
What stories do you have to tell?

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Post by Chandler »

This thread is to tell about your dreams and nightmares... but keep them clean and safe for the whole family when posting here.

What recurring dreams/nightmares do you have? Any particularly silly or weird dreams you wish to share?
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

One dream that I had many times when I was younger...

I was trying to go up our stairs, but they were tires instead of stairs. (You know, like those that parks have.) Well, I looked through the tires and saw that it was a chasm beneath. I tried to climb up, but then my foot slipped through the middle, and I was hanging on, desperately trying not to fall...

That always scared me to death! :D
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Heh, I remember that one sis.

One time I dreamed that some gang was chasing our family all around the country. We finally hid out in Washington or Oregon or somewhere like that. But that still kept trying to find us. Then, I figured I would pacify them by joining their gang. So I went to their HQ and tried to joining. Some kid who was part of the gang said, "Step on this frisbee and repeat after me: 'I will sacrifice time and money...'"

"Wait a second," I interrupted, "does that mean family time?"


"CUT!" I yelled, and made some gesture for him to stop. I ran off and never did join the gang. I woke up a short time later.

Rather wierd...
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Post by Bandit Squirrel »

A dream I had a long time ago...
A very evil lady came to our house to work with my mom on something, and my brother and I were extremely scared of her. To get away from her, we hid in a play kitchen set in one of the cupboards, but she found us and was going to do something mean to us.
I would then wake up.

Post by Chandler »

I've had recurring nightmares about escalators. :lol:
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Post by DanP740 »

I once had very weird dream:
I was in a hilly/cliffy place, sitting on an anti-aircraft gun. And then some Star Wars Storm Troopers came walking by, carrying milk bottles. I started shooting at them with my anti-aircraft gun. But instead of bullets coming out of the gun, plungers came out. I think I made at least one milk bottle fall of the cliff. I'm not sure when I woke up. :-k
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

:rofl2: :rofl2:

That's hilarious!!
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Post by Jonathan »

If a dream is really weird (which all of mine are) I write them down. Here are a few (some of them had me awakening to question my sanity).

sometime a long time ago (maybe around sixth grade)

I was sitting in the living room, eating a snack and relaxing. It was fall, the trees were bare, and the grass was brown. Snow had yet to fall, but it was still kinda chilly. I looked out to see the top of the oak tree that’s surrounded by wood. Suddenly, it shook. Then again, this time causing many sticks from the top to fall. And again. I got up to see a gorilla, 8 feet tall, hitting the tree! I ran down to the garage and yelled at it to stop, but it looked at me and started for the patio. I ran back inside and called 911. By this time the gorilla was hitting the tree again.
At this time in my dream, the ‘frame froze’. It was like someone had hit pause on my mind’s vcr. Then the dream rewound, like a tape would, and played again in my mind’s vcr. This happened many times, maybe 7 or 8 before I woke up.

sometime my senior year of high school

The band was taking another trip to a Hawaii type place, and I was hanging out with cc. We were at the beach, and Joanie and I were playing basketball in the water, and she was walking on the water. We then returned to the hotel. The elevators were on the outside of the building and were open air. Our stuff was lying on the ground by the elevators, the whole band had to go through it to find their belongings. CC had found their’s and were waiting at the elevator. They got in just as I found my stuff. I ran to the elevator, but was too late. So I jumped and grabbed it. I rode it hanging on it’s side for maybe two stories, then fell. Tiffany then looked down at me and laughed. Then I woke up.

sometime the first week of September, 2004, at und

In this dream, Grandpa was at a nursing home, but still in good shape. and he looked different, and was appearantly an actor. i talked to him about that, and he was really nervous to act in this play he was doing at the nursing home (it was in St. Paul) Me and Maggie Thomas went to watch the play. He did really well, (but the play seemed really long and reptitive) and I again talked to him after the play. he was really excited. Maggie and I then left in a bus (that was hers)and she drove us to a futuristic airport. Problem was, she accidently drove into restricted areas and we were arrested, the bus was destroyed, and we had to go to an anti-terrorism lecture at the airport sewers. there was to be a quiz at the end, but i didn't feel like listening to the guy and went to sleep in the grass. I woke up to a gun and a peice of paper (the quiz) right in front of my face. The guy was mad b/c i hadn't listened to his lecture. I was unnerved, and nervously mumbled something dumb. All of a sudden I decided i didn't feel like taking the test so i got up, walked a few yards away, and was suddenly at und. well, i really didn't want to be there either, so i walked a few more yards and i was at my cousin Randy’s house, two hundred miles away. He was acting really detached, which is unusual. He seemed really tired. We walked inside, and the interior had been completly redone. It looked nothing like it should, or that it should fit in that house. Travis showed me around, and i was completly bewildered (i don’t remember seeing Tonia or Marissa during this) I remember trying to comprehend this baffeling change, then woke up.

early morning hours of 9/4 2004 at und

i was acting in a movie, and the scene we were filming had me and a dog that was acting ferocious. the first take the dog was so mean it scared me. it was like a golden retiriever type dog, but it could act mean if it wanted too. we cut, and the director told me the dog knew he was to be acting. and it was true. the dog was all loveable again, until the director said, act. then he turned mean. the dog quit, and shook my hand. we filmed another take, and i then walked to Jerry’s. my family was there, and we talked to the people, fairly ordinary. we then walked out and for some reason, down to the end of the parking lot by the frontage road. for some reason there was a light pole there with a swing hanging down from it, and while my family drove away, i got on the swing, often swinging in the line of traffic. i also swung in arcs, but almost hit something and kinda bounced back to the pole iin my swing, just as a ugly blue jeep/car thing drove by. they got a little ways away (driving towards anderson lakes) and the car rapidly bounced off the road twenty feet in the air! (maybe to inmitate my bounce, or that’s what i thought in the dream). They then turned into the parking lot, where a lot of huge construction equipment suddenly was, and they started to destroy it, the jeep was hopping on huge cranes and steamshovels that were lying on the ground, and they were crushing them. i stood in complete awe and shock for a couple of minutes, then went in the mall (down by subway) but it looked nothing like the mall. from in there i watched in horror as the equipment was destroyed, and was shocked that nobody seemed to notice. it then occured to me that i should get the liscense plates and call the police. i ran to Jerrys and walked around looking for a pen and paper, after i got that, i noticed the car drive around back, so i went to Brenda, who gave me the keys without so much as a glance in my direction, and i ran back to unlock the back door so i could see the car. but instead, i ran back up front, just in time to see them drive off. i was quite upset that i hadn’t got the number. then i woke up.

Sometime in September, 2004 @UND

This dream is more vague in my memory. I remember being in what was supposed to be the mall of America, but there was nothing inside, just a large metal room, with a chute along the north wall. The south wall was missing, along with portions of the west and east walls. There were men working, and a few were carrying a large metal cube, although it was not a perfect cube; it was longer up and down then it was wide and in length. It had a face on it, but it’s mouth was closed, downturned, and it’s eyes also closed. The put it in the chute, and it’s eyes came to life. I felt that it was evil. It started to rise in the chute, and the room started to glow orange, the heat increased. The men quickly stopped it’s ascent, and removed it. Then they left. After they left, someone else came in, put it back, and ran away. I tried to stop him, to get him to help me remove it once again, for it was now rising in the chute, and the red and heat returned. It had a chillingly evil smile and was laughing at me. I started to panic, I ran to it and tried to pull it down, but it was too high. I quickly ran up stairs, trying to find a way to stop it, for I knew if it got to the top, there’d be trouble. I was too late though. It reached the top and shouted in triumph, and once again laughed. The room started to shake, the heat became unbearable, and the red returned. Lava started to burst from the corners of the room and the floor. The shaking knocked me down, and I saw a huge cable, it’s diameter bigger than my body. I ran to it, and snapped it. Immediatly the heat and red glow left, the shaking stopped, and the metal cube dropped to the ground. All was calm. The authorities came, destroyed the head/cube, and started to rebuild the building. 494 ran around it, following old shak and 169 to form a loop. A while after the rebuilding had started, I drove Joseph, Hope, Travis (cousin), an unknown young man, and myself to the building. Half of it had been rebuilt and had offices in it. Before we got there we crossed a river of some sort. First, when we got there, the bridge was out, and people were simply driving into the water. A crew came, put a bridge in, and we continued. When we got to the building we went inside, and talked to Mr. Seplak (a former Ben Stein type teacher). He wasn’t acting like himself. He was animated and energetic. I asked a question about the building, and he ridiculed me for being so stupid. We then left. The next day, the five of us set out to the building again, on 494 via Bush Lake. On the west side there was a new small beach, with people on it. The unknown boy left, and we continued on to the building. Then I woke up.

Sometime in September, 2004, @UND

I was at home, and for some reason it felt like the Thomases house (a neighbor), although it was mine and the yard was mine. Jason was over, and was bored. So he decided to have a different kind of game. They’d be on bikes, trying to eliminate other players, and they’d have pellet guns. I was against the idea, but he had his mind made up. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t budge. Eventually, people started to arrive. Since it was my yard he’d be playing in, you’d think I’d have the authority to tell him to not do it, but I didn’t. In this dream I did not have the authority, and it disturbed me. When everyone was lined up and ready to go, I walked out in the middle of the yard. I figured since I didn’t have any vocal authority, I’d stand there and they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. I was aware I could be shot, but I decided that stopping this foolish dangerous game was worth the risk. They slowly started to ride around me, and then, one after another, hopped off their bikes and tackled me. I soon fell, defeated, as they continued to crash into one another. I didn’t feel any pain though. When they had had their fun, they let me up and I walked back into the house. I talked to Joseph about it, about how I had refused to let my fear affect what I had to do. (why was I inside then?) It then occured to me that I could do something about it, call 911. I did, and gave then the Thomases adress (it made sense, I don’t know why). The cops never came, and I went to the backyard after the game was over. There were some people lying in the sandbox, who’d been shot. They didn’t appear to be in pain or dead, they were just there.

Nov or Dec, 2004 at UND

It was Saturday, and I woke up slightly before my roommate. I went down toward the shower area, and when I exited there, I looked down and saw at the end of the hall my old guinea pig Pepper (who had been dead for several years now). I was puzzled, and when he saw me ran around the corner. I jogged down there only to see him at the end of that hall, going around the corner. I ran around it and saw nothing. Confused, I headed back to my room. When I got to the hall by the showers he was in the middle of the hall. This time he ran through an open door. Not thinking I ran in after him, and was quickly booted out by someone who wasn’t happy with my barging in on a Saturday morning. By now I was really confused, and concerned. I figured I was hallucinating or there was some weird transportating guinea pig in my dorm. I started to walk back to my room...and saw him again! I ran after him, but he went around another corner and disappeared. I turned around, and there he was in the first place I saw him. I ran down, and once again he went around the corner and poof he was gone. By now I was really freaked, and decided that no matter what I was going back to my room where I’d make plans for a cat scan. I walked into my room, and now my roommate was changing on my side of the room. His girlfriend was over and on his side of the room. I scratched my head and looked at the floor as I joined her on that side of the room. They noticed something was wrong and inquired about it. I said I was seeing my dead guinea pig run around the dorm. They both said “What?” I responded “Yeah, it’s the funniest thi--” I looked up and stopped mid-sentence. My mouth fell open and my eyes widened. Standing next to my roommate (who was bent over picking something up on the floor) was a five foot tall guinea pig (Pepper again). He was sitting on his rear, with his front leg over my roommate’s shoulders. He looked at me, and smiled. I screamed. Both my roommate and my girlfriend looked at me asking what was I doing. I looked at his girlfriend, panicked, and yelled that there was a “giant guinea pig next to Reid! Can’t you see it?!? It’s right there---er-,” I had looked back at Reid, and there was no guinea pig “-it was right there” I said in a much smaller voice. They then asked me if I was ok, to which I answered I doubt it. That night I was at home eating dinner with my family. I told my Dad the whole tale, and he said “Well, if you didn’t eat grilled cheese sandwiches every day you wouldn’t be hallucinating”. I remember sitting there shocked, then woke up.

That day at lunch in the college cafeteria, I had to think long and hard about whether or not to eat my usual grilled cheese sandwich (which I eventually decided to).

Dreams 3-6 all happened within a week or so, and I often woke worried about my sanity. The last one also spooked me.

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Post by Larry The Pickle »

I had some nightmare about some members of my family got kidnapped, then I went to rescue them, but we all decided to live there... and sometime the dream changed so that I was walking through some place with large pillars and I saw a raptor shadow through some paper wall (just like in Jurassic Park), so I was trying to hide somewhere, but a raptor jumped at me from out of no where! I woke up suddenly and sat bolt upright (I was only half awake and thought I was putting my head right into it's mouth when I sat upright!) and my heart was racing and it was the middle of the night.
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Post by Chandler »

I told my brother just the other day that I'd never had a nightmare about an elevator... sure enough like 2 nights later I had one! :shock:
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Post by Dr. Watson »

I've gotten gunshot wounds in dreams. Once, some gangsters were coming into our garage, and I was trying to escape back into the house. They shot me in the back, and when I woke up a second later, my back was hurting. :shock:

Post by Chandler »

I've been shot before too! :o It's kind of weird imagining something you've never experienced. :anxious:
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Post by Catspaw »

I used to have a recurring dream about a tiger or something like that coming into our house. It would come crashing in through the big living room window, and my whole family would be hiding in the bathroom, since it doesn't have any windows. The tiger would then try to get through the door to get to us. Then I would wake up, and not want to nove because it could (theoretically) be hiding under my bed, and I could mentally picure myself putting my foot down and having it swatted by a tiger! I was always scared by that dream.

Another dream that I had several times had wolves. I would be out in the woods (but there usually weren't many trees) with my dad and a truck, and then wolves would come near us and my dad would get hurt. I can't remember all the details, and I think that each time I had this dream it was a bit different, but again, I always woke up scared and not wanting to move!

Post by Chandler »

Did tigers ever scare you when you were little?
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Post by Catspaw »

No! At the zoo I wasn't scared by the tigers, and I don't remember reading any books or seeing any movies that made me afraid of either tigers or wolves. I don't know where those fears came from, and I haven't had either dream is a few years. Maybe it was just a childhood thing.
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Post by Evil Chick »

I very rarely have nightmares, and the ones I can remember, I'd rather not post here.

I do have a whole lot of funny/very strange dreams. For instance, I've dreamed about Mellow (and Ferder) twice already, although I've never personally met either of them. (Very strange...) I've also dreamed about Odyssey characters/actors a couple of times.
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Post by Larry The Pickle »

Chandler wrote:I've been shot before too! :o It's kind of weird imagining something you've never experienced. :anxious:
I flew once, and when I was younger (before I started driving) I drove our van.

I also had a nightmare about snakes. Lots of snakes. They were surrounding our house, and we were trying to cover all the places they could get in, but they were coming fast so we started going inside, but one of my younger sibs was walking towards our Grandparents house (which is right next door), I went to stop her, cause these were poisonous snakes (of course), but we both ended up getting stuck outside and we were trying to find a way inside, and I kept cutting the heads off of snakes that got too close with a machete, I was really scared.
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Post by Chandler »

I've dreamed many times about trains in the past. :-k Haven't had one recently but many times before that. Big trains, little trains. Nice trains, scary trains. Trains covering a lot of ground and trains right by my house.
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Post by OdysseyFan »

I often have dreams where I can float 6" - 2' off of the ground, makes travel faster pushing off a wall orthe ceiling can propel you along quickly (still accounting for atmospheric pressure I do slow down, so it's not like floating in space, i guess it's more like riding a hoverboard like in BTTF Part2
using this I've often escaped from someone chasing me for various reasons, though if it fails I find I'm not able to move my legs at all and can't walk or run. :mad:
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

I had a dream one time that Regis and I had to work for the Mafia. We got into a gunfight with a rival Mob family, and I got shot in the chest. Regis flew into a rage and took down all of the people who were shooting at us. Thankfully I was wearing a bullet proof camisole and only suffered some cracked ribs. Regis didn't know it until later, though.

Then I had a nightmare one time that I was young Shego from Kim Possible. Since I was still with the Go Team, I was a hero and had enemies after me. My youngest sister and I were hiding in one of two little lookout houses, and you could only get to the other one by crawling across a little pole that connected the two. This villain tried to drug us with poison gas, and Rego nearly succumbed to it. I had to put her on my back and crawl across the pole to escape the villain. I woke up just as he was about to catch us.
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