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Post by Fei »

Ok who here has a problem with acne, and a solution?

I've really really (never ending "really"s) need some advice on how to get rid of it, because I find it pretty, umm...

I've tried some creams and stuff, and it worked for a while, but it has come back now. :(

yeah... i know im totally random. >_>
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Post by V-lady »

I don't have much, for right now at least.

Right now I'm not using any scrubs or other cleaners, I just try to wash my face frequently and all that stuff.

And if you really want your face to clear up you can always eat really healthy!

...but that's definitely not my rout. =;
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Post by Angel »

I would ask your doctor for suggestions. They would probably be able to give you some cream or something you can put on it.
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Post by Oba-rai »

I've never had the most clear complexion; lately, however, I've made it a point to wash my face. Regularly. I've also used 'benzaclin' but oddly enough, I'm not using it now and my skin has been fairly clear. Maybe when I get my next prescription, things'll start to clear up.

Remember, it's not the amount of oil or dirt on your skin, it's the amount of bacteria...
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Eh, I break out every now and then. But I don't have too much acne! \:D/
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Post by Stubborn »

I don't have acne. :neener:
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Post by Kairi »

I actually don't get a lot of acne. But when acne attacks, it's usually on my nose.
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Post by Abigail »

Ugh, I know how you feel Birdie, but thankfuly I don't have it bad. You might try and get your doctor to recommend you to a dermatoligist (sp) my best friend has acne real bad, and he went to a dermatoligist, and she perscribed him some stuff, and its really working, his acne is no where near as bad, I don't know what the stuff is called, but you should go to a dermatoligist and see what they will recommend.
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Post by Candy »

I really can't help you that much, I have yet to break out with one serious pimple. I use acne pads whenever I feel like I need them, and I use face masks once a week
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Post by Fei »

Candy wrote:I really can't help you that much, I have yet to break out with one serious pimple. I use acne pads whenever I feel like I need them, and I use face masks once a week
Well, you're 12, I wouldn't expect you too. ;)

I guess I'll talk to my doctor. See what she says. To you unbelievably lucky people out there with no acne. I have one thing to say....
:( I wish I had your skin.
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Post by Danadelfos »

I've never had it so I can't help. :( I've heard some people use pure 100% alcohol though. :anxious:
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Post by Kait »

I've never had a real problem with acne. I occasionally break out, but that is usually due to stress. Here are a few things that you could do, that may not seem relevant, but they are!

Drink lots of water

Eat healthy

Get lots of sleep

Wash your face regularly, and use clay masks once a week

Put Coconut Oil on your face every night. (the extra virgin organic all natural type stuff, not the stuff that has been processed) Coconut oil is an anti-bacterial, and it works WONDERS. One day, I had a serious break out and I put coconut oil on before I went to bed, and my face was almost completely cleared up the next day. yes, it is a bit greasy feeling, but it does help alot.

EDIT-wow...I got $4.50 for this post!! :shock:
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Post by Azariah Ben Yaakov »

Rubbing alcohol \:D/

haha no, But I did at one point in time use a washing liquid, now i dont use anything, and it just doesnt come around that often... *lucky I guess*
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Post by Fei »

Gilraen wrote:I've never had a real problem with acne. I occasionally break out, but that is usually due to stress. Here are a few things that you could do, that may not seem relevant, but they are!

Drink lots of water

Eat healthy

Get lots of sleep

Wash your face regularly, and use clay masks once a week

Put Coconut Oil on your face every night. (the extra virgin organic all natural type stuff, not the stuff that has been processed) Coconut oil is an anti-bacterial, and it works WONDERS. One day, I had a serious break out and I put coconut oil on before I went to bed, and my face was almost completely cleared up the next day. yes, it is a bit greasy feeling, but it does help alot.

EDIT-wow...I got $4.50 for this post!! :shock:
That seems quite sensible. I'm under stress right now, so I"m sure that's not helping much. ;)
Coconut oil, eh? I'll try that.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I had horrible, horrible acne when I was younger... there were some random doctor prescribed things that helped, but I eventually grew out of it, or whatever... although I was into my 20's before it really started to go away... \:D/
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Post by Fei »

Gandalf the Grey wrote:I had horrible, horrible acne when I was younger... there were some random doctor prescribed things that helped, but I eventually grew out of it, or whatever... although I was into my 20's before it really started to go away... \:D/
That's not all that encouraging. ;)
EDIT: Goodness gracious. I saw the most disturbing thing of my life. Some world record of the largest pimple on earth getting popped, surgically. *shudders* I mean, this pimple was like the hump on the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I"ll have nightmares for days to come. :anxious:
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

I use Johnsons clean and clear set. And the T3oil. That's about all except for a facial oncei n awhile. I don't get acnequite bad. just the occasional pimpel
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Post by Fei »

Golly Gee Whilikers! Unbelievably funny video on how some guy deals with acne.
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Post by Sherlock »

This seems like an old thread, but.....

Keeping your hands away from your face really helps - the oil from your fingers can irritate existing skin problems.
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Post by servant*girl »

I would have a few suggestions........

1 Drink lots and lots of water
2 Use a cleanser on your face that will take off the excess oil. But take care to use a cleanser that doesn't make your face break out. You might have to try a couple different kinds until you find the kind that works for you.
3 A dermatologist or your family doctor can prescribe a mild antibiotic for you that will clear most of the infection up. This might give you a head start on getting it where you want it.

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