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Post by bookworm »

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Post by Blitz »

I didn't finish reading Insurgent, but I think they changed it a lot
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Post by Shennifer »

They did change some things, but I for the most part it looks accurate. I haven't read the books since last summer, so I can't be precise.

But I'm still excited :)

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Post by bookworm »

As you'll recall, I enjoyed the first movie a great deal, but after the fact. I didn't appreciate it immediately, it took a few days to grow on me. And just as a movie I actually still don't think it's overly spectacular (I haven't gotten around to seeing it a second time yet, my position on that might improve once I do), but my great enjoyment wasn't of the movie itself, but of the story and the deep contemplations it sparked after giving it thought in the days after seeing it. Once I really began 'getting' it my opinion climbed higher and higher, and eventually it ended up being one of my favorite movies of the year. I don't think another movie has made me have such great philosophical musings before. I really love it.

But all that established, I find to my bewilderment that I don't seem to have any real enthusiasm to see this next movie. I will, but just out of mild interest in continuing the story, not a driven desire to jump onto the series for its own sake.
Which kind of disappoints me. Once I came around on the first movie I wanted to be able to become excited about the series as a whole, I thought that would naturally follow, but it just didn't for whatever reason. I'm definitely a fan of Divergent, but I have no stance as yet on anything beyond it.
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Post by Anemone »

I didn't like the first one and the 2nd just looks worse to me. :noway:
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Post by bookworm »

Like I said in the first thread I had no idea this was a series, so I have no idea where the story is going from here. Having no context for trying to figure out anything I was seeing, I had just two reactions to the trailer:

Her mom isn't dead? That can't be. It definitely shouldn't be anyway, that would be really dumb to bring her back. I'm thinking this must be a dream, or another one of those vision inducing things.

I'm not a fan of the new haircut.
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Post by Shennifer »

bookworm wrote:Like I said in the first thread I had no idea this was a series, so I have no idea where the story is going from here. Having no context for trying to figure out anything I was seeing, I had just two reactions to the trailer:

Her mom isn't dead? That can't be. It definitely shouldn't be anyway, that would be really dumb to bring her back. I'm thinking this must be a dream, or another one of those vision inducing things.

I'm not a fan of the new haircut.
it is a simulation, so her mom isn't really alive.

the haircut is okay, just reminds me of her previous role in The Fault in Our Stars

edit: wow, I finally saw this movie and I liked it. I didn't necessarily mind the changes. it was still good
Last edited by Shennifer on Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by bookworm »

I did see this and take some quick notes I wanted to comment on, I just never got around to expanding on them and posting. Better late than never.
I was very pleased with the reaction I had to this movie. Now I am interested in the series and wanting to see where it goes.

I liked this movie because it ran with exactly what I loved about the first one: those philosophical themes. It acknowledged and used them in this next part of the story. I had thought those ideas were just used before to set up the premise and from there it was going to launch into a generic young adult dystopia story, which would have been a shame when there was so much potential for something deeper from the story. But to my delight that was not the case, it seems the intellectual elements were included with definite purpose and intent to be developed.

Like the first installment though, I think it's a better story than it was a movie. I can understand why people get kind of down on the series. If just taking them as what they are cinematically, they're fine, but not overly impressive. The reason I've enjoyed them so much is because I'm particularly taken with the story, so I can overlook weaknesses in the movies themselves by being focused on what they're about.

There was one thing that was glaring to me however. We saw that the test says out loud each test that is passed, so Jeanine wouldn't have had to tell Peter when Tris did Abnegation's, he would have heard it checked off when it happened.
Also I was confused by some the motivations running through this part of the story.
Was Peter always faking turning traitor from the start and they were in on it? Or did he really turn at first and later had a change of heart and flip back around?
Was Tris's brother a loyal Erudite all along and just playing them the whole time? Or did he only turn when they stopped at Four's mom's because the brainwashing kicked back in?
And the one that really confused me: If Tris is all about killing Jeanine now, why didn't she do it at the end of the first movie? She had the opportunity, but as I recall she intentionally just stabbed her in the hand and let her escape.

I wish I had rewatched the first movie before going to see this one to refresh on the exact situation they left off in because a few things didn't make sense to me here. Like the Tris thing, as I said, and also why they could just go find the other Dauntless and join back together; I thought they had become mind controlled drones of Erudite.

I thought the Candor leader was really cool. That's definitely my Faction.

I noticed they changed the 'You're going to fight you' line from the trailer. I just had that jotted in my notes, I don't remember what I wanted to say about it. Probably that I didn't know why they did that, I thought it was a good line.

I had said before that though I really liked the first movie it didn't get me excited for continuing the series, but this one did. I'm on board with the overarching story now and want to see where it goes. I am very interested in the new direction it took at the end, because as I said it's exactly in line with my take on the plot. Seeing that the Faction system was indeed implemented with good intentions, it just became corrupted when people like Jeanine got stuck in their personal perception of what was the right course and forcing that agenda instead of letting the system work itself out. And noting that having Divergents among all these individual qualities was important; that's just what I was saying in my analysis of the societal structure.

I was momentarily disappointed with Jeanine's reaction to the message from the box, initially thinking it backtracked on her original representation as being someone who was misguided but was doing what she genuinely thought was right and made her into the clichéd dictator purely for control's sake after all, but after further thought I don't think that is the case. I don't believe she refused to submit to the message merely because she didn't want to lose her power. I think she was still doing what she thought was necessary in her warped perception. That may have been the original idea behind the system, but things changed, she knew how society really operated and how things really needed to be for humanity to survive. This plan was no longer relevant, it would in fact undo everything that had been set up, and therefore doom everyone. She didn't ignore it out of fear of losing control, it was because she thought it was wrong, just as she thinks Divergents are dangerous instead of beneficial. In fact the message flat out said Divergents are the key to humanity. That's so incompatible with her view of reality that she had to disregard the whole thing. It wasn't about the power, she was still just doing what she thought needed done to protect the society. She's the hero in her mind.

So I am quite pleased with this turn, it seems to be unfolding exactly the kinds of ideas I had hoped it would explore.

Jeanine suddenly being killed off left us in an interesting situation of not really having a villain anymore. At least at the moment. They may encounter a new one outside the city, but right now we have no clear opposition, everything looks good going forward. At first that seemed very odd, but I think it's actually a really good idea. We can't have two more movies of Tris vs Jeanine over are Divergents dangerous or not. While that was compelling for the first part of the story, it would wear thin quickly if it had been continued much beyond this movie. That part of the plot has been wrapped up. We're essentially in a blank slate now. The old setting is gone, because they're going outside the wall. The old antagonist is gone, because her agenda was shown to be wrong. We're starting a whole new section of the story and it appears to be entirely different than the first.

I really have no idea where things are headed from here, but I am looking forward to finding out.
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