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Post by bookworm »

Wait, Merlyn is dead? I missed that part. I mean it was kind of implied, but since it was never confirmed, and, again, I read he would be back, I assumed he limped away while Oliver went after the earthquake machine.

Come on, what was that? A guy breaks into the house, smashes up the place, beats up Oliver and Sarah, and then just leaves? He was clearly supposed to take if not kill one or both of them, he wouldn't just leave! >_>

Hmm, Sarah knew Shado. That means she survived that attack.

Now Sarah's deal is starting to make sense. I was with Oliver on this one, why was she insisting on not letting her family know she was alive? Now we know. It's not because she doesn't want to tell them specifically, it's because if she tells anyone then the League of Assassins will be able to find her. I think. But then the way she summed up made me not so sure. It sounded like her reason was more because she didn't want them to know the things she did while she was gone. But that's a wimpy excuse; it's the same problem Oliver has and he dealt with it. Just don't tell them, duh. I like my explanation better. And this is probably unnecessary concern anyway, if she did tell them, they should realize that she didn't have a choice in what she did to survive.

Woah. Did not see that coming. After all this drama, Sarah just goes 'Okay, I'll tell dad after all.' Just like that?

See! All that hurt of separation for nothing. I knew Lance would understand she was just doing what she had to. For goodness sake, he thought she was dead! Having her back takes precedence over any other thoughts here.

That's how she's going to play this? 'I let you know I'm here to save you from these guys, so now I need to go again to save you from any more guys. And by the way you can't tell anyone.' Then why did she reveal herself?! She should have just saved Lance as Black Canary if she knew the return wasn't going to be permanent!
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Post by Astronomer »

ACK! :mad: How can they do this to us?
Spoiler about Episode 7: State Vs Queen
First they throw the island arrowhead out as if it's some kind of magic talisman making people super (which made me wonder whether Thea was becoming super) then they bring Merlyn back. Then they say Merlyn is Thea's dad! THIS AIN'T FAIR!
Did anyone else wonder if the count's return felt a bit forced? Why haven't we heard about his recovery or anything? Then again, this is a comic-bookish TV show.
Last edited by Astronomer on Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bingo. The bones are important because they show the state of the mutation research. I assume this serum is the same one now being used by Blood to form his underground.

What was that all about Thea? Just tell him you have to 'break up' until the trial. The public needs to think it's real, he doesn't.

Yeah, saw that double cross coming a mile away. For someone that went through all that stuff with Fyers throwing twists at every turn Oliver isn't as cautious as you'd expect him to be. Why did he even go along with that anyway? What was it supposed to gain? So you let them know you're still alive; then you just have to go 'Okay, bye then' because they can't do anything about it. They can't get you off the ship. Even if Sarah was on the level there, there was no reason to try to pull that off.

I'm amazed John let Deadshot go.

This episode felt out of place. Not about saving the city, not even in Starling City. It was entirely a side story. Deadshot was out of the picture, the only reason they went for it was because of Diggle. Which is fine, I mean of course Oliver was going to help him out here, that was the point of forming their relationship through season one, so each would have the other's back, but it still felt odd. It was good for filling in backstory though, so maybe that was the whole purpose.
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

Time to catch up on these. I was hoping to catch up on writing over break, but I think I had less free time then than I do while I'm at school >_>

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So Sara is just hanging around at Oliver's house now? Sure hope Thea doesn't drop by unexpectedly. She doesn't, but someone else does.
bookworm wrote:Come on, what was that? A guy breaks into the house, smashes up the place, beats up Oliver and Sara, and then just leaves? He was clearly supposed to take if not kill one or both of them, he wouldn't just leave! >_>
I think he recognized that he couldn't defeat Oliver and Sara by himself.

I thought it was interesting that the whole island part of this episode was from Sara's point of view rather than Oliver's. Except that he got a whole season and her first whole year lasted one episode. I assume we will get more on what happened to her in later episodes.
bookworm wrote:Wait, Merlyn is dead? I missed that part. I mean it was kind of implied, but since it was never confirmed, and, again, I read he would be back, I assumed he limped away while Oliver went after the earthquake machine.
Heh heh heh, *spoilers* ;)

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bookworm wrote:I assume this serum is the same one now being used by Blood to form his underground.
As you may or may not know, we will be introduced to a character in this week's episode who will become Flash. Some fans are speculating that the serum may have something to do with how Barry Allen gains his superpowers. There have also been several mentions of a particle accelerator over the past few episodes that may become important.
bookworm wrote:What was that all about Thea? Just tell him you have to 'break up' until the trial. The public needs to think it's real, he doesn't.
True, but at least they resolved the whole thing in this episode. In some other shows (Smallville, I'm looking at you <_<) this would have gone on for the rest of the season with them Roy being hurt and confused and Thea agonizing over her choice.
bookworm wrote:This episode felt out of place. Not about saving the city, not even in Starling City. It was entirely a side story. Deadshot was out of the picture, the only reason they went for it was because of Diggle. Which is fine, I mean of course Oliver was going to help him out here, that was the point of forming their relationship through season one, so each would have the other's back, but it still felt odd. It was good for filling in backstory though, so maybe that was the whole purpose.
I kind of liked this episode because we got away from Starling City and the bad guy of the week thing. I liked that we got to see more of a development of Diggle's character. Interesting that he and Lyla were married.

At least we know that one of the prisoners on the boat escapes: the Russian who helps them get into the prison is the same one who was in the cell next to Ollie's on the boat.
bookworm wrote:Yeah, saw that double cross coming a mile away.
I actually didn't see it coming until she took him to the radio. When she first broke him out of the cell, I thought it might be for real, but as soon as she wanted him to call his friends I knew it was fake. But then she did save Oliver's life at the end, so we'll see.
bookworm wrote:I'm amazed John let Deadshot go.
I'm not really. I actually like Deadshot more after this episode. He isn't a good guy by a long shot, but he does have a sense of morality. Kind of reminds me of Cad Bane or Hondo from Clone Wars.

So Deadshot was hired to kill Diggle's brother. Did he get killed in an episode last season or did that happen before Oliver came back? I need to re-watch last season again.
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Post by bookworm »

BlessedCheesemaker wrote:There have also been several mentions of a particle accelerator over the past few episodes that may become important.
I noticed that. They’ve been reminding us about that way too often for it to not play into something.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:the Russian who helps them get into the prison is the same one who was in the cell next to Ollie's on the boat.
I liked that connection a lot.

-- 03 Dec 2013 02:27 pm --

Wait, it's not the bones, it's the Hosen? What's so important?

Wow, the Count is back again? I don't know about this. It's reasonable that he broke out in the earthquake, like the Dollmaker, but I don't really buy that he could just step right back into his old ways of running a drug empire. It didn't seem like there could be a recovery from the condition we last saw him in.

I don't get how Laurel is being allowed to first help and now lead the prosecution. There is a huge conflict of interest there, on multiple levels.

Okay, so Merlyn isn't dead. I was right the first time.

Come on, really? She was aquitted because he 'persuaded' the jury? Was it really so impossible that they would legitimately find her not guilty? It was pretty clear to me.

About the cliffhanger: Just... why? Such an extreme twist to throw in, there better be a really good reason for it.

-- 03 Dec 2013 02:28 pm --
Astronomer wrote:Did anyone else wonder if the count's return felt a bit forced?
Forced is a good word for it. Like I said, it just didn't seem believable. When they brought him back into the story the first time they just used him as a device and not a main player, so it worked. But here, it was just 'Yeah, he's back to his old self and back to his old stuff.'
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:So Deadshot was hired to kill Diggle's brother. Did he get killed in an episode last season or did that happen before Oliver came back? I need to re-watch last season again.
Did you watch the Year One Special? There’s not really a reason to if you remember season one well, it was just a recap, nothing new at all. But it was a good review of how everything fell together to refresh your memory and understand the driving forces going into the new season. It had a section on Deadshot, but I don’t remember what all it said.
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Okay I finally got caught up to the most recent episode The Scientist. Some thoughts:
Barry Allen seems to be a strong character, but I don't know if he would be able to carry his own show. Still, with the right training and a good supporting cast, he would probably do okay.
Felicity and Barry? I think I like this better than Oliver and Felicity. :D
I wonder why there's no carryover from Oliver killing Vertigo. Sure, the death was legally justified, but I'd think it would still weigh a toll on Oliver (especially since he strived to not kill people).
Superpowers! Awesome! And Slade has superpowers (maybe)? Interesting.
THAT'S HOW THEY END IT? Wow. Talk about cliffhangers this season.
Oh, and why would they bring back Malcom just to get rid of him in the next episode? Or will this carry over throughout the rest of the season?
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Post by bookworm »

Great, Blood has someone in the police department. They always have someone on the inside.

I wasn't sure what to make of Barry. I thought they might bring him onto the team, once they found out the real reason he was helping, but that had problems. Either way. On one hand it would have been too quick and easy; they're more cautious about brining people in, it takes more time than that. But on the other hand, not bringing him in made him too convenient, just a plot device dropped in to help them on this investigation and then pulled back out.

Interesting choice by Oliver on how to deal with Roy. I get why he did it, really it was for his own good, but how is Thea going to take it? She's on the fence about the vigilante, I don't think finding out he shot her boyfriend is going to help her opinion improve. Unless Roy comes back to his senses and understands why he did that and so doesn't tell her about it.

How does Moira know about Ra's al Ghul? At least it's an effective way to deal with Merlyn. It should be anyway, we'll see.

Heh, spoke too soon. Of course Barry is their only hope to save Oliver, but of course that necessitates him finding out his identity. So of course he has to join with them now. Too convenient not to bring him in, and too convenient to bring him in. I guess this was the better of two unsatisfying options.
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Thoughts on Three Ghosts (in no particular order):
Tommy's back! Awesome. Good to see him (except Oliver's ghosts seemed to all have different points: Slade said he wasn't a hero, Tommy said he was. Then again, that was part of Oliver's thought progression as the episode continued).
Laurel's back! I don't know, she's still kind of an annoying character. And this 'thing' with Blood will probably only make her worse. Mr. Lance, however, had a couple good scenes.
Wow, Roy becomes superpowered? Wow! Did not see that coming.
Everyone knew Slade wasn't really dead, right?
Shado is the one that died? Well, that's interesting. I thought it would be Sara (since Oliver said he killed her), but I couldn't figure out how she could have survived it.
Slade is the Big Bad of the season? That's interesting.
We get Red Arrow and Flash's origin story? Wow! Lots of stuff happening in this episode. (And Flash's powers some from the particle accelerator explosion, a lightning strike, AND the chemicals. It's like what everyone thought combined).
A pretty good episode. A better midseason finally than SHIELD's, but Arrow has had a whole season and a half to lead up to this.
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Post by bookworm »

So Blood's serum is indeed the stuff from the island. I wonder how he found out about it.

Wow, is that really how Shado goes out. I expected either some last minute escape from the situation, or for Sarah to be the one if it had to be one of them, because that would explain why he was sure she was dead.

Conveniently placed inside man tips of Blood that the police are getting involved. >_> This doesn't look good.
And it wasn't.

Wait, Slade is dead too? Or at least Oliver thinks he is, like Sarah. I guess he would, since they were taken out of the sub right away and last they saw he seemed dead, but I thought he was going to come out of it.

This is an interesting element to throw in, that Oliver's doing all this to try to make up for his past. It's just his head messing with him, he didn't fail anyone and the island did make him stronger, but it's still an interesting thought.

Aw Roy, why can't you leave things alone? The Arrow really is on your side here. He'll take care of this in his own time and way because he knows how dangerous it is.
(A bit later:)
See. At least he happened to be captured when Oliver is finally going to move in. He'll be able to save him just in time.
(A bit later:)
...Unless he gets injected. Didn't see that coming.
(A bit later:)
...And he dies. Didn't see that coming either. They can't kill off all the characters in the same episode, he must come out of this somehow.
(A bit later:)
Whew, there we go. I wonder if he was lucid enough to remember that The Arrow saved him. That would help patch things up.

Blood is running for mayor now? Didn't he say he wasn't going to do that a few episodes ago?

Whaaaaaaat? This is possibly the biggest twist in the show so far!
Not that Slade is alive, I was pretty sure that would work out somehow - but that's behind the bad guys! What in the world?
And he really has it out for Oliver too! What in the world happened back there to cause such animosity?
Oh ho, "an arrow through his eye" you say?
So that mask on a stick was Slade's! That means that incident on the sub isn't the last Oliver saw of him after all. This is getting crazy.

The way I see it something along these lines must have happened. Slade finally comes to and finds the serum worked. Oliver somehow gets out of the situation he's in, possibly Slade bursts in and saves him, and then something goes terribly wrong and Slade and Oliver get turned against each other forcing Oliver to kill him, or so he thinks.

Oh oh oh! It's got to be Shado! Slade finds out about what happened and blames Oliver! That's why he wants to destroy everyone he cares about instead of killing him, because that's what he did to him! Because of him Slade had to live without the person he cared about, so he wants Oliver to suffer the same fate!
(I paused the video to think things over and write that up right after the reveal. I then unpaused it and everything I just typed played out on screen. :P )
Wow, I was spot on! I didn't expect everything to be set up so fast, I thought it would be saved for the next episode, or I would have just let it play instead or trying to figure it out myself!

So the serum apparently has two effects. Either it works immediately and makes Blood's super soldiers, or it doesn't work and kills the victim. It didn't work on Roy and he's only alive because Oliver saved him just in time, so is he going to get powers or not? Blood's other failures didn't, but that may just be because they stayed dead. We know the delayed ones can still work because of Slade...

Hmm, Barry isn't staying with them? I thought he'd join the team after being let in on everything.

Okay, now we'll finally find out what all this fuss about the particle accelerator has to do with anything.
(A moment later:)
Yeah, I figured something like that was going to happen. The question is does this fit into the current story, or is it a new device? I mean, did Blood know this would happen, or cause it to happen, and it's a part of his plan, or is this totally unrelated and just a genuine accident that's going to cause scattered problems for The Arrow to address as filler for the real storyline?

-- 20 Dec 2013 12:18 pm --
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:I still find it kind of hard to believe that Quentin can work with Arrow so closely and not recognize Oliver with only a little paint over his eyes. Really? Oliver needs to take a hint from Black Canary and start wearing a real mask.
They finally addressed this.
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Post by Astronomer »

Thoughts on Blast Radius:
I thought this was a pretty good episode. I missed the comments about Laurel's drug habits at first (which confirm they are unneeded drugs, not antidepressants or something). That's kind of sad. The other thing is that I felt the thing with Blood's mother was revealed too soon (something I feel this season has been doing). There's too much mystery on the side of the good guys, while we know all they stuff they are trying to find out.
Thoughts on Blind Spot:
I felt this episode wasn't as good as the same week's SHIELD episode, which is the first time for me. I don't know what felt off with it for me, maybe it was the killing of Blood's mother, when we had just been introduced to her. Still, I suppose that needed to happen rather than drag it out. And the Laurel-taking-pills thing was finally, at least partially, resolved. I wonder how her character is going to turn out.
I had predicted the fact that Roy would set himself up as an opposing vigilante to Arrow (so no surprise there), but this team up thing looks like it will be cool.
Also, I feel Slade was underused in this episode. He just came in to yell at Blood and kill people. Wouldn't he just send a henchman to do that?
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Post by bookworm »

Got a late start on the second half.
Blast Radius:

Darn it Laurel, back to the pills.

Ha, Oliver finally has Blood's fundraiser, right before (I assume) he's going to be found out as a villain.

Okay, so the stuff is messing with Slade's mind and he's not himself anymore. In a way that makes me feel better, because it explains why they won't be able to resolve the impending falling out, but in another way it makes me feel worse because I would hope that if they can counter the influence it's having they could somehow work the situation out. If they can get him back to his regular self. But that's probably not possible.

I never would have figured Laurel to be the one to start being suspicious of Blood, I thought he had her too distracted.

I also never would have figured Lance to be the one to be suspicious of the police having a mole. Not sure why he started to think that, but I'm glad. They need to take care of that guy before they'll be able to do anything.

Whew, that was rough. I get where Oliver is coming from, but I don't think Felicity is too distracted by Barry to do her work here. She's proven herself before. So valid concern, but handled badly.

Okay then. Roy did get powers after all. It was just a delayed reaction.

The plot thickens. Interesting.
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Blind Spot:

Okay, I’ve let some questionable story decisions go by before, trusting that the writers knew what they were doing and they weren’t as shallow as they seemed at the time (and was pleased when they were justified after explanation), but I’m calling them out on this one.
They introduce Blood’s mom and then kill her off the very next episode? Not even a full episode later, not even close; from her first appearance to her last there was five and a half minutes of airtime combined between the episodes. She was literally there just to break that revelation to Laurel and was then immediately removed because leaving her around was problematic going forward. This is the most blatant deus ex machina you could imagine, a quintessential example of the device! Was there really no other way they could have found to move this plot point along? There must have been something they could come up with that wouldn’t ring so loudly of weak story planning. I am very surprised and disappointed; the show is better than this.

Yeah, this is a mistake. I get that Roy wants to do more now that he’s apparently invincible, but that’s not all there is to this. He doesn’t have the abilities to go vigilante, and especially not to involve other people.
Oh yeah, not to mention there’s more at work here than just ‘he’s strong now’, this is from the drug so his mind is getting messed with too. It’s not a good situation.

Oh good grief, Laurel’s pill problem is actually going to help the bad guys? Nice going.
This is great. Not only does it get Laurel off Blood’s case, it gets everyone off it because no one will listen to her now.

Way to go Laurel, Oliver needed him alive. I saw that coming when he dropped the gun though.
(A second later:)
Oh are you kidding me? Why would now of all times Blood suddenly give someone else the mask? Too convenient. This takes care of the mole at least, but how are the good guys going to get back on the trail now? They don’t know there still is a trail, they think it’s taken care of.

For goodness sake Sarah, if you weren’t going to cooperate with him why would you even get on the radio?! All you did was make him angry.

Oh yeah, Slade is coming in on the action! This is going to be something.

Good, he’s getting in on the Roy thing before it gets out of hand. But I wonder if he’s bringing him onto the team, or if he’s just giving him some private training so he can keep being his outside assistant.
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Post by Astronomer »

I agree about Blood's Mom. However, I don't know if I would have liked it better if they dragged it out without having much to do with the plot. They could have made something up to wrap it in, but it still might have felt forced. Of course, this felt forced too, so...

Just wait to you watch Heir to the Demon, Bookworm (I almost called you Arrow... :anxious: )
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Post by bookworm »

Astronomer wrote:I agree about Blood's Mom. However, I don't know if I would have liked it better if they dragged it out without having much to do with the plot.
That’s my point. They had no choice other than to immediately get rid of her, because you’re right it would have been a bad move to drag her out. So I’m saying they should have never introduced her in the first place, they should have dropped the information on Blood some other way.

-- 19 Feb 2014 12:59 pm --


I didn’t know Wolverine was a bad guy. :P

Haha, the water bowl training.

Moria running against Blood? What in the world are they thinking, that would be a disaster! Not just because of who she is, because of who Blood is too. The whole thing is such a catastrophe waiting to happen. Glad to see Walter back though.

I think it’s a pretty early to bring Roy into the field, I hope nothing goes wrong here.

Wow, another earthquake machine? Who is this guy, why does he want it, and how did he know about it?

Gosh, one thing after another for Laurel. Hopefully one of these blows will make her wake up instead of continuing to spiral.

Yeah, I figured the only way to get through to Roy would be taking off the hood. At least now that he knows it’s Oliver they can have a better relationship in public. Unless he takes it the way Tommy did at first. You never know how people will react when they find out I guess.

Great job with Slade there. I mean, we know it doesn’t work out in the end because the ship does get scuttled and Oliver is going to shoot Slade, but at least it’s some temporary progress.

Why is everyone going for Turner all of a sudden? And what’s this ‘squad’ about?

Oh my gosh! I thought Oliver had called Lance, I never thought Sarah would come into this! That is probably the only thing that will get Laurel’s attention, but wow this is going to get crazy.
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Post by Astronomer »

bookworm wrote: Gosh, one thing after another for Laurel. Hopefully one of these blows will make her wake up instead of continuing to spiral.
Just wait until the next episode.
bookworm wrote: Great job with Slade there. I mean, we know it doesn’t work out in the end because the ship does get scuttled and Oliver is going to shoot Slade, but at least it’s some temporary progress.
That's the thing about the island: we know most of what goes down, we just don't know how it happens exactly. Also, we know Sarah is going to 'die' (at least to Oliver).

Here's a theory about later flashbacks: What if Oliver and Sarah get off the island (perhaps to Russia somewhere, where Oliver gets his tattoo), but Slade kills Sarah (or makes it appear so) and then Oliver has to kill Slade. Then, like the end of last season, Oliver returns to the island to train because he doesn't want to have to do to another friend what he did to Slade. Does that seem plausible?
bookworm wrote: Oh my gosh! I thought Oliver had called Lance, I never thought Sarah would come into this! That is probably the only thing that will get Laurel’s attention, but wow this is going to get crazy.
That's funny, because that was the first thing that came to my mind. I didn't even consider Oliver calling Lance, it immediately thought it was Sarah. Maybe that's just what I was thinking about at the time.
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Post by bookworm »

Astronomer wrote:What if Oliver and Sarah get off the island ... Slade kills Sarah ... Oliver has to kill Slade. ... Does that seem plausible?
Anything seems plausible at this point, after all the twists they’ve put in, since we have no idea exactly what is coming in the island story as you said, just the bullet points.
I hadn’t yet considered Slade may be the one to kill Sarah, but it’s definitely possible. He has to learn the truth about Shado some time, and there’s no telling how he’ll react. I could see him passing on killing Oliver outright to kill Sarah instead for revenge (like he’s trying to do in the present) and that being what forces Oliver to in turn kill him.

-- 21 Feb 2014 12:12 pm --

Heir to the Demon:

Oh okay, Sarah isn’t actually showing herself, she just appeared for a second in a ‘dream’ to get Laurel to straighten up. I guess that works.

Woah, non-island flashbacks.

Here we go, the League found out about Sarah’s family and is now moving in on them. She can’t just leave now, that doesn’t keep them safe anymore.

Okay, how did Sarah not see that coming? She was a member of the League, she surely would know they kill themselves if overcome.

I don’t get this. Sarah can be so smart and savvy, and then turn around and be so naive and dumb. How did she think poisoning herself was going to help anything? It gets her mom back for a second, because you make the trade, but then she dies so they’ll go for the family again out of anger, and this time with no one to trade for they’ll just kill everyone. I mean seriously, this is the paragon of counterproductive. >_>

What? Just like that the League is called off? Why? What in the world happened during that sequence to change her mind? This is what went down: "Come back", "No", "You have to", "I’ll kill myself", "Then I’ll kill your family", *fighting*, "I’m alive again, but I’m still not going back", "Okay then, it’s all good."
It makes no sense. Nothing happened that would change the situation. What you’d think it would be is that when the archer chick saw how definite Sarah was, that she would kill herself rather than go back, she would say enough is enough - but she didn’t. That just made her even more angry, remember. Then Sarah is brought back to life, again says she won’t go back, but this time it has a profound effect for some reason and she’s released from the League.

I don’t really understand Oliver’s anger here. He should definitely be upset, but I don’t get the anger. He knew Moira had the affair and accepted it, now he’s simply learned that it just happened that she got pregnant during that. It kind of goes with the territory, and there’s nothing that can be done about it, so I don’t really get what the big deal is. It’s just a timing thing. What happened happened, everyone agrees it’s a bad situation, but what really is there to take issue with in the present time? If it’s just that she didn’t tell anyone, then again I get being upset, but I don’t get being angry. There’s nothing good to come from telling people so of course she kept it a secret. I don’t see whatever he does that’s so extremely distressing as to necessitate breaking family ties.

Wow, I did not expect this reaction at all. Laurel is hard to predict.
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Post by Astronomer »

Time of Death:
Clock King is kind of cool. Not really that interesting of an episode. We do get a bit more of Laurel, Sarah, and Felicity development. The best part is probably when we find out why Sarah and Sin are friends.
Last edited by Astronomer on Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bookworm »

Time of Death:

This is something I've been curious about ever since it was revealed Sarah was still alive. If she ever finally comes public (which she now has) how are they going to handle it? Will they reveal that she was with Oliver on the island at all? Because that throws questions on a lot of what Oliver was telling about when he first came back way back at the beginning of the first season, and it also sounds really strange, that both of them were presumed dead in the boat but both managed to get to and live on and be rescued from the same island. And then of course there's the thing that Oliver stayed on the island but Sarah was just there for a while and then went off to her own things before returning. That would cause more questions, like why didn't they leave together. I think it would be best to leave out the island part and just say what she did after. Which seems to be what they're going to do, since she has already opened up about the League of Assassins. It would be weird to now go 'Oh, but before that I was actually with Ollie on the island believe it or not.'

Interesting, a new person on the island. What's this about?

Wow, I didn't think the dinner would go perfectly, but I thought it would at least go well. Nope.

Aha! His daughter is Sin, right? I've been wondering why Sarah picked her out.

Finally. I figured Oliver would finally get to her, as he said he was the only one that stayed with her through everything. Let's hope this is a real wake up now, not just another temporary one.

Oh here we go! Slade is out in the open! This is going to be good.
Last edited by bookworm on Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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