Big Hero 6

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Big Hero 6

Post by Woody »

How does this not have a topic yet?

Anyways, it's seriously awesome. Far better than Frozen, even just for not having any annoying songs. I'm putting my review from the Soda Shop in the spoiler below. PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS.
I found most(if not all) of the characters very real, and their emotions definitely kept me interested(if John Lasseter can pull off this much emotion in Big Hero 6, I can't wait for Inside Out). Hiro's reaction to his brother's death felt very real. I know most people expect a character to cry, but I find Hiro's lack of tears to be more realistic than anything I've yet seen in an animated picture. I can very much relate to Hiro in these scenes. I know that I personally have never shed a tear over someone close to me. I've never seen tears as a necessary part of mourning. Perhaps its just a guy thing, in which case Hiro was portrayed perfectly, but I'm not one to show my emotions, except in occasional outbreaks.

Callaghan was a huge surprise for me. From the very beginning, it was perfectly set up for Krei to be the villain. All the foreshadowing, right down to Callaghan accusing him of cutting corners to get what he wanted(it is my belief that the incident with Callaghan's daughter happened previously to the science exhibition). So when Callaghan was revealed to be the man in the mask, I was shocked(Especially considering he was supposed to be dead!). Callaghan's motives were understandable, and relatable. The parallels to Hiro's own emotions were evident, without a word being said about it. Callaghan, like Hiro, had lost someone he loved dearly, and he had someone to blame. Hiro found someone to blame in Callaghan, in that his brother died trying to save Callaghan, who managed to survive, making it that Tadashi had died for nothing. In many ways, Callaghan and Hiro were the same. Each had lost someone. Each were searching for revenge. Each had the power to destroy their enemy. Callaghan tried to kill Krei, and Hiro attempted to murder Callaghan in their island encounter. But that is where the beauty lies. In that the hero(or Hiro) had every reason to be the villain, and every reason to hate Callaghan. And in the end, he realized that that wasn't what Tadashi would have wanted. Tadashi wouldn't have wanted Hiro to avenge him. Tadashi created Baymax to help people, not to destroy those who didn't deserve to be helped. And that is one of the many places in this movie where you can see John Lasseter's genius.

Even in the more action-packed areas of the film, Lasseter's genius shines through. I think one of Lasseter's storytelling strategies is that things never work on the first try. Indeed, Hiro tried twice before he finally beat Callaghan. In the first encounter, the characters of GoGo, Wasabi, and Fred are explored, showing Wasabi's unwillingness to break the rules, GoGo's fast-paced thrill ride mentality, and Fred's rather interesting view that being chased by a supervillain is "awesome". In the second encounter, the team's desperate need for teamwork is shown, as well as Hiro's wish for revenge. And Baymax's unwillingness to harm a human being is shown, developing Tadashi's character, even after his death. In the third and final encounter, the team is defeated almost instantly. But then Hiro reminds them of Tadashi's words of wisdom from so early on in the film- to look at things from a different angle.

And, in the final character examination, BAYMAX. I love Baymax. He's so squishy and lovable. And his calm, cool, collected manner is reassuring and almost ironic throughout the entire film. It's so wonderful that he retains his initial purpose to help and to care for those who need him. "I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion." And his sacrifice for the lives of Hiro and Abigail was heartbreakingly beautiful. I think Tadashi's character lives on throughout the whole film in the form of Baymax.

Okay, maybe not the last. The other members of the team were fantastic, though I wish they had gotten a little more development. I hope that, like someone else said earlier in this thread, they will each get a half-hour short film to shine in.

And now I suppose it's time to give my(very short) list of complaints:

1. The Fire: I wish the fire had been explained. I know it could have been an accident. With so many robotics projects, any one of them could have burst into flames. But still, it felt as though Tadashi's death was somehow cheapened, in that he died for nothing, in a seemingly accidental fire, trying to save a man who saved himself. My own personal headcanon is that the fire was caused by a fight between Krei and Callaghan over the microbots. TigerintheShadows corrected me on this complaint, in saying that Tadashi's death was meant to be cheapened, and I couldn't agree more. However, I would still like to know the cause of the fire.

2. The Portal World: Why is there some kind of extra world on the other side of the portal? And when there were two of them, how did whatever went in one know to come out the other? Also, if Abigail went into hypersleep, why didn't Hiro? I understand Baymax(he's a robot), but Hiro is completely human, and if Abigail went into hypersleep, Hiro should have too.

3. Fred's Bow Tie: Fred needed to wear that bow tie from the family portrait for the entirety of the film.
In short, Big Hero 6 will certainly put up a good fight against The Lego Movie for best animated picture of 2014. :)
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Post by Catspaw »

The trailer looked really good! At first it just looked silly and then I realized that it actually seemed like it could be a great movie. I'm not reading Woody's reviews to avoid the spoilers, but I'm happy to hear that the movie is apparently great. :D I might not get around to seeing it in theatres, but I will definitely see it at some point.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I'll see it eventually because its a Marvel Comics property I never heard of. \:D/

Most likely wait until a digital release rather than see it in theaters, but I do have some free movie passes that are about to expire so we'll see.
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Post by Catspaw »

I saw this movie last night with a couple of friends who had already seen it but wanted to see it again and told me that I wanted to see it too. ;) I enjoyed it so much! I really loved the movie and I can't think of anything I didn't think was really well done. The characters and the story and the best fluffy white marshmallow in the history of EVER were all perfection. :inlove:

The bad thing about seeing this movie: I desperately want to have a big, huggable Baymax of my very own, and I can't have one. :sniff:
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Post by TigerintheShadows »

Can't believe I didn't respond to this thread sooner. I loved this movie. It's absolutely gorgeous. The story is great, the villain is probably one of the most unique tht Disney has ever created, the characters are memorable and vibrant, and the emotions and interactions so distinct and realistic. (Also, no annoying soundtrack to hear for months on end. \:D/) I'm definitely getting it when it comes out on DVD.
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Post by Aeva »

Gahhh I freaking adore this film. :inlove: It was so beautiful and cute and perfect. *squees violently*
Catspaw wrote:The bad thing about seeing this movie: I desperately want to have a big, huggable Baymax of my very own, and I can't have one. :sniff:
I feel the same way. :( He was so adorable and fluffy, and I want one!! I even begged Santa to bring me one, but he didn't. :(
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I finally saw this and liked it. I had no idea it was about a team and stuff, I figured it was just the kid and robot thing, but I suppose it makes sense it ended up being about six heroes. >_>
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Post by Catspaw »

Yeah, the title definitely confused me for a while before I saw the movie. It totally makes sense once you know more, but when I knew next to nothing, I spent some time trying to figure out what the title could mean, and did not come up with the right answer. ;)
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Post by snubs »

I enjoyed the movie. *nods* but was a bit bored/disappointed with it. The beginning was great, I love the beginning... but then it just turned and kinda flatlined for me. I know it is a kid movie, but it was a bit too predictable and 'easy/over the top.' It is hard to articulate just what I mean through text though.. so I shall leave it at that.

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Post by bookworm »

Finally got chance to see this. Thanks to you guys for recommending it, I don't know if would been on my radar otherwise.

I liked it quite a bit, it was good. It wasn't Inside Out level amazing like I kind of expected after seeing some pretty high praise both here and elsewhere, but it was definitely good. Very predictable, to me at least, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It had a good story and heart.

And it goes without saying but I have to say it anyway, Baymax is one of the most lovable characters ever. Everything about him was so perfect, the look, voice, movement, personality, all so funny, cute, genuine, just perfect. His 'wawawa' fistbump flourish is legitimately one of the greatest things I've ever seen. :lol: And that low battery scene is so funny.

The team members were each distinct and detailed characters despite not being focused on a ton. My favorite was Fred, I absolutely loved that they set him up as a bum but he turns out to be super rich, so funny! And his clueless yet sincere attitude is great comic relief. When they watched the video of the guy throwing the hat through the teleporter and instead of being amazed at the technology he went "magic hat!" I laughed so hard!

The aesthetic of the Tokyo and San Fransisco mashup was really neat.

I liked the callback of 'is this what x would want?' 'x is gone' with the villain, echoing what Hiro went though earlier, that was effective.

I liked that Baymax didn't just push them through the portal, Hiro had to confirm it first, making for a moving moment.

I was surprised by the Stargates. I forgot to look in the credits if it was mentioned, but they must have gotten permission for it because those were the real deal, not just vaguely similar generic teleporters, they were unmistakably Stargates.

The end credits scene confused me.

One moment that really caught my attention and I want to credit the animators for was when Hiro is hugging his aunt while trying to turn the doorknob behind him and he misses because he isn't looking. That was a great touch of realism that stood out to me, kudos for including it.
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