Healing For My Mom

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Healing For My Mom

Post by Bren »

Unless you have me on FB, you are unaware of this. My mom has been sick for the last several years. Over my nearly 30 years of life, she has had multiple strokes. The last couple years she was in and out of the hospital with kidney, heart, and diabetes issues.

Late last year, her and my stepdad relocated to another state in hopes of getting her better care. After moving it was discovered that my mom has dementia and it continues to get worse. Which, prompted her relocation to a nursing home. A couple days ago I was informed that she is now in stage 5 kidney & heart failure. As a result, hospice is already trying to keep her comfortable. Most people at stage die within a year. I'm being told 5-7 months for her.

This is killing me because we haven't been together in the same room since I left Arkansas 8 years ago. Circumstances just didn't allow it. We fought a lot in my teen years. But when you boiled it all down, we were close. I haven't been able to talk to her in months. At this point I need closure. I need her in a frame of mind to know she loves me and to be able to express my love to her. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing her in the weakened state. I'm 90% sure the next time I see her will be in a casket. 😭

Without going into too many specifics, as of right now finances will be an issue when the time comes. I even opened up my PayPal up for donations because the idea of cremation seems wrong to me. All this weighs on my mind. If you guys could cover these needs in prayer, it'd be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Patterson »

That's rough man. I'll add you and your mom to my prayer list, Bren.
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Post by Catspaw »

So sorry to hear about this, Bren. That sounds very difficult. I'll be praying for you and your mom.
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Post by Bren »

I appreciate the prayers guys. Mom has been moved around various facilities the last few months. According to the phone call from my sister this evening, hospice is saying mom is shutting down and has about 48 hrs left. I am kinda at a loss what to do.
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Post by Catspaw »

What a tough situation. I'm praying for you and asking for God to give you comfort and wisdom at this difficult time. :hug:
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Post by Bren »

Mom got the ultimate healing last night as she passed from this life. I knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier.
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Post by Patterson »

Oof. I know I'm pretty much a stranger, but I'll be praying for ya.
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Post by Bren »

In some form or fashion, ToOers are an extended family to me. All prayers are greatly appreciated. Being in another state makes this really hard.
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Post by Catspaw »

Yes, that must make it even harder. I'm still praying. :)
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