Jackbox Games

This is a place where gamers can come and tell of their favorite games, discuss current games, head up gaming contests, and join in on online games that others are playing. It's a place run by gamers and enjoyed by all types of gamers alike.
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Jackbox Games

Post by Petrichor »

My friends introduced me to Jackbox Games a few weeks ago, and we've been having a lot of fun playing since then! You can play them in person, but they're also really fun to play with online friends. Hence, they are fun to play when you're stuck at home and can't go anywhere.

Basically, if you've never played, the games are set up to be displayed on a central monitor/stream (if you're playing online). Then all the players get prompts for the game on their phone. For example, if you're playing the Jackbox game Quiplash, you might get a prompt like: "It's nice when your grandma knits you a sweater. It's weird when she knits you ______." And then you fill in the blank with anything! (For example, "It's weird when she knits you a cozy for your gearshift.") Then everyone's answers show up on the main monitor/stream, and you vote on your favorite! There are lots of other games, but this is my longwinded explanation of the basic game mechanics.

So does anyone else play? \:D/
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Post by bookworm »

I haven't played any myself, but I'm familiar with them. It's a pretty neat concept how they allow remote play, and even a mass audience level of participation when the actual game spots are full. Designed for streaming.
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Popsicle kid
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Post by Petrichor »

It's really neat! I've played with friends online and with family in person, and it's fun either way. We always use a Discord voice chat when we play online, since it's better to be able to interact in real-time as we play.

Quiplash is definitely a favorite, but another fun one we've been playing is Tee K.O. It's a little more complicated, but basically everyone makes a bunch of drawings and slogans, then other people match them up into something they think would make a funny/clever t-shirt. I've attached a snapshot of one of our most recent winners. \:D/
Blessed Halitosis.JPG
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