Get a Clue

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Get a Clue

Post by bookworm »

Now and then I have memories of a movie or tv show that I saw as a kid and track them down to rewatch as a sort of revisit to childhood or whatever. Then I usually post about them. Well I recently did it again, the subject this time being the Disney Channel original movie Get a Clue starring young Lindsay Lohan.

I've never had cable so I wasn't a Disney Channel kid, but I saw this a very long time ago (I assume when it was originally airing, so 15 years ago (wow I so feel old realizing that >_>)) at a friend's house. Twice actually. His sister watched a lot of Disney Channel back then and she had this on one day I was over and it looked interesting so I watched it with her. Another time I was there it was on again and we watched it again. It's a very fond memory of mine, even though there's nothing to it beyond that. I guess that's how nostalgia is, something doesn't have to be an actually significant event to be a significant memory. It's stuck around in my mind all this time and I've always planned to rewatch it at some point for one of these memory lane trips and I decided to finally do it.

It's dated, and cheesy in that made for kids way, but I found it to be a fun watch. I wouldn't necessarily recommend someone who hasn't seen it go out of their way to watch it, but as someone who remembered bits and pieces from seeing it as a kid I really enjoyed revisiting it.

It's not a bad movie either for what it is, something targeted at tweens. It's a mystery/spy story that at times actually has some darker allusions than I remembered, but never gets inappropriate for its audience. And there's a side story of the main character coming to realize that not everyone is as fortunate as her well off family, which is a good message.

There isn't much to discuss about it, my purpose in making this thread, other than just reminiscing about the personal memories to whoever reads them and I'm sure doesn't care, is just curiosity to see if anyone who maybe grew up with Disney Channel ever also saw this.
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Post by Catspaw »

I saw this movie over 5 years ago. I didn't grow up with cable and therefore didn't watch Disney Channel (or the Canadian version, Family Channel, which mostly airs Disney stuff) as a kid, but for two years of my time in university, I rented a place that had satellite or cable, and watched some Disney stuff then. I don't really remember the details of this movie that well, but I do remember that it was fun and that I liked it at the time.
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Post by bookworm »

Wow that's cool, I didn't really expect anyone else to know it. Thanks Catspaw! :)
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Post by Catspaw »

It's always fun to find somebody else familiar with a (somewhat) obscure thing! It helps that it's been reaired over the years, since I saw it years after it would originally have aired. Just talking about it makes me curious to watch it again, since I don't really remember the details that well.
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