Stanley Cup and NBA Final Live Chats!

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ToO Historian
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Post by bookworm »

I don't understand why my network refuses to work on hockey nights.
Catspaw was faithfully there at least.
Stanley Cup Final, Game 5: Blackhawks and Lightning tied 2-2
Topic set by bookworm
17:33 Catspaw joined #Stanley
17:33 <Catspaw>: New game! New excitement! Woo-hoo!
17:35 <Catspaw>: It's nice to see Bishop back in net for the Lightning, though I am concerned he'll have to leave for whatever's been plaguing him.
17:36 <Catspaw>: Okay, and now Bishop just came way out of the net to play the puck and ran into his own guy and Chicago got an empty-net goal. Crazy stuff! I would love to know what on earth Bishop thought he was doing there.
17:37 <Catspaw>: Very odd. His own guy was right there (hence why they ran into each other) so I don't know why he thought he needed to come so far out of the net to play the puck.
17:43 <Catspaw>: Bishop will never live that one down if they lose, and people will still remember that one even if they win!
17:59 <Catspaw>: Still 1-0, almost at the end of the first period. It's been a fun start to the game1
18:04 Catspaw quit
18:38 Catspaw joined #Stanley
18:39 Catspaw quit

Strange start to Game 5 with goalie mistakes early on by each team. Both should have resulted in scores, but Chicago got lucky and only one did.

I hope I can get in for the next game, since it might be the last!

Back to NBA first though, we'll see if anyone else finally shows tonight.
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Post by Catspaw »

I tried to be on the chat a bit more in case anybody else came by, but a couple of times I tried to connect to the chat and it didn't work. I don't know if it was chat-related or just because my internet connection was cutting in and out, but it was such a hassle to keep trying to connect that I was missing the game, so I just gave up on the chat. I will try again on Monday, since it could be a Cup night! (Though I certainly hope it won't be!)
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Post by bookworm »

No one showed for NBA Game 5; not surprising, but disappointing because it was a good one.

The Stanley Cup could be claimed tonight! Come by the Chatroom people! Especially if you're rooting for either team!
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Post by Catspaw »

It was a fun final NHL chat of the year, even if I'm not pleased with the result of the game. It was nice to have a few people present for the game!
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Post by bookworm »

We finally had a real chat party just in time for the series finish! \:D/
Laura was finally able to join, Catspaw was there as always, and KF returned. And my connection actually worked, for the most part. Enough to have a good time! :D
Stanley Cup Final, Game 6: Blackhawks lead Lightning 3-2 and could win it all here!
Topic set by bookworm
17:03 Laura_Ingalls joined #Stanley
17:13 bookworm joined #Stanley
17:13 <bookworm>: You made it! :D
17:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yay!
17:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: I'm trying to watch the game on my computer for right now...I may be able to get to the TV later
17:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: As it is, the feed is a bit choppy
17:13 <bookworm>: My network seems to be working at the moment, we'll see how long I can stay in
17:13 <bookworm>: You want Chicago right?
17:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yup!
17:14 <bookworm>: Me too :)
17:14 <Laura_Ingalls>: I had Toews and Keith on my team this year, so I'm used to cheering for them
17:14 <bookworm>: Ah
17:14 <bookworm>: I just am because I don't want TB to win since they beat the Red Wings
17:15 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yeah, I don't like TB really at all. They beat my Rangers! Booo
17:15 <bookworm>: We need Catspaw to come by then to have some opposition :p
17:17 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yes, chats are always better with Catspaw anyway :D
17:18 bookworm quit
17:23 bookworm joined #Stanley
17:28 <Laura_Ingalls>: I had to run help my Granny, right at the beginning of the game. Missed the first 4 minutes. :( But now I'm at the TV so it's more real time instead of choppy
17:34 <Laura_Ingalls>: Ooo, so close!!! Off the post.
17:34 <bookworm>: Yes!
17:35 <Laura_Ingalls>: Power play!!!
17:36 <bookworm>: Hmm, I'm lagging in and out...
17:38 <Laura_Ingalls>: Oh, are you watching the game online? It was stopping and starting for me earlier as well.
17:38 <Laura_Ingalls>: Does that mean you're a little bit behind real time? If so, I should hold off saying anything big until you see it. ;)
17:39 <bookworm>: Darn. Good kill.
17:41 <bookworm>: Neat shot of the organ 'roost' there
17:42 <bookworm>: No no, my chat is lagging, on my phone. The game is on TV so you're fine :D
17:43 <bookworm>: I'm having data network issues, especially with this Chatroom. The messages get backed up, both incoming and outgoing
17:44 <Laura_Ingalls>: Ah, ok. :) Yeah, I saw the organ - I hadn't realized that the organ music was live...
17:45 <bookworm>: Yay, another penalty
17:45 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yay!
17:46 <bookworm>: Woah!
17:46 <Laura_Ingalls>: SO CLOSE
17:51 KF joined #Stanley
17:52 <KF>: it's been intense so far
17:53 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yes, I've been vocal towards the TV!
17:53 <Laura_Ingalls>: Hey, are you rooting for the Lightening?
17:53 <KF>: hawks!
17:54 <KF>: :p
17:54 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yay!
17:54 <Laura_Ingalls>: All three of us here are Hawks fans
17:54 <KF>: sweet
17:56 <KF>: I really hope this doesn't go to 7
17:56 <Laura_Ingalls>: I know, it would great for them to win at home
17:56 <Laura_Ingalls>: 0-0 after 1!
17:57 bookworm quit
17:57 Catspaw joined #Stanley
17:58 <Catspaw>: Yay! There are other people here!
17:58 bookworm joined #Stanley
17:58 <bookworm>: Catspaw! :D
17:58 <Laura_Ingalls>: Catspaw!!!
17:58 <KF>: It's a party now
17:58 <Laura_Ingalls>: The enemy. Lightning fan. :noway:
17:59 <bookworm>: I'm really lagged; going to try getting a better connection during intermission. I'll be back - I hope
17:59 <KF>: :x
17:59 <Catspaw>: My internet has been super annoying and may cut out at any point, booting me out of the chat, just FYI.
17:59 <bookworm>: I'll probably be in and out as I move around
17:59 <Catspaw>: Bookworm! Laura! KF!
18:00 <Catspaw>: Laura, you're cheering for Chicago?! After all the evil they have done to so many?! I'm disappointed.
18:00 <Laura_Ingalls>: Hey, Tampa beat my Rangers. They are the evil ones
18:00 <bookworm>: Tampa beat my Red Wings too!
18:01 <Catspaw>: Sure, cheer with Obama if you insist...
18:01 <Catspaw>: ;)
18:02 <Catspaw>: Well, Chicago beat my Canucks in the past! And caused injuries! And are generally the root of all evil!
18:02 <bookworm>: And I'm assuming KF is for the Blackhawks because Chicago ;)
18:02 <KF>: bah stealing my birthday and my sports teams
18:03 <KF>: yeah pretty much :p
18:03 <bookworm>: Ok back in a moment, hopefully
18:03 <Laura_Ingalls>: Well, Obama has a dog too, and I like dogs. I guess in some ways Obama has some sense. ;)
18:03 <Catspaw>: I'm mostly cheering for the Lightning because they aren't Chicago, but hey, I wish good things for Steven Stamkos. And hey, the GM, Steve Yzerman, should be well know to Detroit fans (hint hint)
18:03 bookworm quit
18:03 <Catspaw>: Oops, I said it a second too late for bookworm to realize that his allegiances are misguided.
18:04 <Laura_Ingalls>: Ha!
18:04 <KF>: I just don't get how you could root against Kaner
18:04 <Catspaw>: That's what the cab driver said before Kan beat him up.
18:05 <Catspaw>: I don't know how you could root for "Kaner"
18:05 <Laura_Ingalls>: My oldest brother is a Detroit fan, being in Michigan, but he said his second favorite team is Tampa Bay. Boo. He wasn't happy when he heard I was cheering for Chicago.
18:05 <Laura_Ingalls>: I don't care for Kane
18:05 <Laura_Ingalls>: But GO Toews and Keith!!!
18:05 <Laura_Ingalls>: :D
18:05 <Catspaw>: Blehhhhhh
18:06 KF quit
18:06 KF joined #Stanley
18:07 <Catspaw>: Duncan Keith hurt Daniel Sedin. I have cared for him even less ever since. ... -1.1133499
18:07 <KF>: so apparently if i switch tabs the page reloads
18:08 <Catspaw>: The more you know! ;)
18:08 bookworm joined #Stanley
18:09 <Laura_Ingalls>: Phhphtt, that was 3 years ago. *waves hand*
18:09 <Laura_Ingalls>: Actually, all I know is that he got me points this year, so that is good for me. ;)
18:10 KF left #Stanley
18:10 <Catspaw>: I don't think he's the kind of animal who has changed his spots...but that's just me.
18:10 <Catspaw>: Isn't it funny how attached you can get to your fantasy players? In one click they go from being a random guy to "my guy."
18:10 KF joined #Stanley
18:11 KF quit
18:11 KF joined #Stanley
18:12 <Catspaw>: We can agree to disagree. ;)
18:12 <Laura_Ingalls>: Sounds good to me. ;)
18:12 bookworm quit
18:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: Ha, if you had him on your team, I wouldn't like him at all.
18:13 KFDesktop joined #Stanley
18:13 <KFDesktop>: Kindle hates this O.o
18:13 <Catspaw>: I wouldn't take him because of my strong distaste for him, so no worries on that front. ;)
18:14 <Catspaw>: You seem very indecisive about joining us, KF. ;)
18:14 <KFDesktop>: In all honesty I started actively following hockey last year so I don't actually know much about the inter team grudges :p
18:15 <KFDesktop>: Yeah I think I'll be off during the game for the most part very fudgy connection on mobile
18:15 KF quit
18:15 <Catspaw>: It just takes a bit of time to learn all about who hates who, and why an offense that occurred 30 years ago is still a good enough reason to carry a sports grudge. ;)
18:16 <Laura_Ingalls>: hahah
18:16 <Catspaw>: Better to be able to watch the game than talk about why Chicago is awful.
18:16 <Laura_Ingalls>: STAMKOS MISSED
18:16 <Laura_Ingalls>: :neener:
18:16 bookworm joined #Stanley
18:16 bookworm quit
18:18 <Catspaw>: Aww, great chance!
18:19 bookworm joined #Stanley
18:21 <Catspaw>: Some great action!
18:22 <Laura_Ingalls>: Whew, some close calls on both ends of the ice!
18:22 bookworm quit
18:22 <Catspaw>: Yep.
18:23 <Catspaw>: Craziness!
18:24 <Catspaw>: Ben Bishop has had enough excitement this series! ;)
18:25 <Laura_Ingalls>: This is the first game I've been able to watch from start to finish, so I haven't been able to get into the action as much
18:26 <Laura_Ingalls>: Every night there's been a game, I've been either busy with other activities, out of town, or they haven't been showing the game on a channel I can see
18:26 <Laura_Ingalls>: I'm glad they decided to show this one on a normal channel
18:27 bookworm joined #Stanley
18:29 <Catspaw>: That was a close one!
18:30 <Catspaw>: I'm glad that you finally get to watch properly, Laura!
18:35 <bookworm>: WOW
18:36 <Laura_Ingalls>: One of these shots needs to go in!!!
18:36 <Catspaw>: Oh my goodness! It feels like the finals!
18:36 <Catspaw>: That was great hockey!
18:45 <Catspaw>: It's been a great game so far for both teams.
18:46 bookworm quit
18:46 <Laura_Ingalls>: YAY!!!
18:46 <Laura_Ingalls>: Go KEITH
18:47 <Laura_Ingalls>: :neener:
18:49 <Catspaw>: Booooooooo!!!!!!
18:49 <Catspaw>: :mecry:
18:52 <Laura_Ingalls>: *pats Catspaw on back sympathetically*
18:52 <Laura_Ingalls>: *still gloats*
18:52 bookworm joined #Stanley
18:52 <bookworm>: Woohoo!
18:52 <bookworm>: Very delayed because I couldn't reconnect
18:53 <bookworm>: Funny that it kicked me out *right* before the goal
18:55 <Catspaw>: It's a conspiracy!
18:55 <Catspaw>: That was an amazing ding off the net! I thought the puck went in for a second. The fans behind the net definitely thought it was a goal for a second!
18:56 <bookworm>: So did I!
18:58 bookworm quit
18:58 <KFDesktop>: Yeah fractions of an inch off that last one
19:07 bookworm joined #Stanley
19:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: Getting ready for the final period!
19:13 <Laura_Ingalls>: Go Hawks!
19:14 bookworm quit
19:21 <Catspaw>: Go Lightning! Don't be intimidated by the Hawks record of being 32-0 when leading after the first two periods! Statistics do not define you!
19:22 bookworm joined #Stanley
19:22 <Catspaw>: (I'm preparing for disappointment.)
19:23 <Laura_Ingalls>: I'm just hoping that the Hawks don't realize that I'm cheering for them
19:23 <Laura_Ingalls>: I have a bad record lately of rooting for the losers
19:25 <Catspaw>: Haha! I feel that way too. So do the fans of almost every team by this point. But it still always feels personal! :sniff:
19:26 bookworm quit
19:27 bookworm joined #Stanley
19:28 <bookworm>: Are you watching NBC's broadcast Catspaw, or does Canada have its own?
19:33 <Catspaw>: I'm watching on CBC, which is a Canadian broadcaster.
19:34 <Catspaw>: It's a channel that everybody has access to, and they also stream games live online.
19:34 <Catspaw>: Though I'm guessing they geoblock.
19:40 <Laura_Ingalls>: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
19:40 <Laura_Ingalls>: Great play!
19:43 <Catspaw>: :x
19:45 <bookworm>: Uh oh, power play
19:49 <Laura_Ingalls>: Hold on, Crawford.
19:53 <Laura_Ingalls>: 17 seconds! I think they're going to do it!
19:53 <bookworm>: Yay!
Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup! Defeat Lightning 4-2
Topic set by bookworm
19:54 <Laura_Ingalls>: Yay!
19:54 <bookworm>: Thanks for coming everyone! :D
19:54 <Catspaw>: What a terrible end to a terrible playoffs....from my perspective, anyway. ;)
19:56 <bookworm>: Team biases aside though, this was an amazing series wasn't it? This whole playoffs in fact
19:56 <bookworm>: Just as great hockey
19:59 <Laura_Ingalls>: Ha, you're funny, Catspaw. ;)
19:59 <Laura_Ingalls>: Thanks for the chat, everyone!
19:59 <Catspaw>: Yes, there was some good hockey. And some bad hockey. ;)
19:59 <Laura_Ingalls>: Glad I could make it this time
20:00 <bookworm>: Me too!
20:00 <Catspaw>: It was great to have a few people here to chat together! This was a nice idea - thanks, bookworm!
20:01 <Laura_Ingalls>: Okay, I need to head to bed....I have a full day tomorrow. :)
20:01 <Laura_Ingalls>: Bye all
20:01 Laura_Ingalls quit
20:01 <Catspaw>: bye!
20:02 <Catspaw>: They just said a minute ago on CBC that the Cup isn't even in the building yet, so now I'm stuck waiting to watch a Cup presentation that I don't even want to see! ;)
20:02 <Catspaw>: Which is really odd - normally they're ready way ahead of time. But I have to watch the Cup.
20:06 <Catspaw>: They're saying weather-related traffic delays. Weird.
20:14 <KFDesktop>: That was beautiful
20:17 KFDesktop quit
20:17 <bookworm>: Connection issues starting up again, so I'll say goodnight. Thanks again for chatting!
20:20 bookworm quit
20:21 Catspaw quit

Thanks to everyone who showed throughout the series, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I think these kinds of chats really do make watching even more fun.
Let's do it again next year!
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