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Post by bookworm »

NBC will use skycam as primary view for Thursday Night Football this week.

Thoughts on this?

I was very surprised to see how almost universally the idea is being praised. People are super hyped for this. I don't understand why, I think this is absolutely terrible. Putting aside how stupid it is to say people will like it because it will make it look like Madden, the skycam view gives no perspective of field position and makes it impossible to tell how many yards are gained on a play or where they are in regard to the line to gain among other viewing issues.
What people seem to be excited about is this view lets you see how plays develop from the perspective of the players, you can watch receivers run their routes or see the hole the running back tries to take and things like that, which I get is a neat concept, but it doesn't actually do that in practice. They did a preview of this view during last Thursday's game and it has hardly any visibility beyond the line of blockers. I understand why they're doing it, it's a gimmick to get people interested and it's certainly worked, but I personally already hate it from the little I've seen so far and I'm pretty sure a full game of it will be maddening.

However, I'm open to the possibility my mind will be changed. I doubt it's likely, but I'm open to it. Maybe when the whole game is done that way it will grow on me. I'm interested to find out, and to see what other viewers think. Anyone who watches this game, please come by the Chatroom for a focus group. I am very interested in gathering reactions and opinions from people with varied football watching experience.


New info on the broadcasting plan.
They're apparently not exclusively using skycam, they'll use the traditional view on important plays. And they will "add graphics" whatever that means to help with field position perspective. It sounds like they aren't just throwing to the skycam and winging it, they've put thought into how to make it work for a full game. We'll see how it goes.

-- 17 Nov 2017 11:08 am --

Well it wasn't awful, so I guess that's a positive. I really expected the game to be unwatchable like this, but it wasn't. They seemed to be using a slightly higher angle than the usual skycam, so there was enough visibility down the field to watch the play. Field position and yards gained were major issues as expected, they used graphics to address that with varying effectiveness. I got pretty used to it after about a quarter and didn't significantly mind it for the rest of the game, but I didn't think it noticeable enhanced my viewing experience and I wouldn't prefer it become a widely used broadcasting style over the traditional view.

Reaction from the general viewership was, to my surprise, overwhelmingly negative. This was so widely praised and hyped when it was announced, but once it was actually used it was really hated. I didn't expect to see that. It will be interesting to see if NBC thinks this was a success and if they do it again.


Game recap video so you can see how some plays looked if you missed it live:

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Post by Catspaw »

Did anyone else watch the 105th Grey Cup tonight? \:D/ (For non-Canadians, that's the Canadian Football League version of the Super Bowl.) ;) I'm not a big football fan, but I don't mind watching the big games, and my dad and my brother came over to watch, so I got to hear more expert opinions. ;) The Calgary Stampeders went in with a way better record, but, like last year, they lost to a game that did way worse during the season, making the Toronto Argonauts this year's Grey cup champs!

It didn't really matter that much to me who won. I feel a little bad for Calgary for losing two years in a row, but the Argos were gracious winners with lots to say about hard work and all that other good stuff, so it was nice to see them win.
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Post by Knight Fisher »

It is absolutely inexcusable to be in a tied game 17 seconds left one timeout and then not take a shot to win before overtime when you are 0-12. Just flat out pathetic coaching by the browns.
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Post by bookworm »

Second straight overtime win by Green Bay to keep playoff hope alive with Rodgers' possible return next week!! :thud:
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Post by 321tumbler »

BASEBALL IS BACK! Phillies did get some nice players so hopefully this turns out to be an interesting season.
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Post by bookworm »

Giants in 2010 win the World Series, in 2011 miss the playoffs, in 2012 win the World Series, in 2013 miss the playoffs, in 2014 win the World Series, in 2015 miss the playoffs, in 2016 lose in the playoffs to the World Series winning Cubs, in 2017 miss the playoffs.

I'm excited to get this season underway! \:D/
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Post by Knight Fisher »

Cubs vs Marlins. 17 innings. Garcia and Butler both threw what would have been quality starts in relief. Baseball is most definitely weird and back. \:D/
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Post by bookworm »

Giants start out 2-0 with two 1-0 wins over prime rival Dodgers thanks to two solo home runs, both by Joe Panik! \:D/

First player in history to homer in consecutive 1-0 victories!
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Post by Catspaw »

Anyone else getting excited about the NHL playoffs coming up soon? There are a few teams that have clinched their spots, and more fighting for their spot. There are good times ahead! \:D/
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Post by bookworm »

The Red Wings have already clinched a spot out of the playoffs, so no, there's no excitement.
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Post by Catspaw »

I thought that might be the case for you, bookworm. Do you ever pick a team to cheer for in the playoffs in lieu of your favourite team that isn't present? Not that you like that team as much, but sometimes there's another team with a player you like or that has a good comeback story or whatever. It's always more fun with someone or something to cheer for!
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Post by bookworm »

Catspaw wrote:Do you ever pick a team to cheer for in the playoffs in lieu of your favourite team that isn't present?
Well, in hockey that hasn't been an issue before as all my life until last year the Red Wings were in the playoffs. (I haven't rooted for them all my life, but ever since they became my team years ago they have been there.)

But no, in any sport if my team isn't in the playoffs or after they get eliminated I don't pick a new one that I hope goes all the way. I continue to follow what happens, and pick a team in each game that I would prefer win, but I don't really care anymore until the final when I pick a team to root for in the championship.
Catspaw wrote:It's always more fun with someone or something to cheer for!
Definitely! I always root for someone in any match of anything I watch. I don't really care if there's no reason for me to, but it does make it more fun to be rooting.
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Post by Catspaw »

That makes sense, bookworm. You're not a bandwagon-jumping kind of guy. I respect that.

I am a long-time fan of Henrik Sedin and Daniel Sedin, the awesome Swedish twins who have played together for the Vancouver Canucks their entire careers, and the news came today that this will be their final season. They're retiring. :sniff: Henrik has long been my favourite player, and I'll miss watching him play and cheering him on (via the TV...I'm sure it gets through.) ;) I'll always have my Henrik t-shirt to wear and remember happy times! :inlove: I've seen him play a couple of times live and wish that I had been able to watch one more time. :mecry: Don't mind me - I get a little emotional when I think of my overwhelming love for Henrik.
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

The regular season of hockey is now over! And in the ToOHL, I surged ahead of Catspaw at the last minute to claim 4th place. :neener: (Oh, and my brother won first, Bmuntz second, and my hubby third, but who cares about that.)
*Happy sigh* I beat Catspaw.

My condolences on the Sedin twins retiring, Catspaw. I can't believe that!! They are a fixture! Who will I try to draft just to thwart you now? (Haha, just kidding, I never did that. O:))
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Post by Catspaw »

I was terribly sad to see Laura sweep ahead of me. :sniff: But hey, congrats to the top three in the ToOHL. A hard-fought and well-deserved victory. :D But Laura, don't get any ideas about next year. :noway:

Thank you for the commiseration over the Sedins, Laura. After 18 years, it's tough to see them retiring, but they got to go out strong and retire on their own terms, and seem really happy about spending more time with their families, so there's that, at least. But it's still sad for me! :sniff: Laura and I will find somebody new to fight over, I'm sure!

I am very excited about the playoffs! \:D/ Wednesday evening can't be here soon enough! The first round is a magical time, with hockey every night, all night! \:D/
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Post by bookworm »

Brandon Belt had the longest recorded at bat in major league history - 21 pitches!

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Post by Catspaw »

Jets win! Jets win! :mad: Game sevens make life more fun. Unless you're Nashville. Then you can cry yourself to sleep listening to Carrie Underwood and get ready to hit the golf course.

....So the third round of the NHL playoffs will be the Washington Capitals vs. Tampa Bay Lightning and Winnipeg Jets vs. Vegas Golden Knights. It should be fun! \:D/
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Post by bookworm »

Before these playoffs I had never heard of the Winnipeg Jets once in my life. I literally had no idea they existed. It kind of blew my mind. I don't pay much attention to hockey as a whole, just the Red Wings, but I couldn't believe I could be unaware of one of the other teams in the league at least by name even if knowing nothing about them.
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

They used to be the Atlanta Thrashers for a number of years, if you've heard of them. They moved back to Winnipeg a little while ago now.
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Post by Catspaw »

bookworm wrote:Before these playoffs I had never heard of the Winnipeg Jets once in my life. I literally had no idea they existed. It kind of blew my mind. I don't pay much attention to hockey as a whole, just the Red Wings, but I couldn't believe I could be unaware of one of the other teams in the league at least by name even if knowing nothing about them.
The Detroit Red Wings were the team that knocked the Jets out of the first round of the playoffs in 1996, in their final season before they moved to Arizona after being sold, where they became the Phoenix Coyotes (now the Arizona Coyotes.) There's your fun fact of the day! \:D/ The Jets did not exist between the 1996-1997 season until the 2011-2012 season, at which time a motivated and wealthy Canadian ownership group arranged to buy the struggling Atlanta Thrashers (as Laura mentioned) and move them to Winnipeg. Technically the team history and records are those of the Thrashers, while the old Jets records belong to the Coyotes, which is one of the reasons you sometimes hear reference to Jets 1.0 and Jets 2.0. Some hardcore Thrashers fans continue to be Jets fans, which is real dedication to a fandom!

Bookworm, it was a pretty big deal in Canada in 2011 when the Jets returned, but it might not have made big headlines in the US. I know you're a more casual fan, so obviously the news missed you somehow! Now that we're down to four teams, you'll have to watch the Jets in action. :yes:
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