Stanley Cup and NBA Final Live Chats!

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Stanley Cup and NBA Final Live Chats!

Post by bookworm »

I want to try holding more live chats for television events. I think it’s a great way to engage with the community; we’re watching them anyway, why not have a virtual viewing party and chat through it.
Sports events are good subjects for these because they’re live, so if someone is watching it’s going to be at the same time as anyone else, and people care about how they play out so there is interest in chatting about things that happen. It’s even better if there are fans rooting for or against specific teams involved, adding additional investment.

So, I will be hosting a chat channel for the Stanley Cup Final between the Blackhawks and Lightning and the NBA Final between the Warriors and Cavaliers \:D/
Unlike the Super Bowl which is a one time event, these finals are of course a series, so this presents the opportunity to have multiple chats as things progress!

If you have a setup which allows you to watch and chat at the same time, please come by the Chatroom and join #Stanley or #NBA as is appropriate and let’s enjoy the games together!

Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final is on June 3rd
Game 1 of the NBA Final is on June 4th
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Post by Catspaw »

I'm not usually online while I watch hockey, but I might be able to make an exception. I probably won't join for the whole game, but I'll try to remember to come chat for at least a while.
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Post by bookworm »

-- 01 Jun 2015 09:20 pm --

Please do! I had you in mind as a hopeful participant because I know you're invested. :)

I'm not exactly sure how a hockey chat will go since it's nonstop action. It will probably just be us idling around until timeouts when we can briefly give our thoughts on our chosen team's chances, and going 'Yay' or 'No' after goals.
Which would be fine. \:D/

-- 04 Jun 2015 12:17 pm --

Not much of a transcript for Game 1 unfortunately. I was unable to participate due to extreme network issues. Glad a couple people showed up anyway! :)
Stanley Cup Final, Game 1: Blackhawks and Lightning
Topic set by bookworm
18:02 KF joined #Stanley
18:03 <KF>: Interesting first at the very least
19:21 Catspaw joined #Stanley
19:22 <Catspaw>: Hey, I'm just about to start watching the third period! I didn't watch the first two, but I did see the awesome highlight-reel-style goal! Wow, that was amazing!
19:22 <Catspaw>: I'll check in during commercial breaks to see if anybody else had anything exciting to say. :)
19:27 <Catspaw>: Still just me....oh well.
19:45 <Catspaw>: Booo! That sure changed the game quickly!
19:53 <Catspaw>: Well that was not a good end to the game, at least from my perspective. Boo!
19:55 <KF>: I thought it was quite delightful :P
Stanley Cup Final, Game 2: Blackhawks lead Lightning 1-0
Topic set by bookworm
Stanley Cup Game 2 is on June 5th.

NBA Game 1 chat tonight! Come by if you're watching! Hopefully I'll be able to stay connected this time.
Last edited by bookworm on Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Catspaw »

Exciting transcript. ;) My internet connection went out a few times for just long enough to disconnect me, so I wasn't sure if some other things were being said that I missed because it removed me from the active conversation every time the internet cut out. I'll try to remember to drop by during game 2 Saturday night!
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Post by bookworm »

No transcript for NBA Game 1; I was there but no one else was. :(

Both series are off tonight; Stanley Cup Game 2 tomorrow.
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Post by Stop Wooton' Around »

Unfortunately I am getting ready for or at work when these games happen (other than weekends). Otherwise I would be joining.
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Post by bookworm »

Stanley Cup Game 2 was exciting, but the chat wasn't because no one was there. Not even me, I had network problems again and couldn't get connected until right at the end. :(

According to the log, after no one had come by the channel all game, at the end we all finally popped in within a span of a few minutes of each other. I found that kind of bizarre.
Stanley Cup Final, Game 2: Blackhawks lead Lightning 1-0
Topic set by bookworm
18:36 KF joined #Stanley
18:38 <KF>: gah
18:38 KF quit
18:45 Catspaw joined #Stanley
18:45 <Catspaw>: Hey guys, not sure if I missed anything or if everybody else forgot too!
18:46 bookworm joined #Stanley
18:46 Catspaw quit
18:49 Catspaw joined #Stanley
18:50 <bookworm>: Exciting game!
18:51 Catspaw quit
18:52 Catspaw joined #Stanley
18:52 <Catspaw>: My internet cut
Stanley Cup Final, Game 3: Blackhawks and Lightning tied 1-1
Topic set by bookworm
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Post by Catspaw »

That is kind of odd! And same as game 1, my internet connection started cutting in and out right when I actually wanted to be on the chat, so I didn't know if other people were saying stuff or not because I kept having to enter the chat again. Right at the end of the game it wouldn'teven let me connect, or else I would have at least had a few things to say.

Looking at the transcript, either something is missing or something I typed didn't end up properly submitting because of internet issues. I had made a comment about the Bishop bathroom break(s) that is not here. Oh well. ;)
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Post by bookworm »

Nothing is missing, that's everything that made it into the channel. You weren't getting through I guess.

Another great game in the NBA Final! But sadly another nonexistent chat because I was in the channel solo. Why does my network work for the ones when no one else comes by? :(

Stanley Cup Game 3 tonight. I don't get this one so I can't watch, but if I'm able to connect I'll still hang out in the Chatroom. Hopefully someone else shows and can let me know when things happen.
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Post by Catspaw »

I was the only one on the chat earlier, and I was only there for the second half of the third period. I kept the conversation going...kind of. ;)
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I scanned through the post, something about be in there and a sheila named blackhawk, but the just of it is you want to do some videochats for ToOtV right?
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Post by bookworm »

I was unable to get Chat working, so Catspaw was the only person there for Game 3. She kindly provided commentary anyway.
19:38 Catspaw joined #Stanley
19:38 <Catspaw>: It looks like I'm here all by myself! My internet connection has been cutting in and out a bit again, so we'll how long I get to stay!
19:40 <Catspaw>: The game has been interesting so far! Watching Joel Quenneville freak out on the bench during the second period when they got hit with the 5-3 was fun! Plus all the yelling at the end of the period, when he wanted a ref to come over and talk to him then.
19:40 <Catspaw>: thanks, buddy. ;) Good luck with that!
19:49 <Catspaw>: It looks like we have a chance of overtime! 5 more minutes...
19:53 <Catspaw>: Paquette scores! The Lightning go up!
19:53 <Catspaw>: But the Blackhawks are known for their comebacks. (Please no!) :x
20:02 <Catspaw>: Woohoo! I will celebrate the victory alone. (Well, alone on the chat. In person I have my dad and my brother to celebrate with.)
20:02 <Catspaw>: \:D/
20:03 <Catspaw>: Okay, that was supposed to be the code for dancing smiley, but the chat turned it into a weird, creepy smiley.
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Post by Catspaw »

Woo-hoo! So exciting! ;) Okay, now my comment about the smiley code doesn't make sense because it's showing up nicely now that it's actually on the ToO.

I was wondering if anybody else had been on earlier and I just missed them. Now I know. ;)
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Post by bookworm »

No NBA chat, as per usual.

Stanley Cup Game 4 tonight. I don’t get this game either, so hopefully Catspaw will provide a recap again.
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Post by Catspaw »

I just saw this post and am now in the #Stanley chat if anybody else is watching and wants to join!
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Post by bookworm »

Thanks for the Game 4 commentary Catspaw!
Stanley Cup Final, Game 4: Lightning lead Blackhawks 2-1
Topic set by bookworm
19:24 Catspaw joined #Stanley
19:25 <Catspaw>: I just saw bookworm's post saying that the recap would depend upon my attendance, so once again I join the chat well into the third period!
19:25 <Catspaw>: It's been a close game so far, with Chicago scoring first (which did not surprise me) and then Tampa Bay tying it up not too long later.
19:26 <Catspaw>: Oh, and now Chicago just scored. Booo! I need a break to watch the replay.
19:27 <Catspaw>: Well, there's still plenty of time for Tampa to tie it up again, but I just can't see Chicago losing two games in a row in their building. Not that it would bother me in the slightest ;) but it would surprise me.
19:35 Catspaw quit
19:36 Catspaw joined #Stanley
19:41 Catspaw quit
19:48 Catspaw joined #Stanley
19:50 Catspaw quit
20:00 Catspaw joined #Stanley
20:01 <Catspaw>: My internet cut out as I was writing about the exciting stuff going on right at the end of the game, and then kept cutting in and out. I really think that it happens at the end of every game! very annoying. Anyway, it all doesn't matter now.
20:02 <Catspaw>: Chicago won. It's tough being right sometimes. :( I really did want them to lose, but I never really believed that it was likely to happen.
I get the rest so I'll be watching again, and in the channel if my network cooperates.

NBA tonight, but I won't be watching or chatting because I'll be busy. We haven't had anyone else show for any of those games yet though so probably won't miss anything.
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NBA is basketball right?
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Post by Moontide »

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Post by bookworm »

No activity in chat last night, as expected.

These have both been really great series though, haven't they? Both tied going into Game 5.

Tonight is off, Stanley Cup resumes tomorrow.
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Post by Catspaw »

I'm joining the NHL chat now, and I'll plan to be on here and there throughout the game, barring any further internet issues.
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