Attention Span

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Attention Span

Post by EK »

So I'm tasked with doing a reasearch project in my psychology class and I figured I'd use you guys as my reasearch...while also creating a cool topic on the ToO. \:D/ I'd like to know about your attention spans, how long does it last on average? How does it differ between studying/being in class vs doing leisurely things like being on the ToO, hanging out with friends, watching movies, etc. Also, if any of you have ADD or ADHD and are comfortable with sharing that, I'd like to know about how your attention span fluctuates between activities.
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Post by ~JCGJ~ »

I have ADHD, and I am just fine with sharing that.

It used to be that I couldn't sit still at all, and I had to be constantly moving, and I could really only pay attention to one thing for about 10 minutes max. before I got bored...

Now, I've come up with a couple of tricks to help me concentrate on the task at hand.

I've noticed that I concentrate better if I'm chewing on something (gum, pencils, fingernails, my little brother's Legos, etc.), but many teachers don't like gum, pencils and pens are too expensive to destroy time and time again, my cuticles are in horrible shape because of the constand nail-biting, and my little brother freaks out when I chew on his Legos, so I have found a good fall-back option...


They are cheap (only about 50 cents for a pack of 250 or so, which lasts me about 3 months), teachers don't mind them, and they're not my little brother's Legos.

So, you'll usually find me with a toothpick in my mouth, and atleast one behind each ear... I've also stuck a few in my Formosan for easy access.

Another thing that helps when I'm feeling especially hyper, I'll ask the teacher if I could simply stand in the back of the class, and they usually say yes.

Pacing often helps me concentrate better, because I can be moving without having to consiously think about what I'm doing, so I can keep my attention on the teacher.

Also, I've found that it's often difficult for me to pay attention to movies, so if I'm at the movie theater, I'll find a seat near the isle/stairs, and (about every 20 minutes or so) I'll change from sitting in my seat, to sitting in the isle/stairs.

If you want some more tricks, send me a quick PM.

Some may work better than others.
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Post by Kait »

Oooh cool topic \:D/

I have a pretty good attention span.

As far as in class, I can concentrate pretty well on lectures and such. Although I concentrate better if I am doing something with my hands like doodling (and would you believe I once got in trouble by my teacher IN A COLLEGE CLASS for doodling. I was so mad.)

As for studying, I have a hard time concentrating for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time if I am doing something like reading a textbook or memorizing flashcards. I can do upwards of 30 minutes researching or writing a paper. However, if I am doing something at the last minute, my concentration is endless. I work a lot better under pressure.

In my normal web-surfing, book-reading, chore-doing life, I don't really have any problems keeping my concentration on my task at hand until it is finished.
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Post by Termite »

Kait wrote: Although I concentrate better if I am doing something with my hands
^^Same. I got a shirt once that held the tags via this metal circle thing that I could clasp, unclasp, and twist around. I left it on my desk and would fiddle with it while doing anything school-like.
However, if I am doing something at the last minute, my concentration is endless. I work a lot better under pressure.

*cough* Anyway. My attention span relies on what I'm doing and if I want to be doing it. I concentrate brilliantly in classes because I know I have to, and it's easy for me to bring my mind back if it begins to wander. I do everything else school-wise better with background noise, particularly music, since it gives me a steady rhythm to work with...

As to normal things like reading, cleaning, or working in the kitchen where I belong, I like having music, but it's not as necessary to have to be able to concentrate. As I said, if I have to concentrate then my attention span is spot on. If I don't want to be doing whatever it is I want to be doing (such as high school chemistry) then when I'm done I'm done... if I get done that day. :P But normally I can force myself to concentrate if I really need to.

If I've seen a movie more than once I tend to space more, but the first two or three times my attention is undivided. \:D/
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Post by Shennifer »

I normally cannot work under pressure; doesn't yield the best results a lot of the time. But I surprised myself last year, when a few times I had to finish a paper or a project the night before. Ideally though, I want to take my time (especially if I like whatever homework or activity it is.)

If I have to do something I don't want to do, I tend to be lazy :- If I can get enough sleep, etc. I concentrate pretty well.

I can generally read a book or write for 30-40 minutes or until I get bored or hungry. Otherwise, if it's an art project or something fun, I devote hours to it.

With movies, if I have seen a movie a lot over a course of time, then I get sick of it. But if it's something I haven't seen for awhile or haven't seen and want to, then like Termite, I am glued to the screen :)

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Post by jelly »

I'd like to think I have a decent attention span... when it comes to movies in particular, I can sit down and engage a 3 hour art house film without hesitation. ;)

When I'm trying to work on a project, though, and time pressure is not a threat.. my self-control succumbs to distractions. The internet is the bane of my existence. >_>

Actually if I'm honest with myself, I probably only really do well on the fuel of inspiration. Anything beyond that is discipline.
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Post by Anna><> »

When I watch movies I fall asleep or just want to leave halfway through and do something else. For instance, I was watching The Amazing Spiderman in theatres and I just wanted to go and do something else cause I was bored of sitting there watching it. If I'm watching a movie I need to be doing something else at the same time. When I watched all 7 seasons of Criminal Minds this past April I made hemp bracelets and did sudoku while I watched the movies.

When I'm studying I can go on forever unless I'm cold. I have a really hard time focusing when I'm cold. To resolve that issue I bought myself a heated blanket and it's super nice and warm and then I can study more. I really like studying and reading my textbooks. I used to spend hours on end making flashcards. I sometimes have to stop studying because my hand cramps.
If I drink a lot of water then I can't focus because I have to go to the bathroom. Also, when I used to have a tumblr account I got distracted a lot.

I don't find it hard to focus in school either unless I'm bored because it's easy. When it's hard I'm focused and sometimes my mind explodes and I don't even know what's happening, but then I just read the textbook a bunch of times later and figure it out.

If I am reading an interesting book I don't put it down. If it's boring I try to read 10 pages a minute until I'm done as much as I feel like.

If I'm having trouble focusing on doing my homework or studying I get out my iPod and listen to a slow song on repeat one.

I don't have any problems with my attention span, I just have problems motivating myself to do stuff.
I pay really good attention at work where I just stare at people in the water all day too. It's fun.
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Post by Woody »

Well, I was stretching my attention span reading these posts. It depends on if it's something I'm interested in. If it's school, it really depends on what subject it is. For instance, I can do several Algebra lessons in a row, but have trouble doing more than one lesson in science. For reading, if it's a good book, I can be glued for hours. I don't have a problem watching movies, but, like Hadassah said, it's better if I'm multitasking. For math, when I'm actually working the problems, I like to listen to something.(Odyssey, music, etc.) Once I get going on a computer or microcontroller project though, it's hard to stop. I also find that it helps to reward yourself at the end. For me, it's usually an Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea.(which is absolutely delicious, by the way.) Eating something also helps.
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Post by DanP740 »

Doing schoolwork I'm frequently getting distracted, sitting somewhere listening to something I prefer to be doing something, even just shuffling a deck of cards over and over, but when watching TV or a movie it has my full attention, because I don't want to miss things.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I have a terrible attention span. The only way I can watch a movie all the way through is in the theater... otherwise I'll either turn it off and do something else for a while, or just start messing around on a laptop while the movie is still going on.

Even on the internet, if I'm not also watching TV, I have a few browsers open and am flipping between them constantly.

If its good, though, I can spend a lot of time reading a book or something, but it has to really grab me. There aren't too many that really do that these days, though... I mean a lot of novels are fine to pass the time when you can't do anything else while donating plasma, but I wouldn't spend time reading them at home.
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Post by darcie »

I have ADD. Which is like ADHD, except without the fun hyperactivity to keep you going. ;) So mostly I just get distracted. And sleepy. Like this topic, for example. I'm tired, so I TLDRed it. I read the first post but probably skipped some words, skimmed about the first sentence of everyone's replies up through about the 4th, then got too annoyed by all the words and skipped to the bottom to comment.

I did a lot of tap dancing under my desk in school to keep myself focused. When I was a kid, I read 6 different books at once. I used to have a long commute to and from work, and I absolutely needed to drive distracted so I'd pay attention and not lull myself with the routine. Now I work in short bursts of energy. I do one task for a few minutes, then something else will catch my eye and I'll do that. ADD housework. As long as I keep moving, it works. But the idea of sitting and doing one thing, even watching a movie, and my brain just shuts down. I'll watch a movie while also internetting and eating a snack. That works.
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

I have never been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, but I wouldn't be surprised if I had one or the other. xD

During schoolwork, I don't have much focus unless it's crunch time. So, I am a big procrastinator. When listening to lectures/sermons, I have to be writing, doodling, or doing something else to keep myself alert (because I tend to get drowsy when sitting for long periods of time listening to something, even if it is interesting). I almost always multi-task when watching tv shows and movies. Lately, I have been doing crafts while I watch, but sometimes I will just be on my computer. However, at the movie theater, I can sit through the whole film, but it helps to have something to chew on (popcorn, gum, candy). As for housework, I am like Darcie. I will start doing a chore and then see something else that needs done. For instance, I will go get supplies to wash the windows, and on the way to get supplies, I will notice that the TV needs to be dusted. And before I know it, I am working on 4 different chores. :p
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Post by The Top Crusader »

^^That reminds me, I listen a lot better if I'm drawing or playing a video game or something. I actually hate playing video games that actually require you to pay attention to the audio because I really prefer having something else going on, a podcast playing or something.
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Post by Mimi »

Kait wrote:As far as in class, I can concentrate pretty well on lectures and such. Although I concentrate better if I am doing something with my hands like doodling (and would you believe I once got in trouble by my teacher IN A COLLEGE CLASS for doodling. I was so mad.)

As for studying, I have a hard time concentrating for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time if I am doing something like reading a textbook or memorizing flashcards. I can do upwards of 30 minutes researching or writing a paper. However, if I am doing something at the last minute, my concentration is endless. I work a lot better under pressure.

In my normal web-surfing, book-reading, chore-doing life, I don't really have any problems keeping my concentration on my task at hand until it is finished.
^ This is me, exactly.
The Top Crusader wrote:^^That reminds me, I listen a lot better if I'm drawing or playing a video game or something. I actually hate playing video games that actually require you to pay attention to the audio because I really prefer having something else going on, a podcast playing or something.
I cannot Imagine doing that. I'm so bad at listening to one thing and doing something else that requires concentration. If I'm at work I can listen to something and work at the same time, since my job doesn't require too much focused thought. ;) But other than that, multi-tasking doesn't work for me at all.
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Post by Sherlock »

I am the extreme opposite of ADD. I can focus on a single task and tune out absolutely everything else until that thing is done. Doesn't matter if it is in the middle of a quiet room or a busy coffee shop, on a bus, whatever. The downside is that my brain tunes out everyone and everything else and if I am with someone else who doesn't know me too well, they tend to get offended and think I am ignoring them. Also, I CANNOT multitask to save my life, so if you want me to talk to you and read an article, or talk on the phone and get work done, it won't happen. >_>
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Post by ique »

Hmm... my attention span varies kind of a lot. In general, I think it's pretty good, but it depends entirely on the task.

When it comes to reading textbooks, though I enjoy it, I'm very easily distracted. I have to consciously centre myself and I have to remain aware of my pace or I just space out. I often find myself having read an entire paragraph without actually knowing what I read. I frequently read the same sentences several times over to make sure I "get" things. >_> I'm very slow in that sense.

When it comes to particular hobbies, my attention span is a little too good. I can easily spend 8+ straight hours working on a single drawing (if it has a definitive end/goal in sight), and being pulled away from it is agitating. Discipline, in this case, is in making myself stop.
On the other hand, if there's not an absolutely specific goal that I'm working towards, I get bored of drawing in like 5 minutes and move onto a new picture. Aimless drawing is my favourite but I can't concentrate at all.

I love movies. I could watch like 5 in a row. (Ok, 2 in a row. 5 only applies to plane trips.) I don't like missing anything, so I'm generally focused only on the movie.

Forums confuse my attention span. I can't get myself to post without reading all the previous replies, but reading the whole topic is kind of exhausting. I don't really understand why I enjoy forums, actually. o_O They're kind of painful.
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Post by Shennifer »

ique wrote:
When it comes to particular hobbies, my attention span is a little too good. I can easily spend 8 straight hours working on a single drawing (if it has a definitive end/goal in sight), and being pulled away from it is agitating. Discipline, in this case, is in making myself stop.
On the other hand, if there's not an absolutely specific goal that I'm working towards, I get bored of drawing in like 5 minutes and move onto a new picture. Aimless drawing is my favourite but I can't concentrate at all.

I love movies. I could watch like 5 in a row. (Ok, 2 in a row. 5 only applies to plane trips.) I don't like missing anything, so I'm generally focused only on the movie.

Forums confuse my attention span. I can't get myself to post without reading all the previous replies, but reading the whole topic is kind of exhausting. I don't really understand why I enjoy forums, actually. o_O They're kind of painful.
Some of this describes me too \:D/ If there's a great project I like and I'm working on, I will (and have in the past) spent hours and hours working. Movies are great, (so are the TV shows I've come to be a fan of). I don't get how people can like do a craft or anything while watching it; I don't want to miss anything. I can only eat something while I watch a movie and even then I finish it within the first 5 minutes anyway.

I've only watched 4 movies in a row, not 5 ;) anyway, in the museums we went to in the UK, some were boring, some more exciting than others and you could easily spend all day there. I often wanted to try and read as much as I could, even if it wasn't something terribly interesting. Also, when there are new posts in the threads in a forum, I start from the bottom to the top, though I sometimes ignore the ones that don't interest me. It's always good seeing new posts though :)
Last edited by Shennifer on Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by fiddlergirlsusy »

I sound like a combination of many of you. I get mixed up about the difference between ADD and ADHD. What's the difference? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I have one of them, although I've never officially found out! I mostly work best under pressure, and usually end up doing homework at the last minute because it then keeps my attention amazingly well. I also do better work under heavy pressure. I have gotten nearly perfect scores on papers written at the last minute. I get very bored while watching movies or tv, especially if I've seen them before, and I end up leaving to do something else . I prefer to be doing something else at the same time. I can't focus on a book and keep my attention on it unless I find it interesting (I had a Middle East hard-reading textbook - I could read the same page over and over five times and still couldn't tell you what it said unless I highlighted every other line). However, if I have music I enjoy in the background, my attention span is amazing! I also have a very good attention span if I set my mind to it and tell myself I am going to concentrate. If I'm moving around a little bit, I do much better. In class, my attention span is only good if it's a very interesting topic, or if I'm taking notes and doodling. I will usually forget everything except the things I found most interesting unless I'm taking notes. I've found that it works best to pace myself and tell myself I have to work on things at least a set amount of time and then I can take a break before coming back to finish my work. In homework, I have to work alone. I can't do homework with others around.
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Post by Termite »

ADD is being distracted easily, impulsive, forgetful, and some other stuff, and ADHD (as the name says) includes spontaneity and hyperactivity. Don't ask me details; I don't have my Early Childhood textbook on me. xP

But don't be so quick to diagnose yourself, Susy; you're a lot like me and I definitely don't have ADD. ;)
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Post by fiddlergirlsusy »

Termite wrote:ADD is being distracted easily, impulsive, forgetful, and some other stuff, and ADHD (as the name says) includes spontaneity and hyperactivity. Don't ask me details; I don't have my Early Childhood textbook on me. xP

But don't be so quick to diagnose yourself, Susy; you're a lot like me and I definitely don't have ADD. ;)
Haha good. I would prefer to think that I DON'T have either of those...if I did it would probably be ADD. I'm glad I'm at least not abnormal! ;)
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