Touched by an Angel

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Touched by an Angel

Post by the_newfie_haystack »

Have you or someone you know ever have an encounter with an angel?

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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

No, I haven't. But I'm also rather curious about the subject and like talking to people about it. Christians, mostly, often have very interesting stories.
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Post by Carolita »

Well, I haven't.

But, my oldest sister has. Kind of a long story, but......yeah. The angel had gigantic arms and wings and carried her for a little. She never saw him, though.
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Post by STRYPER »

Yay for more stories about my past!! \:D/ (well in this case, not MY past).

My dad was about 20 years old, and he and my grandparents were in church one Sunday (for those a little slow on the uptake, I was NOT there ;)). Right in the middle of the service my grandfather had a heart attack disrupting the service. My dad shouted out for help from anyone in the congregation and a young woman pushed passed shouting that she was a doctor.

Somehow, I don't really remember the details from my dad, the woman helped to stabilize him and he didn't even have to go to the hospital. He was fine. My dad wheeled around to thank the woman but couldn't find her. He said it was as if she disappeared. Other people around them said they were surprised not to see the woman. "She was just there," they all said, but no one could find her.

My dad still believes that an angel saved my grandfather from death that day. \:D/
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Post by the_newfie_haystack »

Those are some awesome stories!
I'll post my neighbor's encounter with an angel later.

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Post by Ruthie »

That's incredible Stryper.
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Post by Macnut »

Wow, that's awesome.

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I've had more than one such experience.... maybe I'll relate a few to you guys. :-k
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JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:31 AM): IT WAS EONS AGO!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:33 AM): *falls over*
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:46 AM): I've already fallen over and died :noway:
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:47 AM): I beat you. :neener:
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Post by DanP740 »

In a story my friend wrote after he got three teeth knocked out at a baseball game, he says that his mom thinks that somebody was angel. They were looking for the third tooth when a women walked up and found it.
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Post by Candy »

Once My grandpa saw a man out on the street, so he got him a cup of soup from a diner nearby & witnessed to him, The man said thank you and walked out the door. My grandpa went after him, but couldn't see him anywhere :angelfly: :happyang:
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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

My dad said he was working at a camp with this family with a daughter his age [when he was a lot younger] and was out walking at night.
Under one of the little street light things at the camp, he saw the daughter and her white dog dancing under the light. he didn't think much of it but then he said that when he got back to the cabin where they were staying, they all said she and the dog hadn't left...
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Post by Pc Pro »

I havn't, many of us have prod seem them but don't know it.
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Well, I guess it's time for me to tell one of my stories. One time I was really discouraged and depressed, and despairing of anything good coming out of the situation, and not believing God even existed, but I was really worried and concerned, so I prayed anyway, and prayed, asking God to show me he really was there. That was a prayer from the heart if there ever was one. I was sitting in the back seat of the car as my dad drove, when I was touched on my right shoulder, there was a sudden tingling sensation, that originated there, and quickly flowed throughout my body, within a split second. It was almost like a jolt of electricity. And I heard this voice say, "everything will be ok,... it's all in my hands"
Afterwards, I could still feel the spot where I'd been touched for a while. And I can still tell you exactly where I was touched. It's been about a year since that happened.

That really encouraged me. That's not the only time I've had an experience where God talked to me, or touched me. I had a hard time finding the faith to believe him, despite it all, but I did, and he was true. It's all in his hands, and whatever happens, will turn out for the best.

Interesting thing was, both times God actually talked to me, was when I was praying for someone else, and was really concerned for them. The other time, that I didn't post here, I prayed up half the night, from 8:30PM to 2AM or so.
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:27 AM): That long?!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:31 AM): IT WAS EONS AGO!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:33 AM): *falls over*
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:46 AM): I've already fallen over and died :noway:
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:47 AM): I beat you. :neener:
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Post by STRYPER »

Have you guys ever read Deadline by Randy Alcorn? It's a great christian novel that has to do with guardian angels. I don't know if I agree completely with his theories but it's excellent fiction.

Your story, WINDSHEAR, reminded me of something that would happen in that book :D
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Post by Pc Pro »

WINDSHEAR wrote:Well, I guess it's time for me to tell one of my stories. One time I was really discouraged and depressed, and despairing of anything good coming out of the situation, and not believing God even existed, but I was really worried and concerned, so I prayed anyway, and prayed, asking God to show me he really was there. That was a prayer from the heart if there ever was one. I was sitting in the back seat of the car as my dad drove, when I was touched on my right shoulder, there was a sudden tingling sensation, that originated there, and quickly flowed throughout my body, within a split second. It was almost like a jolt of electricity. And I heard this voice say, "everything will be ok,... it's all in my hands"
Afterwards, I could still feel the spot where I'd been touched for a while. And I can still tell you exactly where I was touched. It's been about a year since that happened.

That really encouraged me. That's not the only time I've had an experience where God talked to me, or touched me. I had a hard time finding the faith to believe him, despite it all, but I did, and he was true. It's all in his hands, and whatever happens, will turn out for the best.

Interesting thing was, both times God actually talked to me, was when I was praying for someone else, and was really concerned for them. The other time, that I didn't post here, I prayed up half the night, from 8:30PM to 2AM or so.
wow that amazing windshear! its very true that when you start think and praying for others thats when God can help you :)
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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

Pretty cool.
While I can't even remember the presence of an angel, one night in my room, I felt the presence of Satan himself. [arguablely is an angel, I suppose]

At least I believe it was him. Or perhaps a demon. I was so terrified I couldn't moved. Just stared at a shadow on the wall. It was from outside my window and was probably tree branches. It didn't look like a human or anything but for some reason I felt he was there.

I just laid in bed and in my mind, commanded him to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ and kept praying in my mind until I felt peace. It was the worst feeling ever.
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Post by Samwise »

I think all of us have been helped by God's agents or have been attacked by Satan's fallen angels at sometime in our lives, but not so vividly as other have experienced.

For example, when a child purposefully disobeys a parent or when you feel hateful about someone, often demons are behind it encouraging it. For example, when Peter tried to rebuke Jesus.

However I have had experiences when I knew a demon was attacking me. Usually happens at night when I'm half-asleep. I always command it in Jesus' Name to go to heck and never come back.
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if you wanna talk about demon experiences, I have plenty of them to relate too, but I thought this was about unfallen angels and God. :noway:
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:27 AM): That long?!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:31 AM): IT WAS EONS AGO!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:33 AM): *falls over*
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:46 AM): I've already fallen over and died :noway:
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:47 AM): I beat you. :neener:
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Post by Samwise »

Yes, I had a feeling I was going offtopic. I apologize for my digression.
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Post by Stubborn »

I've had a few encounters with angels... I actually own a stuffed animal that was given to me by an angel. It's a long story so I'll just give you the basics.

We were living in a small house, we were really poor, and I was really lil. It was Christmas time and my parents had no money for presents and such. So...Us little ones stuck our heads together and we prayed. My mother prayed as well... (infact she prayed for some certain clothes. Never told a soul she wanted them...). I think it was Christmas Eve or something... There was a knock at the door. A bag filled with everything we'd asked for sat on the porch (including my mother's clothes...) but not a single foot print in the snow and no tire tracks. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Other stories are longer and they always send chills up my spine. I'll leave them for another day.

Anyway, God seems to always know when we need encouragement (sp?). And He sends his Angels to help us out when we need it most. Like I said...pretty cool.

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