Three Years of Woody

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Three Years of Woody

Post by Woody »

Three years ago today, Catspaw clicked a magic button(after a few registration issues) and allowed me into this wonderful place known as the Town of Odyssey* \:D/ Over four thousand posts, two elections won, and three years later, here we are.

I joined under the name of Shakespeare, and wore an avatar of Woody(made by snubsy). Shortly after, I had my name changed to Woody, the name by which I've been known ever since(except short periods of time with other names). Thanks for inspiring my lovely name, snubsy.

After plenty of n00bworthy posts we'll not quote here(most of them included this smiley =D> ), I finally learned to act like an intelligent human being.

Well, sort of. I spent months in Thread of the People blowing stuff up and digging up the graves of famous people. Good times. It remains my most active topic to this day.

I then took an interest in Mafia GMing, running several versions of Odyssey Mafia.

Then, some lovely NaNoers(namely Joy and Aeva) inspired me to write for NaNoWriMo. I didn't think of a plot until well into the month of November, but planned to write it the next year. I, of course, could not wait, and wrote it over the next year. It was published under the title of "Point A to Point B" on November 26th, 2013. I'm now preparing for the third and final book in the series it started. Thank you so much, ToO, for making me write. :)

Then, after experiencing only two full terms, I went into ToO politics, forming half of Team ToyJoy.

After that loss, I took a break from politics for ~*SamAE*~'s term. After all, how could I run against my best friend?

However, I couldn't keep my hat out of the proverbial ring, and ran again in the 25th Town of Odyssey Election, this time with Samantha14 herself. However, after she was forced to drop out mid-election, Knight Fisher took her place. And, horror of horrors, we won! Thus began an epic Moosewood saga.

In the 28th election, when the special two-month term and $1,000 fee announcement was posted, I knew I had to run. Being the power-hungry lovely, kind, caring, self-sacrificing civil servant I am, I immediately began searching for a partner. After nearly a dozen refusals, I finally convinced KF to go for a 2.0. And, well *points to his shiny red name :D*

Thus concludes the abridged version of the ToO life of Woody McFarland. Thank you to each and every ToOer out there, you've changed my life so much, and helped me discover some of my favorite hobbies.

Some specific thank-yous go out to:

Buzz, although she will never see this due to her account having been deleted. Thank you, Buzz, for being my first ToO friend. For being a wacky, crazy person that was just generally fun to be around.

Joy, for being among my first friends, and for inspiring and helping me to write.

Samantha14, for being a fantastic friend, through the good times and the bad, for listening every single time I needed to vent, and for being the awesomest person I've never met.

Knight Fisher, for being my slightly underneath me admin aka slave Chief of Police. I never could have done it without you. Admining with you has been a truly great experience.

bookworm, for sparking my love for coding.

Ash, aka SapphireDragon, for being my lovely ToO wife.

Belle, my beautiful ToO daughter. Let's have that TARDIS trip soon, okay? GERONIMO!

Limerick, for editing my books.

Other people that are awesome, but I can't think of anything specific to thank for: snubs, Kaida, Catspaw, and Astronomer

Please do not feel excluded if you are not on this list. Each one of you is special to me, and I'm very glad to have met you all.

Thank you, one and all, for the last three years. *raises can of Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea* Here's to the next three, and beyond!

*Although technically I did not find the forums until the 11th.
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Post by Limerick »

Truly, Woody, it has been fun. Even if I was horrible on staying on top of my editing. And I honestly think you have done a great job of running the ToO. Sorry my post is kind of short, I do have more to say, but not Reallly all here yet.
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Post by Knight Fisher »

lol. Newb.

To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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Post by Marvin D. »

This shouldn't be a global announcement. .
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Post by Woody »

Yes it should :x

Your Mayor just turned three. :p
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Post by Marvin D. »

Not even Catspaw or Shadowpaw get those privileges ;)
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Post by Catspaw »

Catspaw never typed up such a sweet story of her history with the ToO, either. ;)

Woody, it's hard to believe that it's only been three years! If I was asked, I would have said it had been way longer than a good way. Really. ;) Congrats on the milestone, and thanks for sharing the good stuff that has happened in those three years.
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Post by snubs »

I always liked the nick Shakespeare..

Happy three years, Woody. \:D/
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Post by Blitz »

Bah, you be younger than I am in Too years.
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Post by Woody »

And yet I have twice as many posts :-

Celebratory name change! \:D/
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