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Post by bookworm »

#aio wrote:10:27 *** bookworm joined #aio
Welcome to the Town of Odyssey Chatroom! It is the second National Pretzel Day!
Topic set by Skid on Sat Apr 27 09:34:25 PDT 2013
10:27 <Woody>: Bookie!
10:27 <bookworm>: Is there dueling happening?
10:27 <bookworm>: Just saw the thread.
10:27 <Woody>: ^This is a test
10:27 <bookworm>: Only snubs can call me that! :x
10:28 bookworm smacks Woody
10:28 <Woody>: Just making sure you're really bookworm
10:28 <Blitz>: here
10:28 <Woody>: We're waiting for Joy
10:28 <Bethany_C>: Hi
10:28 <bookworm>: Ah
10:28 <Blitz>: yeah only I can't change names
10:28 *** Blitz quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
10:28 *** Blitz joined #aio
10:28 <Blitz>: oh wait I ca
10:28 <Blitz>: n
10:28 <Blitz>: but I have to leave to do it
10:29 <Bethany_C>: what?
10:30 <Blitz>: change names
10:30 <Anemone>: ........
10:30 *** bookworm is now known as bookworm||busy
10:30 <bookworm||busy>: Tell me when it starts
10:30 <Woody>: OK
10:30 <bookworm||busy>: I have to go crunch numbers through the TABCAP Formula
10:30 <Woody>: Ah
10:31 <bookworm||busy>: It's going to take a while :P
10:31 <Bethany_C>: What about changing name?
10:31 <Anemone>: You guys are really going to go through with this nonsense....
10:31 <Blitz>: so I can't do the change of name so if I switch I will have to say
10:31 <Blitz>: yes we must it is honour
10:32 <Bethany_C>: ?
10:33 <bookworm||busy>: There's going to be a duel
10:33 <bookworm||busy>:
10:34 <Bethany_C>: Cool! ;)
10:35 Blitz streches himself and prepares
10:36 <Anemone>: O6Y
10:36 <Anemone>: Oy*
10:36 Woody does some target practice
10:36 Blitz flexes mucles and lifts weights
10:37 Woody tests his lightning rod
10:37 <Bethany_C>: ok...?...
10:37 Blitz test his dodge
10:38 Woody fills the swamp nice and full
10:39 *** NeedGod joined #aio
10:39 <Bethany_C>: I'm gonna split.... i think...
10:39 Woody tests his killing skills on NeedGod
10:40 <Blitz>: remeber water is a conductor of electricty
10:40 <Blitz>: it actually can help me
10:41 <Woody>: Not pure H20!
10:41 <Blitz>: gtg practice piano
10:41 <Blitz>: ba back in a bit
10:41 <Woody>: Which is what I'm putting in here
10:41 Woody practices dropping pianos
10:41 *** Blitz quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
10:45 <Bethany_C>: NeedGod?
10:46 *** NeedGod quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
10:47 <Anemone>: . . .
10:47 <Bethany_C>: Ok...
10:47 <Bethany_C>: Hi.
10:47 <Bethany_C>: ;lol:
10:48 Woody attacks Bethany_C
10:48 <Bethany_C>: Sorry. I've been on Soda Shop to long.
10:48 <Woody>: Skid, you are the test moderator
10:48 <Woody>: Was that a successful attack?
10:48 <Skid>: o_0
10:49 *** godisawesomeness99 joined #aio
10:49 <godisawesomeness99>: hello
10:49 Woody slices off godisawesomeness99's legs
10:49 <Woody>: Success, Skid?
10:49 <godisawesomeness99>: missed me! :P
10:50 *** Limerick quit (Ping timeout)
10:50 Woody jumps on godisawesomeness99
10:50 Woody begins to pull godisawesomeness99's hair out
10:51 <Bethany_C>: Hi Dan.
10:51 <Bethany_C>: Ok. I'm gonna go.
10:51 <Woody>: DAN? Where?
10:51 <Bethany_C>: Bye y'all.
10:52 *** Bethany_C left #aio
10:52 <Woody>: Oh. GIA
10:52 <Skid>: THe stats think they're mostly failures.
10:52 <godisawesomeness99>: why must you insist on hurting me
10:53 <Woody>: The stats?
10:54 <bookworm||busy>: Done!
10:54 <bookworm||busy>:
10:54 <bookworm||busy>: *whew*
10:54 <bookworm||busy>: That was a alot of brain work.
10:54 *** bookworm||busy is now known as bookworm
10:54 <Skid>: "Poor Woody, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 3 times.
10:54 <Skid>: "
10:54 <Skid>:
10:55 <Woody>: I attacked more than that
10:56 <godisawesomeness99>: WHY DO YOU INSIST ON HURTING ME??
10:56 Woody hurts GiA
10:57 <godisawesomeness99>: don't hurt me..... I'm just a poor fragile little boy!
10:57 <Blessed_Cheesemaker>: bookworm? you are on today?
10:57 <bookworm>: Yeah
10:57 <bookworm>: Abnormal Saturday :)
10:59 <godisawesomeness99>: yep. fragile.... ;)
11:00 <Blessed_Cheesemaker>: so according to that Catspaw by herself still is more likely to win?
11:00 <Blessed_Cheesemaker>: interesting
11:00 <bookworm>: I noticed that :P
11:01 <bookworm>: You should post that observation on the board though, not in here
11:01 <bookworm>: More people need to circulate and discuss the Formula
11:01 <godisawesomeness99>: wow
11:01 <Woody>: But, that's not how things work, really
11:02 <godisawesomeness99>: who are the admins right now?
11:02 <Blessed_Cheesemaker>: Jesus Princess and the missing Monty
11:02 <bookworm>: Monty and JP
11:02 <bookworm>: But Monty has been kidnapped
11:02 <Woody>: missing Monty indeed
11:02 <godisawesomeness99>: yeah that's what I thought
11:02 <godisawesomeness99>: gotta go
11:02 <bookworm>: Probably by JP so when they are about to be put out of office she can hold him for ransom to keep power
11:02 <bookworm>: *nods*
11:03 *** godisawesomeness99 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
11:03 *** Limerick joined #aio
11:03 <Woody>: Seems more like something Monty would do to JP
11:04 <bookworm>: But he's the one gone, so apparently not.
11:04 <bookworm>: So is this duel happening or what? I don't have long.
11:04 <Woody>: It's going to happen...
11:04 <Woody>: We just don't know when
11:05 *** Blitz joined #aio
11:05 <Woody>: It was spontaneous, Blitz and I just decided to do it yesterday
11:05 <Blitz>: hey again
11:05 <Woody>: Ah, the oppenent has arrived
11:05 <Blitz>: yeah we got into a fight
11:05 <bookworm>: Well if I go before, post a transcript
11:05 <Woody>: Blitz, what do you say to having a different moderator?
11:06 <bookworm>: Was there a specific reason it was Joy?
11:06 <bookworm>: Because if not, I could do it
11:06 <Blitz>: yes cause i am technically married to her
11:06 <Blitz>: and she is the object of this duel but I would gladly let you do it
11:06 <Woody>: But she's not on
11:06 <bookworm>: Then she can't moderate, it would be biased
11:07 <Woody>: I agree to the mod change
11:07 <bookworm>: Haven't you read Prince Caspian?
11:07 <Woody>: NARNIA FTW!
11:08 <Anemone>:
11:08 <Blitz>: yeah I agree
11:08 <Woody>: Then we shall begin!
11:08 <bookworm>: How am I to deterine sucess? Random? Or just whatever I feel it should be?
11:08 <Woody>: I shall repost the rules
11:08 <Woody>: Whatever you feel it should be bookworm
11:08 <Woody>: 1. No invincible characters(e.g. lightning, Thor)
11:08 <Woody>: 2. There will be a maximum of two name changes per dueler(Meaning you can have a total of three different nicks, and are allowed to switch between the three.)
11:08 <Woody>: 3. No changing characters without changing nicks
11:08 <Woody>: 4. Success of attacks will be determined by the moderator.
11:08 <Woody>: 5. 5 successful attacks by one dueler means victory for them.
11:08 <Woody>: 6(revised). No outside interference. Interference will result in 50 lashes for the interferer. :x
11:09 *** Limerick quit (Ping timeout)
11:09 <Woody>: 7. You must wait 1 minute between character changes
11:09 <Woody>: Skid... could you change the topic?
11:09 <Woody>: To be about the duel
11:09 <Blitz>: lighting is allowed
11:10 <Woody>: It is?
11:10 <Blitz>: it is not invisible
11:10 <Blitz>: yes it is
11:10 <Woody>: It is most definitely visible
11:10 <Blitz>: invicible
11:10 <Woody>: Quote: Blitz:I can keep lighting because it is not invincible. You just have to do it right but sigh i will give it up.
Welcome to the Town of Odyssey Chatroom! The topic is now different.
Topic set by Skid on Sat Apr 27 11:11:08 PDT 2013
11:11 <Woody>: >_>
11:11 <bookworm>: :P
11:11 <Blessed_Cheesemaker>: hahaha
11:11 <Woody>: About the duel, Skid, the duel!
11:11 <Blitz>: haha
11:11 <Blitz>: okay
11:11 <Blessed_Cheesemaker>: or you could create room for the duel
11:11 <Skid>: Why not create a dueling room and set the topic yourself?
11:12 <Woody>: #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:13 <Woody>: Blitz... go in
11:14 <Blitz>: I don't seit
11:14 *** Blitz quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
11:15 <Woody>: The opponent has surrendered?
11:16 *** Blitz joined #aio
11:16 <Woody>: Here: #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:16 <Blitz>: #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:16 <Blitz>: not finding it
11:17 <bookworm>: click on it
11:17 <Blitz>: it comes out just as what I posted
11:17 <Woody>: Click on that
11:17 <bookworm>: then do '/join #TheDuelForJoysHand'
11:17 <Woody>: Oh... CGI-IRC doesn't work for that
11:17 <Woody>: Change to mibbit, Blitz
11:18 *** Blitz quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
11:19 *** Blitz joined #aio
11:19 <bookworm>: #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:19 <Woody>: Here: #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:19 <Woody>: If anyone wants to see the duel, go in there!
11:20 <Woody>: We're starting!
#TheDuelForJoysHand wrote:11:12 *** bookworm joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
Welcome! The duel is about to begin
Topic set by Woody on Sat Apr 27 11:11:51 PDT 2013
11:12 +++ Woody has given op to bookworm
11:12 +++ Woody has taken op from Woody
11:13 <Woody>: =]
11:16 *** Woody left #TheDuelForJoysHand (Leaving)
11:17 *** Woody joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:19 *** Blitz joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:19 <Blitz>: okay joined
11:19 <Woody>: Okay
11:20 <bookworm>: Shall we begin or do you require an audience?
11:20 <Woody>: Bookworm, declare the new score each time a successful attack is made
11:20 <bookworm>: Out of five, right?
11:20 <Blitz>: i don't know we don't really need one
11:20 <Woody>: Right
11:20 <Blitz>: isn't it the winner has to have five
11:21 <bookworm>: I believe the first to be hit five times loses
11:21 <bookworm>: Or the first to hit five times wins
11:21 <bookworm>: If you prefer ;)
11:21 <Woody>: You can change the topic, bookworm, if you like
Topic set by bookworm on Sat Apr 27 11:21:22 PDT 2013
11:21 Woody prepares
11:21 <bookworm>: BEGIN!
11:21 Blitz strikes the ground around woody through him off balance
11:22 Blitz strikes at woody
11:22 <bookworm>: TIME OUT!
11:22 <bookworm>: Question
11:22 Woody jumps at just the right moment, towards Blitz
11:22 <Woody>: Okay
11:22 <Blitz>: k
11:22 <bookworm>: Am I determining the sucess of all actions, or only hits?
11:22 <bookworm>: Ex: throwing you off balance
11:22 <Woody>: Sure
11:22 <Blitz>: yeah
11:22 <bookworm>: And if so, that is only a sucessful prep, yes? Not a hit that would be one of the 5
11:23 <Woody>: But with those, we get to have a chance to stop it
11:23 <Woody>: yes
11:23 <bookworm>: Ah
11:23 <Blitz>: yes it is succesfully prep
11:23 <Blitz>: you have to decide now whether i killed him or not
11:23 Woody prepares
11:23 <bookworm>: Get ready...
11:23 <Blitz>: because he is supposed to be off balance
11:23 <Woody>: I jumped
11:23 <Woody>: Just FYI
11:23 <bookworm>: RESUME!
11:24 Blitz creates a feild of lighning around woody
11:24 Woody fills up the pure H2O pool
11:24 <bookworm>: Woody jumps just at the time of impact, avoiding the strike and maintaining balance
11:24 Woody uses his lightning rod
11:24 Woody strikes Blitz in his moment of weakness
11:24 <bookworm>: The lightning rod attracts the lighting, rendering the field ineffective
11:25 Blitz uses the water as a catalyst to zap woody
11:25 <Woody>: Sorry, pure H2O is NOT a conductor
11:25 Blitz bounces off the water and hits woody
11:25 Woody ducks out of the way, causing Blitz to hit the hard concrete floor
11:26 <Woody>: PAUSE
11:26 <Blitz>: okay
11:26 <Woody>: Bookworm needs to catch up with the decisions
11:26 <bookworm>: The lightning fizzles instead of conducting, Blitz is confused
11:26 <bookworm>: But regains composure in time to move aside
11:26 <bookworm>: Woody's hit misses
11:27 <Woody>: Resume?
11:27 <bookworm>: Woody then ducks from Blitz's hit, sending Blitz flying
11:27 <bookworm>: he stumbles, but does not hit the floor hard enough to lose a HP
11:27 <bookworm>: RESUME!
11:27 Blitz recovers and heads into the cloud to prepare
11:28 <bookworm>: Blitz is out of sight
11:28 Woody grabs his umbrella
11:28 Woody points it toward the cloud
11:28 Blitz goes through the umbrella
11:28 <bookworm>: Is it a metal handled umbrella?
11:28 <Woody>: Sorry, lightning-proof
11:28 Blitz zaps woody through the umbrella
11:28 <Woody>: Nope, plastic
11:29 <Woody>: I got it at ROSS!
11:29 <Woody>: =P
11:29 <Woody>: Nobody gets that joke, but it's okay
11:30 Woody grabs the lightning rod
11:30 Blitz head back up
11:30 Woody holds it just above the umbrella, concealed
11:30 Woody waits for Blitz to attack
11:30 Blitz slams the ground around woody
11:31 Blitz strikes woody when he is off ballance
11:31 Woody jumps at the same moment, sending him up to the cloud
11:31 Woody hides in the fluffyness
11:31 *** Anemone joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:31 <bookworm>: Sorry, didn't jump in time
11:31 <bookworm>: Woody stumbles
11:31 <Woody>: Anemone!
11:31 <bookworm>: and is off balance
11:31 *** Anemone left #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:31 <bookworm>: lol
11:31 <Blitz>: so it is succesfull?
11:32 <bookworm>: Sucessfully threw him off blanace
11:32 <Woody>: The off balance is
11:32 <bookworm>: Haven't hit him yet
11:32 Blitz strikes woody
11:32 <Woody>: But not the attack, nessacerily
11:32 <bookworm>: right
11:32 <Blitz>: or zaps
11:32 <Woody>: You already did that, Blitz
11:32 <bookworm>: The zap hits! Woody goes to 4 HP!
11:32 <bookworm>: First blood
11:32 <Blitz>: then it would be an attack
11:32 Woody was still holding the lightning rod...
11:32 <bookworm>: (since we're on the Prince Caspian reference track)
11:32 Blitz returns to the cloads
11:33 <bookworm>: He hit you from below, so it didn't attract him
11:33 Woody wonders what a cload is
11:33 *** You joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:33 <Woody>: Ah
11:33 Woody grabs another lightning rod, holding it down low
11:33 <Blitz>: lighting rod do not work on people because it goes through the lighting bolt and goes to the ground on a house
11:33 Blitz strikes woody on the head
11:33 <bookworm>: That's a good point
11:33 <bookworm>: Are you bare heanded Woody?
11:33 Woody had the umbrella
11:34 <bookworm>: handed*
11:34 <Woody>: No
11:34 <Blitz>: and on a person it would just go to them
11:34 <Woody>: I am wearing my gloves =D
11:34 <bookworm>: Well he hit you directly this time, so it doesn't matter
11:34 Woody fastens his lightning rod to a mini house next to him
11:35 Woody holds his umbrella toward the cloud
11:35 <bookworm>: cload
11:35 Woody grabs a nearby cat and throws it at the cloud
11:35 Blitz uses his storm cloud to create flood and uses the water to electrify woody and his house
11:36 Woody prepares the ark
11:36 <bookworm>: The water begins rising, but Blitz gets too eager and zaps before it is high enough to hit Woody
11:36 <bookworm>: It was an impressive light show though
11:36 Woody floats up to the cloub in his ark
11:36 <Blitz>: okay so what exactly are we at
11:36 <Blitz>: 5 to 4 or three
11:36 <bookworm>: You have all 5 HP, Woody is at 4
11:37 Woody strikes Blitz in his weakness
11:37 Blitz move his cloud
11:37 Woody got you before
11:37 Blitz uses cloud to cloud lightning to electry woody
11:37 <Woody>: bookworm?
11:37 <bookworm>: Blitz is regrouping from the previous failed strike, Woody hits!
11:37 <bookworm>: 4-4
11:38 <Woody>: Yes!
11:38 Woody 's ark is equipped with a lightning rod
11:38 <bookworm>: Blitz then electrifies the could, which since Woody is enveloped in it is very effective
11:38 <bookworm>: Hit! Woody 3HP
11:38 <Blitz>: yeah
11:38 Blitz moves
11:38 Woody jumps down
11:38 Woody lands safely
11:39 Woody grabs a firework and aims it at the cloud
11:39 Woody light it
11:39 <Woody>: *lights
11:39 <Woody>: It fires!
11:39 Blitz cause heavy down burst
11:39 <bookworm>: The firework is flying so fast it simply passes through the cloud
11:39 <bookworm>: Explodes into pretty colors a little ways away
11:39 Woody gets into the ark
11:40 Blitz moves again
11:40 Woody thinks it is the 4th of July
11:40 Blitz flood the ground destroying all fireworks
11:40 <bookworm>: All fireworks are soggy and ruined
11:41 *** Woodstock joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:41 Blitz electrifies the ark through the water
11:41 Woodstock sets off a barrage of fireworks
11:41 <bookworm>: Character change 1 of 2
11:41 <Blitz>: sogy
11:42 <Blitz>: soogy
11:42 *** Woody quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Woodstock))
11:42 <Woodstock>: That wasn't right, though
11:42 <Blitz>: fire works make no fire
11:42 <Woodstock>: I had to join with this nick because Woody was still here
11:42 *** Woodstock is now known as Woody
11:42 <bookworm>: The ark is wooden, so it does not electrify
11:42 <Blitz>: oh....
11:42 <bookworm>: The fireworks are soggy, so they do not light
11:42 <Blitz>: Wait trees electify
11:43 <Blitz>: hmm
11:43 <Woody>: So does the name change count?
11:43 <bookworm>: Because they are touching the ground, I think
11:43 <bookworm>: The ark is floating
11:43 <bookworm>: No, it wasn't then Woody
11:43 <Blitz>: brb so please pause
11:43 <bookworm>: TIME OUT!
11:43 <Woody>: Good
11:43 <Woody>: This is fun!
11:44 <bookworm>: How am I doing?
11:44 <Woody>: GREAT!
11:44 <bookworm>: Good :)
11:44 <Woody>: This is even better than I pictured
11:46 <Blitz>: back
11:46 Woody prepares lightning rods
11:46 <Blitz>: yep only wee need a few people watching
11:46 <Woody>: All along the top of the ark
11:46 Blitz electifies through the water
11:46 <bookworm>: RESUME!
11:47 <bookworm>: The water electrifies, but again Woody is in an ark, so it doesn't reach him
11:47 Blitz zaps the ark through the water
11:47 Woody grabs a canister of Carbon Monoxide, and hurls it at Blitz
11:47 <Woody>: It explodes near him
11:47 Blitz rains heavily to cover it up
11:48 <Woody>: Um... you can't rain to cover up gas
11:48 <bookworm>: Blitz has strings of lightning sparking all over, so one inadvertantly hits the can
11:48 <bookworm>: Because of the magnitude of the explosion, ironcially, his lightning lighnings himself
11:48 <bookworm>: 3-3!
11:48 <Woody>: I only have until noon...
11:49 <bookworm>: I only have a little bit too
11:49 Blitz rains on woody's ark till it begins to sink
11:49 <bookworm>: Do better moves you two! :x
11:49 <bookworm>: ;)
11:49 Woody prepare the animal catapult
11:49 <Woody>: *prepares
11:49 Woody starts with a chimpanzee
11:49 <bookworm>: The rain starts flooding the deck, slowly pushing the ark down
11:49 Blitz electfies the chimpanzee and send it down
11:49 <bookworm>: But it is taking a long time because it is so bouyant
11:50 <Blitz>: at his caterpult
11:50 <bookworm>: The chimpanzee is electrified :(
11:50 <bookworm>: Falls into water
11:50 Woody scoots out of the way
11:50 Woody watches the electrified water
11:50 <Woody>: Ha!
11:50 <Blitz>: wait the ark is not manuverable
11:51 Woody shoots the elephant next
11:51 <Woody>: Why not?
11:51 <bookworm>: No it's not, but a chimp is so small he avoided it without moving
11:51 <bookworm>: Because there's no rudder
11:51 <Woody>: There isn't?
11:51 Blitz electrifies the elephant and sends it down at the ark
11:51 <bookworm>: I don't think so
11:51 <Blitz>: no there isn't
11:51 <bookworm>: The elephant is electrified :(
11:51 <bookworm>: I hope ASPCA isn't watching this
11:51 <bookworm>: It falls toward the ark
11:51 Woody jumps on the plane
11:52 Woody takes off
11:52 <bookworm>: Woody jumps out of the way just in time, so he doesn't get hit
11:52 <bookworm>: but it crashed throught the deck and sinks the ark
11:52 Blitz attack the plane with a barrage of lighting and engulf it in his cloud
11:52 Woody shoots a few missiles Blitz's way
11:52 Woody pulls up
11:52 Woody prepares the nuclear bomb
11:53 Blitz zaps the missles and shoots them back
11:53 Woody drops the bomb
11:53 <bookworm>: The lightning hits the plane, but it is insulated so no damage
11:53 Blitz moves
11:53 <Woody>: Just as it hits the cloud, Woody detonates it
11:53 <bookworm>: Blitz zaps the missiles, rendering them useless
11:54 <bookworm>: The bomb explodes, hitting Woody because he's above it but missing Blitz because he moved
11:54 <bookworm>: Not sure what Woody was thinking there
11:54 <bookworm>: 2-3!
11:54 <Blitz>: sucide by woody
11:54 <Woody>: >=[
11:54 <bookworm>: Indeed
11:54 <bookworm>: It was a tiny nuke though
11:54 <bookworm>: so it only damaged him, not killed
11:54 Woody changes his strategy
11:55 *** Woody is now known as Gandalf_the_White
11:55 Blitz laughs
11:55 <bookworm>: Character change 1 of 2
11:55 <bookworm>: for real this time
11:55 <Blitz>: how do you change names
11:55 <bookworm>: '/nick NEWNAME'
11:55 <Gandalf_the_White>: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
11:55 *** Blitz is now known as thor
11:55 <bookworm>: Thor is agaisnt the rules I believe
11:56 <Gandalf_the_White>: Which means I win!
11:56 <thor>: well gandalf is also pretty much invicible
11:56 <bookworm>: A win by default isn't fun :(
11:56 <thor>: and the rules said no invicible charcaters
11:56 <bookworm>: He's powerful, but not invincible
11:56 <bookworm>: He died in the first movie ;)
11:56 <Gandalf_the_White>: Okay, I won, but we keep going for fun
11:56 *** thor is now known as saruman
11:56 <bookworm>: Ooh, interesting
11:56 <Gandalf_the_White>: Okay?
11:56 <bookworm>: Wizard duel
11:57 <bookworm>: We should let him go with a warning and continue
11:57 <Gandalf_the_White>: Saruman! Do not conform to Sauron!
11:57 <Gandalf_the_White>: You are a shadow of what you were!
11:57 saruman levitates him into the air smacking him into the roof
11:57 Gandalf_the_White shoots off a round of magic white spheres at saruman
11:58 Gandalf_the_White reminds Saruman that we are outside
11:58 saruman block them with his cane
11:58 <bookworm>: Gandalf hits the roof hard
11:58 <bookworm>: 1 HP!
11:58 <Gandalf_the_White>: There is no roof. >_>
11:58 <bookworm>: Oh yeah, you're not in the Tower
11:58 <bookworm>: :P
11:58 <Gandalf_the_White>: We're outside, remember?
11:58 <Gandalf_the_White>: Haha
11:58 <bookworm>: You hit a randomly passing plane
11:58 Gandalf_the_White has 2 min
11:58 <bookworm>: 1-3
11:58 <bookworm>: Saruman is hit by magic spheres
11:58 <bookworm>: 1-2!
11:59 Gandalf_the_White jumps onto Shadowfax
11:59 Gandalf_the_White charges with an outstrecthed spear
11:59 saruman controls shadow fax making him jump over a cliff
11:59 <Gandalf_the_White>: Not possible
11:59 <saruman>: he can controll about anything
11:59 <Gandalf_the_White>: This is Shadowfax, the king of horses!
11:59 <saruman>: remeber riders of rohan
11:59 *** You quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:00 <Gandalf_the_White>: Shadowfax is no ordinary horse
12:00 <saruman>: okay
12:00 <Gandalf_the_White>: Pause
12:00 saruman levites Shadow into a pit
12:00 <bookworm>: TIME OUT!
12:00 *** Sam joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
12:00 <saruman>: k
12:00 <saruman>: hey sammy
12:00 *** Aftershocker joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
12:00 <Sam>: Did I miss it?
12:00 <saruman>: hey as
12:00 <bookworm>: It's almost over!
12:01 <Aftershocker>: Hey
12:01 <bookworm>: Woody 1HP Blitz 2HP
12:01 <saruman>: just about we are down to 3 to 1
12:01 *** only_shortly_Renae joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
12:01 <bookworm>: It's been a close match
12:01 <saruman>: o 2to one
12:01 <saruman>: hey
12:01 Gandalf_the_White grabs a ledge as Shadowfax falls into the pit =[
12:01 <Sam>: Ah.... Sorry I missed it...
12:01 <bookworm>: RESUME!
12:01 saruman blows away the ledge
12:01 <bookworm>: Shadowfax is in the pit :(
12:01 <bookworm>: But Gandalf is safe
12:01 *** only_shortly_Renae left #TheDuelForJoysHand
12:01 Gandalf_the_White has already leviated off the ledge
12:02 saruman shots a majic bolt at gandalf knocking him in
12:02 Gandalf_the_White dodges
12:02 <bookworm>: Dodge sucessful
12:02 Gandalf_the_White calls the Ents in!
12:02 <bookworm>: Ents come in
12:02 <saruman>: no fair
12:02 <bookworm>: They bumble around
12:02 <bookworm>: not doing much
12:02 Gandalf_the_White rouses their anger at Tree-Killer!
12:03 Gandalf_the_White lights some pine cones on fire
12:03 Gandalf_the_White throws them at Saruman
12:03 saruman burst the dam drowning gandalf and safely levitates himself into the air
12:03 <bookworm>: The pinecones miss and fall back to earth, lighting several Ents on fire
12:03 <bookworm>: Enraged, they attack Gandalf
12:03 <bookworm>: He has no hope
12:03 <bookworm>: 0HP!
12:03 Gandalf_the_White runs
12:04 <saruman>: yes
12:04 <bookworm>: That was a pretty epic ending
12:04 <bookworm>: mauled by Ents
12:04 <bookworm>: :P
12:04 Gandalf_the_White calls in the Eagles to carry him away safely
12:04 <Aftershocker>: So, who won?
12:04 <saruman>: joy is Mine
Topic set by bookworm on Sat Apr 27 12:04:41 PDT 2013
12:04 <Gandalf_the_White>: On her consent, that is. ;)
12:04 <bookworm>: Indeed
12:04 <Aftershocker>: :(
12:05 <Gandalf_the_White>: The prize will be Joy's hand in marriage, on consent of both parties(Joy and the winner)
12:05 <Gandalf_the_White>: Ha!
12:05 <saruman>: well I already married her technically
12:05 <bookworm>: I will be posting a transcript of the epic duel on the ToO for those who came late
12:05 <Gandalf_the_White>: I have successfully freed Joy, through trickery!
12:05 <saruman>: yeah right gandalf wouldn't
12:05 <Gandalf_the_White>: My goal has been acheived
12:05 <saruman>: saruman is greater than gandalf
12:05 <bookworm>: :O
12:06 <Gandalf_the_White>: Gandalf tricks people
12:06 <Gandalf_the_White>: How 'bout the trolls?
12:06 <Gandalf_the_White>: NAY!
12:06 <saruman>: in trickery
12:06 Gandalf_the_White just killed some Ents and nuked himself by accident
12:06 <bookworm>: Yeah, really the loss was your fault
12:06 <bookworm>: You should have thought things through more
12:07 <Gandalf_the_White>: =P
12:07 <Sam>: Who is who?
12:07 *** Gandalf_the_White is now known as Woody
12:07 <saruman>: yeah so you really arn't good at it
12:07 <Woody>: But, Joy is still free
12:07 <saruman>: no she isn't I won
12:07 <Sam>: So Joy continues to be married to Blitzy? I am confused..
12:07 <Woody>: I set it up so she would be either way
12:07 <saruman>: yes she would
12:07 <saruman>: will
12:07 <Woody>: No, because she will not consent
12:07 <Woody>: Quote of the match:
12:08 <Woody>: The prize will be Joy's hand in marriage, on consent of both parties(Joy and the winner)
12:08 <Woody>: So HA!
12:08 <saruman>: but she is already married to me
12:08 <Woody>: My mission is complete
12:08 <saruman>: so I don't need her hand in marriage again
12:08 <saruman>: the only real thing was to get you off the scene
12:08 <Woody>: But, you were divoriced before the duel per my friends in the government
12:08 *** saruman is now known as conquestor
12:09 <conquestor>: no we weren't
12:09 <Woody>: So you are no longer married, and Joy is single
12:09 <conquestor>: BOOKWORM
12:09 <Woody>: Yes you were
12:09 <bookworm>: Yes?
12:09 <Woody>: I have to go
12:09 <conquestor>: a little help
12:09 <Woody>: I'm 9 minutes overtime
12:09 <bookworm>: Don't look at me, I have no idea what's going on
12:09 <conquestor>: seeyay
12:09 <bookworm>: I just modded the duel :P
12:09 <bookworm>: Bye Woody!
12:09 <conquestor>: bye Woody
12:09 *** Woody quit (Quit: Joy is FREE!)
12:09 <Sam>: Bye Woodster. :(
12:09 <Sam>: ...LATE... -_-
12:10 <bookworm>: A transcript will be posted for late commers, if you want to see what you missed
12:10 <Sam>: I would like that very much, thanks, Bookworm. =]
12:10 <bookworm>: I will go do that then, it should be up in a few minutes
12:11 <bookworm>: Bye, all
12:11 <conquestor>: bye
12:11 <bookworm>: Congratulations Blitz
12:11 <conquestor>: thanks
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Post by Woody »

11:41 *** Woodstock joined #TheDuelForJoysHand
11:41 Blitz electrifies the ark through the water
11:41 Woodstock sets off a barrage of fireworks
11:41 <bookworm>: Character change 1 of 2
11:41 <Blitz>: sogy
11:42 <Blitz>: soogy
11:42 *** Woody quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Woodstock))
11:42 <Woodstock>: That wasn't right, though
11:42 <Blitz>: fire works make no fire
11:42 <Woodstock>: I had to join with this nick because Woody was still here
11:42 *** Woodstock is now known as Woody
Just so everyone knows, what happened here is that my internet disconnected. :)
11:55 *** Blitz is now known as thor
the rules wrote:1. No invincible characters(e.g. lightning, Thor)
the rules wrote:Breaking of any of these rules will result in disqualification.
Technically, I won right here. ;)
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Post by Blitz »

Technically Thor is not invincible. The hulk almost killed him.
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Post by Woody »

You said yourself during our first duel that Thor was invincible. :roll:
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Post by Blitz »

I didn't say that he can regenerate but that still counts as a kill.
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Yes, since my sweetheart lives in the clouds
I must float on them. - Limerick not flirt when you have a gf already!!!! Gahhhhhh..these tweens need to learn proper gentlemanly behaviour!!!
Blitz: I am a teen
* Black_Ghost buries the two peeps...err chicks...err dude and a chick
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Post by Woody »

'Fraid you did say it.

*goes to get the logs from Dan*
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Post by Joy »

*crosses arms* WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?
Blitz, I have...information that will make you sign those divorce papers.
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Post by Blitz »

Naw you don't too old. And shall I tell the people who you got it from.
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Yes, since my sweetheart lives in the clouds
I must float on them. - Limerick not flirt when you have a gf already!!!! Gahhhhhh..these tweens need to learn proper gentlemanly behaviour!!!
Blitz: I am a teen
* Black_Ghost buries the two peeps...err chicks...err dude and a chick
'Here lies blitz the dude, and IT the chick.
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Post by bookworm »

Woody wrote:Technically, I won right here. ;)
The moderator overruled you and let him off with a warning because he gave up the character.
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Post by Woody »

12:02 Gandalf_the_White calls the Ents in!
12:02 <bookworm>: Ents come in
12:02 <saruman>: no fair
12:02 <bookworm>: They bumble around
12:02 <bookworm>: not doing much
12:02 Gandalf_the_White rouses their anger at Tree-Killer!
12:03 Gandalf_the_White lights some pine cones on fire
12:03 Gandalf_the_White throws them at Saruman
12:03 saruman burst the dam drowning gandalf and safely levitates himself into the air
12:03 <bookworm>: The pinecones miss and fall back to earth, lighting several Ents on fire
12:03 <bookworm>: Enraged, they attack Gandalf
12:03 <bookworm>: He has no hope
12:03 <bookworm>: 0HP!
12:03 Gandalf_the_White runs
12:04 <saruman>: yes
12:04 <bookworm>: That was a pretty epic ending
12:04 <bookworm>: mauled by Ents
12:04 <bookworm>: :P
The pine cones could not have lit the Ents on fire if the area was flooded! \:D/

Oh, and Blitz... I hate to tell you this, but you and Joy were never really married... you didn't get a marriage license! :x
Last edited by Woody on Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Their heads were above the water.
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Post by Woody »

bookworm wrote:
Woody wrote:Technically, I won right here. ;)
The moderator overruled you and let him off with a warning because he gave up the character.
Ah, but the rules(and the punishment for breaking them) were laid down before you were the moderator. ;)
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Post by Caitie »

Then shouldn't Blitz be disqualified?
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Post by bookworm »

Woody wrote:but the rules(and the punishment for breaking them) were laid down before you were the moderator. ;)
But the decision was made after I was the moderator. I had the authority to interpret them, and I decided it was an honest mistake.
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Post by Knight Fisher »

You did give total control to the moderator.
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Post by Woody »

bookworm wrote:
Woody wrote:but the rules(and the punishment for breaking them) were laid down before you were the moderator. ;)
But the decision was made after I was the moderator. I had the authority to interpret them, and I decided it was an honest mistake.
Ah, but Blitz agreed to the rules, in full understanding that he could not use that character. And he switched to that character. He knew full well what he was doing, I am sure of that.
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Well I am not as sure, and my assuredness was what mattered.
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Post by Woody »

If you saw the logs from our first(unofficial) duel, you'd understand. I'm working on getting them.
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Post by bookworm »

Well I didn’t, so obviously I couldn’t use them as a reference.
Also, the part about disqualification was not listed in the rules mentioned directly before the duel so you can’t be sure he knew about it, he may have only been going off what you said in the chatroom. I myself was not aware of the disqualification clause until you quoted it here.
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He saw the rules here for sure. It was right there in bold lettering.
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