The 2010 June Insanity Adventure at JIA's

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Post by Bren »

I give up!
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I wish I could have been there...
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Post by DanP740 »

Okay, now for another post...

So, on to the graduation party on Saturday. After sitting/standing around and talking for a while, we got a few other people and started playing ultimate frisbee. However, when we went in for a water break, Tim and JIA started juggling, and then everyone kind of forgot about ultimate frisbee. A little while later, Tim, StupendousMan, Limerick, my sister, and I went down to the basement to play a game. We played Ticket To Ride, which took an extremely long time. Here are beginning and finished pictures:
At about the time we finished playing, JIA informed us that all the rest of her family was going out for dinner, leaving us online people at home to eat hotdogs. Before eating, we were good guests and helped clean up. Then instead of eating hotdogs, I ate a bunch of frosting from the graduation cakes that was left on the platter things... I also ate a small plate of more frosting later... remind me never to do that again.

So it was during our "dinner" that I finally realized who StupendousMan was... Basically my train of thought about him that day: "Okay, he's just some guy at the party. Okay, he's from out of state and staying here for a little while. He's still here after all the guests left... He knows about AIO?? He knows about the ToO? Okay, who else did Jayaar say would be here from the ToO? ... StupendousMan?? Are you kidding me? That's him!?" So then in about ten minutes, after getting official confirmation as to his identity, I told him I just figured out who he was, but then he didn't know who I was until I said I was DanP740. Yeah...

After eating, we played some knockout at the basketball hoop, and then JIA's family returned, and her brothers proceeded to own us in it... So then since it was getting dark, we played hide and seek, in the process of which, JIA bashed her knee on the side of the trampoline trying to catch Limerick. Then a few of us played on the trampoline, trying to do flips... Limerick's kept failing, but then Tim failed and hurt his left foot, which left him with a limp the rest of the weekend... So then we just all sat in the livingroom and played Psychiatrist. For those of you who know how to play, the first "problem" everyone had was everybody who was wearing socks was male, and everyone without socks was female. To quote StupendousMan (who was not wearing socks) "I'm just about ready to pop out my third (baby)" Our second problem was everyone who had something on their wrists thought they were Doug from Up, and everybody else was just whatever.

I think that's about all for Saturday... tomorrow I'll post about Sunday... o_o
StrongNChrist 1991-2011
Use the chatroom! It's been active for a year, and most of you are missing it.
"Every time I start banging rocks together to make a beat, I feel all guilty and I need to repent for my sinful ways. :(" - Jelly
"I actually want to see this happen... the controversy would be legendary. :o" - American Eagle
":hilarious: This ladies and gentlemen is the founding of: 'The Awkward Club!'" - Steve
"Happy birthday, big Mercy! \:D/ \:D/" - Whitty Whit
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Post by American Eagle »

Haha, good stuff, Dan.
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Post by DanP740 »

Now on to what we did on Sunday...

This is only speaking for the guys, but we went to McDonald's for breakfast, then headed to JIA's church. Then afterwords we went to Fazoli's for lunch (they have weird tasting cheese), during which we received a call that JIA had left one of her brothers at church by accident. xD
So after lunch we headed back to the house and played more psychiatrist, with these "group problems" involving juggling balls... The first was that everyone who had juggling balls by their seat was a liar, and everyone else told the truth. The second one took WAY too long, but was fun. Every other person from one specific person, was afraid of juggling balls. And since we randomly changed seats, sometimes people holding balls would suddenly scream and drop them. Also, when the specific person left the room, nobody was afraid of juggling balls. Anyway...
And right about after the first game, Cher and latch (chatroom goers might know her) showed up to hang out for a little while. We took a few group pictures and such... We also played Wise Or Otherwise, which Limerick could explain if he wants. For dinner we had hotdogs and sandwiches, because JIA's kitchen was being packed up at that time to be redone... Then people started playing frisbee, juggling, and trampolining... Then my sister and JIA got out their matching fedoras (which wasn't planned to have matching ones, by the way) and took a bunch of pictures. Then everybody started giving each other piggyback rides and we made a people pyramid and stuff.
Then we had an idea using the fedoras... We decided that everyone would sit around the living room, and we would pass the hats around while Tim took a panorama picture of us all:
Full panorama you can look around yourself is located HERE.

So then we pretty much just did random stuff... we planned on leaving for JIA's friend's apartment to go to bed at midnight... but it took us a little longer than that to leave. Then came the crazy ride back.

So we had to stop for gas... first the credit card reader on one pump wasn't working, so we had to swing around to another pump... Then, as we took a left turn out of the gas station onto the road, Tim realized there was a median between the lanes going opposite directions. Luckily, there were no cars, seeing as it was 1 AM, so he just drove straight over the median... Then came the evil traffic light. It was an intersection with about four stoplights each direction, and we had a red light, and another guy stopped next to us in the left turn lane. So we waited for the light to turn green. The left turn light turned green, but not the rest... So we're thinking, Okay, it's all going to turn green now... Nope. It turned red for us again and green for the crossing street. So, since there were no cars, we took a right turn, then did a U-turn on the crossing street, and then turned right back onto our original street, effectively saving us a lot of time... The light was still red for us until it was out of sight, too.

Then the next morning, us guys packed up our stuff, made a stop at the Donut Bank for a withdrawal, then went to JIA's house with the donuts for breakfast. It took us a bit longer than necessary to eat breakfast and leave, but when you have an 11 hour drive ahead of you, you aren't quite eager to start... even though by then it meant getting home at 2 AM...
This time Limerick took a shift of driving, but Tim still did the majority, and drank like 3 cans and a small bottle of Mountain Dew, plus whatever he had at lunch and dinner... And halfway home my sister discovered she had a tick, which we had to wait until we got home to remove...

We got home, and Limerick decided to stay the night instead of starting his lengthy trip home right then. But then he had some fun with his rental car in the morning, which he can tell you... this post is long enough...

(w00t, I just got $15 for this post)
Last edited by DanP740 on Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
StrongNChrist 1991-2011
Use the chatroom! It's been active for a year, and most of you are missing it.
"Every time I start banging rocks together to make a beat, I feel all guilty and I need to repent for my sinful ways. :(" - Jelly
"I actually want to see this happen... the controversy would be legendary. :o" - American Eagle
":hilarious: This ladies and gentlemen is the founding of: 'The Awkward Club!'" - Steve
"Happy birthday, big Mercy! \:D/ \:D/" - Whitty Whit
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Post by LizzieG »

Thanks for sharing the pictures (JIA and Dan), and, whoa, thanks for the detailed summary, Dan! I saw some of the pictures on Facebook, but I didn't realize it was a weekend-long event! Sounds like it was definitely epic. \:D/
JesusIsAlive wrote:And I think it'll be time for another convention out east in a couple of months. I'll actually be in the D.C. area in a month. Anyone up for meeting? \:D/
Awww, but I won't be in D.C. until mid-August. :(
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Post by StupendousMan »

Limerick wrote:XD. Did you figure it out? :p Fun is definitely one of the truest words ever typed for it, we also talked about SOO. Does anyone happen to have StupendousMan's fan AIO wo? Or will I have to bug him for it? :p
You may have to bug me for it but I'm sure it's buried in the archives somewhere.
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