Vote for the AIO Writing Contest II Winner!

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Which conclusion did you prefer?

Poll ended at Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:07 pm

Entry 1
Entry 2
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Entry 4
Total votes: 45

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Vote for the AIO Writing Contest II Winner!

Post by Trent DeWhite »

AIO Writing Contest 2

Following the road up the street, the girl peeked at her watch. It read 9:56 A.M. She still had four minutes. She continued walking up the path until she saw the familiar sign in front of the large building. Whit’s End. It had been a while since she had last visited the ice cream shop. Too long. As she entered the building, she heard a gentle bell ring. An older man stood in the corner with a squeegee and bucket in hand. He glanced at the girl and gave her a friendly wave.

“Are you looking for someone or did you just drop in to keep me company?” the window washer asked with a grin.

“I’m looking for Mandy Straussberg,” the girl replied. “She said she’d meet me here at ten o’clock.”

“Connie’s the only other person here,” answered the man. “I think Eugene was supposed to be here by now.”

"That’s okay. I’ll just wait here. Thanks anyway."

She smiled at the man and strolled over to one of the nearby booths. Looking out the window, she gazed at two robins perched on a cedar tree. Two squirrels chased each other around the base of the tree. As the seventeen year-old placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands, she reflected on the phone call she had received from Mandy two days ago. It had been three years since she had last seen the Straussberg family. She sighed. After she and her family had moved to Connellsville, their friendship had faded. Why did Mandy want to see her after all this time? The girl looked at her watch. 10:10.


About a month and a half ago, I began the second AIO writing contest. Four individuals opted to undertake the challenge of writing the conclusion to the story presented above. Several hours were inevitably spent in order to devise an ending to the story, as these four writers sweated it out in order to get their entry completed for today. Now the duty lies on you to select the winner of the contest. Read the following stories and vote for the one which you enjoyed the most. This poll will run for seven days, after which time the winner shall be proclaimed and the authors revealed. In the event there is a tie, I shall make the deciding vote. The reward shall be named shortly afterwards. \:D/
Last edited by Trent DeWhite on Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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The girl looked out the winow an saw Mandy she was sitting on the bench.
She ran out to her and said Im here Mandy.
Thank you said Mandy.
The reason I aske you to come Sarah is because I neeed to tell soeone the news.
What news? asked Sarah
Well two months ago I was at the sceince mesem with my parents and we went in the room where professers an geniouses were testing experients and I went to close an there was an explosian. And then I fainted.
I woke up in the hospital and was told the chemicals ha given me a virus.
It is a dealy virus and to stay alive I have to take these pills every three hours or my face turns purple. says Mandie.
But why come to me Sarah Pratched an old friend from your past the person who spilled your most embarresing secrets.
I just needed a friend.
They hug
The end.
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Suddenly, the girl heard the little bell above the door ring. She hoped it would be Mandy. A few moments later she heard a familiar voice say, "Hi Mr. Walton, have you seen Julie?"
The janitor replied, "Hi Mandy." There was a pause of silence, then she heard the janitor say, "Who is Julie. Is she new here?"

Mandy then said, "Sorry I forgot, she is an old friend that was going to meet me here at ten o' clock. She used to live here three years ago, but she moved away." There was another pause of silence and she heard Mandy say, "I guess I'm a little late."

Mr. Walton replied, "Yes, I have seen. What did you say her name was?" Mandy answered, "Julie. Julie Stevensen," and then added after a short pause, "Did she leave?" Mr. Walton who had started on another window, turned and said, "No, she is back there sitting in a booth."

Mandy said a quick excited, "Thank you" and walked quickly to the booth he had pointed to. Julie excitedly looked up from the table wondering what her friend would look like after all these yeras. Suddenly, a girl she could barely recognize was walking towards her. Mandy excitedly said, "Julie!" Julie got up, ran to meet her, and gave her a big hug. Moving towards the table to sit back down, Mandy took a good look at her old friend. She had changed so much Mandy had thought and she noticed Julie almost looked sad.

Brushing her present thoughts aside, Mandy said, "How are you?"

Julie said, "Good," with a slight sigh. Then said, "How are you, Mandy?" and before Mandy could answer she added, "You look so much different." Mandy said, "Great!" and added with a bright smile, "I guess we have both changed, alot.

Julie said, "It's so nice to see you!"

Mandy laughed and said, "Three years is a long time."

Julie looked thoughtful and said, "Too long." For a few moments, both girls sat in thoughtful silence. Then Julie said, "I'm hungry. Would you like some ice cream?" Mandy said, "Yes, please."

Mandy and Julie then walked to the counter and Mandy called out, "Is anyone here?" A faint call from the kitchen replied, "Yes, I'm on my way."

A few moments later, a young girl appeared at he counter. She said, "Hi Mandy; and who is your friend?" Mandy said, "This is Julie. Julie, this is Connie."

Connie said, "Hi Julie. Nice to meet you." She then asked, "Can I help you guys?" Julie replied, "Yes," then turned and asked Mandy, "What would you like?" Mandy said, "A chocolate Sundae, please."

Connie said, "Ok. What about you, Julie?"

Julie answered, "I'll take a double chocolate fudge sundae, thank you." Mandy then led Julie back to the booth where they both sat down. A few moments later, Julie softly said with a sigh, "I really missed this place." Mandy said, "And I have missed you." A few moments later, Connie came with their ice cream. They both told her thank you as she left. They continued to talk for awhile and finished their ice cream.

Mandy then said, "Thank you for coming, Julie." Julie said, "I should have come along time ago. I'm sorry." Julie paused to brush a tear away and said, "I've missed you too. Do you know why I asked you to come?" She paused to brush her hair out of her face. Julie shook her head no and said, "Not exactly. When you called, my mom was throwing a party." She paused. "I have something to tell you too." Mandy said, 'You go first."

Julie laughed softly and said, "I'm moving again."

Mandy looked at her friend anxiously and said in a whisper, "To where?"

Julie said, "I don't exactly know. You see, my dad disappeared a year ago. Mom said she looked for him, but she never found him." Julie turned and looked out the window dreaming of seeing her dad again. Mandy looked at Julie and said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Julie continued talking, "About last year this time, my mom received divorce papers, and she said she couldn’t' keep me because she didn't have a job and she didn't want to." Julie brushed the hair out of her face and said, "I have to live with my dad whenever we locate him, that is."

Mandy asked again, "Why didn't you tell me?" Julie looked at her friend cautiously and said, "I didn't want you to relive the pain." Mandy looked at Julie and whispered, "What do you mean?" Julie rested her head on her hands and said, "Before we moved away, your dad left you just like mine did. I didn't want you to remember him leaving. I'm sorry."

Mandy, who had been crying, stood up and said, "I'll be right back. Why don't you explore the place a bit." Julie slowly walked around and noticed al ot of new things. Whitsend had changed like everything else, she thought silently. But here at Whitsend at least the change was good. As Julie continued walking, she saw Mr. Whitaker. She ran up to him, gave him a hug, and said, "Hello!"

Mr. Whitaker looked puzzled, then said, "Julie? Julie Stevensen! What bring you back to Odyessy?" Julie replied with a bright smile, "I'm visiting some old friends and places." Mr. Whitaker said, "Do you want me to show you around?" Julie replied with an excited, "sure". Mr. Whitaker led her through the Bible Room, the Room of Consequence, and all of the other rooms. Julie said, "Almost like I remember it, just with a few changes." A few moments later, Mandy met them. Mr. Whitaker said a quick hi to Mandy, then turned and said, "I have to go now to the new Whitsend in Connellsville. They need some new windows. See you both later."

Mandy and Julie said good bye to him as he left. Mandy turned and said, "Let's go for a walk now. Ok?" Julie answered, "Ok, Lets go." Mandy led Julie through Whitsend back to the door. A few moments later, they were outside and headed down the street.

Julie turned to Mandy and said, 'It's so clean here compared to where I live." Mandy said, "Yes, I bet." Julie turned and said, "Mandy, what were you going to tell me?" Mandy answered, "Well, my mom is getting married." Julie turned with a big grin and said, "I'm so happy for you!" Mandy then said, "I was wondering if you wanted to be a bride's maid with me?" Julie gave an excited "yes" for an answer. Mandy said, "Thank you! My mom told me to pick someone and you were my choice." Julie was speechless for a moment, then said, "Thank you, Mandy. I've always wanted to do something like this."

Julie and Mandy continued walking and talking about the wedding. Julie asked Mandy when the date is and Mandy replied, "Tomorrow!" Julie gave an excited "yes!" Mandy then said, "I guess you will meet the groom at the wedding because he is out of town. Julie said, "Ok" and passed a quick glance over at her watch. She then said, "I had better go check into the hotel I'm staying at." Mandy gave her a hug, and said "Ok. If you need anything, just give me a call." Julie said, "Ok. I guess I will meet you at the house around?" Mandy smiled and said, "9 am." Julie turned to go and said, "Ok, see you then!"

Julie walked slowly to the hotel, taking in all of the small town she could. She was so excited for Mandy, and she couldn't wait for tommorow. Soon she came to the hotel, and checked in. She had dropped her bags off earlier so she went right up to her room. It was around five pm when she ordered some pizza. After ordering it, she sat down on a chair in her room and took her journal out of her bag. She laid it open on the little wooden table, and decided to read it rather than write in it. She opened it about half-way through, and read...

January 7th

Today was okay so far. Life seems to have taken a dive for me, journal. Mom told me today that she had recieved divorce papers; I almost fainted. She was so happy, and said she hated him anyway's. A few moments later she turned to me and said, " Your dad didn't leave the house like I said, I kicked him out. He was crazy, just like you." I was so scared, and shocked by this news. Mom had lied to me. She didn't look for him, and he didn't leave me after all. It was really her fault, not his. She looked at me and said that I would live with him next year. She doesn't want to take care of me, and she doesn't have the money too. I guess life is going to move on, journal, though right now I don't see how.


As she finished reading that entry a knock brought her back to reality. She sat the book down on the table, got up and opened the door. She paid the delivery man, sat back down and ate. After eating she read her bible, then took a quick shower, and went to bed. Around seven on the morning, she woke up, brushed her hair, and went to sleep. Around seven she woke up, brushed her hair, and went down to the lobby. She then found something to eat, and headed to Mandy's house. Soon she came to Mandy's house, and knocked on the door. Mandy opened it and said, "Hello!" and embraced her friend.

Julie said a quick, "Hi" back, ad Mandy led her through the house. Soon they came to Mandy's room where ther were two pink dresses with lace bottoms were laid out on the bed. Mandy handed Julie a dress and said, "You can try it on in my bathroom."

Julie smiled and quickly stepped into the bathroom. After a few moments, Julie and Mandy met eachother in their matching dresses. Both of them did their hair, and then Mandy said, "We better hurry, and get to the church. About a half hour later they walked up to the church. Julie then said, "So, just follow you up the aisle, and hold flowers. Ok that sounds easy enough I think." Mandy laughed and said, "Yes, that's about it."

A few moments later they were heading up the aisle. Mandy looked up at her dad to be. He was white as snow, and looking at something behind her. Mandy slowly looked back. He was looking at Julie! Julie looked up ahead at the groom and in an unaudible whisper said, "No! It can't be!" The groom was her father!!! She dropped the flowers and yelled, "Daddy!" Before she realized what she was doing, she was running down the aisle to him. He was crying as he hugged her, Julie could only say, "Daddy, I love you" over and over again.

After a few moments her dad looked up and said, "Here comes my wife to be." Julie said, "I'll wait, you go get married." A few minutes later, she was standing next to Mandy again. Both stood silently watching their parents getting married. The whole wedding seemed to pass by like a blur. Julie was so happy, but just a little confused. They watched their parents both said their I do's. She couldn't really believe it. She then realized that she and Mandy were sisters! Who would have thought? Only G-d could have done something like this. As the new bride and groom exited the church, Mandy and Julie ran to catch up with them. Mandy's mom put her arm around her daughter, and Julie's dad did the same to her. Each girl now had what their hearts desired most. Mandy finally had a true dad, and Julie finally had a family.
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It had been strange how the friendship had faded. They had promised each other to call each other each week, but school and extra-curricular activities had always gotten in the way. After a while, each girl seemed to tire of trying to be friends over a long distance. Rachel had occasionally thought of calling, but she was often very busy, and soon it was just a passing thought every month or so. Three years later, she was here.

"So, Mandy said she'd meet you here?" Rachel jerked up, startled out of her thoughts. It was the window washer again, and he sprayed the window on the next booth over with Windex. "I haven't seen her in a while. She must be busy with midterms and all. Nice girl."

"Yes." She looked at her watch again, "My name's Rachel, Rachel Wallace. I used to be Mandy's friend."

"Used to be?" The middle-aged man grinned and wiped the window slowly, the squeak sending shivers up Rachel's back. "You moved to Connellsville, right?"


"Oh, by the way, I'm Bernard Walton. I," He put the squeegee in the bucket and jerked his thumb towards the ice-cream counter, "I clean the windows for Whit." Extending his hand, he grinned, and his semi-wrinkled face lit up as she shook it firmly.

"Pleased to meet you...again. Actually, I think I remember you. You were always washing the windows and talking about the gum under the seats." She smiled and let her eyes wander around the so-familiar area. It seemed like everything and everyone had never changed at all, and even the little pictures on the lightly accented walls were still hanging there. Rachel wondered for a moment if they had even been adjusted at all.

Mr. Walton chuckled, "Yes, I was picky like that." There was a pause, and Rachel turned her gaze back out the window. "When did you see Mandy last, Rachel?" He asked, cleaning his squeegee.

"Three years ago..." She sighed. "I hope I didn't get the wrong time. She called last Saturday, and I've been thinking about her since."

"Ah." It was a quiet moment as little birds flitted around the tree. "I take it you haven't really been talking to her since, not even on the telephone?"

"No, not really. She did call on my birthday, when I turned fifteen... but I guess we lost touch after all this time."

The little bell jangled over the door, and she looked up, expecting to see Mandy walk through the door. But it was just another strangely familiar person who looked a bit like Trent Dewhite.

"Hey Mr. Walton!" Rachel watched as the young man she had always thought of as smart and somehow out of place with his inferior classmates came over and greeted the older window-washer. "How's it going?"

"Oh, pretty good, pretty good. My arthritis had been kicking in last month or so, but today I'm good."

"That's good." The brown-haired guy turned to Rachel, "Hey, have I seen you before? You look familiar."

"I'm Rachel Wallace. You look familiar too, is that Trent Dewhite?" Her green eyes seemed to deepen at meeting an old friend.

"It's me!" He smiled and shook her hand. "I think I do remember you...eighth grade homeroom, Miss Mcallick?"

"Oh yeah, that's right! You had that old locker over by the window, remember? The one everyone stuck their gum on? They never did get that big purple wad off. It must have been the janitor's nightmare." Rachel laughed as she recollected the fun times in junior high, and Trent joined in.

"You still live here?" Trent asked as the laughter died down, "I haven't seen you in a while."

"We moved to Connellsville three years ago. But it never seemed to change here..." It was quiet, and Rachel returned her gaze to the window. Oh, great, she thought, I've said the wrong thing yet again.

"So," said Trent, obviously trying to break the silence, "Did you move back here?"

"No," she met his dark brown eyes and looked away again, "But I am moving back here in the fall to get ready for college."

"Really?" This came from Mr. Walton, "Boy, no one ever tells me when they're going to college. I'm usually the last one to know about it."

Trent laughed, "I'll be going to college sometime next spring. I've set my eyes on one in California, and my scholarship will pay for it all."

Just then Mandy opened the door and the bell rang. The eyes of her old friends all turned to her, and she smiled tentatively, her shoulder-length brown hair tied back in a ponytail.

"Hi, guys." Mandy said, and walked to the corner booth, "Hi, Rachel, Trent." Her quiet demeanor was laced with something Rachel couldn't quite place...was it shyness?

"Hi, Mandy," Rachel said softly. "I...I haven't seen you in a while." Out of the corner of her eye, she could spy Mr. Walton moving away slowly. Trent took the hint and did the same, and headed towards the back of the large ice cream emporium.

"Um, yeah..." She looked out the window, "I, well...I am sorry for not calling you sooner."

"That's fine."

"A lot has happened, really." Mandy explained hurriedly...or was it nervously? "I've been busy, and...well, it wasn't exactly the best time to ask you to come during midterms and all, but I thought I'd waited long enough, and-"

"Mandy." Rachel gently interupted. "It's ok. I wanted to talk to you sooner too...but I guess we're here, right?"

Mandy hesitated.

"Yeah, I guess so." There was a pause. "How' been going?"

"Good. Yours?"

"Pretty good. I had a horrible English teacher this year."

"Really?" Rachel cracked a smile, "So did I."

"Yeah, Mr. Walsh was really mean."

"MR. Walsh?" She suppressed a squeal, "My teacher was MRS. Walsh."

Mandy gave a laugh, "What a coincedince."

For a second, it was as though they'd never been parted. Rachel's heart skipped at how it seemed like another day three years back, and it felt like deja vu. Although everything seemed to have changed, there was still something there. It was called friendship.

"I...I'm sorry we lost touch," Rachel said as laughter faded from the air.

"Me too." Mandy smiled apologetically, "At least we're here. Hey, you want to share a chocolate sundae?" Mandy's eyes sparkled mischeviously, "Who can get brainfreeze first?"

"You're on." Rachel grinned girlishly.

Mr. Walton smiled as he watched them talk. Ah, nothing ever changes here in Odyssey. He sprayed the counter and wiped it down. Here at Whits End, all was quiet except for the sound of friends talking excitedly. Life went on all around them. But never changed. A piece of the past, a part of the present, and a glimpse into the future, was what Whits End was. And it was going to stay that way.
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Post by Trent DeWhite »


Bernard, continuing to put that patented Walton shine on the front window of Whit’s End, glanced at the girl curiously. For some reason, she looked vaguely familiar. “My memory just isn’t what it used to be,” Bernard mumbled to himself, reminding himself to never say such a thing when Eugene was in the vicinity.

Hearing somebody speak, the girl turned around and saw only the window-washer. “Did you say something?” she inquired, trying to take her mind off of how late Mandy was.

Surprised, Bernard almost dropped the squeegee that he was wiping the blade of. “Young people these days – they need to learn how to not sneak up on a person! What did you need, young lady?”

The girl giggled. “Oops, sorry. I thought that maybe you had said something to me.”

“A man can’t even talk to himself anymore,” Bernard mumbled. Directly addressing the girl, he said, “I wasn’t talking to anyone in particular. If I could remember if I knew you or not, I might have been talking to you. You want to fill me in on why you look familiar?”

Smiling graciously, the girl put her hand out to shake Bernard’s squeegee-occupied hand. “Sorry – I guess it has been a long time. I don’t remember your name, either. I’m Francesca Ferdinand, but my friends call me Frank.”

After providing a hearty handshake, Bernard smiled. “Now I remember! You’re the one who works at Frank’s Breakfast Inn, aren’t you? I love the pancakes and sausage links there, even if Maude does insist that it’s bad for my cholesterol! I’m Bernard Walton, by the way.”

“Yep, that’s me! I’m glad you like the FBI!”

Just then, Connie walked within hearing range as she exited the back kitchen area. “The FBI? Who’s talking about the FBI? Bernard, is everything okay?”

Laughing, Bernard said, “Calm down, Connie! You’re jumpier than a cat that just drank five cups of coffee!” To himself, he mumbled, “You know, I think my analogies are getting worse. That one made less sense than a poodle wearing a sweater!”

Connie laughed nervously. “Well, it’s been a long morning already Sorry!” Turning to the girl that Bernard had been talking to, she smiled brightly and said, “Hi! Welcome to Whit’s End! I’m Connie Kendall. You look vaguely familiar…don’t tell me…let me guess. I know that I’ve seen you somewhere.”

Smiling, Frank waited for Connie to make the connection. This bubbly woman only a few years older than her would be hard to forget, especially the first time that she and her boyfriend had dined at the FBI. The next couple of times she had come she had seemed a bit more subdued, and always ordered the same thing that she had that first time and sat pensively writing what appeared to be a long letter, or perhaps a journal of sorts.

“I’ve got it!” Connie exclaimed, snapping her fingers. “Have you ever shopped at the perfume counter with a woman who looked like she was wearing cotton candy on her head?”

Surprised, Frank laughed. “Nope, I think that must have been somebody else.”

Thinking yet again, Connie grinned. “Of course! You used to work at that cool theme park that I wrote the great catchy jingle for! Do you remember my entry? I could sing it for you again if you want! Mega World! That’s what the park was called, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, Connie,” Bernard said. “Besides, didn’t Mandy write that for you to say in one of her plays? You need to focus on reality!”

“Mandy!” Frank exclaimed. Both Bernard and Connie swivelled to face the closed door, with nobody in sight.

“No, she isn’t here,” Frank explained. “I’ve been enjoying my conversation with you two so much that I forgot that why I came back to Whit’s End after so many years away. Mandy contacted me and asked me to meet her here, but she’s either late or she forgot or it was just a mean prank.”

“That isn’t like Mandy!” Connie said, pulling a forlorn-looking Frank into a side hug. “If she isn’t here when she said that she would be, there’s a good reason for it. Or maybe you two just miscommunicated. I’m sure that she’ll be here!”

“Thanks, Connie,” Frank said, smiling at the person who seemed to make friends very easily. “At least I’ve been able to meet you and Mr. Walton again, this time not involving whipped topping fights!”

Staring at Frank for a moment, Connie started laughing. “That’s why you look so familiar! You work at Frank’s Breakfast Inn!”

“That’s right!” Frank said, glad that she wouldn’t need to think of another less-than-subtle hint to help Connie out.

Smiling sadly, Connie said, “I have a lot of memories from my new times there. I might go more often otherwise.” Visibly making an effort to act cheerfully, Connie said, “Well, I’m glad that I have that mystery solved! Now all we have to do is find out why Mandy wanted to see you, and why she’s late! Should I play good cop or bad cop?” she jokingly said, turning to Bernard.

“Don’t look at me – my days of hanging around here to get handcuffed are over!” Bernard said. “At least, I hope they are,” he mumbled, suddenly worried that his relationship with Eugene hadn’t changed as much as he thought it had.

Suddenly, the friendly jingle of bells was heard as the front door of Whit’s End opened and Mandy Straussberg walked through the door. “Frank!” she exclaimed as she entered, hurrying over to where Frank was standing with Connie and Bernard. “I’m so glad to see you!” The two girls embraced, sharing a happy, sappy emotional moment after years apart.

“I was starting to think that you would never come!” Frank said, looking at her watch, which read 10:39. “But Connie and Mr. Walton have been good company!” Looking a bit closer at Mandy, she asked, “What is that in your hair?!”

Sighing, Mandy reluctantly replied, “You really don’t want to hear the whole story behind why I’m so late today! If I ever has a “worst day ever,” this morning was even worse than that!”

“I’m just so glad that you’re here!” Frank exclaimed, spontaneously hugging her old friend again. “So, why did you want to see me, after the years that we’ve been apart?”

“Well, I heard about this fabulous university, and I thought that we should go together! We’re both getting close to graduation, and it would be wonderful if we could go to the same university! I thought that we could be roommates!”

A crestfallen look appeared on Frank’s face. “Oh, Mandy, I wish that you had planned this sooner! I’ve already applied to and been accepted at the University of ToOronto!”

“Really?!” Mandy squealed. “That’s where I wanted to go with you! I’ve been accepted too!”

Connie watched in amusement as Bernard hastily abandoned his squeegee to plug his ears as the two girls started squealing and dancing around the entrance to Whit’s End.

“A man can’t get any peace around here!” Bernard grumbled as the squealing died down and the giggling took over, but a small smile was clearly visible on his face. “I guess you just never know how something is going to turn out,” he mumbled, enjoying the happiness and joy that he was witnessing as Connie joined the gleeful girls in celebrating the revival of their friendship. “Now all I need to do is convince Connie to take some classes at that fancy-sounding university, and my work here will be almost done. And some people think that Whit is the one that runs this place,” Bernard said jokingly to himself. Looking out the window at the bright sunshine, Bernard softly said, “Thanks for the joy you have brought today, Lord. The reunion of these friends has brought happiness to more than just them, and you don’t have to be John Avery Whittaker to think that what happened today, with two distant friends accepted to the same university, is more than a coincidence! Thank you for your goodness. Your love never fails.”
Last edited by Trent DeWhite on Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trent DeWhite »

If you’ve read the conclusions and would like to share your comments or give some constructive criticism? Voice them here! Do not feel any obligation to reveal which one you voted for... but feel free to share your thoughts and opinions! Enjoy, and let the voting begin! :D
Check out our interview with Paul McCusker, author and director of Darien's Rise!
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

They were all very interesting.I am happy that everyone that submitted an entry worked hard on them.I am not saying who I voted for,but all I will say is that one or more could have been better,but really,I am meaning no offense to people.I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.They were all very good.Really.
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Post by Ruthie »

Wow....they were all good......but, one reallly stuck out to me! :D
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Post by Elf of Rivendell »

It took me a while to decide between two entries...but I finally made my choice, and I'm happy with it. :)

Great job, everyone.
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Post by Wooton »

Great job everyone! =D>

I thought Entry #1 was pretty funny how they could meet just to give each other a simple hug over crisis! :lol: Image

Entry #2 seemed too familiar. It seemed like they took one of the stories from AIO and just tweaked it a bit..... :( Image Image Image

Entry #3 seemed to have a weak ending in my opinion. :( Image Image

I loved Entry #4! I thought it was pretty cool to see the F.B.I., and the ToOronto University. I like how it had a pretty happy ending. :) Image Image Image

I also liked to see how some of these writers worked on the AIO characters' personalities! Great job, guys! =D>

And with that, I voted for #4. Please, no offence.... :)
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Post by snowflake »

wow! they were all pretty good!

Thanks Lucy Pevensie for my awsome avatar and signature!!!

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Post by Me »

I have voted! The decision was not easy, but I feel that I made the right one. I found it hilarious that I could identify all the writers just by writing style. Good job, guys, I enjoyed them all.
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Post by Catspaw »

Trent dear, a week is a very, very long time. :( Do you think that you could possibly reveal the results after 5 days instead, perhaps? O:)

I enjoyed reading all of the stories! They were all interesting in their own way! \:D/
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Post by Trent DeWhite »

I had originally considered leaving the poll open for five days, but I wanted to give people the opportunity to read the stories before casting their votes. Besides, if seven days is a very, very long time, then wouldn't that make five days a long time? Oh, lookie! Only five more days until the results will be revealed. I guess I don't need to change anything. O:)
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Post by Catspaw »

When you put it that way, it all makes so much sense! \:D/ Thanks for seeing the light of reason, Trent! \:D/

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Post by Frank »

Oooh! Look! I'm in one of the stories! (Whoever would've done such a nice thing? :-k ) Well, I guess I have to vote for number three now! \:D/ Just kidding.
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Post by Catspaw »

Frank wrote:Oooh! Look! I'm in one of the stories! (Whoever would've done such a nice thing? :-k ) Well, I guess I have to vote for number three now! \:D/ Just kidding.
Actually, you're in story 4, Frank. ;) Unless you regularly go by the name of Rachael. ;)
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Post by Frank »

Catspaw wrote:
Frank wrote:Oooh! Look! I'm in one of the stories! (Whoever would've done such a nice thing? :-k ) Well, I guess I have to vote for number three now! \:D/ Just kidding.
Actually, you're in story 4, Frank. ;) Unless you regularly go by the name of Rachael. ;)
I could change my name to Rachael! \:D/ *votes for number four*
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Post by AIOfan11 »

Frank wrote:
Catspaw wrote:
Frank wrote:Oooh! Look! I'm in one of the stories! (Whoever would've done such a nice thing? :-k ) Well, I guess I have to vote for number three now! \:D/ Just kidding.
Actually, you're in story 4, Frank. ;) Unless you regularly go by the name of Rachael. ;)
I could change my name to Rachael! \:D/ *votes for number four*
We voted for the same one, Frank! You know that saying "great minds think alike," really is true.
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