Muppet's "Treasure Island"

greatest movie ever

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Thursday Next
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Post by Thursday Next »

I was browsing ebay on day and i found three muppet puppets that had been put up for sale because they weren't needed anymore. do you want to know how badly i wanted to get those...however i couldn't justify getting them because they were $45 each.
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Post by Mr.Whit »

Which ones did they have?
How long ago was this.
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Thursday Next
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Post by Thursday Next »

This was a few months ago. They weren't promenent muppets they were just ones that weren't needed. However there are some that you can get.
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Post by bookworm »

A post by me in here is long overdue.

I cannot adequately express how much I absolutely LOVE this movie!

It is hands down my favorite of the Muppet movies, and honestly just flat out one of my favorite movies period. I can watch it any time, I don't have to be in a particular mood for it, and I'll never get tired of it. I've seen it countless times (it's possible this is actually the single movie I have rewatched the most in my lifetime, I'm not completely positive on that but it's for sure close if not), I know every one of the songs by heart and most of the dialogue, but somehow that only adds to my enjoyment of watching it yet again.

There are two types of Muppet movies, the ones that are adaptations of existing stories with their spin put on, and the ones about the adventures and antics of the Muppets themselves. I usually prefer the latter type just slightly more, but this movie really stands apart to me from any of the other movies and I think is by far the best of its type. It's the perfect balance of the distinct Muppet style of storytelling, humor, etc, while honoring the classic original content.

Part of what makes this particular movie so special to me is it reminds me of my childhood. I feel silly saying that, but it's genuinely true. I got this from the library a lot when I was little, but at one point somehow abruptly forgot about it for a number of years. Not completely, I would occasionally vaguely remember 'that Treasure Island movie I used to watch' (I only knew this movie for itself back then, this was before I was aware of the full scope of the Muppet franchise, the only other thing I had seen was the Muppet Caper once on tv.) Eventually it popped up in my mind enough times that I finally decided I should watch it again, and instantly all the memories came back. I was surprised to find how much of the movie was still familiar, I loved every single second of it, and I immediately bought my own dvd copy. I've watched it at least once a year ever since.

There's no doubt this strong nostalgia connection affects how much I love the movie now to some extent, but that alone couldn't have me so completely hooked if there wasn't more to it. I'm certain even if I hadn't had that experience of reconnecting with a forgotten childhood touchstone, whether I had continued to watch it regularly all my life or if I had originally come across it later on, it would still have become one of my absolute favorites. Something, or more accurately everything, about it just deeply connects with me for whatever reason.

As an added bonus, I also own the computer game!
This was actually completely unplanned and separate from my love of the movie.
I acquired it at a garage sale somewhere in that span of time where the movie wasn't really in my mind, before I realized I was crazy about it, so I didn't get it because it was the Muppet Treasure Island game, I apparently just picked it up because it was an interesting looking old game, which I do do on occasion if they're cheap, but it absolutely amazes me now how it worked out that it's now something really special for me to have because of how special the movie is to me.
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Post by Catspaw »

I agree this that is a super awesome amazing movie, and reading your post makes me want to watch it again! My sister read Treasure Island in school and her teacher showed them Muppet's Treasure Island, and she loved it so much she said we should watch it as a family, and the rest is history. ;)

I had no idea there was a game, though!
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