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Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:32 pm
by American Eagle
Look back at your plans from last year.

It's April now... what do you foresee for yourself during the summer months? Vacation, summer school, zombie attacks, marriage, graduation, the debt crisis or what? \:D/

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:30 pm
by Shennifer
This summer I will be volunteering at the same Ranch as last year, as well as just hanging out with friends and family. Not to mention getting ready for next year (technically my last year of college \:D/ )

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:49 pm
by Joy
Well, if you look back on last year, that didn't happen. :(
I'm hoping to go this year. On our way to Calgary.
But the problem is, I probably won't go down to Calgary. :|
So, I'll most likely be in the same place as last year.....maybe I might go to the zoo or the waterpark. :D
But I don't feel so bad when I realize that a lot of people don't go on vacations. So I'm okay. \:D/
I sound whiny, don't I? :P

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:22 pm
by Jonathan
Everything I said last year happened, except for the few days on the north shore. That turned into a really fun day trip with my sister and her friend to the north shore instead.

This summer I'm a groomsman for a very good friend of mine in Columbus. I'm taking extended time off from work, so I'll be traveling before the wedding, I just don't know where, though I'm leaning towards Mackinac Island. And there should be another day trip to the north shore somewhere in there too (there is unfinished business up there to take care of, as we had to cut our hiking short last year after I fell in a river).

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:08 am
by Anna><>
Last summer I worked a lot and did a lot of shopping because I moved away from home for the first time for university. This year I won't do nearly as much shopping because I already have most of the stuff I'll need for school next year.

My plans for this summer include working (possibly 2 jobs), playing simcity, sewing or crocheting, reading, and exercising. I want to join a crossfit gym, and also want to join a masters swim team. I definitely won't be able to do both, so I'll have to decide.

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:28 am
by Amethystic
What will I do? Well, assuming I actually survive the graduation crunch, I'm hoping I'll have time to recharge my batteries after going nonstop these last few weeks. (I don't think I've had a real vacation all year. *sigh* Christmas break was spent studying for diplomas and Spring Break was a Spanish homework fest.) Outside of that, I'll probably guilt myself into working again this summer--though perhaps not full-time like last year. Ugh, forty hour work weeks... On top of all of that, I'm also going to do a whole lot of reading, since I never have time to just read during the school year. I'm also hoping that I'll the opportunity to travel to the states to visit some friends, but I have no concrete plans at this point.

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:21 am
by Samantha14
My summer plans are going to consist of school...And doctors... :(

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:56 pm
by Laura Ingalls
Looking back on my plans last year, we DID end up traveling the 24 hours to Texas and throwing a surprise 60th birthday party for my mom. And I met Catspaw and JF! \:D/

This year, I don't know of any plans right now besides the farmer's market. There will be a primary election in June, so I'll be at the polls one day. Other than that....pretty open this year. :)

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:12 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
I don't think I had a plan on ToO last year. As for this year: Graduation!!!!, Disneyland, hanging out with my friends, and looking for a legit job. And who knows, I could get into a residency program in California and THAT could be my summer... terrifying thought. Oh, and movies. :D

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:40 pm
by Kait
My plan is to take advantage of my free time and date as many handsome men as I can. \:D/

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:36 pm
by radgeek
My plans are simple. Work making springs, see my churches merge and host a few guests here in CT.

Downside of moving out of NYC though is that people don't want to travel to me as much....

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:24 pm
by Graces4you
Working, Getting my drivers license, Passing the AP US history test, running 15-20 miles a week, Mission trip, working on speech and debate stuff, VBS. Never a dull moment ;)

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:51 am
by JMoriarty
My Summer Plans: 1. Practice my evil laugh. 2. People watch. 3. Update my security. 4. Work on my chess techniques. 5. Ninjutsu! 6. Hire more minions. 7. Buy a black car. 8. Install more cameras around town. 9. Stockpile weapons. 10. TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:04 pm
by Sunshine
JMoriarty wrote:My Summer Plans: 1. Practice my evil laugh. 2. People watch. 3. Update my security. 4. Work on my chess techniques. 5. Ninjutsu! 6. Hire more minions. 7. Buy a black car. 8. Install more cameras around town. 9. Stockpile weapons. 10. TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!
You make my summer look pretty dull... ;)

Looking back at last year's list, one of the things that I never added was meeting Josh and Jake. That was a really awesome time! \:D/

Anyways, plans are just like those of last year: catch up on school as we can, do activities/events as they come, and rest when we're able. :) Maybe write more letters to friends, garden, do some summer sewing projects, memorize chapters for Bible Quiz, etc.

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:55 pm
by Jesus' Princess
I read my summer plans from last year, and I actually completed them all :)

This year is probably going to consist of finishing up/getting ahead in school, as I've dedicated 2 hours a day to that starting June 24th. A couple of music contests, which I'm already practicing and excited for :), our annual church family camp, and the National Bible Bee.

As far as smaller things, I'm hoping to read at least two books a week outside of school assignments, run at least 1 1/2 miles most days, finish some projects that I've been putting off for way to long, and keep in touch with long distance friends better.

I'm really looking forward to this summer!

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:52 am
by Joy
I'm hoping to make some doll items this summer using DIY videos from a channel from Youtube.
Go swimming, jump off a diving board for the first time in years. (not gonna happen. ;) )
I might end up writing some stuff, too.
I've been thinking, and maybe I could get a paper route for to earn money, since I have none. (thank you, Wii U, and New Super Mario Bros. U)
I shouldn't be so grumpy. There are plenty of interesting things I can think up to do!
Exploring our small town sounds like something cool to do in the summer.

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:16 pm
by Blitz
Sleep all I can. Get tired of moving in a jiffy.

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:34 pm
by Sunshine
@Joy: I love looking up youtube videos, etc. to learn how to make doll stuff! \:D/ You should post pictures of your creations during the summer! :)
Jesus' Princess wrote:As far as smaller things, I'm hoping to read at least two books a week outside of school assignments...

I'll be doing good to finish 4 books by the end of the whole summer... :anxious:

@Jake: For the whole summer?! You really need to get a better list than that. :noway:

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:09 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Sunshine wrote:@Joy: I love looking up youtube videos, etc. to learn how to make doll stuff! \:D/ You should post pictures of your creations during the summer! :)
Jesus' Princess wrote:As far as smaller things, I'm hoping to read at least two books a week outside of school assignments...

I'll be doing good to finish 4 books by the end of the whole summer... :anxious:
I'm hoping to :) My goal was to read 52 books this year, which breaks down to a book a week, but I haven't had nearly enough time to read this year, so that's one of my summer goals. :)

Re: Your Summer Plans: 2013!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:21 pm
by Whitty Whit
I plan on living my life. Taking it by the reins and slapping it upside the head to do with whatever I please.