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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:33 pm
by Hope
but no stories were told about me..YES!!!! hmmmm... i think i should do the stroy like we did it in the car... maybe see what my brother says...

and no jonathan dont you dare tell the stroy... i will wrestle you if you do.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:36 pm
by gimp80995
Hope wrote:but no stories were told about me..YES!!!! hmmmm... i think i should do the stroy like we did it in the car... maybe see what my brother says...

and no jonathan dont you dare tell the stroy... i will wrestle you if you do.
*looks at Jonathan* didn't tell her about all the stories you told us when she left before we went in to play lazer tag :shock:

Peace Out


Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:05 pm
by Evil Chick
gimp80995 wrote:
Hope wrote:but no stories were told about me..YES!!!! hmmmm... i think i should do the stroy like we did it in the car... maybe see what my brother says...

and no jonathan dont you dare tell the stroy... i will wrestle you if you do.
*looks at Jonathan* didn't tell her about all the stories you told us when she left before we went in to play lazer tag :shock:

Peace Out

Yeah, Hope, you really missed something there... :lol: It was really funny! Well, at least it was to us. It might not have been to you...

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:48 pm
by Hope
Evil Chick wrote:
gimp80995 wrote:
Hope wrote:but no stories were told about me..YES!!!! hmmmm... i think i should do the stroy like we did it in the car... maybe see what my brother says...

and no jonathan dont you dare tell the stroy... i will wrestle you if you do.
*looks at Jonathan* didn't tell her about all the stories you told us when she left before we went in to play lazer tag :shock:

Peace Out

Yeah, Hope, you really missed something there... :lol: It was really funny! Well, at least it was to us. It might not have been to you...
uh oh... ummm what was said when i left????? i mean.... what story? *shift eyes* ummmm uh oh.

*yells* JONATHAN WHAT DID YOU SAY??????????????

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:58 pm
by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle
I'm Halfway across the world! I can't come. I want to organize a ToO convention in Malaysia. Goes to start a threAD

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:49 pm
by Jonathan
I so did not cheat during lazer tag. I just had a really good sniper spot picked out \:D/

So story time. A couple of years ago (almost four or three) Hope and I were driving home from church down a big hill (my parents had left shortly before us). While on the hill Hope mentioned that I was low on gas and I said it was fine, I'd fill up the next day (for the record I do not remember this).

Near the bottom of the hill the engine pretty much died. I had to turn left at the light coming up, but since that wasn't an option anymore, I shut it off after I ran out of momentum, waited a few seconds, turned it back on, and went for severy yards and it died.

I did this until I got onto a residential street. I checked my oil, b/c that's what I thought was wrong. I quickly gave up, and jogged to a friend's house up the block. His dad came down, looked at the engine, and also didn't find anything.

At this point we decided I should call my Dad. When he got there I start rambling off about the oil and stuff b/c I still thought that was what was wrong. He only said "Let me take a look." He got behind the wheel, took one look at the dash, looked up at me, and said in a this-is-really-obvious tone said "The E stands for empty Jonathan."

Yep, sure did feel foolish right about then (though it does make for a good story).

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:34 am
by ajamj
:rofl2: Funny!
My hubby once had his car towed to a garage only to find out his gauge was off and he was just out of gas!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:13 am
by Lizzy
Well I had an absolutly wonderfull time as did Catspaw (who can't post! hahaha) We were very lucky to have Jonathan chauffer us around (and get horribly lost) and let us follow him and Hope to church (causing us to run a red light... yeah ask him about that one!) The thing I missed most about Canada was the full service gas stations! Oh well, the low gas prices more than made up for pumping my own gas! I don't even want to hear about the price of gas down there! It's much cheaper than our $1.06 a liter. Just for the record we DID NOT kidnap EC she came quite willingly and we had a blast! If anyones coming to the praries anytime soon please let Catspaw and myself know, we'd love to set up a meeting or at least try!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:35 am
by gimp80995
Lizzy wrote: and let us follow him and Hope to church (causing us to run a red light... yeah ask him about that one!)
Yes, Jonathan......tell us about making Lizzy and Catspaw have to run a red light :)

I've finally composed my entire take on the convention:

After I posted that I'd meet them in an hour and a half "or so", I hit a heavy downpour of rain which lasted most of the way........not a big problem, I'm not afraid of a little ol' rain.......made it to the area in just over an hour and was super-confident that I'd be where we were meeting within the hour and a half I had said........then I got on the freeway :roll: for almost another hour of going 2 mph :roll:

Then I get a bit confused (though not entirely lost) getting to EC's uncle's house......I pull up beside a car and politely say "excuse me, sir. Could you tell me where _____ (name of town) is?"........he looks at me like I'm from another planet and says "your IN _____ (name of town)".......I was like "OK. Good. Next question. Can you tell me how to get to _______ st?"(which I had to try three times to pronounce) Gimp gets and even stranger look and he points across the highway and says "it's right there". Gimp smiles and says "Coolness. Thank you, sir" and speeds off to make a u-turn to get to the street.......then spend 15 mins looking for the house.

To my shock, everyone was still there when I showed up (waaaaaay later than we had thought we were going to meet). We all sit and talk for a bit, then head off to a Korean restaurant (even though I told Jonathan that I'm deathly allergic to Korean food ;) ). The food was very good, and nice people there too. It was there that we broke out the German chocolate (very good EC), and the Canadian chocolate (thank you to Lizzy and Catspaw too) was also here that Hope and Sonuna had a bit too much sugar and became very hyper.

On our two block drive from the restaurant to lazer tag, I get the idea that since blipadouzi wouldn't come to play with us, we should call him.........and he got dizzy from all of us passing the phone around :p

We played lazer tag, then sat around goofing off (and Hope tried to make a bottle of pop explode by shaking it up and opening the top...........we all stayed VERY far away from her for several minutes) We got pics and Sonuna and her parental units took off, the rest of us piled into Jonathan's car. He dropped EC, Lizzy and Catspaw off at the hotel and drove me back to EC's uncles to get my car, and gave me directions to church.

Church service was good (as I've already said). If I thought I'd like to live here, I'd definately think about going to that church (don't worry Jonathan and Hope.......I like the area, it's nice to visit.......but I don't think I'd ever like living anywhere around're safe).

It took us an hour or two to completely seperate and all go our seperate ways after lunch at Burger King.

Definataely a great weekend. And Jonathan, if you forgot to do so, make sure to thank your boss for giving you Saturday off to entertain a bunch of females \:D/

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:04 pm
by Frank
Lovely stories, y'all...but I still see no pictures! :insane:

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:09 pm
by gimp80995
I don't see any pics either.........*glares at Hope*

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:04 pm
by Hope
im working on it gimp.. dont worry. and no i wasnt trying to explode the pop bottle. well... it was indeed a fun weekend. chocoalte is a good thing

edit- oh and gimp jonathan says its his problem but the photo lab at work is down

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:15 pm
by Evil Chick
Yeah, I'm waiting for those pictures, too! :demonstration:

You did a pretty good job of mentioning everything, Gimp. We had a really great time! I don't know when I've ever had so much fun! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:19 pm
by Hope
at the beginning it was quite quiet.... but once we got to the restuarant we couldnt stop talking. though Evil Chick werent you almost sleeping saturday evening????

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:21 pm
by Evil Chick
Yeah... I was so tired! I actually still am. Jet lag is not fun! :(

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:23 pm
by gimp80995
I remembered after my last post, when we were leaving lazer tag and trying to figure out how to fit six bodies in Jonathan's car, we suggested putting Hope in the trunk.........she was waaaaaaaay to willing for that ;) Then we all started talking about how we're "AIO fans" and know how to kick out the tail light and wave our hands at cars behind us........Mitch taught us well \:D/

*will probably remember more later*

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:24 pm
by Hope
gimp kept trying to keep you up by having a conversation with you... i dont think it really worked.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:30 pm
by gimp80995
Hope wrote:gimp kept trying to keep you up by having a conversation with you... i dont think it really worked.
No, it didn't work too well. Though she was plenty awake to give Lizzy, Catspaw and myself the grand tour of her uncle's house.

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:35 pm
by xiao
Hope wrote:well... to let you all know that the resturaunt we are going to is unbelievable food.
A resturant that IS unbelievable food?? So you can eat the resturant?? Awesome!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:37 pm
by Hope
gimp that was the next day. and i meant to say has really good food....