The Town of Odyssey Turns One!

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The Town of Odyssey Turns One!

Post by Shadowpaw »


It is with great pleasure that I announce the Town of Odyssey has officially turned one! It has been an incredible ride that has far exceeded my meager expectations going into this year and I want to thank every single member here for making this place such a wonderful community. Real friendships, real relationships, real feelings... this board has been blessed and I look forward to many years to come!

Here are some of these amazing statistics for the year:

Posts: 244951
Average # Posts Per Day: 671.52
Average # Topics Per Day: 19.73
Number of Topics: 7200
Users: 412

I always said this board would never maintain the traffic level we had when we started up, but the board got busier not quieter. I guess there really is no limit to what we can discuss :).

It is also with my pleasure that I present for all of you the present DanP740 has been building up to for the past week. Here it is, the final image:


Thanks DanP740 for the Official Town of Odyssey Birthday Cake! :)

And finally, to commemorate our birthday, Mayor Jonathan and Chief of Police Evil Chick went on a mission to gather comments from members who have been here from day one. They responded with comments about the past year and I would like to share those with everyone here:
Catspaw wrote:The ToO - the short little phrase that has come to mean friends, fun, flirting, and so much more to me! There have been so many fun moments ever since I joined that first morning, wishing that I had stayed up until 1 a.m. to be able to join even sooner. Before the ToO, I never would have imagined talking on the phone with some weird peope I met on the internet, or writing letters to some odd person who has a boy's name. ;) There have been very few days that I have not been on the ToO for at least a little while, and it has never been by choice that I have been kept from my beloved land of the ToO. It's hard to believe that a year has passed since the ToO opened - so much has happened, yet it feels like hardly any time at all. Yay for the ToO! Long may it exist, and long may Shadowpaw (:inlove:) reign! \:D/

~ Catspaw Blackgaard
Dr. Watson wrote:I must say this past year has been quite special for me. I joined the ToO on its first day and instantly loved it! It was a little confusing at first with all the different subforums, but it was so much fun exploring the board. Perhaps my favorite memory was supporting Top and EB in their bid to become the first mayor and COP. I really liked being on their police force as well, and working with the other great moderators. I have also enjoyed being part of the Blackgaard Clan, and the fine comraderie that the members have. All in all, I thank Shadowpaw for this website; I can honestly say that the friends and memories I have made here will last the rest of my life.


MDB17 wrote:The past year has been sooooooooo fun i have learned so much from yall about Odyssey and how crazy some of the fans can be.(EK...) :anxious: The board has changed so much. we have about 450 members in only a year. Tons of Factions, a bank, a church, and even some news papers. It benn fun and i hope the next year is as good as the last.
AIO Psyche wrote: As most people know, I've had what some would call a 'checkered past' here on the ToO. As a Christian, a person, and a man, I have grown so very much. I learn new things almost daily. The biggest things that spring to my mind, is that I have learned a very valuable lesson about forgiveness. After writing some........questionable material for the Tattler, I threw a huge fit, pretty much screwed all my frindships on here (on purpose), and left in a grand flurry of hate, rage, and a general feeling of not really caring. And I came back, for what ever reason, and shared my new found hate with everyone. Then, for reasons that I still don't know, almost everyone forgave me. Shortly after that, I had a literal life changing event with God, and my life was changed for the better. For the rest of my life. And all of that happened while here on the ToO. Some of my best friends are here on the ToO. Jonathan, for instance. We've been good friends for a few years now I beleive. That is one of many valued freindships that I have here.

The ToO will always have a special place in my heart. No matter how old I get. Here's to an eventful first year, and many more eventful years to come. :D
Itaque wrote:I simply love reading the boards and have come to appreciate the personalities around here. I also like the idea of jobs, as I don't have to post to earn money. \:D/
serrebi wrote:Ok, her egoes, I'll do my best here. I love thetoo for the AIO discussions. I come here to exchange and watch the speculations fly. Some of the ideas expressed I'd never see somewhere else. I also like that I found some AIO fanfiction. I'm glad the idea for that isn't just confound to the inside of my brain. TheToo has inspired a lot of creativity in the AIO community, and I pray that the town of odyssey stays around for years to come! :P
Andrea Meltsner wrote:Wow, a whole year already? Boy time sure flies by huh. I guess the major thing that hass affected me is that because of the Too I have come to realize how much I like writing! Aslo I have many good friends! Here's to ya Too! and God Grant us many more!
Me wrote:When the ToO first started, it was just another AIO message board (albeit a really cool one). But over the last year, what was nothing more than a place to talk about a cool radio show turned into something else for me. I have met so many wonderful people here, and many of you who were before faceless entities, have become friends. Thank you all so much (Shadowpaw especially (for starting it)) for a wonderful year.
Fenix wrote:The ToO is a nice break from my life. Its full of excitment and consists of tremendously awesome people that I have come to call friends. The Town Of Odyssey is Heaven on the internet.
Lady Simbelmynë wrote:Over the past year, The Town of Odyssey has really meant alot to me. I could go on and on about it, but I don't want to make this too long! :anxious: In a way, I feel like I know the people of the ToO better than I know people in "real life". Because, we laugh together, cry together, get angry together....and all in all- do things that I wouldn't normally do with a bunch of people in "real life". I can't really say that I haven't liked anything about the ToO, I've enjoy every minute of being on here. It is hard to believe that already, ONE year has passed! Soon, it will be the 'anniversary' of the Bennet takeover, and then- we'll celebrate two years of the ToO being online! :D No matter how busy and hectic my life gets, I always enjoy coming to the ToO, and I want to come to it the rest of my life! If I never get to meet everybody on the ToO in person, in this life - I'll look forward to the giant ToO conference in Heaven! Thank-you, everybody! ~*~Ruthie~*~
Bmuntz wrote:A great memory I have of the ToO is the first day it was launched. It was happening at 1 AM where I live and I had to stay up to see what Shadowpaw's big surprise was. I put in a Home Improvement DVD and I watched for 4 hours. I stayed up to 3 AM posting and I remember that the first thing I thought when I saw the ToO was that it looked very strange. But it wasn’t long before I was hooked. Thanks to Shadowpaw and the others that worked on the ToO!
Chandler wrote:The Town of Odyssey is now my favorite forum ever with its unique blend of AIO, Christianity, and everything else. :) Running a graphics shop here has been a gratifying experience. So has getting to know so many wonderful people! :grouphug: Thanks to all the people who’ve worked hard to keep this place running smoothly! =D>
AIOFan11 wrote:The ToO has been the most fun place to come to on the internet, this past year. I have gained "internet" friendships, and just how to deal with people. This place means alot to me, and I thank all the members for their friendship, all the Mayors, Chief of Polices', and Moderators that have kept this place running, and Shadowpaw for an EXCELLENT board. You are brilliant, Shadow! :D
Continental Crusader wrote:This past year on the ToO has been amazing... it's odd, because a good number of the people I've got to know well here were on the TH, yet somehow the ToO was just more condusive to getting to know people. ;) Getting to know EB better and running for office with him, as well as serving with him and SP, was great... My crosscountry trip to visit Jessicado, JF, and Me would likely have never happened without the ToO... and saving the best for last, there is that Jessica Continental Admiral person... whom I knew before the ToO was around, but its hard to say if we'd have stayed in close enough contact or not without the ToO after the demise of the TH... ;) So... big thanks to Shadowpaw, as well as all the admins and mods who have served and made this board the great place it is! :)
Hope wrote:well it has been a great year. even though i havent been around i have had great time spending the last year in the town of odssesy. i love talking to my brother about it and seeing what is new espically when he is the mayor and all. there has been times where i have argued with my brother and just go nuts cause there is something he has done. but i have enjoyed it a lot.
JesusFreak777 wrote:Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole year! A year ago when I sw the countdown, I never would have thought that it was a messageboard, or that I would join, or make such wonderful Friends. A year ago, I would have never even thought of chatting with people I didn't know much less meet them, talk on the phone with them, exchange letter and packages, and even get dragged across the country to go to college with a guy from the internet..a guy who is now my bestest best friend.

It is amazing how God uses things...even the internet, to further his plan for our lives. Without THe ToO and the wonderful Shadowpaw, I can honestly say I probably would not be where I am today. I have so many friends. Through this site, God took me from my comfort zone back home in Washington State, and brought me out to Virginia and Liberty University, one of the best Christian Universities in the nation. Through that I also got to meet David O in person, and he is now my bestest best friend. I have also met Me, and Top, and Jessicado, and talked with so many of you. I would consider many of you here some of my closest friends. I m so thankful for all that God has done all He has grown me and stretched me in, strengthed my faith in so many ways, and it is all because of this site. So Happy Birthday ToO! And thank you Shadowpaw for all your hard work. :hug:
Evil Chick wrote:This past year on the ToO has pretty much been the best year of my life! I have made so many good friends, good memories, and I've experienced so many awesome things here! It's been a lot of fun getting to know great friends like JF, Trent DeWhite, Jonathan, EK, Sonuna, and even Shadowpaw. That's actually rather funny, because a year ago I was almost a little afraid, and definitely in awe of Shadowpaw. And now we're working together on the mayoral staff! (I'm still in awe of him, though now I've overcome my fear of him. ;)) My favorite memories are first of all, getting to know and talking to so many wonderful people, and secondly, the JEC campaign, and now being in office. :D All in all, you guys, all of you, have been my best friends in this past year, and I can't imagine having a better way to spend it.
Jonathan wrote:The only word I think can describe the past year here for me is 'Outstanding!' I couldn't ever imagine a messageboard getting better then what I found in Oct '04, then here last April, but so far only good things have happened ^_^ And serving as a mod and admin has been fun too ;)

Seriously, I really enjoy this board and the people here, and am looking forward to another great year :)
Last edited by Shadowpaw on Sun May 21, 2006 3:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Chandler »

Congratulations! \:D/ :party:
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Post by Elf of Rivendell »

Happy birthday, ToO! :birthday: :party:

*applauds DanP for the amazing birthday cake*
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Yay! It was one year ago today I had a horrible stomach flu and puked a lot! \:D/ Happy birthday, ToO! \:D/
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Post by mr. mellow »

oh man sorry I didn't get to write a comment in time but I will do so now. here it is.

the ToO is like a cheese cake, somtimes you dont feel like it other times you do.
Image [img]
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Post by Trent DeWhite »

As a member who has been here since day one (even though I didn't get to voice my thoughts and comments to Evil Chick/Jonathan :(), I must agree with pretty much all that has been already stated. It's truly incredible to see a board connect such a diverse group of individuals together... all in the name of AIO. :D We've been truly blessed to have such a dedicated fan in Shadowpaw create and maintain two outstanding websites. Thank you, Shadowpaw, and thanks to everyone else for making the Town of Odyssey such a fun place. \:D/
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Post by Trinarius »

Happy one year birthday, Town of Odyssey! \:D/

Thank you, Shadowpaw, for starting the best Odyssey board on the web, and thank you to everyone here for making the this place such a great community! Not only do we share a love for AIO, but we are also connected by our faith in Jesus Christ. That is something truly special. I can't wait to see what the coming year brings this outstanding board! :)

Trinarius is back. Kind of.
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Post by J-man »

w00t! Happy birthday ToO. \:D/
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Post by Oba-rai »

Bwahaha! Here goes... :p

Ever since I've started frequenting any forum, I've always been looking for the one that would be the best - Christian fellowship with kids/youth/people, fun with people my age. It's been about 6 months since I joined, and since then I've come to the unanimous decision that the ToO is the best forum I've ever been on - ever, ever, ever.

I'd like to thank RebekahD and Arwen for first telling me about it on CBH. :D

Ok, I'm done. *sentimental choked sob*

:cheerleader: Happy Birthday, ToO! :cheerleader:
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Happy Birthday to the ToO!!! :blow:

I must say that time sure flies when you're having fun! \:D/ I cannot believe it's been an entire year since this site was launched. I have loved coming here and getting to know so many new people! I especially enjoyed my time as a moderator. \:D/

Thanks Shadowpaw for all the work that made this board possible! :)
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Post by AIOfan11 »

Happy Birthday, ToO! What an amazing surprise! :D

Thank you, Shadowpaw for all the time you have poured into this message board. You are the best! \:D/
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Post by gimp80995 »

Like some others who didn't get a chance to respond to Jonathan or EC in time, I'll post my comments here:

The ToO has been a great place for me over the past year. A place where I can come and know that (under most circumstances) I don't have to be serious and can just have a good time. Quite often the ToO has been a little bit of a retreat from real-life for me (that's a really a good thing :D). And I have "met" many wonderful people here.....people who have become like faimly to me. My little sister, JF777; my older brother, Blipadouzi; and many others whom I consider sisters / brothers. Though I never thought I'd actually arrange a "two hour" trip to meet other ToOers (*still thinks Frank is cool*.........*still wants to meet Josh*). There are soooo many awesome memories from the past year I couldn't possibly mention in one post. I hope to have another great year here and make even more friends.

God Bless everyone here.

Peace Out

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Post by Andrea Meltsner »

Yay! Happy Birthday!

the faries lay flowers and laurles at Shadowpaw's feet as he stands in front of the Queen Lady Janeray...."Thank you for your work in making a safe place for christian children, teens, college kids and others to come on the internet and have some fun, I now name you Sir. Shadowpaw." people cheer as Queen Lady Janeray lays a sward on his shoulders and head...

thank you Shadowpaw "sir shadowpaw" for all you do! :hug: s for everyone!
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Happy Birthday, Town of Odyssey! *blows party horn*

Great picture, Dan! :)
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Post by Linne »

Happy Birthday ToO! Shadowpaw, thanks for all the great work you've put into this board and making it such a wonderful place! \:D/
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Post by Frank »

:sniff: *starts tearing up*

The Town of Odyssey has totally brought me out of my shell. I didn't think that a bunch of internet friends would ever be able to change my life, but they have. When I first joined I struggled with a ton of self-worth issues, I had total low self esteem and was super judgemental of other Christians, and totally didn't relate to people well. I wanted to change so bad, but I knew that I couldn't do it alone. (I also didn't have very many close friends in real life.) God gave me the greatest blessing I could ever imagine with the creation of the ToO. (Shadowpaw is such a saint!) I had someone tell me the other day that I literally glow with happiness and a love for God when I'm around people (my real-life relationships have increased tenfold...literally), and I do owe a gigantic chunk of that to the relationships that I've made at the ToO. AIOF, Catspaw, Sarai, JF, Trent, COT, Josh, Gimp, Chandler, and everyone else that I love...I can think of at least six things happening in my life now that I totally would not be doing if it weren't for the God-filled encouragement and love that y'all have shown me over the past few months. Thank you so much for taking time out of your lives to invest in mine. And as Doc said, I hope that these relationships will last a lifetime and that we all shall spend the greatest eternity together in heaven. I am forever greatful. To God be the glory.

Long live the ToO! :hug: *hugs everyone*
OXOX, Frank.
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Post by EK »

Happy Birthday yo!
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Post by Thursday Next »

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Town of Odyssey. Happy Birthday to you. And many more. :party:
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Post by Oba-rai »

Snow DeWhite wrote::sniff: *starts tearing up*

The Town of Odyssey has totally brought me out of my shell. I didn't think that a bunch of internet friends would ever be able to change my life, but they have. When I first joined I struggled with a ton of self-worth issues, I had total low self esteem and was super judgemental of other Christians, and totally didn't relate to people well. I wanted to change so bad, but I knew that I couldn't do it alone. (I also didn't have very many close friends in real life.) God gave me the greatest blessing I could ever imagine with the creation of the ToO. (Shadowpaw is such a saint!) I had someone tell me the other day that I literally glow with happiness and a love for God when I'm around people (my real-life relationships have increased tenfold...literally), and I do owe a gigantic chunk of that to the relationships that I've made at the ToO. AIOF, Catspaw, Sarai, JF, Trent, COT, Josh, Gimp, Chandler, and everyone else that I love...I can think of at least six things happening in my life now that I totally would not be doing if it weren't for the God-filled encouragement and love that y'all have shown me over the past few months. Thank you so much for taking time out of your lives to invest in mine. And as Doc said, I hope that these relationships will last a lifetime and that we all shall spend the greatest eternity together in heaven. I am forever greatful. To God be the glory.

Long live the ToO! :hug: *hugs everyone*
OXOX, Frank.
Aww, Frank! :hug: Thank you :D . . .

I too have had a tenfold-increase of friends. Being random with Lonesome_Dove and stretch, being friends with Frank and Elf and Rachael and JD and Catspaw and 'wicked young woman' and of course, EK and Sonuna, ...since I have basically no good friends in real life, it's been awesome meeting all these Christian kids on the ToO. :hug: Shadowpaw is awesome! \:D/

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Post by SivartM »

Happy Birthday, ToO! It's been a great first year, long live the ToO!
It's been so nice to meet all these Christian people and just have fun... it's really changed my life!
Thank you Shadowpaw, and thank you, my ToO friends (who are ToO numerous to count)!
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