The Hobbit!

WOOHOO! A Trailer!!

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The Hobbit!

Post by Ruthie »

This trailer is SO awesome!! It's for The Hobbit!!!! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/

It if's not available now--it will be momentarily!

Of course- I would think it was pretty cool....because I made it....heh

Tell me what you guys think! :-
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Post by Ferder »

Not bad. I would put it on par with the other Hobbit fan trailer, though maybe a little better since it has a better selection of shots pertaining to the story. The thing is that the Hobbit is barely even about the Ring, yet it always gets featured tons in the fan trailers. I'm glad you put in the Dwarf shot and all the misty mountain stuff (after-all that's what most of the Hobbit IS actually about), though why no Shelob footage to represent the giant spider parts.
Anway, good job.
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Post by STRYPER »

Very good for a self made trailer.

LOTR, Dragonheart and Reign of Fire for the footage, correct?

If I could make a suggestion to improve it, I would add more captions in the second half of the trailer. You did a great job in the first half but then there was practically nothing as the drama escalated. Jot down some of the plot, like "to slay a dragon... one only needs... the heart of a hobbit" or something to that effect. Also finding a voice to quote them would be great but that's hard to come by some times ;)
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Post by Ruthie »

Yeah- I made it in a, I was a little rushed... :anxious:

I wanted some Shelob footage, but I couldn't find any online- and I am not yet capable of getting it directly from the DVD... :(

I think the other footage is Dragonheart and Reign of Fire..I'm not totally positive... :headscratch:

Thanks for the ideas guys! :D
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Post by Lord_Kappa »

Don't forget your Eragon footage. You had quite a deal of it in there. :)

Good trailer. :D
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Post by Stubborn »

Good job. \:D/

One of my brother's friends did something like that a year or two ago... It just makes me want to see The Hobbit even more... :anxious:

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I saw this on your Xanga and was going to comment, but I've been busy. :anxious:

Good job! \:D/

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
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Post by Ruthie »

*gives CoT a disaproving look*


Oh yeah- Eregon too, I just assumed that everybody knew they... :anxious:
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