_GMing>: She hasn't been caught yet. =p
17:59 <Skid_GMing>: In fact, nobody has the power to arrest an Ember outside of a city.
17:59 <Skid_GMing>: Unless the Emperor himself demands it.
* Followup *
12:48 <bookworm>: We turned over both horses to the Ember outpost; one to compensate for the lost camel and the other just because. Would have been cool to keep one but I don't know how practical.
12:50 <bookworm>: They were assassin horses anyway; we probably couldn't trust them.
13:06 <Skid>: All right.
13:07 <bookworm>: Were the assassin swords medium?
13:07 <Skid>: The barbarian minion's sword was.
13:07 <bookworm>: Woody wants to keep that then. Until he can specialize swordsmanship, in case accuracy becomes an issue again.
13:08 <Skid>: All right.
13:08 <bookworm>: Can we sell the others?
13:09 <Skid>: Let's see... some short swords, the crossbow, and the greatsword. Half market value... 60 Nobles for the lot, probably.
13:10 <bookworm>: Haggle: "These are quality weapons, they were taken from mighty mercenaries." Trained Persuasion
13:11 <Skid>: "I'll give you 70. Final offer."
13:11 <bookworm>: "Exactly what I had in mind good sir!"
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Post by Woody »

From the journal of Leviticus "Levi" Rutter:
Today I had my first mission with the Embers. I accompanied Gareth on an escort, for a young girl called Lillian. Apparently, her father had angered friends of the emperor. We were to grant her safe passage to the Great Oasis, where she would continue her journey with another Ember. My wolf, Numbers, also accompanied us. We rented a camel for the girl to ride, and set out. The day passed without incident, so we made camp for the night. Late that night, Numbers began growling, waking Gareth and I. I remained in the camp to protect Lillian, while Gareth left to investigate. He returned shortly and privately informed me that there may have been someone spying on us.

We set out the next day, a bit more cautious than before, knowing our enemies may be nearby. We traveled along a ridge, rather than in the canyon, wishing to be better aware should anyone approach. Sure enough, we noticed a shadow sneaking around in the rocks to our left. Shortly after, we noticed another such figure on our right, as well as a trio of riders approaching from behind. The figure on our left began to move in, then pulled a bow on me, demanding that we hand over Lillian. Gareth scared him off with his plasma bolt, and we continued on with renewed urgency. Suddenly, the shadow on our right began firing at us, narrowly missing our pack animal. We quickly removed Lillian from the camel, wishing to make her a less vulnerable target. I then gave chase to the assassin. I caught up with him shortly, and a battle commenced. With my increased defense, I had the immediate upper hand. However, the assassin quickly noticed this and drew a pair of vicious blades before dropping a smoke bomb, temporarily disorienting me. I quickly recovered, however, and finished off the foul ninja. Meanwhile, Gareth had done battle with the other ninja, distracting him from the approach of the three riders, who were very close to reaching him by the time he had run off his adversary. He sent the camel off toward the horses, scaring them enough to buy us some time.

Gareth and Lillian ducked into the canyon, and we met near the opposite side. I remained in the canyon, in my braced defense stance, ready to meet the riders when they came while Gareth and Lillian ascended to the other side of the canyon, where Gareth waited, ready to plasma the riders. We sent Lillian, with Numbers as her protector, to a safe distance. The three riders reached the edge of the canyon, two barbarians, one of them clearly the leader, and a well-dressed man with a distinguished feathered hat(heretofore referred to as "Fancy Hat"). The barbarians dismounted while Fancy Hat reached for something in his pack. Gareth landed a plasma attack before he could, causing him to drop his weapon. The two barbarians descended into the canyon, where I unsuccessfully attempted to attack the leader. I quickly discovered his strength when he attacked me, breaking my defense and knocking me to the ground. Thankfully, Gareth defended me using his plasma bolt until I could regain my defense. Gareth managed to zap both barbarians.

Meanwhile, Fancy Hat, having regained his weapon, fired a shot at Gareth, missing him. Gareth zapped the boss again, who then proceeded to send his minion after Gareth. My fight with the boss continued fruitlessly, with me being unable to land a single blow. Fancy Hat did finally land a blow on Gareth, however, pinning his ankle to the ground. Gareth landed yet another blow on the boss, sending him running for the edge of the canyon. I followed, catching him as he climbed, and finally landed my first blow on him, resulting in him falling, stone dead. Gareth then deflected Fancy Hat's last arrow into the remaining barbarian, sending him back into the canyon, and, unfortunately, right on top of me.

Fancy Hat then got on his horse and galloped away, screaming threats behind him. Gareth, however, force pushed him out of his saddle. I finished climbing the canyon in time to apprehend the man, tieing him, gagging him, and dragging him face down in the sand all the way to where Gareth stood. I must admit I enjoyed it. Fancy Hat claimed to be the son of Count Everstead, and Lillian's cousin. He believed Olwen had killed Lillian's family. Apparently, the assassins had in fact been sent for us, not Lillian. Still suspicious, however, we took him, bound behind one of the two remaining horses, to the Great Oasis, where an agent took Lillian. We sent Fancy Hat south to Dawn Fortress, where we could be sure of his proper incarceration until we found a way to sort out this mess.
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Post by bookworm »

Excerpt from the journal of Gareth Trevelyan
I recently completed an assignment that turned out to be more than it seemed, and ended up involving each member of my team though we had only been tasked individually. It was a very strange bit of business.

It started, for me, when I returned from a routine caravan escort to receive my next assignment; though I learned later what I experienced was only part of a larger story that had begun earlier. Levi had been sent to accompany me for this as a field assessment; he was nearly finished with his training. Who would have thought when he came upon our camp by chance it would have such an impact on the future? Our conversation that night had stirred him to inquire about joining the Ember Patrol himself and now here he was, close to final initiation, back with me to secure his acceptance. It's funny how paths cross.

We were instructed to escort a young girl to Great Oasis. That was not her ultimate destination, but apparently the journey was being broken into individual legs with rotating guides. We learned Olwen had been the first, which was interesting. I wondered why the girl was being passed among individual members of our team instead of being put under our charge as a group. If I had known then what I found out later I would have been a good deal more concerned, Olwen had quite a tale of how she came to locate this child, but as it was I found the situation only intriguing and not worrisome. We set off on the highway.

Not long into the trek we realized there was something more to this situation than a usual escort's general protection from marauders. The girl said her father had done something to anger the emperor's 'friends' and now assassins were after her. I would have liked to take her words as the product of a child's imagination, but it did seem we were being watched. It wasn't overt at first, and might have simply been the result of the odd feeling surrounding this assignment playing tricks on an unnerved mind, but on the second day of our journey we spotted figures that were definitely following us. One on foot flanking either side, and three riders behind. Still unsure what exactly we had gotten involved in we planned how to react.

The side figures closed in, revealing themselves to be agile ninjas. It took a bit longer to engage them than we had anticipated, but we eventually bested one and scared off the other. However we had been so occupied we hadn't noticed the riders had advanced significantly. With little time to react, we managed to take up a reasonably strategic formation. I led the girl down into a canyon, then secretly back up the other side. The riders saw us enter, but not leave, so they would hopefully follow us in. Levi would be waiting to cut them off, trapping them in combat below while I shot plasma from the ridge. It was a solid plan, but as every adventure we have had so far it did not play out as simply as it should have. Levi had trouble taking on the mighty barbarians that charged him and received quite a beating. It was fortunate we had not both tried to engage in the canyon, it surely would have ended in disaster. My position up above proved to be exactly the advantage we had hoped it would be, and while it took longer than we thought it would have I did finally secure the upper hand.

The two barbarians dead, we turned attention to the third man who was different. He was well dressed and, while certainly belligerent, not a fighter. Seeing we had bested the assassins he mounted his horse to flee. I had used much of my energy in the drawn out battle, but had enough left to push him off before he escaped. Levi bound him as I regrouped with the girl and we began sorting out what had happened. It turned out this man was actually a relative of hers. He claimed he was trying to get her to her family. She identified him as being present when her family was murdered and Olwen rescued her. I deduced that the narrative must have been that he was identified as the culprit, or at least a suspect, when Olwen was at the scene and she took the girl away to safety, as I assume was her mission, to be passed on to us. The man however seemed to profess innocence to the murders, repeatedly making mention of a kidnapper who had assassinated the family. I was greatly puzzled for a time, but finally the pieces began slowly coming together.

He was trying to tell the other side of the narrative. That he had arrived at the house to find the murders already committed, as Olwen had, and while attempting to locate the girl to take her to safety observed Olwen leading her away. Assuming SHE was the killer, and now kidnapper, he hired mercenaries to reclaim the girl because she was believed to be in dangerous company. The assassins were not for her - they were for US. All he wanted was to get his cousin back safely. His story was understandable enough, whether or not more probable than our version of events, and it would have caused me some deal of distress attempting to unravel which was in fact the truth; had I not received a strong feeling that he had some ulterior motive at work. Something was not right about this man and his story. Because of that I had no reservations about giving our side of the story precedence until shown otherwise, and so we proceeded to complete our original assignment of taking the girl to Great Oasis.

We passed the girl off to be met by her next guide, and the man off to be detained at Dawn Fortress until the full story of these events could be untangled. Levi returned to the Embers to complete his training. I was surprised he still wanted to join after this ordeal. I later learned that it was Deimos who led the girl's next escort leg, and Ezra who oversaw the conclusion. As I said, this task involved the whole team, though not the team as a whole. We didn't realize we had all been part of the same mission until we compared notes some time later.
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Post by Skid »

Okay, you two each get a roleplaying XP for journal posts.
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Post by bookworm »

We've been doing a lot of jumping around in the timeline recently so I wanted to recap events to keep the canon clear.

The night after our first mission as a team, the Slaver Infiltration, Levi came across our camp. The encounter inspired him to join the Embers himself and he was receiving training during our Warrant Service mission. In the downtime following the Sandstorm Attack Olwen was given a solo assignment to pick up a package. This started off a side storyline following the transfer of this package, a task which was divided into legs which were passed on to each team member individually rather than assigning the escort as a whole to the group. Levi, nearing the end of his training period, was sent to join me in taking up the second leg of the package escort as a sort of field assessment. Upon completing our portion he returned to finalize his Ember initiation while Deimos took up the next leg of the delivery. This storyline will be continued through coming side mission sessions, or just assumed to have been completed in the background if they don't get played out. Once the package was delivered our team regrouped to continue our usual group duties. Levi completed his training and was assigned to rejoin us as an official team member, increasing our party to five just in time to set out on the Search and Rescue mission.
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Post by Skid »

And now for some good, old-fashioned crawling around in the dark. Dr. Vimes has been found and seems to have found a possible way to escape the facility. It will take some gathering of materials, but roof of the old ruin should open to see daylight once again.

2 XP awarded for participation plus 1 XP to give away for Penguin, Bookworm, Tikvah, and Woody.
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I give my XP to Penguin because he's slightly behind, having missed a couple sessions.
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Post by Woody »

I give my XP to bookworm for convincing Dr. Vimes to tell us about the creature(and because it's his birthday.)
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Post by bookworm »

Excerpt from the journal of Gareth Trevelyan
We thought locating Dr. Vimes would clear up the situation. We were wrong. He provided information well enough, but how much of it was useful, or even truthful, remained to be seen. There was an unshakable feeling that he knew more than he was telling us. His assistant Petra was also behaving strangely. They were both clearly holding something back, but whether in conjunction or each for their own reasons was unknown. I was irritated they were so hesitant to be forthcoming; we being there to rescue them and all. It seemed to me keeping secrets was counterproductive to working together to find our way out of this place.

We came upon the body of one of their missing comrades, apparently slain by the invisible creature. Petra was greatly distressed by the discovery, but Dr. Vimes seemed more interested in the artifacts. After a moment Petra started to say something, but was silenced by a glare from Vimes. Again, clearly both knew something more of the situation, but both were unwilling to enlighten us. My irritation began slowly shifting to concern as I started wondering if there was something more sinister at work in all this. I know how scientists can be, it was very possible they were simply being secretive to keep whatever artifacts this place held to themselves; I hoped that was what it was; but I found it very odd that with people dying they would keep up such stubborn silence if it were only to protect their discoveries. Surely they realized this was a serious matter, and being open was the best way to ensure we all survived it.

We located the other way out Dr. Vimes had mentioned, but to our dismay it was not functional. The hatch required four terminals to open, and three had been broken. Apparently deliberately, presumably by our murderous saboteur. We began searching for replacements, and discovered a large skeleton. Vimes reported it to be the remains of some shapeshifting creature. He said this was where shapeshifting ability originated, as a result of experimentation that got out of hand. We inquired if our stalker could have something to do with this and he said it was possible, but with the same ever present sensation of deception so who knows what that's worth.

Not finding any spare terminals in this room, it appeared we would have to journey back into the tunnels to search the others. Back where the invisible whatever-it-was could be anywhere. We still didn't know what it was or what it wanted. Did Vimes? Did Petra? My tolerance for their evasion was wearing thin. If they knew something important they had better share it with us; their silence may prove to be deadly.
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Post by Tikvah »

I give mine to Penguin, because he could use some more XP.
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Post by Pengwin »

I give mine to Tikvah for thinking about the dust.
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Post by bookworm »

Search and Rescue, Session 2 of 6
Continued from Part 1, Continued by Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
We need an investigation team. Several researchers set out to hunt down the treasure of ancient Aethantis, and after several weeks with no word the Grand Academy has offered a reward. Discover their fate and rescue any survivors.
17:40 Skid goes to look up what the names of the rescuees were.
17:41 <Jeremiah>: *Pssst* Dr. Vimes
17:41 <Skid>: Yeah, I have him.
17:43 <Skid>: Matthias (dead), Maya, Alex, Petra, and Juno (dead).
17:45 <Skid>: As reported by Maya.
17:46 Woody is now known as Levi
17:57 Penguin is now known as Deimos
18:00 bookworm is now known as Gareth
18:00 <Levi>: Where are Ezra and Olwen?
18:01 Tikvah joined #Gowers
18:01 <Tikvah>: I'm not really here.
18:02 <Tikvah>: You can start without me if you want, then I can catch up when I make it to the computer.
18:02 <Skid>: Well, this first bit will just be talking, so as long as you have the scrollback you should be fine.
18:02 <Tikvah>: Exactly.
18:02 <Tikvah>: Just try not to kill me while I'm gone.
18:02 <Skid>: I'll try not to feed you to anything.
18:03 <Tikvah>: If I need to take an action you can do that, right?
18:03 <Skid>: Yes.
18:03 <Tikvah>: OK, great.
18:03 <Tikvah>: Have fun
18:03 <Skid>: You'll yup-yup and follow people around.
18:03 <Levi>: Storywise, we could say the shadow thingy knocked her out
18:03 <Skid>: Not really, no. =p
18:04 <Skid>: Your party has just emerged from the sewers into laddered tank, with the bushy-eybrowed face of Dr. Vimes looking down at you.
18:05 <Skid>: "Did you see Maya? Is she all right?" He calls down.
18:05 <Gareth>: "She's worried about you."
18:05 <Skid>: "Oh, thank goodness."
18:06 <Skid>: "Is the stalker still on you?"
18:06 <Deimos>: "The creature?"
18:07 <Skid>: "...yes."
18:07 <Gareth>: [Are we assuming Levi was here last time or is he arriving separately?]
18:07 <Skid>: We're assuming he was here.
18:07 <Gareth>: [Ok great]
18:07 <Skid>: "Get up here. There's still a way out of this place, but I'll need help getting there."
18:07 <Gareth>: We climb up.
18:10 <Skid>: You emerge into a rectangular room that's large enough to echo. Two other tanks like the one you were in are cut into the floor. A pair of furnaces sits against the eastern wall, mouths large enough to fit a dead elephant.
18:10 <Skid>: You find another man with Dr. Vimes. Petra, a young, bespectacled youth with a sunburnt face.
18:11 <Levi>: Okay, we left Numbers with Maya, okay?
18:11 <Skid>: Yes.
18:11 <Skid>: To the eastern side of the room is a huge slab door with chains hanging on either side of it.
18:12 <Skid>: "It takes four people to pass through the airlocks. Three in a pinch."
18:13 <Gareth>: "I think the passage closed behind us down there."
18:13 <Levi>: "We have 6"
18:13 <Skid>: "That thing's an earth mage. Complete control of the facility."
18:14 <Gareth>: "And over visibility it would seem."
18:14 <Skid>: "It got its hand on an artifact. Killed Matthias for it."
18:15 <Levi>: "Must be a special artifact?"
18:15 <Skid>: "If we get into the main capture chamber we can open the roof and escape that way. All the other doors were sealed when this place was shut down."
18:16 <Gareth>: "Let's move then."
18:16 <Skid>: "Powerful enchantment. True, persistent invisiblity. Wonderful."
18:16 <Skid>: He says this with actual awe in his voice.
18:18 <Skid>: "Okay. Two people need to pull the chains with the others pass through. Then they pull the chains on that side to keep the door open while we catch up. Repeat for the next door."
18:18 <Gareth>: "Right."
18:19 <Levi>: I pull one of the chains
18:19 <Deimos>: I pull the other
18:19 <Levi>: Let me guess, might checks?
18:19 <Skid>: Okay, the door slide open, revealing a small room, with similar chains on the other side.
18:19 <Skid>: Nah, you're heavy enough to make it work.
18:19 <Gareth>: I go in.
18:20 <Gareth>: And pull one.
18:20 <Levi>: Who pulls the other?
18:20 <Gareth>: Olwen
18:20 <Skid>: Someone. Doesn't matter.
18:21 <Skid>: "Shouldn't have come through with so few. Wouldn't have lost Petra and Matthias."
18:21 <Levi>: I let go of my chain and move into the room where the others are
18:21 <Gareth>: "You thought this place was abandoned."
18:21 <Deimos>: I thought Petra was in the room?
18:21 <Skid>: He is.
18:21 <Deimos>: I do as Levi does
18:22 <Levi>: I pull one of the next set of chains
18:22 <Skid>: Petra is looking at Dr. Vimes oddly.
18:22 <Deimos>: I pull the chains as well
18:23 <Skid>: Okay, this door also slides open, and you find yourself in a darkened halway with yawning doors on either side.
18:23 <Skid>: Petra pulls Diemos aside.
18:24 <Levi>: I assume Gareth and Olwen pull the chains on the other side so we can pass through?
18:24 <Skid>: Yeah.
18:24 <Levi>: I pass through
18:25 <Skid>: Don't bother with fiddly details of airlocking unless you're being chased by something.
18:25 <Levi>: Oh
18:25 <Levi>: Okay
18:25 <Skid>: You've got 2 doorways on either side, and the yawning darkness of the hallway ahead.
18:26 <Levi>: I ask Dr. Vimes where to go next
18:26 <Gareth>: My lantern was on I think?
18:26 <Skid>: "The capture chamber should be ahead here..."
18:26 <Skid>: Perception checks.
18:26 <Levi>: I light my lantern
18:27 <Skid>: Assuming lanterns are generally on in the party.
18:27 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained
18:27 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained: 7
18:27 <Levi>: !roll d20
18:27 <Dicebot>: Levi: 15
18:29 <Skid>: This place has been untouched for hundred of years. All the walls are inscribed with thousands of tiny runes. Also, there is a bloodstain on the floor, like dragging marks. It leads into one of the side rooms.
18:29 <Skid>: Petra gasps and rushes from your group into that room.
18:29 <Levi>: "Please tell me we're not going to the room where the bloodstains lead"
18:29 <Gareth>: Why did he take Deimos aside?
18:30 <Skid>: Are you asking someone this?
18:30 <Levi>: "Oh dear"
18:30 <Gareth>: You?
18:30 <Levi>: I rush after Petra
18:30 <Gareth>: You mentioned it then never did anything.
18:30 <Deimos>: I follow
18:30 <Skid>: I did something.
18:30 <Gareth>: Oh I see
18:30 <Levi>: I imagine he PMed Deimos
18:31 <Levi>: So, Petra, Deimos, and I are all in the room where the blood trail leads
18:31 <Skid>: You find yourselves in a small lab chamber, a body lies slumped on the floor in front of a large copper sphere as wide as you are tall.
18:32 <Levi>: I examine the copper sphere
18:32 <Skid>: Petra kneels over the body, shaking it. "Alex! Alex!"
18:32 <Deimos>: "Oh no.."
18:33 <Skid>: The sphere is attached to the wall by several copper pipes. A strange spigot protrudes from it.
18:33 <Skid>: The room is otherwise barren save for the bloodstained floor and some empty work benches.
18:34 <Levi>: "I believe this holds some sort of liquid"
18:35 <Skid>: Dr. Vimes is looking glassy-eyed up the hallway. "Primitive aether capture tank."
18:35 <Levi>: "Aether?"
18:35 <Skid>: Gareth: magical knowledge check.
18:35 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
18:35 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 17
18:37 <Skid>: This is the kind of laboratory where spells are refined from pieces of aether. This one is empty, as it isn't emitting strong chaotic magical signature.
18:37 <Skid>: Devices of this quality were never capable of fully removing the chaos from spells.
18:38 <Levi>: "Could Alex have come to this tank hoping for some kind of magical healing?"
18:38 Tikvah is now known as Olwen
18:38 <Skid>: Hmm. Forensics check?
18:38 <Levi>: !roll d20
18:38 <Dicebot>: Levi: 6
18:39 <Skid>: "No, he was dead as soon as the door closed. The stalker got him."
18:40 <Skid>: An examination of the corpse reveals a single dire stab wound to the back, obviously fatal.
18:40 <Levi>: "So he came to hide"
18:40 <Olwen>: "Great."
18:40 <Skid>: He was dragged there.
18:41 <Levi>: "By whom?"
18:41 <Gareth>: The thing
18:41 <Olwen>: "The invisible thing, probably."
18:42 <Skid>: Hmm. Read person checks.
18:42 <Levi>: !roll d20
18:42 <Dicebot>: Levi: 2
18:42 <Olwen>: !roll d20
18:42 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 6
18:42 <Olwen>: D:
18:42 <Skid>: Gareth?
18:42 <Skid>: Petra starts to say something, but stops.
18:43 <Gareth>: !roll d20
18:43 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 8
18:43 <Skid>: He was stopped by a glare from Dr. Vimes.
18:43 <Deimos>: "Are you okay, Petra?"
18:44 <Skid>: "I'm fine."
18:44 <Skid>: "He deserves a decent burial after all this."
18:45 <Levi>: "Indeed"
18:45 <Gareth>: "We need to get out first."
18:45 <Skid>: "We need to go." Says Dr. Vimes.
18:45 <Olwen>: "How are we to bring a body with us?"
18:46 <Skid>: Dr. Vimes: "Leave it. We can return when we have an escape."
18:47 <Olwen>: "Which way are we to go?"
18:47 <Deimos>: "I'll carry it out if I'm not needing for anymore chains"
18:47 <Skid>: "Down the hall and to the left. If we make it that far. There's another airlock and then the ampitheatre."
18:48 <Levi>: "Why do I get the feeling the ampitheatre is a bad place?"
18:48 <Olwen>: "Let's just go."
18:49 <Gareth>: "Because there's an invisible killer on the loose."
18:49 <Levi>: "True"
18:50 <Olwen>: I start down the hall.
18:51 <Levi>: I follow
18:51 <Skid>: Dr. Vimes taps his foot impatiently. "All this history, hundred of years of priceless artifacts, and what happens as soon as we find it? Violence."
18:51 <Skid>: You continue down the hall, noticing dim glows from objects in the labs. Your badges begin to sparkle with magical energy, flickering up and down the color spectrum.
18:52 <Gareth>: I share the doctor's wish we could examine these rooms. But realize there are more pressing matters at hand.
18:52 <Skid>: You reach an intersection, and turn left, passing a couple more room before reaching another airlock.
18:53 <Levi>: I pull one chain
18:53 <Skid>: Okay, you guys go through the airlock with the mechinations that requires.
18:55 <Skid>: You emerge into a huge, dark room. Stairs descend in front of you much like those of a theatre. At the base, a pool of dark water surrounds another copper sphere, this one the size of a small cottage.
18:56 <Skid>: At intervals around the pool are four desks. One of them is glowing blue.
18:56 <Olwen>: Are our badges still lighting up?
18:56 <Skid>: Not as brightly. They've dimmed to a sort of residual golden glow.
18:57 <Olwen>: "Gareth? Why is the desk blue?"
18:57 <Skid>: Dr. Vimes is aready rushing down the steps, muttering "No... no, nononono."
18:58 <Skid>: Gareth? Magical knowledge check?
18:58 <Deimos>: "What's wrong?"
18:58 <Gareth>: !roll d20 specialized
18:58 <Dicebot>: Gareth, specialized: 20
18:58 <Deimos>: =o
18:58 <Olwen>: Niiice
18:58 <Skid>: "He destroyed them! The focus devices!"
18:59 <Olwen>: "Which means what?"
18:59 <Levi>: "Focus devices?"
18:59 <Skid>: This machine requires four enchanted terminals to operate, and three of them were destroyed.
18:59 <Levi>: "I'm guessing their absence means we can't leave"
18:59 <Skid>: Without them, it will have insufficent power to open the hatch.
19:00 <Skid>: "There must be others."
19:00 <Skid>: "They used to use these for everything before magic was pure enough to use without."
19:01 <Skid>: You all hear the dull thud of moving stone somewhere far away.
19:01 <Olwen>: I look around for the source of the noise.
19:01 <Skid>: It's not in the chamber you're in.
19:02 <Skid>: But it sounds very much like an airlock cycling.
19:02 <Olwen>: Can I tell the direction?
19:02 <Skid>: Roll for it.
19:02 <Olwen>: perception?
19:02 <Skid>: Yes.
19:02 <Olwen>: !roll d20 specialised
19:02 <Dicebot>: Olwen, specialised: 4
19:02 <Olwen>: -_-
19:03 <Skid>: You can't tell.
19:03 <Deimos>: "What do we do?"
19:03 <Skid>: "Check the labs. Check the dorms." Vimes says. "One of these may yet be salvagable. But I need 3 more."
19:03 <Olwen>: Is there any way to lock the airlock we came through?
19:04 <Skid>: Make a lockpicking roll.
19:05 <Olwen>: !roll d20 trained
19:05 <Dicebot>: Olwen, trained: 18
19:05 <Skid>: By driving a pin through the chain mechanism to lift the airlock door, you could prevent it from moving.
19:06 <Skid>: Well, any sufficiently sturdy piece of metal.
19:06 <Skid>: More of a bolt.
19:07 <Olwen>: What about the climbing pitons in the Ember patrol gear?
19:07 <Skid>: Those would work.
19:08 <Olwen>: I shove one in.
19:08 <Skid>: With everyone in the ampitheatre?
19:08 <Levi>: I ask Dr. Vimes what the focus devices look like
19:08 <Olwen>: ...yes?
19:08 <Olwen>: Why wouldn't I?
19:09 <Deimos>: Because we need to search for the things?
19:09 <Skid>: "Like this one." He waves one of the smashed ones at you. "But less broken."
19:09 <Olwen>: Well, I'll take it out when we need to leave.
19:09 <Olwen>: I don't want that thing coming in.
19:09 <Levi>: Are there any accessible rooms to search?
19:11 <Skid>: There are two other doors that have had their chains removed and have been melted closed by some immense heat.
19:11 <Skid>: This room is pretty huge though.
19:11 <Gareth>: I start looking around.
19:11 <Olwen>: I start looking around.
19:11 <Levi>: I search for any possible storages
19:11 <Deimos>: I search as well
19:13 <Skid>: You poke around. You don't find any more focus devices, but you do find a large nest made from shredded blankets and mattresses. In its center lies the twisted skeleton of a huge hexapodal creature.
19:13 <Olwen>: O_O
19:14 <Levi>: I examine the skeleton
19:15 <Skid>: It's about the size of a cow, though its skull is practically reptilians with needle-like teeth. The whole creature is warped as if by some inherent physical deformity.
19:16 <Levi>: I ask Dr. Vimes what manner of creature this is
19:16 Olwen resists the urge to add its teeth to her collection.
19:16 <Levi>: xD
19:17 <Skid>: "Creature of the outbreak. They shut this place down for building shapeshifters, you know."
19:17 <Skid>: "...releasing shapeshifters, rather."
19:17 <Gareth>: I don't, and snap one off.
19:17 <Gareth>: ;)
19:17 <Skid>: It's fragile with age, and breaks easily.
19:17 <Levi>: "Could our invisible friend be a remaining shapeshifter?
19:17 <Olwen>: If he did it, I pull out some as well.
19:18 <Levi>: I also take a tooth
19:18 <Skid>: Okay, everyone roll detect deception.
19:18 <Skid>: "It could be."
19:18 <Levi>: !roll d20
19:18 <Dicebot>: Levi: 15
19:18 <Olwen>: !roll d20
19:18 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 13
19:18 <Gareth>: Does that fall under perception?
19:18 <Skid>: Eh... not really. It would qualify under read person.
19:19 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:19 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 9
19:19 <Deimos>: !roll d20
19:19 <Dicebot>: Deimos: 7
19:19 <Deimos>: I think I'm specialized in that..
19:19 <Levi>: "Interesting"
19:20 <Skid>: You're specialized in deception, so I'll give you half credit for detecting it.
19:20 <Deimos>: ah cool
19:20 <Levi>: I pull Dr. Vimes aside
19:20 <Skid>: He seems honest enough.
19:22 <Gareth>: He probably isn't though if you keep having us check
19:22 <Skid>: Petra stands back, sullen.
19:22 <Skid>: Well, this roll counts for the next few minutes of conversation.
19:24 <Skid>: If... anyone wants to converse.
19:25 <Gareth>: Is there conversation to have? I thought we needed to search.
19:25 <Olwen>: "What could these shapeshifters do?"
19:25 <Skid>: Well you can go search if you want.
19:26 <Gareth>: I want to get moving, so I keep searching.
19:26 <Skid>: "Shapeshifting is relatively new. Go back a few centuries and it was the domain of only the most powerful mages."
19:27 <Levi>: "I wish Ezra was here. He might know something useful"
19:28 <Skid>: "But this place made shapeshifting an inherent part of biology. The creatures and human subjects that exaped from here created the bloodlines of every natural shapeshifter in the empire."
19:28 <Skid>: "So they sealed it off, and destroyed their work."
19:28 <Olwen>: "Is there a way they could be related to the thing stalking us now?"
19:30 <Skid>: "I did not initially believe that anything could have survived being confined this long. But concievably, if it had learned to draw its life from the magic itself? It is concievable."
19:30 <Olwen>: "Would it be invisible though?"
19:31 <Skid>: "I have no experience there. You know that the greatest mages of our time have only managed fleeting disappearances."
19:31 <Levi>: "I thought the invisibility was from an artifact it stole from Matthias"
19:31 <Olwen>: "Hmm."
19:31 <Skid>: "Yes... from one of the labs."
19:32 <Levi>: I whisper something to Gareth
19:32 <Olwen>: As do I.
19:32 <Levi>: "He was lying about the creature. He knows what it is."
19:32 <Olwen>: "He's lying."
19:33 <Gareth>: "Shouldn't we press him then? Why would he hide this from us, we're trying to save him."
19:34 <Olwen>: "I don't know, but he's lying about somehing."
19:34 <Levi>: "I tried. He's tight-lipped."
19:34 <Olwen>: "I don't trust Petra either."
19:35 <Levi>: I pull Deimos in on the conversation
19:35 <Levi>: "What did Petra tell you, earlier?"
19:35 <Skid>: Okay, you guys have moved across the room, to talk away from Petra and Vimes.
19:35 <Deimos>: "Something is a bit off. Petra told me he got hit hard on the head and to keep an eye on him."
19:36 <Levi>: "That could be why he's being stupid enough to lie to us"
19:36 <Olwen>: "So what do we do about the whole magic thing?"
19:37 Skid is now known as Skid_GMing
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: I completely forgot.
19:37 <Gareth>: "I dont know why they would be hiding things from us, but right now I just want to get out of here."
19:39 <Olwen>: "Is there any way we can open those other doors?"
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: Those doors are sealed. They would hypothetically lead outside, but you haven't the force break through feet of solid rock. Yet.
19:40 <Levi>: "Gareth, can you force push them?"
19:40 <Olwen>: Great, so we need to go back in with the creepy thing to fix the whatever it is.
19:40 <Gareth>: Yes I can. But it won't do anything to them.
19:41 <Skid_GMing>: In short? Not a chance. They're several tons. The ones inside can be moved because the counterweight system stil works.
19:41 <Gareth>: Right, I meant I could use the spell in their direction. It would fail.
19:42 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:42 <Levi>: "I say we press Vimes a bit before we go battling this thing blind."
19:42 <Olwen>: "Can we throw flour or something on it so we can see it?"
19:42 <Olwen>: "The stalker."
19:43 <Gareth>: "Do you have some?"
19:43 <Levi>: I lead the group to Vimes. "Looks like the only place we'll find what we need is out there." I point toward the working door
19:43 <Olwen>: How dusty is it in here?
19:44 <Skid_GMing>: It's actually really dusty in here.
19:44 <Olwen>: "What if we gather dust and use that?"
19:44 <Skid_GMing>: And given the pool of water, you can mix whatever consistency of mud you want.
19:44 <Olwen>: :D
19:44 <Olwen>: I start collecting dust.
19:44 <Gareth>: I sneeze.
19:44 <Levi>: I whisper something to Vimes
19:45 <Gareth>: You're keeping secrets now too?
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: You collect as much dust as you want. As well as the bones of some rodents and assorted debris.
19:46 <Olwen>: I fill my cooking pot with dust and make mud out of it.
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: You have a pot of mud.
19:48 <Olwen>: Yay.
19:48 <Gareth>: [Are we getting to a stopping point? I know you said we wouldn't be finishing tonight (obviously)]
19:49 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, we can start with the search proper next week.
19:49 <Olwen>: OK.
19:49 <Gareth>: Then let's wrap up this room. If there's anything else to do in here
19:50 <Gareth>: Are we talking to Vimes more?
19:50 <Olwen>: I think we need to fight the thing next time.
19:50 <Olwen>: And we need to name it.
19:50 <Levi>: "No, he's remaining belligerently silent."
19:50 <Skid_GMing>: ...because you were incredibly rude to him.
19:51 <Levi>: I tried being nice. That failed =P
19:51 <Gareth>: When did all this happen?
19:51 <Levi>: When I whispered with him ;)
19:52 <Gareth>: What did you do? We need to know when things are happening.
19:52 <Skid_GMing>: When you guys were making mud, apaprently. Levi was whispering to Vimes, who got mad and shooed him off.
19:52 <Gareth>: You shouldn't be doing things without us.
19:52 <Skid_GMing>: Good advice, actually.
19:53 <Gareth>: So he's not cooperating, and we have no clue why.
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: Well, somebody else could try talknig to him.
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: You know, ask about the things you need to know right now.
19:54 <Levi>: Yeah, maybe someone who didn't threaten him xP
19:54 <Gareth>: Is there anything else we know we need to know? All I know is we need to find magic pads to get out of here.
19:54 <Gareth>: And they're apparently not in here
19:54 <Skid_GMing>: Well, details about the lab, or about the creature, or whatever.
19:56 <Levi>: Who's best with diplomacy?
19:56 <Gareth>: I'm trained in persuasion; has some overlap
19:56 <Skid_GMing>: There's quite a bit of lab and stuff to cover. Once you guys have explored a bit next session, I'll give you a map.
19:57 <Gareth>: I approach him.
19:57 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes?"
19:57 <Gareth>: "Is there anything else you can tell us that would help get us out of here?"
19:58 <Levi>: Summary of my convos with Vimes: I detected deception, pulled him aside to ask him (politely) what he knew. He stayed silent. Then we had our group convo. Then I talked to him again, and threatened to send him out to the creature alone if he didn't spill. He refused to talk.
19:59 <Levi>: Empty threat, BTW. ;)
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: "You know the usuals for dealing with invisibles? I suspect the creature is highly intelligent and may have motives beyond merely escaping or killing us all."
20:00 <Gareth>: "I gathered as much. When we faced it in the tunnel it left rather than attacking."
20:01 <Olwen>: "I think it was attempting to surprise us."
20:01 <Skid_GMing>: "Do not touch anything in here without knowing what you are doing. Everything has traces of chaos magic."
20:01 <Gareth>: "Yes."
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: "And stay away from the vault. It should be left to experienced researchers."
20:02 <Olwen>: "Like yourself?"
20:02 <Gareth>: "That's where you were trying to get to?"
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes, of course."
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: (to both)
20:03 <Gareth>: "Had you made it yet? Or it flooded first."
20:05 <Skid_GMing>: "It's secured by locks I had no idea how to break without Juno's help."
20:05 <Skid_GMing>: "And then she disappeared."
20:06 <Gareth>: The lady outside said she died too right?
20:06 <Gareth>: But we haven't found the body yet
20:08 <Skid_GMing>: "Juno was the first. Then our camels were taken, and all the sabotage."
20:08 <Gareth>: "Did she dissappear or die?"
20:09 <Skid_GMing>: "And then it caught us down there, and Matthias held the door to let us escape. The poor brave soul."
20:09 <Skid_GMing>: "She... died."
20:09 <Olwen>: "Are you sure?"
20:09 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes. She must have."
20:10 <Skid_GMing>: He's looking distinctly unsettled.
20:10 <Olwen>: Gaaah.
20:10 <Levi>: [no fair you guys got him talking so easily ;)]
20:11 <Olwen>: What do I call the teeth in my inventory?
20:12 <Skid_GMing>: "hexapod teeth"?
20:12 <Olwen>: K
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Post by Woody »

An excerpt from the journal of Leviticus Rutter:
Upon finding Dr. Vimes, we were told of another exit, through a room Vimes called the amphitheatre. Dr. Vimes and his assistant, Petra, were trapped at an airlock, which required four people to open. We assisted them in moving forward, and Dr. Vimes told us more about the creature that was attacking them, and now us. He claimed it was an Earth Mage, and that it had stolen a powerful artifact that made it truly invisible. We also learned he had killed Matthias, a member of Vimes' expedition, in order to obtain said artifact. With this chilling tale fresh in our minds, we found ourselves in a corridor with four doors, two on either side. We were surprised to see a trail of blood leading into one of the doors. Despite the possible danger, Petra rushed into the room. The rest of us quickly followed. In the room, we found the body of a man called Alex, another member of the expedition. The room was bare, save for a large tank which Dr. Vimes claimed was used for stored aether, a powerful raw magical substance.

We decided to leave Alex for the moment until we could find a way out. We made our way to the amphitheatre, where we learned of more bad news. The phantom had destroyed three of the four lenses that were required for our escape. Dr. Vimes informed us that these lenses were quite common and that we should be able to find replacements. It was then that we heard someone trying to open the airlock leading into the amphitheatre. Olwen reacted quickly, securing the chain that opened the door using some of her Ember Patrol equipment. We then searched the amphitheatre, but to our dismay, found no lenses. All we could find was the skeleton of a creature Vimes claimed was a shapeshifter, the very kind of creature that caused the demise of this civilisation.

When we asked if the phantom could be a similar creature, Vimes began to act strangely, dodging all our questions, and refusing to offer up any information. The others gathered some dust, in order to make a substance that would help us see our adversary, while I made the unfortunate mistake of threatening Dr. Vimes in order to obtain information. This plan utterly backfired, and I now fear Dr. Vimes will refuse to help us at all. I only hope that he will forgive my rash judgment. I now regret my actions and hope that they will have no ill repercussions.
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Post by Skid »

Woody and Bookworm each earn 1 XP for journal posts.

The rescue squad delves deep into the vaults and archives in search of Focus Devices. Avoiding the more obviously dangerous magics, they discover that others have been busily plumbing the depths of the caverns, though they are not yet sure who.

Tikvah, Bookworm, and Woody each earn 1 XP for progress, and 1 XP to give away, plus assorted collected loot.
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Post by bookworm »

I give my XP to Tikvah for trying to stay on top of where the stalker was. I wouldn't have the patience to keep track of all the airlocks.
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