Verily, I hath met the Continental Admiral!

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Verily, I hath met the Continental Admiral!

Post by The Top Crusader »

:inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

...but yeah I am sadly breaking my break because I figure it's important to mention this since all the meetings of people are mentioned...

I was more or less at the halfway point between her house and mine visiting a friend of mine at Taylor University, and lo, the great and beautiful Continental Admiral bestowed upon me an invitation to her magnificent palace. And yea, upon finding the great pit in which she resides, we did meet, though alas she did not fall for my Russian accent. :(

But anyhoo I hung out there for a few hours and it was indeed a most excellent experience. PM CA and she will be glad to give you her address so you, too, can take part in this luxory! I found a finger nail in her couch cushions and very politely tried to hand it to her but she violently attacked me for my kindness. :(

And then I had an exciting 5 hour drive home and took a new route and got to drive through an awesome crime infested ghetto area! \:D/
Last edited by The Top Crusader on Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:04 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Fenix »

The Top Crusader wrote: And then I had an exciting 5 hour drive home and took a new route and got to drive through an awesome crime infested ghetto area! \:D/
Sadly he didnt stop to say hi :mecry:
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Fenix wrote:
The Top Crusader wrote: And then I had an exciting 5 hour drive home and took a new route and got to drive through an awesome crime infested ghetto area! \:D/
Sadly he didnt stop to say hi :mecry:
I figured you were busy womanizing in the tavern and I didn't want to disturb you. :boohoo:
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Post by Trinarius »

Sweetness, it sounds like you two had a fun time! \:D/

Trinarius is back. Kind of.
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Post by gimp80995 »

*wants to meet CA*

Never mind......Josh, Kenric, Mandy, Me, Jessicado, Jennifer Doyle, and a few others are all closer than CA is.

Peace Out

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Did you bring vasaline and take pictures? \:D/

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
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"This is the ToO...Not Wikipedia."-COT "I had some really good replies to that, but they were too rude, so I deleted them. Nice going, CoT. You made me be nice for once." :( -CA
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Post by NatetheGreat »

:lol: You guys crack me up! :lol:
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Post by Catspaw »

Even with Vaseline, I doubt that Jessica would be willing to allow a picture of herself and Toppykins to be taken. :( Too bad for her image, you know. ;)

That's very cool that you got to meet! \:D/ *is highly envious* I'm sure that you had lots of fun! *waits to find out if CA is still alive* :anxious:
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Post by NatetheGreat »

:lol: You guys crack me up! :lol:
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Post by Agentpaw »

Thats cool Top! \:D/ I want to meet Black Hawk! :D

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Post by Baragon »

My dog loved his finger! \:D/ She kept licking it... I have no idea what that means.

I took a picture of Brian, but won't post it unless he wants me to...
Dr. Watson wrote:The main reason for the Civil War was so that rednecks can drive around with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.
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I took a picture of CA, and will post it regardless of her wishes!! \:D/ O:)
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Post by Baragon »

The Top Crusader wrote:I took a picture of CA, and will post it regardless of her wishes!! \:D/ O:)
LIAR!!!!! :x
Dr. Watson wrote:The main reason for the Civil War was so that rednecks can drive around with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.
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Post by STRYPER »

Hey, he could have had a hidden camera...

(psst, hey pm that thing my way Top)
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I used my cell phone and said it didn't turn out! \:D/
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Post by Catspaw »

Continental Admiral wrote:My dog loved his finger! \:D/ She kept licking it... I have no idea what that means.

I took a picture of Brian, but won't post it unless he wants me to...
It probably means that he doesn't wash his hands often enough. ;)

*starts chant* Post the picture! Post the picture! :protest:
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Post by STRYPER »

post the picture :protest:
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Post the picture! :protest:
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Post by Baragon »

He just showed me the picture... It turned out horrible -- like all the rest! But this one looks like I should have a cigar hanging out of my mouth or something...
Dr. Watson wrote:The main reason for the Civil War was so that rednecks can drive around with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Continental Admiral is very beautiful, she is just being modest. :shame:

Although sadly the picture didn't turn out the greatest possible. :(

I will hang it on my wall regardless! \:D/
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