613: The Top Floor, Part III

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613: The Top Floor, Part III

Post by Ruthie »

Discuss and review "The Top Floor, Part III" here!
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Post by Nasri »

wow evert is really leorond son five stars \:D/

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Post by Angel Bob »

Ever listened to an AIO episode that just made you go "Wow!" at the end? This is one of them.

After last week's episode, I was really pumped to hear the climactic conclusion. The ending in Part 2 totally grabbed me by surprise - when Leonard saw that mysterious picture and exclaimed, "My word!", I thought I had Nathan's writing figured out. Leonard would probably tell Eugene what happened, and the bombshell would hit audiences everywhere: Dalton somehow had a picture of him with Thelma. When it was revealed, it was just as I had predicted. "Gotcha!" I thought. But it didn't end there: the boy he spoke with was Everett! The writers already figured out what we would expect and dropped an even more explosive bombshell on us.

Needless to say, I was excited about this new plot twist, although a bit apprehensive about where the story was heading next. Would we be treated to another major twist - like Thelma being alive? I sure hoped not. Not surprisingly, other fans voiced their concerns about Everett's "resurrection," although a bit more so than I was expecting. Many listeners compared Everett's return to Mitch's return in "The Unraveling," which I'll admit I wasn't too thrilled about. I was hoping that this weekend's conclusion would provide a satisfactory explanation for the entire Everett situation, and I believe it did without sensationalizing that aspect of the story.

As soon as the episode begins, we get the explanation we were looking for: Everett was kidnapped by Dalton. Knowing Dalton, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. In fact, the events surrounding Everett's return seem more plausible than those involving Leonard's return. Thankfully, the focus in this episode isn't too much on Dalton's relationship with Thelma, which would probably be somewhat inappropriate for AIO. We just hear Everett's story and move on with the situation at hand.

There are many great moments in this show. By far, one of the most well-produced and well-acted scenes was the video tape with Dalton, Thelma, and Leonard at the Ashanti dig. I would venture to say that this is one of the most appropriately disturbing scenes ever in AIO (right up there with the climax in "The Mysterious Stranger," the scene with Brock's dad in "Another Man's Shoes," etc.). Dalton was as menacing as ever. I could feel the tension as he was trying to find Everett. Then, as the present-day Everett walked up and saw what was being played, everything begins to fall into place. In this scene and throughout the episode, we can feel Everett's confusion.

The action scenes are terrific as well. It's interesting how most of the excitement takes place within the confines of Dalton's apartment, the elevator, and the stairs. The almost constant communication between Whit, Eugene, Leonard, and Jason provides some tense moments and can keep anyone in suspense. Not to mention the humor! :) It doesn't feel forced at all - it's very well-placed and appropriate for this episode (Eugene's use of "roger," Dalton's disappointment with the guard smashing Jason and Whit with the vase).

At the end, we're treated to a memorable scene with Dalton and Everett in Dalton's car. The music here is incredible. Everett's final farewell builds up the emotional intensity of this show to a peak. It's moments like these where we see the three-dimensional nature of Dalton - he's a villain, but he's also a villain with a heart. Lines like "I don't regret one minute spent with you" almost brought me to tears.

I was hoping that after Leonard's and Eugene's discussions about faith in Part 1, we could hear some indication that Leonard is thinking more about Christ. But I suppose the way it was handled was more realistic - Leonard admitted that Whit is a good mentor for Eugene. There's no spiritual discussion here to bookend Part 1, and to be honest, I don't really think there needs to be. Quick "happy endings" don't necessarily happen all the time in real life.

Overall, this three-parter is undoubtedly a crowning achievement for Nathan. I'm extremely excited to hear what happens with Leonard, Eugene, and Everett in the future. Hats off!

(10 out of 10)
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Post by totustuus »

This was a really great episode. I felt so sorry for Everett, who has to find out so suddenly that his dad is evil and this weird stranger guy with a funny accent is his father. I hope they develop his character more in future episodes.
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Post by Arla »

I must say for all the people who were getting hit on the head I wished someone would have gotten captured. Overall I thought it was pretty good. I liked how they made Dalton a good father instead of a mean one. It made you relize that it wasn't going to be easy to make Everret leave. I quite enjoyed that idea. I was ready for Dalton being a bad dad adn not caring for his son, but it was nice to have a bad character have heart. We will all have to hang on to see what happens to the gang next. :D
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Post by Nasri »

totustuus wrote:This was a really great episode. I felt so sorry for Everett, who has to find out so suddenly that his dad is evil and this weird stranger guy with a funny accent is his father. I hope they develop his character more in future episodes.

True i feel sorry evertt to i would hate to find my real dad like that.

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Post by Skid »

Great plot, nothing seemed to improbable for it to have happened in the AIO universe, good humor, those 50,000 dollar bumps on the head were priceless. (Okay, okay, they cost 100,000 total, but you know what I mean.)

The action felt slightly stilted, too much of "so-and-so" going up this way, and "so-and-so" going down that way, some stronger music or alarms going off could have made of for the lack of tension in those scenes. I suppose one of the main things I noticed was that Whit and Jason don't have any side effects from being knocked out at the end of the show.

Four stars from me simply 'cause I'm in a bad mood this morning.
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Post by Meo »

That was a great episodes the best parts were the vase seen and the talk between dalton and evertt.
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Post by Smaug the Dragon »

I thought this episode was good, but somehow it didn't really hit home, if that makes sense. I'm not exactly sure what it was, maybe I was disapointed that Whit didn't use a reference to God and heaven when he told Leonard that he was ready to die. Maybe I thought it was strange that Dalton didn't tie up Whit and Jason too. When Whit tried to distract Dalton some part of me thought that Dalton was going to kill him or at least seriosly injure him. Which would have been pretty shocking but interesting all the same. Anyway 4 stars.
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Post by H Tide »

Wow…what a great ending to the three-parter. Part three was exciting and full of suspense. This episode made me feel genuinely nervous for the characters. When the foursome was discussing their plan to retrieve the videotape, I felt anxious for them, certain they’d get caught somehow. My nervousness increased during Jason and Whit’s frantic search for the videotape and their struggle to get out without being noticed. I liked how Leonard tried to divert Everett’s attention and at the same time try to tell him he was his father. Listening to the videotape and Everett’s reaction to it made me feel sad for Everett that his “dad” was a pretty rotten fellow.

I thought Dalton’s capture was rather sudden, but I did like how Everett took the tracking device with him. Dalton and Everett’s last conversation was quite touching, one of my favorite scenes; it showed how Everett and Dalton cared for each other.

Finally, Leonard and Whit’s last conversation was great, with Leonard realizing how Whit risked his life for Jason and Everett. With all the conversations Leonard has had with Eugene and Whit, I hope he becomes a Christian soon.

I am wondering what will happen in future episodes concerning Leonard, Everett, and Eugene. It sounds like Leonard will be raising Everett, presumably in Odyssey, since Eugene is there. ;) It’ll be interesting having Leonard be a father to Everett, who grew up with Dalton. But I’m very hopeful of upcoming episodes.
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Post by Jimmy Barclay Fan »

Has anyone ever seen the movie Mask of Zorro ? If not, do not read this paragraph. (in quotes)
It was similar. Zorro's enemy kidnapped his daughter and raised her as his own and was good father but was evil. Zorro later found her and told her who he was. She did not know what to think at 1st, then realized her father was evil and loved Zorro.

Excellent 3 parter. I understand Jonathan's points from last week,
but we learned what happened. Much action, suspense, dialogue, Whit risking his life, Dalton being captured, twists.
Great job.

Btw, Blackgaard and Charles were bad guys and evil. Dalton was bad, but had redeeming qualiities, and truly loved "his son."

BTW, I am ready to see Jonathan's review.
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Post by Bennett »

Perhaps if I'd have time later, I'd post a bigger and better review. I will now put my thoughts in point form!

-Good Episode. I liked it. A lot more good then bad.
-The Music. Thank goodness. This is how the Odyssey Music should always sound like (well, sorta.)
-Dalton's henchmen. Man or women? Hard to tell. Did not like her.
-BIGGEST COMPLAINT! All I would hear is 'You know what Dalton could do to you! And Whit was doing somethign heroic...but I Didn't hear any guns or anything. I Think if Dalton had a gun and was shooting--I wouldv'e been totally in suspense. But, weapons were totally kept out. As much as this may have seemed to be for older listeners...it was just "bonking on the head"--going for that younger audience in the way.
-But yeah, overall, very good episode.
-And that very last scene reminded me of the very last scene in the "The Search For whit"...with everyone in the waiting room.
-Whit joining into the action last minute seemed a bit strange at first. But I liked it.

Anyways, good show. Good show.
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Post by Trent DeWhite »

That's one thing we forgot to mention in our unofficial podcast: the musical score. :shock:

They should get GAP Digital to do the sound design for all episodes. ;)
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Post by LizzieG »

Five stars! :D

I gave the first and second parts four stars, as I was slightly disappointed in both of them, but this was a very full, satisfying conclusion. I'm glad Leonard didn't become a Christian at the end of this, because in my opinion that would've been too...easy. I hope he becomes one soon, though!

Also, I hope Jason doesn't disappear entirely from Odyssey for a long period of time now that this mystery is solved.
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Post by Jeremy »

Great episode, 5 stars again. (I gave 5 stars to all 3 parts.)

There are a few things that were left unexplained however, including how Leonard got free after the guard tied him up and took him in her car, and what happened to the guard. Also, I was hoping for a scene where Everett finds out that Eugene is his brother--but sadly it never happened. :( I was hoping that was the reason Eugene wanted to go out to the lobby with Everett, but it ended up being that they just wanted to get rid of Everett and Eugene so Whit and Leonard could talk alone. So was Everett supposed to have learned "off air" that Eugene was his brother, before the last scene? I think the best scene was probably where Leonard told Everett that he was his father, and they did that very well. But it seems like there should also have been a scene with Everett finding out about Eugene being his brother, since Eugene is the one who has been a main character on AIO for years. ;-)

Maybe (hopefully!) there is an extended version, and they just had to cut out a lot of stuff for the radio version.
Trent DeWhite wrote:That's one thing we forgot to mention in our unofficial podcast: the musical score. :shock:

They should get GAP Digital to do the sound design for all episodes. ;)
Actually, John Campbell did the music part. ;-)

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Post by H Tide »

Jeremy wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:That's one thing we forgot to mention in our unofficial podcast: the musical score. :shock:

They should get GAP Digital to do the sound design for all episodes. ;)
Actually, John Campbell did the music part. ;-)

But, as Trent said, GAP Digital did the sound design. ;)
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Post by totustuus »

It would be interesting to see Everett with all the kids at Odyssey Middle School.
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Post by Samitude »

How old is Everett?
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Post by Laurie »

Samitude wrote:How old is Everett?
I've been wondering the same thing.
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Post by Jonathan »

This will be my only post over my break; I didn't lie, I really don't go online when I'm home.


I would like to start with that you all made me take a step back last week, so I thank you. I was able to listen to the episode and be slightly more relaxed than I would've been, and was able to think more objectively.

Second, someone said that Dalton's capture was too easy; I agree. I fully expected him to take the tracking device from Everett, toss it out the window, and burn rubber.

Aside from that, it was good. Great music, tension, acting, etc.

But as far as the twist is concerned...I'm still not too wild about it. I'm not saying this was a bad ep or anything...just that because of how I feel about how this could affect continuity and what not, and because of several things going on in my personal life, this whole thing of "Everett is really alive' just didn't work for me.

There is something I've realized; I cannot do justice to an episode this soon after it airs in my reviews. So I am refusing to rate it. Perhaps the test of time and how the writers handle Eugene suddenly having a family will change things for me. Guess we'll just have to keep listening ^_^

(And the fact that I gave one sentence to what I liked says nothing about how much I liked that stuff; I'm just pressed for time and can't elaborate right now).
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