Ember Patrol: Death by Desert

Subcypher Chatroom RPG

The place where role players come to play! If you want to start an interactive war, chat with real citizens of the town, or find other uses for your faction, this field can accommodate those desires. As with anything else, please try to keep your role playing appropriate... but you're still welcome to have a little fun!
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Post by Skid »

Looks mostly good. A couple things to note: It's helpful if you include the description of your ability with the ability itself, so I don't have to remember exactly what it does. And you'll want to pick up some lightweight armor to take advantage of your armor wearing skill.
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Post by Woody »

Is it possible to have a session that's not on a Wednesday or Saturday night? Because those are the two times I am least available. :p Tuesdays and Thursdays are best for me :)
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Post by Lark »

Tuesdays won't work for me, sorry.
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Post by Skid »

If we can find more people who could play on Tuesdays it might work. I'm realizing that I might be stretched a little thin trying to GM more than one game a week though.
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Post by bookworm »

I can't do Tuesday sessions every week, but if you're just wanting to have a one shot now and then to let in people who can't make our Saturdays I could probably do that.
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Post by Pengwin »

I may not be able to make it to any sessions until the end of my semester, which is in 3 weeks. :(
:wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky:
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Post by Tikvah »

Is this on for tonight?
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Post by Skid »

This is on for tonight.

-- Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:51 am --

And the mission is complete. Slaves rescued, bandits driven off, and cultists captured.

Everyone who participated in this session earns 2 XP for general heroics, 20 silver nobles combat pay, and 1 XP that they need to give away to another character. Post what player you're giving an XP to and what they did to earn it below.

Remember to update your character profiles.

And here's The Lab just for historical reference.
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Post by bookworm »

I give my XP to Tikvah for making good decisions, even if she couldn't always do them because of the dice.
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Post by Tikvah »

I give my XP to Bookworm for being the most useful against the bear.
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Post by Pengwin »

I shall give mine to LIGHTNING for getting to the prisoners before anyone.
:wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky:
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Post by bookworm »

Excerpt from the journal of Gareth Trevelyan
While riffling through the mage's belongings I found a silencing spell. Of course it would happen that something which would have been so useful mere minutes before was to be found after the fact, but at least I will have the ability available in the future should we find ourselves in similar circumstances. As we left the sleeping quarters we were met by the rest of our party who had come through the mine entrance. I was relieved to see our number double, for surely more allies meant future battles would be easier.

As we proceeded down the tunnel we heard shouting voices referencing burning something. Apparently there were things here they did not want us to discover. We hastened our pace, but were halted by an archer who had been waiting for us. While we determined the best way to get at him through his cover a great beast appeared and began to charge us! Ezra managed to rush ahead down another passage before it got to us, the rest of us engaged it. It gave Diemos a nasty bite before I downed it and we looked to the archer, but the crafty creature was only feigning injury and attacked again while our backs were turned! It gave Diemos another wound, but finally it was beaten for good. Olwen let fly a masterful shot which found the archer despite his cover, and we were able to continue onward.

We came upon a room filled with smoke. Ezra entered from another corridor. There was shouting from what must have been the captives, and some men were quickly throwing papers onto a fire. We rushed into action, each happening to select a different target without needing to coordinate. Olwen and Diemos advanced on the enemies and Ezra saw to freeing the prisoners. My first thought was of course the safety of the captives as well, and I would have gone there myself had we fewer numbers, but because they were already being attended to I ran to the fire to attempt to salvage some of the papers. They were clearly important; whoever these people were did not want us finding them. Despite acting as quickly as I was able I failed to reach it in time, and in my haste my cloak caught fire. I quickly shrugged it off and moved to help Ezra evacuate the prisoners.

After some skirmishes our opponents were subdued and all the prisoners were freed. We took in our surroundings, realizing it was some form of laboratory. There were dissected bodies on some tables. It didn't look like a slaver camp. The captives said they had been the subjects of experiments, something about finding "pure ones" which were then killed. I questioned the man we had tied, but he refused to provide any information beyond cryptic phrases. I found another dragon coin on him, similar to the one the mage had but less elaborate. He was similarly vague on their purpose. The other man we had captured held one too, perhaps they are some type of identification for whatever group they belong to. I made a final search of the room and discovered a few papers they hadn't burned. We collected our prisoners and made our way out of the mine.

Upon regrouping with Commander Ursa outside we relayed what had taken place. When I showed him one of the coins he identified it as a "token of the dragon" but would not reveal more, instead saying we were to forget anything that happened here. The others seemed shocked and troubled by this. I was similarly surprised, but not as concerned. If Ursa feels the need to keep things from us I trust there is a reason. I have no hesitation in complying with this coverup, other than roused curiosity. But the curiosity stems more from the mystery of the situation than the situation itself I believe. I have no desire to become involved with evil cultists, I agree with Ursa that it would be best to just drop the matter... if I knew why. But I cannot completely drop something I do not completely know. It is my nature to strive to comprehend. Ursa's insistence that we do not want a part of this, but failing to explain why, only made the matter more difficult to walk away from simply because it meant there was something I was not understanding.

Remembering I still had other coins, I attempted to determine the nature of Ursa's terseness to decide my level of compliance. I inquired whether the reason we could not be given more information was out of fear for our safety should we learn too much, or a discipline by the Embers for discovering some internal affair we should not be involved in. Had he said it was the latter I would have handed over everything and dropped the matter; I do not want to fall into poor graces with the Embers, especially straight off my first assignment. But because it was not a personal matter, rather he seemed simply concerned for us, I held back one of the coins in case I should find it useful in the future. I appreciate Ursa's concern, and do not take his warning lightly, but as an academic my curiosity cannot be so simply dissuaded. I will not actively pursue this mystery in a way that would draw dangerous attention, but I may gather further information in passing on future travels. I am unsure if any of my companions were paying enough attention to notice how many of the coins I had collected from our foes, and therefore realize I had kept one back, but I could tell they were as taken aback by Ursa's vague brashness as I was so if any did I would hope that they realize it was done out of mere curiosity and not an insidious disobedience.

The salvaged papers likewise present a conundrum. Ursa urged me to destroy them, but just in glancing I gathered that they contain records of a search for immortality. Ursa is right that I want nothing to do with these matters, and if it were as simple as that I would indeed burn them straight away, but I have emerging concerns of whether there is more to the situation that must be considered. If an immortality process is a possibility, this apparent cult is clearly not the kind of people that should possess such a power. It is my thinking that the papers need to be studied further, if just to understand what the experiments are all about. If there is nothing of significance to be gained from them then I can dispose of them, but if there is valuable information then surely we need to learn it to see how far along the process is, or perhaps discover a way to thwart it. I would think the Embers would be eager for such an opportunity, and am confused why Ursa did not consider it. There is the possibility that they already have this information from other encounters perhaps. But what if they don't? I only want to do what is right by the Embers, but Ursa's refusal to offer any explanations makes it impossible to determine what that action is.

Parting ways with the Commander we set out to find a suitable place to make camp. Before leaving I revisited the guard tent to pick up the wooden carving as a memento of our excursion. It was unfinished, like us. We have only begun our adventures, each subsequent mission will form us. I am not a master craftsman, but I will continue the piece where it was left off. It will serve as a reflection opportunity, a way to calm and refocus after an experience like this sends the mind in dozens of directions. As I transform the wood into a finished sculpture it will reflect the transformations in myself.

So concluded my first mission. I had not known entirely what to expect going in, and looking back I would have done some things differently were we to live the day over again, but our objective was accomplished. The experience gained from our actions and hindsight are both equally valuable going forward, as I develop into my role with the Ember Patrol.
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Post by Tikvah »

Portion of Olwen's journal:
Shortly after my last entry, the mage Gareth found some orb which he claimed contained a silencing spell. 'Tis a pity he did not have it sooner. We also discovered a coin with a strange emblem on it, in the shape of a dragon. While we were searching the room, the bed which we had forgotten to extinguish filled the room with smoke. We chose to continue down the path the armed thug had taken, where we found the cave entrance and the rest of our party, which I failed to mention before. We heard the slavers shouting about burning something, so we ran toward the noise. Before we reached them however, we encountered an archer, hidden behind some form of barricade. As soon as we came within sight, some sort of horrid bear creature leapt the barrier and attacked us. I wonder if it cast a spell of ill fortune on us as well. The archer struck Ezra in the knee, who bravely pulled it out and ran into a dark tunnel. It appears Ezra is a shape-shifter. After a brief and unlucky scuffle Gareth stunned it and I, thinking it was dead, made a run for the archer which had been shooting at us this whole time. Fortune was against me however, and I only made a few steps before I took a hit from the archer. Finally, luck seemed to return and I managed to hit the archer, who slunk away. We continued toward the main cave. Ezra was breaking open the prison, So I went after two cloaked figures who had been throwing papers into the fire. Gareth attempted to rescue the papers, but only succeeded in catching his cloak on fire. I managed to cut the cloaked men off from the ladder, but the archer escaped me. The ladder appears to be the same one that Gareth and I entered by. Diemos climbed after the archer, but didn't get far. I knocked down one man and ran after the other. Gareth helped Ezra to release the prisoners who were suffocating in smoke, for their prison appeared to have caught fire. I secured the other cloaked man and returned to find that the one I had knocked down tried to climb the ladder, unaware of Diemos' presence. The extra weight proved too much for it, and the ladder broke, plunging the man and Diemos into a pit of water. Apparently Gareth isn't the only one unlucky with ladders. Now that our enemies were vanquished we had time to take in the gruesome scene. Half dissected bodies lay on the tables, where they were quickly covered by the freed prisoners. They told us a gruesome tale of some secret group, perhaps a cult. Why couldn't they have been simple slavers? We discovered to coins of lesser make on the cloaked men. Gareth salvaged an unburnt paper from the fireplace, and we went to meet Commander Ursa. When he saw the coins and the paper, he told us to forget about this, never speak of it again, and destroy the evidence. Apparently this group is more terrible than I thought. I noticed that Gareth held back one of the lesser coins, probably to study it for himself. I don't think I need to make a ruckus by telling the Commander. This mission is done. I no longer feel any remorse for killing that mage like the snake he is. I am glad we did not wait till daylight when more innocent lives could have been lost.
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Post by bookworm »

Slaver Infiltration, Session 2 of 2:
Continued from Part 1
We need an assault team. The mage has been eliminated. Descend into the mine, free his prisoners, and discover the dark secrets within.
18:57 <bookworm>: I liked your journal for last time Tikvah, good perspective on the events. I have to say though I'm slightly offended that you just credited my difficulty in the cavern to inherent clumsiness without even considering it might have had something to do with there being no light and only you were using dark vision. ;)
18:58 <Tikvah>: My character doesn't have a lot of intellect. :P
18:59 <bookworm>: ;)
18:59 <bookworm>: So I was thinking; we used our 10min recoveries at the end of the last session; I noticed we have those salves and they take 10min also. If your Int is troublingly low, Tikvah, do you think you should use one of those in addition to your roll since we were taking the 10min break anyway?
18:59 <Tikvah>: Maybe, I'm at 3 of 8.
19:00 <bookworm>: Oh so one would bring you right to full!
19:00 <bookworm>: I think you should definitely do it. This mission ends tonight either way; might as well use the salves while we have them.
19:00 <Tikvah>: Right.
19:01 LIGHTNING is now known as Ezra_Hunter
19:03 Tikvah is now known as Olwen
19:04 <bookworm>: Also a minor correction: I had said my Int was back to full after recovery, but in fact it is still one down: 14
19:04 bookworm is now known as Gareth
19:08 Penguin is now known as Diemos
19:08 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, while searching the room you find pages of notes and an aether sphere containing a spell. Your knowledge of magic suggests that it would silence anyone it is cast on, but it will take several hours of study to absorb the spell entirely.
19:08 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, when we last left off, our heroes were looting the mine's bunk area. Our new players are waiting in ambush outside the mine, and will be introduced very shortly.
19:08 <Gareth>: "I found a spell for restricting speech. Would have been really useful outside, but at least we'll have it in the future if we're in a similar situation."
19:08 <Olwen>: "Indeed."
19:09 <Skid_GMing>: After a few minutes, the bunk room has flooded with smoke from the burning bed. You can either follow the long tunnel to the south, or return north to the shaft.
19:10 <Skid_GMing>: Or... hang out in the smoke.
19:10 <Gareth>: Lol I never thought to put out the fire!
19:10 <Olwen>: "Which way should we go?"
19:10 <Gareth>: We've just been rummaging around while the bed is blazing XD
19:11 <Gareth>: Did we see which way the knight went?
19:11 <Olwen>: "He went South."
19:11 <Skid_GMing>: It went south.
19:12 <Gareth>: "We need to go after that knight."
19:12 <Skid_GMing>: You hear some shouting from far down the corridor to the south.
19:13 <Gareth>: "Hopefully looting the room instead of immediately pursuing him wasn't a mistake. If there are more people down here, they'll be waiting for us now."
19:13 <Olwen>: "right."
19:13 <Gareth>: Is it still dark?
19:13 <Skid_GMing>: It's dark.
19:13 <Gareth>: Olwen takes lead again then.
19:13 <Olwen>: Can we bring the torch?
19:13 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:13 <Skid_GMing>: You have lanterns.
19:14 <Olwen>: I follow the tunnel to the south.
19:14 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra and Diemos: You're waiting outside the mine with Commander Ursa. It's an unassuming opening carved into the the rock, guarded by a tough-looking man with a sword and shield. There is suddenly unintelligible shouting from the tunnel and the sentry turns and ducks inside. "I think that's your cue." Ursa says.
19:14 <Gareth>: Since we're not sneaking anymore, definitely bring a light.
19:14 <Gareth>: Who took the torch you or me?
19:14 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, Gareth and Olwen: You soon see the glimmer of daylight ahead.
19:14 <Olwen>: We have lanterns.
19:15 <Gareth>: But we may as well just take the already lit torch?
19:15 <Skid_GMing>: But you can shutter your lanters for instant darkness if you need to.
19:15 <Gareth>: Oh I didn't realize
19:15 Diemos nods at Ezra and goes into the tunnels
19:16 <Gareth>: I light my lantern.
19:16 <Olwen>: "Coming, Gareth?"
19:16 <Gareth>: And follow Olwen.
19:16 <Ezra_Hunter>: I follow a pace behind, keeping alert.
19:16 <Olwen>: I move toward the daylight.
19:17 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, your groups meet just inside the entrance, where two tunnels lead north into the cliff. One leads slightly up in the direction that Olwen and Gareth came from, and the other slopes downwards into the darkness.
19:17 <Skid_GMing>: You hear shouting down that tunnel.
19:17 <Ezra_Hunter>: I look in that direction, trying to make out the words.
19:18 <Olwen>: "I think we should follow the shouting."
19:18 <Diemos>: "I think so too "
19:18 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra: roll a perception check.
19:19 <Ezra_Hunter>: !roll d20
19:19 <Dicebot>: Ezra_Hunter: 20
19:19 <Skid_GMing>: Nice.
19:20 <Skid_GMing>: "Who tipped off the Embers? That idiot Malvin? Burn everything! Burn it all! We can't let them find out!"
19:20 <Olwen>: "I think we need to hurry."
19:20 <Ezra_Hunter>: I nod at Gareth. "They are setting fire."
19:20 <Diemos>: "Let's go!"
19:20 <Skid_GMing>: There are other shouts, less coherent. And maybe four voices.
19:20 <Olwen>: I run towards the shouting.
19:20 <Diemos>: I follow behind Olwen
19:20 <Gareth>: Skid, do we know these people previously or just that they're fellow Embers?
19:20 <Skid_GMing>: You were together for the tavern bit.
19:20 <Gareth>: Ok
19:20 <Olwen>: Ahhh.
19:21 <Skid_GMing>: But you may not know them much.
19:21 <Gareth>: I follow
19:23 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. You reach another fork in the road. About 100 ft to the north, a glimmer of firelight is visible as the rough-hewn tunnel turns left. Right at the turn, a makeshift barrier has been raised, providing cover to an archer. Straight east, another tunnel leads off into the darkness.
19:24 <Olwen>: How well can we see the archer?
19:24 <Skid_GMing>: He's slightly backlit, but visible.
19:24 <Diemos>: "Which way now?"
19:24 <Ezra_Hunter>: I look to see if there is anything behind the barricade.
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Perception check?
19:25 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, everyone, roll for initative.
19:25 <Olwen>: !roll d20
19:25 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 10
19:25 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:25 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 19
19:25 <Ezra_Hunter>: !roll d20
19:25 <Dicebot>: Ezra_Hunter: 5
19:26 <Diemos>: !roll d20
19:26 <Dicebot>: Diemos: 13
19:26 <Gareth>: "We don't have time to waste if they're trying to burn something!"
19:26 <Ezra_Hunter>: The fire light makes it hard to see from this distance. "We should head for them. They won't be long at there burning."
19:26 <Skid_GMing>: A huge beast bounds over the barrier and charges towards you. It looks like a small, bear with huge, empty eyes and ghostly fur.
19:27 <Olwen>: I shoot at it.
19:27 <Skid_GMing>: Hold on. Turn order.
19:27 <Gareth>: Yes
19:27 <Diemos>: Turn order?
19:27 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, turn order: Beast, Gareth, Diemos, Olwen, Archer
19:27 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Who's turn?]
19:28 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, you go.
19:28 <Olwen>: Why doesn't Ezra get a turn?
19:28 <Ezra_Hunter>: [yeah]
19:28 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra goes last.
19:28 <Ezra_Hunter>: [okay]
19:28 <Gareth>: I quickly fire a plasma bolt at the creature
19:29 <Skid_GMing>: Roll for attack.
19:29 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:29 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 13
19:29 <Skid_GMing>: You hit. It yelps as it's electrocuted.
19:30 <Skid_GMing>: Next?
19:30 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Did they hear that? Stay sharp."
19:30 <Diemos>: Do I have to attack it?
19:30 <Skid_GMing>: You don't have to. You could move north, east, or south.
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: Or anything else you choose.
19:31 <Diemos>: I stand ready to swing at it with my axe if it gets near
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you hold your attack for when it arrives.
19:31 <Skid_GMing>: Next?
19:32 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Can I talk to Olwen, or does that count as a turn?]
19:32 <Skid_GMing>: Talking is a free action.
19:32 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Good.]
19:32 <Olwen>: I shoot at it.
19:32 <Skid_GMing>: Roll.
19:32 <Olwen>: !roll d20 trained archery
19:32 <Dicebot>: Olwen, trained archery: 3
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: That's a miss. The arrow skitters down the corridor.
19:33 <Olwen>: :|
19:33 <Gareth>: How can you miss a giant charging bear?
19:33 <Gareth>: :p
19:33 <Olwen>: "I don't know!"
19:33 <Gareth>: I didn't really say that, it was just me bookworm ;)
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: The archer returns fire at...
19:33 <Skid_GMing>: !roll d4
19:33 <Dicebot>: Skid_GMing: 4
19:34 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra. Ezra, roll a dodge.
19:34 <Ezra_Hunter>: !roll d20 dodge
19:34 <Dicebot>: Ezra_Hunter, dodge: 10
19:34 <Skid_GMing>: Are you trained?
19:35 <Ezra_Hunter>: [In what?]
19:35 <Skid_GMing>: Dodging.
19:35 <Skid_GMing>: If so, you just manage to duck out of the arrow's path.
19:35 <Skid_GMing>: And it's your turn.
19:36 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Am I? I think so... What did we say?]
19:36 <Skid_GMing>: Check your sheet.
19:36 <Skid_GMing>: Oh, you aren't.
19:37 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Oh, no... We went with animal.]
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: You take 4 points of damage to your might pool.
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: And you have an arrow sticking out of your knee.
19:37 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Aggh!!"
19:37 <Gareth>: Ouch
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: But it's your turn to act.
19:37 <Skid_GMing>: So what will you do?
19:38 <Skid_GMing>: You've got time to make one simple action.
19:39 <Ezra_Hunter>: I pull the arrow out of my knee and try to head left. "We have to stop them, I will distract the beast!"
19:39 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Is that okay?]
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you go down the dark tunnel, do you have a light source on you?
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: Wait, left?
19:40 <Skid_GMing>: Left is a wall.
19:40 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Yes, to the fire... let me check]
19:41 <Skid_GMing>: Oh. The fire is behind the beast and behind the archer, 100 ft ahead.
19:41 <Ezra_Hunter>: [The tunnel turns leftish, but maybe north is the way I mean?]
19:41 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Ah, my mistake. Right then. Sorry.]
19:42 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Wait, oh! I see! Sorry. I get it now.]
19:42 <Skid_GMing>: <Skid_GMing> Okay, you go down the dark tunnel, do you have a light source on you?
19:42 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Yes.]
19:42 <Skid_GMing>: And I mistyped "right" as "left" there anyway.
19:42 <Ezra_Hunter>: [It is okay.]
19:42 <Diemos>: Too many directions :p
19:42 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. if you're running, roll a movement check.
19:43 <Skid_GMing>: As soon as you enter the next room I'm just straight up giving you guys a map.
19:43 <Ezra_Hunter>: [I am not running, but okay.]
19:43 <Ezra_Hunter>: !roll d20 movement
19:43 <Dicebot>: Ezra_Hunter, movement: 17
19:43 <Gareth>: The beast is
19:44 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. You make it to a point where the tunnel turns north. To the north you see fire and hear screaming.
19:45 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Quickly, I here shouts!"
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: Beast's turn. It charges forward, and attacks Diemos. Roll an attack and then a dodge.
19:45 <Gareth>: "We're somewhat occupied!"
19:45 <Diemos>: !roll d20 attack
19:45 <Dicebot>: Diemos, attack: 6
19:45 <Skid_GMing>: You miss.
19:45 <Diemos>: !roll d20 dodge
19:45 <Dicebot>: Diemos, dodge: 10
19:46 <Skid_GMing>: Are you trained in dodging?
19:46 <Diemos>: Nope
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: Because if you aren't, the beast bites your arm, dealing 4 might damage.
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: You subtract 1 damage for light armor.
19:47 <Diemos>: "GAH"
19:47 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth! The beast is upon your friend, what do you do?
19:48 <Gareth>: All I can do is zap it again
19:48 <Gareth>: !roll d20
19:48 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 12
19:48 <Skid_GMing>: It's a hit. The beast convulses, and its eyes clamp shut.
19:49 <Gareth>: "To the archer! Quickly!"
19:49 <Diemos>: "That was close"
19:49 <Skid_GMing>: Uhm, roll perception.
19:49 <Skid_GMing>: And olwen's turn.
19:50 <Gareth>: "We're not done yet"
19:50 <Gareth>: Perception me?
19:50 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
19:50 <Gareth>: For what?...
19:50 <Diemos>: "For the beast on me"
19:50 <Olwen>: Is it dead?
19:50 <Gareth>: !roll d20 trained perception
19:50 <Dicebot>: Gareth, trained perception: 2
19:51 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth is sure the beast is dead.
19:51 <Gareth>: No I'm not
19:51 <Diemos>: xD
19:51 <Olwen>: I run towards the archer.
19:51 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. Roll movement.
19:51 <Olwen>: !roll d20
19:51 <Gareth>: I'm quite sure it isn't actually ;)
19:51 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 2
19:52 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Olwen! Be careful!"
19:52 <Olwen>: :|
19:52 <Gareth>: Ugh
19:52 <Skid_GMing>: You sprint just down the tunnel far enough to be behind the bear-creature and in full view of the archer.
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: Who fires at you.
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a dodge.
19:53 <Diemos>: =o
19:53 <Olwen>: !roll d20 , trained dodging.
19:53 <Dicebot>: Olwen, , trained dodging.: 6
19:53 <Olwen>: -_-
19:53 <Skid_GMing>: That's... a hit. You're struck by an arrow and take 4 might damage.
19:54 <Olwen>: "ow."
19:54 <Gareth>: I facepalm
19:54 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Olwen!!"
19:55 <Gareth>: "Our party has doubled, but even with these reinforcenents we fare no better."
19:55 <Gareth>: "This is an ill fated mission."
19:55 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra! You see fire to the north. It half- fills the east side of the distant T in the path.
19:55 <Skid_GMing>: What do you do?
19:55 <Olwen>: "I seem to be extremely unfortunate this mission."
19:56 <Diemos>: "Do we retreat? What about the screaming?"
19:56 <Gareth>: "We've all had shares of misfortune already."
19:56 <Ezra_Hunter>: I run north, shifting to wolf and scanning left and right for the enemy.
19:57 <Gareth>: OOC: We have a shapeshifter? I would have liked to know this. You need to post your sheet
19:57 <Diemos>: OOC: yeah!
19:58 <Ezra_Hunter>: [oh, sorry about that. Should I have posted that GM?]
19:58 <Gareth>: You need to post it sometime
19:58 <Gareth>: In the thread
19:58 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, you should post your character sheet in the thread.
19:58 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Once we get it down, will do.]
19:58 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. Ezra, you drop your equipment as you turn into a wolf. You arrive at the north end of the tunnel. To left there is a brightly lit room, and to the east there is a heafty wooden gate, blazing and smoking. Behind it, you hear screaming and yelling for mercy.
19:59 <Ezra_Hunter>: [That would be the end of my turn?]
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. Your turn has ended.
19:59 <Skid_GMing>: The beast rises from the floor and snaps at Diemos.
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: Roll to dodge.
20:00 <Diemos>: !roll d20 dodge
20:00 <Dicebot>: Diemos, dodge: 5
20:00 <Gareth>: This is so much fun
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: And gets his other leg. 4 might damage.
20:00 <Ezra_Hunter>: "They are behind a door! We need to smash it in!"
20:00 <Diemos>: -_-
20:00 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth!
20:00 <Gareth>: Yay for chance games
20:00 <Gareth>: I fire at the beast again
20:01 <Gareth>: !roll d20
20:01 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 7
20:01 <Skid_GMing>: That's a miss. Diemos!
20:01 <Skid_GMing>: Apply some effort for better survival chances...
20:01 <Gareth>: That's... not possible, it's right next to me. I have trouble with this aspect of RPs
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: It's moving to avoid you. You're under stress. You don't actually have time to line up a shot.
20:02 <Gareth>: Sure
20:02 <Skid_GMing>: Plus you're avoiding hitting Diemos, I hope.
20:02 <Gareth>: True
20:02 <Diemos>: How do I apply effort?
20:03 <Skid_GMing>: Say "effort to hit" or "effort to damage" when you roll an attack. And spend 3 might points, reduced by edge.
20:04 <Diemos>: !roll d20 attack effort to hit
20:04 <Dicebot>: Diemos, attack effort to hit: 16
20:04 <Skid_GMing>: That's a HIT. Your weapon sinks into the Beast, putting it down for good.
20:04 <Diemos>: "Finally!"
20:05 <Olwen>: ".... Yay."
20:05 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen's turn.
20:05 <Diemos>: I lost 10 total from my might pool so far?
20:05 <Olwen>: I shoot at the archer.
20:05 <Ezra_Hunter>: "I hope those are shouts of joy guys."
20:05 <Skid_GMing>: So you've got 5 left?
20:06 <Diemos>: Yes
20:06 <Skid_GMing>: Might want to use your 1-action recovery roll.
20:06 <Skid_GMing>: Roll attack.
20:06 <Skid_GMing>: He's under the cover of the barrier.
20:06 <Olwen>: !roll d20 1 effort to hit, trained in archery.
20:06 <Dicebot>: Olwen, 1 effort to hit, trained in archery.: 17
20:07 <Skid_GMing>: You skewer the archer and he ducks or falls behind the barrier.
20:09 <Diemos>: "Nice shot"
20:09 <Olwen>: "finally."
20:09 <Gareth>: Giant bears charging right at you no, but people taking cover are no problem ;)
20:09 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra's turn. You can see into the lab now, so I'm giving you guys the map. Most of you are moving up the left corridor. Ezra is at the gate to the Prisoners' cell.
20:10 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra, you see two dark-robed figures throwing piles of papers into a fireplace, they look up and cry out in fear when they see you come around the corner.
20:10 <Skid_GMing>: http://i.imgur.com/3x7VTH8.jpg
20:11 <Skid_GMing>: What do you do?
20:11 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Is the cell on fire as well?]
20:12 <Skid_GMing>: You can't see into the cell past the flames.
20:12 <Olwen>: I run up the corridor.
20:12 <Skid_GMing>: It might be, but it seems improbable since the screaming is still exactly as loud as it was before.
20:13 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah, it's safe for you guys to move up the corridor.
20:13 <Diemos>: I run along side Olwen
20:13 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Now on this map, did I enter on the left or right side?]
20:13 <Skid_GMing>: The right side.
20:14 <Skid_GMing>: You reach the barrier just as the archer yells "They've broken through! Everyone get out!"
20:14 <Skid_GMing>: He heads for the ladder hanging down the shaft.
20:14 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Right, so I am next to the gate. Got it.]
20:14 <Skid_GMing>: The robed figures throw a last handful of paper into the fireplace and head for it as well.
20:15 <Olwen>: I run for the ladder.
20:15 <Diemos>: "I thought he was dead!"
20:15 <Diemos>: I pursue them as well
20:15 <Gareth>: I rush up to try salvaging any of the papers.
20:15 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, need to go by turns again.
20:15 <Ezra_Hunter>: I run and jump, throwing my weight against the door.
20:15 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen, move action to move to the ladder.
20:16 <Olwen>: roll?
20:16 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
20:16 <Skid_GMing>: You're chasing the archer.
20:16 <Olwen>: !roll d20
20:16 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 10
20:16 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Someone stay to help me with this door!"
20:17 <Skid_GMing>: He jumps onto the ladder, and just evades your grasp. However, you're at the foot of the ladder barring the path of the two robed figures.
20:17 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra, roll a might check to break down the door.
20:17 <Ezra_Hunter>: !roll d20 might
20:17 <Dicebot>: Ezra_Hunter, might: 17
20:18 <Skid_GMing>: You smash yourself into the flaming doorway and the charred wood gives way. You take 2 points of might damage from the flames and find yourself in a smoke filled room. Breathing and seeing are very difficult.
20:18 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, your go.
20:19 <Diemos>: Is he at the prisoner's cell?
20:19 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
20:19 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Hello? Rescuer here!"
20:19 <Gareth>: Did I save any papers?
20:19 <Skid_GMing>: Roll a speed action.
20:19 <Gareth>: Is that going to be this action, or before whatever I do next?
20:19 <Skid_GMing>: That's this action.
20:20 <Skid_GMing>: You're saving papers. You're rolling to find out how many you salvage.
20:20 <Gareth>: I should probably see to saving the captives instead then
20:20 <Gareth>: But okay :p
20:20 <Gareth>: !roll d20
20:20 <Dicebot>: Gareth: 1
20:20 <Gareth>: ahahaha
20:21 <Gareth>: Why do I even bother :p
20:21 <Skid_GMing>: Hmm, intrustion, intrusion...
20:21 <Skid_GMing>: The corner of your cloak catches fire.
20:21 <Gareth>: Of course it does
20:21 <Ezra_Hunter>: "See what happens when you go after paper instead of people?" 'the more you know' plays from somewhere
20:22 <Gareth>: You had the people covered! Someone had to get the papers; they're clearly very important :x
20:23 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen, The two robed figures panic. One of them snatches a pointy scientific instrument and rushes towards you, and the other retreats across the room. Roll a speed defense.
20:23 <Olwen>: !roll d20 trained in dodging.
20:23 <Dicebot>: Olwen, trained in dodging.: 12
20:23 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Maybe so... Pity about that cloak by the way... I think I dropped one back there if you want it."
20:23 <Skid_GMing>: The you deflect the man's clumsy strike and take your action.
20:24 <Olwen>: I knock him down.
20:24 <Skid_GMing>: Make a might check.
20:24 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Try not to kill them, we need to know what they know!"
20:24 <Olwen>: !roll d20
20:24 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 14
20:24 <Gareth>: "Yes, especially since we lost the papers!"
20:25 <Skid_GMing>: With an acrobatic twist you knock him off his feet.
20:25 <Skid_GMing>: Diemos?
20:25 <Skid_GMing>: You can hear the archer scurrying up the ladder.
20:26 <Diemos>: I go after the archer
20:26 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. Make a climb check to follow him up the ladder.
20:27 <Skid_GMing>: It's a strength action.
20:27 <Diemos>: !roll d20 climb check
20:27 <Dicebot>: Diemos, climb check: 7
20:27 <Skid_GMing>: You climb after him, but he gains on you, disappearing into the smokey shaft above.
20:28 <Diemos>: "Darn it"
20:28 <Skid_GMing>: The robed guy on the floor whimpers and struggles. The other makes a break for the door on the right.
20:29 <Skid_GMing>: Olwen.
20:29 <Olwen>: I tackle him.
20:29 <Diemos>: "Go after him!"
20:29 <Olwen>: !roll d20
20:29 <Dicebot>: Olwen: 1
20:30 <Olwen>: -_-
20:30 <Diemos>: "Oh gosh"
20:30 <Ezra_Hunter>: "What did you expect?"
20:30 <Skid_GMing>: He disappears into the tunnel, and the man you were restraining makes a break for the ladder.
20:31 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra's go.
20:31 <Ezra_Hunter>: I look around the area, heading to where I hear voices.
20:32 <Skid_GMing>: You're in a smokey room. You can see the shapes of bodies huddled on the floor. Some of them are wailing.
20:32 <Olwen>: "Anyone care to give me some help?"
20:32 <Diemos>: "I will when my turn comes"
20:32 <Skid_GMing>: All right. You find people clad in rags, fear filling their faces. What next?
20:32 <Diemos>: I'm on the ladder
20:33 <Skid_GMing>: You're on the ladder The robed guy seems unaware of this. Perhaps he can's see past his hood.
20:33 <Ezra_Hunter>: I shift into human form. "I am here to rescue you! Follow me!" I try to lead them out.
20:35 <Skid_GMing>: Some of the people rise and rush for the exit. Some of them seem too weak.
20:35 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth?
20:35 <Gareth>: How many enemies are left? And what are their positions relative to me and to their escape?
20:36 <Skid_GMing>: One guy is just starting to climb the ladder, the other is out of sight down the right corridor.
20:36 <Skid_GMing>: They both seem to be wimps.
20:36 <Ezra_Hunter>: [I got to go soon guys.]
20:36 <Diemos>: "Go for the one in the corridor"
20:37 <Gareth>: The ladder is an exit?
20:37 <Diemos>: I'm on the ladder
20:37 <Skid_GMing>: It's the one you guys entered through.
20:37 <Skid_GMing>: So not really an exit with Diemos parked on it.
20:38 <Gareth>: I go to help rescue the captives then I suppose
20:38 <Ezra_Hunter>: "Help me carry out the weak ones."
20:38 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, you dash into the smoke and start hauling out prisoners.
20:38 <Gareth>: Yes
20:39 <Ezra_Hunter>: [How many till my turn GM?]
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: Diemos, you feel the ladder bounce as another person leaps onto it, and then something gives way above you and the ladder lurches, one side of the rope support has gone slack.
20:39 <Skid_GMing>: Ezra: We can just say you spend the next while saving people.
20:40 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Okay, ha, makes sense.]
20:40 <Skid_GMing>: Diemos, make a climb check to stay on the ladder.
20:40 <Diemos>: !roll d20 climb check
20:40 <Dicebot>: Diemos, climb check: 10
20:40 <Ezra_Hunter>: I spend the rest of my time helping the prisoners.
20:41 <Skid_GMing>: You fall, crashing down on the robed man, and down into the depths. There's an enormous splash as you both hit the water.
20:41 <Olwen>: O_O
20:41 <Skid_GMing>: It's also very dark down there. Olwen?
20:41 <Diemos>: It went down too? 0.o
20:42 <Olwen>: I run after the corridor man.
20:42 <Skid_GMing>: You landed on robed guy as you fell. He failed to hold your meaty carcass.
20:42 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, run check.
20:42 <Ezra_Hunter>: [Right, I wish you well!]
20:42 <Olwen>: Can I use an effort?
20:43 <Skid_GMing>: Yes. It's speed.
20:43 <Olwen>: !roll d20 1 speed effort
20:43 <Dicebot>: Olwen, 1 speed effort: 12
20:43 <Skid_GMing>: You sprint into the poorly lit hallways and overtake the man fleeing down it.
20:44 <Olwen>: Hah!
20:44 <Skid_GMing>: You catch him by the robe.
20:44 <Skid_GMing>: The other side of the ladder is cut, and it falls down into the shaft with Diemos and robed-guy-1.
20:45 <Diemos>: My turn?
20:45 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
20:46 Ezra_Hunter quit
20:46 <Diemos>: I knockout the robed figure
20:47 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, You do that. You beat him up and sling him over your shoulder.
20:47 <Skid_GMing>: And we'll ditch turns now, since it's just mop-up.
20:47 <Skid_GMing>: Say what you want to do.
20:47 <Olwen>: I tie up the man I caught.
20:47 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. He's tied up.
20:48 <Diemos>: Am I in a hole?
20:48 <Skid_GMing>: You're in a hole.
20:48 <Olwen>: I return to the main room.
20:48 <Skid_GMing>: It's dark and wet and smelly.
20:48 <Gareth>: I go to the edge Diemos fell over and look down
20:48 <Skid_GMing>: You can't see much down there.
20:48 <Gareth>: "How deep is it?"
20:49 <Skid_GMing>: It's about 20 feet to water.
20:49 <Olwen>: I loot the shelves to divide amongst us.
20:49 <Gareth>: I was asking him actually but thanks
20:49 <Gareth>: The captives are all out?
20:50 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
20:50 <Diemos>: "Let down your rope and get me out of here!"
20:50 <Gareth>: How many are there?
20:50 <Skid_GMing>: Okay, the main room is now contains about 13 prisoners that are huddled around and coughing. As you look around you realize just how gruesome the place is. Vials and instruments cover every open surface, containing strange liquids and tissues. Two tables hold partially-mummified and dissected corpses.
20:51 <Olwen>: Anything valuable?
20:51 <Skid_GMing>: A couple prisonsers cover them with a sheet.
20:51 <Gareth>: "What was happening here?"
20:52 <Diemos>: Can I just climb out of the hole?
20:52 <Skid_GMing>: Most of the items here would require technical expertise to estimate their worth. It looks like the lightweight jewelry and items of value left with the escaping bandits.
20:52 <Skid_GMing>: You can get out with a rope assistance.
20:53 <Diemos>: "Anybody up there?"
20:53 <Skid_GMing>: Who are you asking about happening?
20:53 <Gareth>: Anyone
20:53 <Skid_GMing>: So... the prisoners?
20:53 <Gareth>: The group of captives
20:53 <Gareth>: Yes
20:53 <Skid_GMing>: You catch the attention of a couple prisoners.
20:53 <Olwen>: I throw Diemos the end of a rope
20:54 <Diemos>: "Thanks"
20:54 <Gareth>: Don't thank her until after the strength check
20:54 <Diemos>: I climb out of the hole
20:54 <Skid_GMing>: Nah, you make it.
20:54 <Gareth>: ;)
20:54 <Skid_GMing>: I'll assume you tied it to something.
20:54 <Skid_GMing>: "I, I thought they were just slavers at first, but, but then they started testing us. looking for pure ones."
20:55 <Diemos>: "Pure ones?"
20:55 <Skid_GMing>: You're talking to an older woman, wrinkled and worn.
20:57 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes, I don't know what that means but they would take the blood of anyone brought here. The impure were taken out through the tunnels. The pure ones... my Bobby... they killed... and... cut up. I could see it from here. I... couldn't watch."
20:57 <Skid_GMing>: She breaks down into sobbing.
20:58 <Gareth>: I go over to the guy Olwen tied.
20:58 <Gareth>: I smack him. "What were the papers you burned?"
20:59 <Skid_GMing>: "Nothing for the likes of you!" He spits.
20:59 <Skid_GMing>: He's not very old, but his eyes are greedy and ruthless.
20:59 <Gareth>: I pat him down to see if there's anything on him.
21:00 <Skid_GMing>: You find a strange golden coin with a curling dragon on it.
21:00 <Gareth>: I take out the one I found on the mage and hold them up
21:00 <Gareth>: "What are these for?"
21:00 <Olwen>: "do you know what it is Gareth?"
21:01 <Skid_GMing>: They're similar, but the one the mage had is far more elaborate, and the eye of the dragon is set with a blue stone.
21:01 <Skid_GMing>: "Symbols. Of greater things."
21:02 <Skid_GMing>: "You're not worthy of the order."
21:02 <Gareth>: "But you are?"
21:03 <Skid_GMing>: "I am. I am pure."
21:03 <Gareth>: "Don't we need to cut you up then?"
21:03 <Diemos>: "If you're pure why weren't you dissected like the prisoners?"
21:04 <Skid_GMing>: "Some need to die for the truth to be found."
21:04 <Skid_GMing>: "Those that can't handle the truth."
21:05 <Skid_GMing>: You're starting to get the impression that this guy enjoys being cryptic.
21:05 <Olwen>: Should we take him back to headquarters?
21:06 <Diemos>: I think we should along with the guy I have
21:06 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
21:07 <Gareth>: Are we leaving the mine?
21:07 <Skid_GMing>: Gareth, you do find a few sheets of paper that the nerds failed to burn. I'll elaborate on those later.
21:08 <Skid_GMing>: If you are ready to leave the mine.
21:08 <Olwen>: I am.
21:08 <Skid_GMing>: There's one short discussion to have with Ursa, and then the mission is complete.
21:09 <Gareth>: If we've looked through everything
21:09 <Olwen>: Where has Ursa been?
21:09 <Skid_GMing>: He's been outside.
21:09 <Olwen>: -_-
21:10 <Diemos>: Should we examine the corpses?
21:10 <Skid_GMing>: Which ones?
21:10 <Olwen>: I'm not going to.
21:10 <Diemos>: The ones the prisoners covered
21:10 <Gareth>: I pat down the other guy
21:10 <Skid_GMing>: You'd need medical knowledge to gain anything beyond that some organs have been removed.
21:11 <Skid_GMing>: He also has one of the inferior coins.
21:11 <Diemos>: I see
21:11 <Olwen>: Can we talk to Ursa now?
21:12 <Diemos>: I guess we'll lead the prisoners out as well..
21:12 <Diemos>: Where did the ladder lead to?
21:12 <Skid_GMing>: It goes to a vent at the surface.
21:12 <Diemos>: Ahh
21:13 <Skid_GMing>: You find Ursa at the entrance, sitting beside a number of prisoners who made a break straight for the entrance. He salutes you as you approach. "Glad you're all alive. I see you've made some friends."
21:14 <Skid_GMing>: His brow furrows as he sees the tied-up robed figures. "These don't look like bandits."
21:14 <Gareth>: "They aren't."
21:16 <Diemos>: "They sound like a cult"
21:16 <Skid_GMing>: "Should have figured with there being a mage. Can't ever be just regular evil with mages. Always have to do something special like having a cult or awakinging ancient evils. What's it this time?"
21:16 <Olwen>: "We found some strange coins."
21:17 <Skid_GMing>: "Coins, eh? Pass one here."
21:17 <Gareth>: I hand the mage's
21:17 <Gareth>: "Seems to be some kind of eugenic experiments."
21:17 <Skid_GMing>: He looks it over very briefly, before his face turns a mottled red of fear and anger.
21:18 <Skid_GMing>: He clamps the coin between his fingers and grabs Gareth's sleeve, pulling him away from the group.
21:19 <Skid_GMing>: He motions for the other squad members to separate themselves from the prisoners.
21:19 <Olwen>: I move away from the prisoners.
21:19 <Diemos>: I do as well
21:21 <Skid_GMing>: "This here is a token of the dragon. This means that you didn't see anything down in that cave. You weren't the ones on this mission. You forget any of this happened."
21:21 <Olwen>: "Whaaat...?"
21:21 <Gareth>: "...do we still get paid?"
21:21 <Skid_GMing>: "There is nothing here you want to get mixed up in."
21:22 <Skid_GMing>: "Yes. Of course. But you didn't earn it here."
21:22 <Gareth>: "I see."
21:22 <Olwen>: "where did we get it?"
21:22 <Skid_GMing>: "Doesn't matter. A bonus paid out by some caravan."
21:23 <Diemos>: "Okay then..."
21:23 <Olwen>: "Alright."
21:23 <Gareth>: "Is this because of some danger? Or are we in trouble with the Embers?"
21:24 <Skid_GMing>: "This a battle you're too young to take part in."
21:24 <Diemos>: "What do we do with the tied up guys?"
21:24 <Gareth>: "You should probably take this one too then." I give him one of the other coins.
21:24 <Skid_GMing>: Which two does he have now?
21:25 <Gareth>: The mage's and one of the regulars
21:26 <Skid_GMing>: He takes it and nods. "You lot camp in the hills for a few days and take the road to Setter's Pit. Your pay will be waiting for you. I'll take the freed slaves and our captives to Bildge."
21:27 <Olwen>: "Alright then."
21:27 <Olwen>: "Anything else?"
21:28 <Skid_GMing>: "Good work in there. I wouldn't have sent you in if I had known what was brewing."
21:29 <Gareth>: What about the papers I found?
21:30 <Skid_GMing>: Are you showing them to Ursa or hiding them?
21:30 <Gareth>: Have I seen what they're about yet?
21:30 <Skid_GMing>: You haven't had time to study them.
21:31 <Gareth>: I casually move a few steps away and skim over them.
21:31 <Olwen>: I'm going to have to go soon.
21:31 <Skid_GMing>: But if we're finishing the mission here, you can study them for a while and find out that they contain notes on the blood of dragons, and it being a vector for achieving immortality.
21:32 <Skid_GMing>: Okay. You each get 2 XP for mission completion and 1 XP you need to give away to another player. Post who you're giving it to and how they earned it on the forum thread.
21:32 <Gareth>: Can I gather that from skimming?
21:32 <Gareth>: Key words catch my eye?
21:32 <Skid_GMing>: Yes.
21:32 <Skid_GMing>: You're specialized in magical knowledge. You gain that much.
21:33 <Skid_GMing>: Deeper understanding will need deeper study.
21:33 <Gareth>: Then I turn back and hand them over. "Almost forgot; they burned a lot of papers but we salvaged these."
21:34 <Gareth>: I don't care to get deeper involved at the moment
21:34 <Skid_GMing>: "Burn it. Scatter the ashes to the sky. I know what they do in their laboratories. You want none of that knowledge."
21:34 <Gareth>: "Yes sir."
21:36 <Gareth>: Is that all?
21:36 <Skid_GMing>: That's all.
21:36 <Diemos>: Yay!
21:36 <Gareth>: Skid, remember that carving the guard was making? What material was it?
21:36 <Skid_GMing>: Wood.
21:36 <Gareth>: Was it decent workmanship?
21:37 <Skid_GMing>: It was rough. Barely half finished.
21:37 <Gareth>: Eh, what the hey, on the way out I stop by the tent again and take it :p
21:37 <Skid_GMing>: All right.
21:38 <Gareth>: Do we carry the other salve over?
21:38 <Skid_GMing>: Sure.
21:38 <Gareth>: Cool
21:38 <Olwen>: Do we get any money?
21:38 <Skid_GMing>: 20 silver nobles each.
21:38 <Skid_GMing>: I'll post this in the thread.
21:38 <Diemos>: What can you use the money for?
21:39 <Gareth>: Bribes
21:39 <Skid_GMing>: Shopping, I'll need to organize some pricing stuff as well.
21:39 <Skid_GMing>: Yeah.
21:39 <Diemos>: Ooh fancy
21:39 <Diemos>: This was fun! :D
21:39 <Skid_GMing>: This wasn't an urban mission, so it didn't really come up.
21:39 <Olwen>: Are we done?
21:39 <Skid_GMing>: We're done.
21:39 <Diemos>: Besides my near death experience
21:40 <Skid_GMing>: I'll post all the earning stuff to the thread.
21:40 <Gareth>: Where are we going to? An inn? Or just making camp?
21:40 <Olwen>: OK. 'night everyone.
21:40 Olwen quit
21:40 <Skid_GMing>: You'll make camp and participate in other patrols and stuff until the next mission comes up.
21:40 <Skid_GMing>: So in-game a couple weeks will pass.
21:41 <Gareth>: I was just wondering what the setting was, outside or in
21:41 <Skid_GMing>: You'll have opportunity to be both outside and in.
21:42 <Gareth>: Right now though, where are we spending the immediate night to unwind?
21:42 <Skid_GMing>: In the desert somewhere.
21:42 <Gareth>: Ok
21:43 <Gareth>: I make a campfire and sit by it and continue the carving ^_^
21:43 <Skid_GMing>: Heh. All right.
21:43 <Gareth>: I should go as well; thanks Skid
21:43 Skid_GMing waves.
21:44 Diemos is now known as Penguin
21:44 <Penguin>: I feel like I just took off a costume haha
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Post by Lark »

I'm gonna drop out of this RPG. I can't make any of the sessions.
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Personal Thoughts of Ezra as he Awaits Sleep
Well, so this was my first mission hm? *sigh* I was muddled, did a lot of mistakes... Well I mean what did I expect? Who would perform perfectly with so much fogging his mind? ... It will take a long time before I am over it. I never will be over it... Well, someday maybe. No, I can't imagine that day ever coming. Hm, I will get better though. Maybe it would help if I talked to the others, get to know them a bit. Yeah, I will do that next mission. *rolls over* Maybe a walk would help me sleep. *gets up and starts for outside, but then remembers that it is nothing but sand out there now* *lays back down and thinks of home* This was the right idea, I need this. *thinks of a lot of things, many he won't even admit to himself he thinks about* And that is why! That is why I joined! So I can end there kind, and enjoy watching them suffer! *punches the bed* *sigh* But do I really want to become that kind of person? No, I don't. I don't. *crys myself to sleep, not caring yet if others hear, but knowing I will care tomorrow*
Last edited by LIGHTNING on Sat May 09, 2015 7:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Pengwin »

The Lightning PMed to post this:
LIGHTNING wrote:I, LIGHTNING, give my XP to Pinguin, for the amazing final blow against the beast!

-- 21 Apr 2015, 05:07 --

Post this for me, I need to have my journal up, but don't want that tagged on top.
I will confirm it after you post it.
:wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky:
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Post by bookworm »

Penguin wrote:I shall give mine to LIGHTNING for getting to the prisoners before anyone.
I actually took that as a negative thing during the session; he only got there first because he ran ahead, leaving us to deal with the beast. If it had been stronger that could have been a disastrous choice. It’s a good rule of thumb to have the full party engage in battles, to have the best chance of victory.

(Not trying to chide your choice, you can XP whoever you want, this is just a thought for the future, for the best interest of everyone.)
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Post by Skid »

Okay! Everyone take note of XP you've been gifted. In addition, Bookworm, Tikvah, and Lightning each earn a roleplaying XP for journal posts. That should bring most of you up to enough XP to get a new skill or buff some stat pools.

And Lightning, please post your character sheet before your next session. Even if the bio is mostly empty.
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Skid wrote:Okay! Everyone take note of XP you've been gifted. In addition, Bookworm, Tikvah, and Lightning each earn a roleplaying XP for journal posts. That should bring most of you up to enough XP to get a new skill or buff some stat pools.

And Lightning, please post your character sheet before your next session. Even if the bio is mostly empty.
Yeah, don't worry, I will!

@bookworm's friends
(Is he always the stickler? The Debate Thread's name, my poll, the XP you gave... I guess we need one stickler in the works, we love him secretly I am sure, but what made him this way? ;) )
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