Future ToO Raffles

Come here to voice your comments, concerns, and questions with the mayor and their aides!

Should ticket sales be regulated?

Poll ended at Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:52 pm

No, let people buy as many as they want
Yes, don’t let people buy more tickets than there are prizes
Yes, charge extra for tickets numbering more than the prizes
I have no preference
Total votes: 10

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Future ToO Raffles

Post by bookworm »

The latest Raffle has raised some questions concerning whether a limit should be placed on how many tickets one person can purchase. I can totally see this both ways, so I would like the input of all of you on it. You’re the ones that participate in this, so you’re the ones it would affect.

I’m considering three options right now. I’ll give the pros and cons of each as I see them.

Option 1:
Leave it how it is and let people buy as many tickets as they want. It’s their money, they should be able to spend as much as they desire. However if one person has a ton of money and decides to go crazy on the tickets in an attempt to statistically ensure themselves of winning nearly everything, it may discourage other people from entering. But then again, the more money spent on tickets the more cash prizes there will be in the next Raffle, so high spending is a good thing in a way.

Option 2:
Place a firm limit on the number of tickets people can purchase equal to the number of available prizes in the Raffle. This seems to make sense. If someone has the desire and financial means to give themselves a chance at winning each prize they can do so, but they can’t go over that and stack their odds from the start. The drawback is that part of the strategy for a Raffle is being able to decide if and how you want to stack your odds, depending on the prizes and their order. It doesn’t seem quite right to take that away from people. If they want to do it they should be able to if they can.

Option 3:
Keep the current ticket price ($10) for tickets numbering up to the number of available prizes, and if someone wants to buy more than that increase the price on subsequent tickets (to be determined). This would allow people to continue buying tickets if they really wanted to, but wouldn’t encourage it. I don’t know if this is actually a fair solution or not, it’s just another possibility I thought of.
Last edited by bookworm on Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Jesus' Princess
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Post by Jesus' Princess »

Personally, I think that if people have the money and they want to spend it on raffle tickets, then you should let them. It is their money, and if thats what they want to buy with it, it makes sense to let them. I see where you're coming from the other way though.
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Post by bookworm »

-- 24 Jan 2013 03:31 pm --
Jesus' Princess wrote:I see where you're coming from the other way though.
It’s not really where I’m coming from, it was just another point of view I put forth for consideration. I personally don’t think there should be a change. As you said, it’s their money and they should be able to use it how they like.

-- 06 Aug 2013 02:34 pm --


Since there wasn’t an overwhelming consensus for any course, I have decided to keep things as they are for now. I may consider changing again in the future, but at the moment I think this is the best option all around.

At first it may seem unfair for people to be able to boost their odds like this, but again it’s their money. If this is how they want to spend it, they have that right. Also, remember that the more money spent on tickets, the more cash prizes in the next raffle, meaning more chances for other people to win. I think that really balances this out. They may stack things this time, but it actually helps others next time.
Last edited by bookworm on Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Last bumped by bookworm on Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:34 pm.