Odyssey Character Quotes

Whit's wiping down the counter, Connie's mopping the floor, and the kids are sipping on their milkshakes. If you want to talk about Adventures in Odyssey the radio drama, this is the spot to do just that!
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Post by Catspaw »

Nathaniel Graham: "I mean, I'm happy to be your friend, but we'd rather not let the neighbors know." - The Life Trials of the Rich and Famous

Bernard Walton
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Post by Polehaus53 »

Bernard Walton: I'm thinking of a, uh, thing. You have twenty questions to guess what it is.
Eugene Meltsner: Is it corn?
Bernard Walton: <beat> I don't wanna play anymore.

This quote always makes me laugh. Whenever I play twenty questions, I always make it corn. Or if I'm the guesser, I start by guessing corn. :D

Next character: Wyatt Perkins
"our language contains many words having a double meaning; and...to pronounce a joke that allows both meanings of a certain word, proves the joker a person of culture and refinement, who has, moreover, a thorough command of the language."
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Post by Bananareader »

Wyatt Perkins: Is he one of those people who think that Propane Torch are dangerous in the hands of children?
Mathew Parker: Yes he is.
(Man of the House)
I couldn’t use the AIO wiki for this one due to the fact that it doesn’t have any Wyatt quotes.
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Post by Patterson »

Bart: Whit's End! I think we'd all agree that it's a great area of town! Why, it's next to such great businesses as The Electric Palace, which is having a sale on slightly damaged double A batteries, by the way. But, let's take a look around!
Connie: Ey, this here's where Whit makes his sundaes at a pretty competitive price. Now, don't get yours hopes up, there. They're not like the stuperendous prices at the Electric Palace, but c'mon — can everyone sell blenders for $49.99 plus tax?
Whit: And this here's the library, where there are books. But these ain't books you can keep; oh no! You'll have to retoin em. At The Electric Palace, though, you can buy things that you don't have to bring back.
Bart: Whit's End! The store just around the corner from The Electric Palace!
*Ad finishes*
Bart: So what did I tell yuhs?!
Wooton: Oh, cool! I've been looking for some slightly damaged batteries!
Connie *angrily*: I don't think I'd ever use a word like 'stuperendous'!
Tom: Bart, it's...it's... Well, how should I say this? It's...
Bart: A great idea! I know!
Whit: Well, actually, I think Bart may be on to something.
Everyone: What??!

Sorry for the wall of text, but the scene was so hilarious, I just had to keep going.

Next Character: Jules Kendall
"Patterson! You're alive!" "No, I'm not Patterson. I'm his uh... brother, uh... Shmatterson!"
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Post by Bananareader »

“ Connie Kendall: How about telling me what's really going on?
Jules Kendall: I don't know how.
Connie Kendall: Words, strung together in a coherent "thing-a-ma-jig" would be a good start!
Jules Kendall: Well...
Penny Bassett: <enters room> Connie!
Connie Kendall: <To Penny> What's wrong?
Penny Bassett: I don't know how to say it.
Jules Kendall: Words. Strung together in a coherent-
Connie Kendall: Not funny, Jules!

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"I didn't recognize you without your face being purple!"

Next Character: Jacques Henri
"Patterson! You're alive!" "No, I'm not Patterson. I'm his uh... brother, uh... Shmatterson!"
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Post by Bananareader »

Jacques Henri: I have known my share of temperamental artists, and she is certainly one of them.

Next Character: Fred Holstein
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Post by Catspaw »

I love Fred Holstein, and actually used a variation of one of his lines on an unsuspecting person just today! I can't remember it exactly, so I picked a different one I could find to share, but the one I used was something about bringing a tear to his cheek.

Fred Holstein: I can only suspect that they were not knowledgeable thieves with knowingness.

Next character: Buck Oliver
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Buck Oliver: What was going on?
Jay Smouse: A friend of my uncle's got sick.
Buck Oliver: Is that why the cops were around?
Jay Smouse: Yeah. You know, they take sickness seriously around here, so...
Buck Oliver: It's a crime to get sick in this town?
Next Character: Jenny Whittaker-Dowd.
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