390: No Bones About It

Episode Review

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How do you rate No Bones About It?

The BEST Episode Ever!!
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It was funny, but not the best.
It's one of those eps you listen to twice a year.
It was a boring storyline. Heard it once never want to hear it again.
Aughhhh...one of AIO's worst!
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390: No Bones About It

Post by Conniepaw »


No Bones About It

Writer: Marshal Younger, Wayne Valaro, Phil Lollar
Sound Designer: Todd Busteed
Director: Phil Lollar
Characters: Bart Rathbone, Dale Jacobs, Dwayne Oswald, Eugene Meltsner, Jeb Echart, John Whittaker, Julie Zeeke, Rodney Rathbone

“No Bones about It” is a comical story about greed. Dwayne and Julie think they have found the bones of Bigfoot and are excited to have struck it rich. However Bart Rathbone hears about it and tries to make a fat buck. He buys the land the bones are on and puts them on display. However he finds out the bones are fake and he lies saying they were stolen. He sells the land back to the original owner. A few days later Bart finds out that the land had oil on it and the man was now rich. He had now been cheated. As the saying goes “What goes around, comes around.”

No Bones about It” is included in the album, Through Thick and Thin. “Through Thick and Thin”, was somewhat of a disappointing album. Most of the episodes in it sounded familiar to other episodes in their plots. The review from fans was not outstanding and showed this was not a favorite. The best episodes in this album were “Poor Losers” and “Tornado.”

Facts and Trivia

~ Julie Zeeke only appeared in 4 episodes.
~ “No Bones about it” went through more drafts and changes than almost any other episode. It was first called “Reel Fake” which included Connie, Jason, Robyn, and Melanie none of which appear in the end product.
~ The end of the episode, where Jed Echart discovers oil on his land, is a reference to the Beverly Hillbillies.
~ Believe it or not, Dale Jacobs would only appear in one more episode after this one.
~ There is a goof in the “Through Thick and Thin” cover art. Whit is pulling two people out of the hole when in reality he used his car.

Discussion Questions

1.) When Dwayne first found the bones, he was quick to jump to assumption. Why is it always bad to assume things before checking to see if it is accurate?
2.) Bart Rathbone always schemes to get money. His schemes always backfire on him. Have you ever schemed or deceived someone to get away with something? Did it backfire on you?
3.) The golden rule says “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In this episode, Bart did unto others, and others did it back unto Him. Do you find that true in your life? Do you do back to others the mean things they do to you?

Many thanks to Nathan Hoobler for information on this episode and to aiohq.com, aiosoda.com, and odysseyscoop.com!
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Post by Agent3xq »

Great review and trivia =D>

I didn't realize that No Bones About It was written earlier for Connie, Robyn, Jason and Melanie :anxious:
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Post by Catspaw »

Yeah, that would be quite different, wouldn't it? It's weird to think about it.

I like this ep and the "Beverly Hillbillies" references! When I first heard the ep I didn't get it, but then a few years later I actually saw some episodes of the old TV show and heard the theme song and it eventually clicked. \:D/

Thanks for the review, Conniepaw! \:D/
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Post by Lord_Kappa »

I vaugely remember this episode, I'll have to go find it and listen to it again. :D

Great review.
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Post by David O »

Great job, Conniefan. :)

I really liked this episode too - I'm not sure what everyone else objected to. I guess the way in which everyone flocks to believe and shell out money for Bart's untested claims is a bit too fanciful. The almost fanatical way in which everyone behaves because of this "discovery" is a little reminiscent to the character alteration in "It Happened at Four Corners". I wouldn't pay $25 (or whatever it was) to see the bones of Bigfoot...
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Post by SweetJoy93 »

That was an awesome episode. It's soo funny and just Silly I guess you could say. I loved how stupid the movie that was made that really used the fake bones of bigfoot sounded haha good episode!!
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Post by elecguitar13 »

it was a pretty cool episode but, it wasnt the best ever.
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Post by Nasri »

it was way cool the rathbones are always looking for ways to get more money and greed good lesson leant episdos
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