Phillies/Giants 321tumbler/bookworm showdown!

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Phillies/Giants 321tumbler/bookworm showdown!

Post by bookworm »

It was fun holding a random midseason baseball chat last year, because it was a ToOer team matchup, so I'm doing it again!
On Saturday, August 19th, 321tumbler's Philadelphia Phillies take on my San Fransisco Giants. We'll both be live chatting while we're watching, and you're invited too!

If you're interested, whether watching the game or not, come by the Chatroom and join #MLB to be part of the experience! First pitch is scheduled for 9:05 PM ET

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Post by 321tumbler »

Yes! Come watch the Phillies hopefully take down the Giants. ;)

Even if you would prefer to root for the Giants, I'm sure it will be a fun time. So cooome!
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Post by bookworm »

This is happening right now! It's a really fun back and forth game! \:D/

-- 21 Aug 2017 11:31 am --

What a crazy game! Really fun to chat! I'm glad I found out who your team was in time to plan this for their series, and it worked out great that you happened to pick this game as the one of the four to do. :)
#MLB wrote:Phillies vs Giants l/bookworm showdown!
Topic set by bookworm
18:03 l joined #MLB
18:37 bookworm joined #MLB
18:37 <bookworm>: Little later than I thought
18:37 <bookworm>: Did I miss anything exciting?
18:37 <l>: Tie game.
18:37 <l>: 1-1
18:37 <bookworm>: nice
18:38 <l>: Mmhm.
18:38 <l>: You have the possibilty of getting another run, maybe.
18:38 <bookworm>: 2nd inning not bad
18:39 <l>: Yeah, you didn't miss much.
18:39 <bookworm>: You been following the rest of the series?
18:39 <bookworm>: Been a couple of great games
18:39 <bookworm>: For me :P
18:40 <l>: No, I haven't :P
18:40 <l>: That's good!
18:40 <bookworm>: Giants won both so far :)
18:40 <bookworm>: Don't remember the scores, let me check quick
18:41 <bookworm>: I remember one was close and one wasn't
18:42 <bookworm>: 5-4 and 10-2
18:42 <l>: Cool!
18:42 <l>: Well I mean for you ;)
18:43 <bookworm>: yeah ;)
18:43 <l>: AWwwwww
18:44 <bookworm>: bases loaded!
18:44 <l>: I think I may be ahead of you :P
18:45 <bookworm>: The stream just jumped and all of a sudden score went from 1 to 3
18:45 <bookworm>: lol what happened?
18:46 <bookworm>: double I guess
18:46 <l>: Yup
18:46 <l>: And soo close to the out and then, nope!
18:46 <bookworm>: Woah!
18:46 <bookworm>: Should have caught that
18:46 <bookworm>: lucky break for SF
18:47 <l>: I know
18:47 <bookworm>: Hey the Giants are in the black uniforms
18:47 <l>: Yes, very fancy.
18:47 <bookworm>: I think that's what they were in last year when I did the random game chat with KF
18:47 <bookworm>: that's funny
18:47 <l>: Hmm
18:47 <bookworm>: Only two times I've seen them
18:48 <l>: Maybe they're special for aio chat games ;)
18:56 <bookworm>: Yikes 2 on 1 out
18:56 <l>: I'm not sure if you saw, but the batter hit the ball off the pitchers glove.
18:56 <bookworm>: I didn't see that
18:56 <bookworm>: :o
18:56 <bookworm>: 3 run homerun
18:57 <l>: Just happened
18:57 <l>: AND YEY
18:58 <bookworm>: Phillies back up
18:58 <bookworm>: Good game
18:58 <l>: :D
18:58 <l>: Very interesting
18:58 <bookworm>: Are we still the two worst teams?
18:59 <bookworm>: That may be why :p
19:00 <l>: Yup
19:00 <l>: And then when you put them together, you don't really have any resistence :P
19:00 <bookworm>: Exactly
19:00 <bookworm>: Lol
19:02 <bookworm>: Need to go for just a few minutes
19:03 <l>: Okey dokey
19:08 <l>: Nice double play!
19:14 <bookworm>: Ok back
19:14 <bookworm>: Whadimiss
19:16 <bookworm>: Not a lot looks like
19:17 <l>: There was a nice double play by the Phillies where they tagged the second guy as he was trying to make if back to first
19:17 <l>: Not much else.
19:18 <bookworm>: ooh barely foul
19:19 <bookworm>: nice fielding Crawford
19:20 <l>: Yahhh
19:20 <bookworm>: to the bottom of the 4th, Phillies up 4-3
19:20 <bookworm>: I watched a Little League World Series game today
19:20 <l>: Oh really? Those are always interesting.
19:20 <l>: How was it?
19:20 <bookworm>: It was crazy
19:20 <bookworm>: Had a little of everything
19:21 <bookworm>: One team made some bad plays and mistakes early and looked like they would lose, went down by a few runs
19:21 <bookworm>: But then went on fire and won by 10
19:21 <l>: Wow that does sound pretty crazy :P
19:21 <l>: I guess that's young energy
19:22 <bookworm>: Game was called by the mercy rule, didn't even play all 6 innings
19:22 <bookworm>: Never would have expected that from the start the game had
19:23 <bookworm>: But it made me realize, I have always watched those games when they're on tv I get this time of year
19:23 <bookworm>: Going years back, as long as I remember
19:23 <l>: That's really cool.
19:23 <bookworm>: So even before I was actually into baseball
19:23 <bookworm>: I told you last time that's only been a couple years here
19:23 <bookworm>: Interesting
19:24 <bookworm>: Maybe because it's different than the majors
19:24 <bookworm>: There's action
19:24 <bookworm>: :P
19:25 <bookworm>: Easier to get into
19:25 <l>: That makes sense.
19:25 <bookworm>: That's so cool Pablo is back on the team
19:25 <bookworm>: I missed him
19:26 <bookworm>: Good hit!
19:26 <bookworm>: Runners at the corners, no outs
19:27 <l>: Yeahhh
19:29 <bookworm>: Pablo had three home runs in the same game in the 2012 World Series! \:D/
19:29 <bookworm>: To finish that thought
19:29 <l>: Sweet!
19:30 <bookworm>: Base hit!
19:30 <bookworm>: Tie game
19:30 <l>: Wowww
19:30 <l>: This really has been an exciting game.
19:30 <l>: Quite a few runs and quite a few interesting plays.
19:30 <bookworm>: Yeah you picked the right one to do this for :D
19:30 <l>: YEY :D
19:32 <bookworm>: great bunt!
19:32 <bookworm>: bases loaded!
19:32 <bookworm>: 1 out
19:33 <l>: Eek!
19:33 <bookworm>: Oh wow, they said Span had an inside the park homerun before I got on
19:33 <l>: Ohhh yeah :P
19:34 <l>: 2 outs :D
19:35 <bookworm>: popup bleh
19:35 <l>: The easy way to get out
19:35 <bookworm>: Come on Pence
19:37 <bookworm>: darn
19:37 <l>: Yey :)
19:38 <bookworm>: The Giants traded someone in the middle of a game a few weeks ago!
19:38 <bookworm>: That was odd
19:39 <bookworm>: I don't know if that happens frequently, but I'd never heard of it
19:39 <bookworm>: He was playing great that game too, but all of a sudden they had to pull him out
19:39 <l>: That is weird
19:39 <bookworm>: 4 to 4 thru 4
19:39 <l>: Haha yeah
19:39 <bookworm>: My announcer just said that :)
19:40 <bookworm>: Are you watching the Phillies feed?
19:40 <bookworm>: I have the home feed
19:41 <l>: Yeah, I'm watching away.
19:41 <bookworm>: You didn't see these guys making fun of whatever those socks were then?
19:41 <bookworm>: :P
19:42 <l>: Nope
19:42 <l>: I did see a lady in a snazzy hat though.
19:42 <bookworm>: Some kind of funny socks are an upcoming game givewaway or something
19:42 <l>: Haha wow
19:43 <l>: Funny socks are interesting.
19:43 <bookworm>: Last inning the guys in the booth were talking about how to wear them
19:43 <bookworm>: It was funny
19:43 <l>: I bet it was.
19:43 <bookworm>: double play!
19:43 <bookworm>: Another great field by Crawford
19:43 <l>: Ayyy
19:44 <bookworm>: I'm trying to find a picture of them so I can see exactly what they were, I wasn't really paying attention then
19:44 <bookworm>: I just heard them going on about them :P
19:44 <l>: Haha cool
19:46 <bookworm>: ah here it is: ... uip-socks/
19:46 <l>: Those are very funny socks.
19:48 <bookworm>: One guy was like "Do you have any inside pull to get me a pair?"
19:48 <bookworm>: "Oh yeah, no better way to make a fashion statement."
19:48 <bookworm>: "You probably have to wear them with shorts right?"
19:48 <bookworm>: "Oh yeah and black shoes!"
19:48 <bookworm>: sounds like an inside joke I don't get
19:48 <bookworm>: But then he said "That would be REALLY attractive" and it made me laugh
19:49 <l>: Hahaha
19:50 <bookworm>: Conference at the mound
19:50 <bookworm>: Looking to change pitchers?
19:51 <l>: I wouldn't be surprised
19:52 <bookworm>: yep pitching change
19:53 <l>: You guessed correctly
19:53 <bookworm>: Yeah just stalling for time to let the bullpen warm up I guess
19:53 <bookworm>: Seems like that's almost always what mound visits are for
19:54 <bookworm>: Not to get the guy out there back on track
19:54 <l>: Hmm yeah.
19:55 <bookworm>: And out 3
19:55 <bookworm>: End of 5
19:55 <l>: Still 4-4
19:56 <bookworm>: This is so fun I'm glad I thought to do it! :D
19:56 <l>: Yes, this was a great idea!
19:56 <bookworm>: Glad they hadn't already played their series
19:56 <bookworm>: The All Star Game was perfect timing, to find out you're a baseball fan, and find out your team
19:57 <l>: Mmmhm!
19:58 <bookworm>: It's funny, last year I did this with KF like I said, vs the Cubs, when both teams were in the best of the league
19:58 <bookworm>: Now these two for the game this year are the worst
19:58 <bookworm>: lol
19:58 <l>: HAha yeah
19:58 <bookworm>: But the chat makes it fun whatever the game is like
19:58 <l>: Ah, he's a Cubs fan. Must have had a fun year last year.
19:58 <bookworm>: He did! That was awesome for him
19:59 <bookworm>: We did World Series chats, I was rooting Cubs for him since the Giants didn't make it
19:59 <bookworm>: So great!
20:00 <l>: Cool!!!
20:00 <bookworm>: That reminds me, I never posted those chat logs I don't think
20:00 <bookworm>: I'll get on that soon
20:00 <bookworm>: Fun to reread things like that.
20:00 <l>: Mmhm, old memories.
20:00 <bookworm>: We also chatted a couple games in the Giants/Cubs playoff series
20:00 <bookworm>: That was EPIC
20:01 <bookworm>: The Division Series
20:01 <l>: Fun!!!
20:01 <bookworm>: Game 3 went 13 innings!!
20:02 <l>: Wowwww!
20:02 <bookworm>: And Game 4 was incredible, even though it eliminated SF
20:03 <bookworm>: 5 run come from behind win all in the LAST inning for the Cubs, if I recall
20:03 <bookworm>: Something ridiculous like that
20:03 <l>: That's insane!
20:03 <bookworm>: It really was
20:04 <bookworm>: I wasn't even upset about it, I had to just applaud
20:04 <l>: When those kind of things happen, yeah.
20:04 <bookworm>: And then the crazy World Series
20:04 <bookworm>: Man, good times!
20:05 <bookworm>: Rain delay before the extra inning in winner take all Game 7 are you kidding me?
20:06 <bookworm>: Oops, 2 Phillies runs
20:06 <bookworm>: nice hit
20:07 <l>: YESSSSSS
20:08 <bookworm>: base hit, another run
20:08 <l>: Wooohooo :D
20:11 <bookworm>: Oh Posey got hit?
20:11 <l>: Dunno, I was gone momentarily :P
20:12 <bookworm>: 2 on 2 out
20:12 <bookworm>: 7-4
20:12 <bookworm>: 3-1 count
20:12 <bookworm>: walk >_>
20:12 <bookworm>: two in a row
20:12 <bookworm>: bases loaded
20:13 <l>: This is intense
20:13 <bookworm>: Looks like changing pitchers
20:13 <bookworm>: yep
20:13 <bookworm>: Didn't that one just go out there? >_>
20:13 <bookworm>: Only had 15 pitches so far
20:14 <l>: Yeah, I thought so
20:14 <l>: That's odd
20:15 <bookworm>: Well he wasn't doing well
20:16 <l>: Yup.
20:17 <l>: 0_0
20:17 <l>: GRAND SLAM!
20:17 <bookworm>: O.O
20:19 <bookworm>: 7 runs score in the 6th
20:20 <l>: That's craaaazy
20:22 <bookworm>: ok bottom of the 6th lets get some back here
20:24 <l>: We'll see ;)
20:25 <l>: Nice catch!
20:25 <bookworm>: yeah it was
20:26 <l>: I have caramel ice cream :D
20:27 <bookworm>: ooooo
20:28 <bookworm>: I don't have any ice cream
20:28 <l>: Awww too bad
20:28 <bookworm>: passed ball, runner to second
20:28 <bookworm>: then a walk
20:28 <bookworm>: 2 on
20:28 <l>: Yuuuup
20:28 <bookworm>: but 2 out
20:29 <l>: Mmhm
20:29 <l>: High tension
20:29 <bookworm>: Sort of
20:29 <bookworm>: But up 7...
20:29 <bookworm>: ;)
20:30 <l>: True
20:30 <bookworm>: ouch good throw
20:30 <bookworm>: out 3
20:31 <l>: To the seventh we go
20:36 <bookworm>: struck out the side
20:36 <bookworm>: time to stretch
20:37 <l>: Yuuup
20:37 <l>: Still ahead by 7 though ;)
20:37 <bookworm>: yeah
20:41 <bookworm>: ooh, Posey looking rough on that swing through
20:42 <l>: Yah
20:43 <bookworm>: popup for out 3 ick
20:44 <l>: It looks like the Phillies picked up steam from all those runs
20:44 <bookworm>: Yeah
20:44 <bookworm>: Kind of a reverse of last nights game
20:45 <l>: What happened last night?
20:46 <bookworm>: Giants scored 6 on you by the end of the 3rd
20:46 <bookworm>: Just hot out of the gate
20:46 <bookworm>: Phillies didn't score until the 8th
20:47 <l>: Hah, wow
20:50 Tea_Ess joined #MLB
20:50 <Tea_Ess>: who's winning: bookworm or l?
20:50 <bookworm>: l
20:50 <bookworm>: 11-4
20:50 <bookworm>: But I won 10-2 yesterday so it's all good
20:50 <l>: :D
20:50 <l>: Yes, yes
20:51 <Tea_Ess>: Nice.
20:52 <bookworm>: commercial break right now
20:52 <Tea_Ess>: Are they good commercials?
20:52 <bookworm>: not as good as baseball
20:52 <l>: I don't see the commercials because of the stream I'm using :P
20:53 <bookworm>: Me neither actually
20:53 <bookworm>: But they wouldn't be as good if I did anyway
20:53 <l>: True, true
20:54 <bookworm>: ok bottom of 8, need to get something going here
20:55 <bookworm>: bleh easy out
20:56 <l>: There is a person in a wedding dress 0_0
20:56 <bookworm>: haha
20:56 <bookworm>: The booth is talking about a couple in matching uniforms in the stands
20:56 <bookworm>: about what a good couple they look like together
20:57 <l>: HAha
20:57 <bookworm>: They're like "They're happy, that's real laughter"
20:57 <bookworm>: And one guy says "Clearly they can't see the scoreboard at all"
20:57 <bookworm>: (they're in Giants jerseys)
20:57 <bookworm>: lol
20:58 <l>: Hehe
21:00 <bookworm>: HA
21:00 <bookworm>: Talking about the guy up at bat:
21:00 <bookworm>: "He struck out twice in the 6th"
21:01 <bookworm>: "He was my favorite player in the 6th inning!"
21:01 <bookworm>: :P
21:01 <l>: Haha
21:02 <l>: Those guys seem funny
21:02 <bookworm>: I love these guys
21:02 <bookworm>: They're so laid back
21:03 <bookworm>: homerun...
21:04 <bookworm>: 12-4
21:04 <l>: YES :D
21:05 <l>: You poor Giant fan :P
21:05 <bookworm>: Nope, I'm good
21:05 <bookworm>: Up 2-0 in the series
21:05 <bookworm>: Best you can do is tie it tomorrow
21:06 <l>: Well that's true
21:06 <l>: When is tomorrow's game?
21:07 <bookworm>: 4:05 ET
21:07 <l>: Ah okay
21:07 <bookworm>: final half inning
21:07 <bookworm>: My feed is showing the wedding dress now
21:07 <bookworm>: She's dancing with someone
21:07 <bookworm>: I assume her groom
21:07 <l>: Hahaha
21:09 <bookworm>: 1 out
21:11 <bookworm>: I just want them to get it a little closer
21:11 <l>: Yeah, it would be interesting if they got at least one more run
21:12 <bookworm>: nice hit
21:12 <l>: Well bases are loaded
21:12 <bookworm>: bases loaded
21:13 <l>: So you do have a chance
21:13 <bookworm>: yep
21:13 <bookworm>: 2 out
21:16 <bookworm>: base hit!
21:16 <bookworm>: 2 runs in!
21:16 <bookworm>: yay!
21:16 <l>: Wowww!!
21:16 <l>: That was really cool!
21:16 <bookworm>: 6-12
21:17 <bookworm>: final strike...
21:17 <l>: 0_0
21:18 <l>: WOWWWWW
21:18 <bookworm>: errant throw!
21:18 <bookworm>: another run scores!
21:18 <bookworm>: what was that lol
21:18 <bookworm>: They thought he swung and it was game over, ump says no, so runner advances and takes them off guard, rushing the throw
21:18 <bookworm>: base hit!!
21:18 <bookworm>: another in!
21:19 <bookworm>: 8-12
21:19 <bookworm>: Booth: "If you get a two run home run, now you have a game"
21:20 <l>: Yeaaah
21:20 <bookworm>: TRIPLES ALLEY
21:20 <l>: WA
21:20 <bookworm>: WHAT IS HAPPENING
21:20 <l>: WOAAAAAAAAH
21:21 <bookworm>: Another score, and a runner to third!!
21:21 <bookworm>: This is a great game!
21:22 <l>: Really great!!!
21:22 <bookworm>: 9-12
21:22 <bookworm>: 2 outs
21:23 <bookworm>: new pitcher, the closer
21:23 <l>: Mmhm
21:23 <bookworm>: 2-0 count
21:23 <l>: They have to get 3 more runs to tie it up
21:24 <bookworm>: if this guy gets on base a homerun does that
21:24 <bookworm>: :P
21:24 <bookworm>: 3-2
21:24 <bookworm>: Here we go
21:25 <l>: Walk
21:25 <bookworm>: walk!!!
21:25 <bookworm>: hahahaha
21:25 <bookworm>: this game
21:25 <l>: Both teams had insane bursts of energy
21:25 <bookworm>: yeah!
21:26 <bookworm>: final strike...
21:26 <bookworm>: uhoh
21:26 <l>: Yey!!!
21:26 <bookworm>: ballgame
21:26 <bookworm>: Whoo!
21:27 <bookworm>: That was so much fun!!! :D
21:27 <bookworm>: Thank you!
21:27 <bookworm>: :D
21:27 <l>: This was a lot of fun!
21:27 <l>: Well thank you for setting it up!
21:29 <bookworm>: See you later! :D
21:30 <l>: See ya! :D
21:30 bookworm left #MLB
21:33 Tea_Ess stabs l
21:33 Tea_Ess left #MLB
21:33 l left #MLB
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