30th Birthday Bash

Whit's wiping down the counter, Connie's mopping the floor, and the kids are sipping on their milkshakes. If you want to talk about Adventures in Odyssey the radio drama, this is the spot to do just that!
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Post by Scientific Guy »

GJ wrote:I'm really excited to hear more of the Live show, though, and when it'll be released.
About that... I talked to Bob Smithouser (and had breakfast with him!) and he said that he wasn't sure if the live show (which was excellent, 4.5 out of 5, by the way) could even be released due to actor copyrights or something like that. Be prepared for the worst. In the meantime...
"I actually know something before anybody else does!"
You'll have to subpoena me for the plot of the show.
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Post by Peachey Keen »

Scientific Guy wrote:
GJ wrote:I'm really excited to hear more of the Live show, though, and when it'll be released.
About that... I talked to Bob Smithouser (and had breakfast with him!) and he said that he wasn't sure if the live show (which was excellent, 4.5 out of 5, by the way) could even be released due to actor copyrights or something like that. Be prepared for the worst. In the meantime...
"I actually know something before anybody else does!"
You'll have to subpoena me for the plot of the show.
I hope it works out. It would be a horrible shame if others couldn't hear it. Especially since they've released every single live show they've done in the past to the public.
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Post by Catspaw »

Peachey Keen wrote:
Scientific Guy wrote:
GJ wrote:I'm really excited to hear more of the Live show, though, and when it'll be released.
About that... I talked to Bob Smithouser (and had breakfast with him!) and he said that he wasn't sure if the live show (which was excellent, 4.5 out of 5, by the way) could even be released due to actor copyrights or something like that. Be prepared for the worst. In the meantime...
"I actually know something before anybody else does!"
You'll have to subpoena me for the plot of the show.
I hope it works out. It would be a horrible shame if others couldn't hear it. Especially since they've released every single live show they've done in the past to the public.
I know for the live show 8 or so years ago in Colorado Springs, they were able to release the "AIO: Live!" CD, but not a video due to rights or whatever, which is why they have that kind of odd feature on the disc where you can listen to the episode while viewing pictures that are relevant to about that part of the episode.

I really hope that the show is released in some legit way in the future, since I would love to hear it and feel a small slice of the fun, though nothing compares to actually being part of the experience!

*prepares to bribe Scientific Guide for info* O:)
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Post by Jonathan »

They said the same thing after Texas, which was later made available as a vidoe online for free.
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Post by Scientific Guy »

The "Scientific Guide" has coughed up a tidbit.
AIOWiki: Untitled 2017 Live Show
Look at the cast list!
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Post by Catspaw »

Fun! It's nice to see a little bit of info.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to make special note of in the cast list. :anxious:
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Post by Scientific Guy »

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to make special note of in the cast list. :anxious:
I put in that list last night. It didn't exist on the wiki before yesterday, but the page itself did. There is one name in particular, I don't know, maybe someone who was on the Odyssey city council and then was involved with all kinds of evil schemes and so he had to leave town and you can read about him in a new amazing book series... but I don't know.
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Post by Catspaw »

Scientific Guy wrote:
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to make special note of in the cast list. :anxious:
I put in that list last night. It didn't exist on the wiki before yesterday, but the page itself did. There is one name in particular, I don't know, maybe someone who was on the Odyssey city council and then was involved with all kinds of evil schemes and so he had to leave town and you can read about him in a new amazing book series... but I don't know.
Thanks for entering the info!

Looking again with your subtle clues ;) I see that Philip Glossman made an appearance! Fun! I feel bad for Paul McCusker sometimes - most AIO fans love his writing, but despise him the moment he opens his mouth! :lol:
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Post by Scientific Guy »

Plot summary!! Here you go!
Chris is with Dr. Julius Schnitzelbonker, who has just made a new invention! He says he uses a writer (who he's bribed with food) to write a script, then he uses actors to record voices, and then makes sound effects, and releases it. Chris tells him that it's already been done – in fact, it's been going on for 30 years, now. It's called: Adventures in Odyssey!

At Whit's End, Whit calls for Connie, who comes rushing in. The two are preparing to "put on a show" on Kids' Radio. Dale Jacobs comes in, and Connie says there's a problem – Matthew Parker had to drop out of the production because his family... went on a cruise. "Why would anyone wanna do that?" Whit asks. Dale says he might know someone who might want to "Get in the Show": his nephew Grayson Smith. Eugene confirms that the sound effects are a go, thanks to his assistant, Mr. Diehl. Jules and the Westcott girls use a rising platform in the stage to arrive and sing "Apple of My Eye." Jason and Wooton arrive to help get things set up, and soon, the broadcast begins.

While the crew prepares the show, Dale and Whit talk about the program, and Dale decides to interview a man he sees nearby, who looks familiar. The man, wearing a giant mustache, says that of course he doesn't look familiar, it's not like he's someone who was on the Odyssey City Council and then was involved with all kinds of evil schemes and so he had to leave town and you can read about him in a new amazing book series, but that's definitely not him. He walks off, and the first sketch begins.

The first sketch is an adaptation of the Brotherhood of Dutiful Youth play in “The Boy Who Didn't Go to Church”, but with a couple small changes. First, it's called the Band of Dutiful Youth. Second, the main character is named Jaye Lafete. Third, I.C. Clearly doesn't talk to "Jaye" about her problems; someone named Rodney Dangerconscience and Harlow Doyle, Conscience Investigator, do. And finally, when Jaye returns to the B.O.D.Y. at the end, she finds everyone still there, delighted to have her back.

In between sketches, Jason runs up to Dale and says he's missing his fake mustache and wants it back. Dale says he's seen it and will try to return it.

The second sketch is "Young Guns Bonanza!" from “Over the Airwaves”, with, one little change. The ranch is not called the South Spoon Ranch, but the South Spoon Ranch-o! The Westcotts sing their second song, "Welcome to South Spoon Ranch-o." The story plays out in the same way, with two more songs: "Sand, Nothin' But Sand," sung as Matt Cartwood rides across the desert, and "Stinky John McBear."

At the end of the sketch, after Jeremy Cartwood's death, Dale remarks that it was kind of a downer. Whit says that maybe the final sketch will change the mood.

The last sketch has field reporter Grayson Smith getting answers, and he stumbles upon a couple arriving for a census: Joseph and Mary. They are escorted to the stable, and Grayson finds himself reporting elsewhere: in a field with three shepherds who are suddenly visited by an angel, and they are sore afraid! The angel brings good tidings, then ascends, joined by a heavenly host of angels – at which time the Westcotts sing a medley of "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen" and "We Three Kings." The next moment, Grayson sees that he is standing next to three men, the Magi. They have gifts of gold, frankincense, and a universal remote control (with myrrh as a backup). They are standing outside of the place where Joseph, Mary and Jesus are, and Joseph comes out and welcomes them all inside. Whit takes that moment to tell the greater meaning of Jesus' birth. The Westcotts lead the audience in the chorus of "O Come, All Ye Faithful."

At a quiet moment in the Kids' Radio studio, Whit reveals to the cast the underlying theme to the sketches: sacrifice. And what better way to illustrate it than to tell about the greatest sacrifice of all.
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Post by Catspaw »

Aww, that sounds very nice, and like a lot of fun! I really hope that I get to hear it for myself one day, but I appreciate you taking the time to share all this info, Scientific Guy! :D
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Post by serrebi »

You can watch part of the live show in this podcast episode, and the rest in the club.
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Post by Scientific Guy »

serrebi wrote:You can watch part of the live show in this podcast episode, and the rest in the club.
Actually, the rest isn't in the Club. What's available in the Club is a Thanksgiving "Live Split Episode" as part of January's documentary: Cruise Control.
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