Star Wars 7 - Warning - SPOILERS inside!

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Post by Catspaw »

Watching the new trailer last night was definitely fun! \:D/ It looks good, and of course I love the music. I would be planning to go see it no matter what was on the trailer, and I'm kind of avoiding the bigger speculative stuff people are doing, but the trailer certainly piqued my interest. Really, just having Han there was enough for me. :inlove:
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Post by bookworm »

The Top Crusader wrote:I LOL'ed a bit that the apparent main villain has to wear a Vader-like respirator
Yeah, I was hoping that was just a Revan inspired mask for looking cool, but now that we hear him it does seem to be for breathing. But in the quick flash of the fight scene he's not wearing it anymore, so apparently not really necessary? Maybe he's just a Vader superfan. Dug the helmet out of the pyre and thought he needed one of his own if he's going to continue his legacy.
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Post by Catspaw »

I have tickets for December 22. \:D/ My brother and my Dad and I are going together. We wanted to go on the Saturday, but we might end up with a family gathering, and I didn't want to get tickets that I either couldn't use or be in a situation where I skipped/came late for a gathering and have to hear about it for the rest of my life ;) so we just decided to wait a few days. It will still be within the first week.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I bought tickets for opening night having no idea if I'll be able to go or not. \:D/
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Post by Catspaw »

Really? I'm not that brave. I knew I would be cranky if I bought tickets that I couldn't use, and I'm sure they'll be sold out if I wait too long. I hope you do get to go - that would be fun! \:D/ I remember going to Episode 3 on the opening day - not the midnight showing, but the next afternoon, so still pretty cool...or so it felt at the time. ;)
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I'm really glad they do 7 or 8 pm showings the night before instead of midnight. It's great for old timers. \:D/

I can get most of my money back if I end up not using them, they charge a couple bucks but figured it was worth the risk. >_>
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Post by Catspaw »

Oh yeah, if you can still get most of your money back, that's not too bad. I could just see getting tickets and then finding out I had a family gathering and then having to find a different day later and having way more limited options. It worked out because Tuesday is a cheaper day to go to the movies at the theatre we're going to, so the day that we could go actually will cost us a nice chunk less, since we decided to go to the VIP theatre for this movie. Nicer seats, no kids (not that I mind kids, but I don't mind seeing a movie with no kids in the theatre either...) and if I really want, I can order popcorn right to my seat. \:D/ Plus you pick your exact seat when you buy your tickets, so it's not a big rush to be there early and get just the right spot. My seat is already saved for me right where I like to sit. I could have had all those things on Saturday and just paid a few more dollars, which we were totally willing to do, but not when odds are good we wouldn't be able to use them, or would have some unhappy relatives. ;)
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I want a theater that bans children. :(

I don't know what the world is coming to when people would put family over Star Wars. :noway:
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Post by Catspaw »

A few years ago a VIP part of a theatre was built that serves alcohol, so for that area you have to be 18 or over (remember, not American laws.) ;) I don't drink, but I don't mind having nicer seats and no kids now and then, especially for movies that are marketed towards children so much (superhero movies etc.) that results in kids that are way too young being in the theatre. Just because a five-year-old loves his Iron Man action figure and t-shirt doesn't necessarily mean he/she needs to see it on the big screen.

Maybe your family has shorter memories than mine. ;) I can't imagine not hearing about it for the rest of my life, and that is a fate much worse than waiting a few more days to see Han Solo on the big screen!
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I always hear about those theaters, they seem to be cropping up more and more... but not close enough for me to bother driving to. I'm going to start a theater that is obnoxious and doesn't serve alcohol, but doesn't let children in regardless. \:D/ Also some kind of EMP to render cell phones useless. \:D/
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Knight Fisher
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Post by Knight Fisher »

I highly suggest using ... kkbbfclokj until you see the film. Spoilers are flying everywhere.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Saw it last night. \:D/

I'll avoid any spoilers this early after release, but I'll say it was much better than the prequels (I know, shocking, right?) and really holds up to the original trilogy. A little more humor than the older films as well if I'm recalling correctly, but not to an annoying degree. It paralleled A New Hope in a lot of ways, it was a nice touch to end the film with the renewal of vows between Han and Leia, like the award ceremony thing at the end of Episode IV.
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Post by Shennifer »

Saw it, loved it, want to see it again.

I got pretty emotional at times, it was great

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Post by Catspaw »

The Top Crusader wrote:It paralleled A New Hope in a lot of ways, it was a nice touch to end the film with the renewal of vows between Han and Leia, like the award ceremony thing at the end of Episode IV.
I was avoiding this thread until after I saw the movie, and I'm extra glad that I did, because if I had read this before I saw the movie, I would have some strong thoughts to express to you. I was very happy to go into the movie spoiler free!

I did really enjoy the movie overall. Definitely lots of emotions throughout, and lots of great new characters and fun stuff. BB-8 was great - so adorable! :inlove:
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Post by bookworm »

I thought this was excellent. Both just as a movie and more importantly as part of the Star Wars franchise. Some parts I really liked, a few parts I wasn't entirely sure about, but as a whole I definitely approve.
I didn't expect the revelation of who Kylo Ren was, but I wasn't shocked by it. And I don't think it was lazy or tired to have the story go there, I think it's very valid. We need the future movies to fill in exactly what tilted him toward the Dark Side, but I can get behind the idea that he would go there, given proper motivation. He grows up hearing about the Jedi, so he's curious about the whole Force thing, having inherited the ability to use it from Leia. At an impressionable time this mysterious Snoke comes in and confuses him, he turns to a warped understanding of his family legacy (it seems he apparently somehow doesn't know Vader turned back to the Light in the end) and takes it on himself to fulfill that part and not Luke's part. So he essentially covers up anything going on in the present and only looks back a generation to make his path, becoming obsessed with Vader as a Sith. Which is why he wears the mask; I was right about that! He doesn't need it, he's emulating Vader because he wants to be like him. And the scene where he was talking to the mask was a new look at this we haven't seen before; instead of someone trying to stay good against temptations of the Dark Side here's someone who actually wants to take the Dark Path, believes that is the right way, but is struggling with being tempted back to the Light. I really liked that view of the other side.

I liked Kylo's lightsaber, it was a great touch of detail that the blade was jagged, not properly focused. That makes perfect sense. He's pretty much self taught right, he got on the Vader kick and started mimicking whatever he thought was appropriate to follow in those steps, but had no training in how to build a lightsaber so it's just functional, not refined.

I liked the vision of what emerged from the fallout of Return of the Jedi, though I wish it had been filled in a bit more. We got the basics, the Empire was replaced by the New Republic but remnants reformed into the First Order with the Resistance trying to hold them off; but some details of how all that came together would have been nice. I liked that the Sith don't seem to be the leaders this time around, they and the First Order are working together, they're not the same thing. That's something that gets missed in the previous movies sometimes, people think the Sith equals the Empire but they don't, the Sith just happened to be controlling the Empire at that time.

I had just a couple nitpicks lore-wise. I wasn't very into Finn fighting Kylo. Effective lightsaber use requires some affinity with the Force. I guess you could say that's why he was beaten relatively easily, but he still put up a better fight then I would have thought he could/should have. Same thing, but opposite, with Rey. Although she clearly not only has the Force but is very strong with it as she was able to learn to use it so quickly, it still seemed a large leap that she would become instantly proficient with a lightsaber the first time she used one. But I grew to the idea some by remembering that she has considerable experience fighting with that staff, so some of that training could carry over.

The one thing I did not like was the appearance of Luke's original lightsaber (so Anakin's original, actually) and blatant refusal to explain how it got there. That was definitely lost forever after falling out of Cloud City, clearly they avoided an explanation because they couldn't think of one.

I heard no spoilers on anything, but I was independently certain Han was going to die; I didn't want it to happen I just didn't think it was possible for it not to. I was concerned about how they would do it, if they were going to they had to do it right, and I think they did. This was a meaningful way to have it happen. I thought the scene was well constructed, it was clear from the dialogue what Kylo meant (we know from RotJ that what one needs to do to complete the turn to the Dark Side is kill your father) but it was also clear he was genuinely struggling with it, because he wasn't fully convinced by or committed to the Dark Path yet.
I am very excited to be expanding the Star Wars universe and look forward to how this story is continued.
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Post by Shennifer »

I get what you're saying about Finn, but for me, I'm just banking on him having basic weapons training and trying to use that here. But in all fairness, he didn't beat Kylo Ren. And about Rey, you're right about her having that skill before with her staff, so naturally that would carry on to using a lightsaber. But she wasn't instantly good at it; she struggled at first, she was losing, and then Kylo was all "you need a teacher" and he mentioned the Force, and suddenly the thing that she'd been feeling and inadvertantly using, (in that interrogation scene, though successful but not perfect), had a name. It wasn't a nameless thing anymore, and that helped her focus better. Plus wasn't Kylo wounded at this point anyway?

just my two cents.

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Post by bookworm »

Yes, Kylo was wounded and that certainly helped make it more even. I'm not saying strength-wise it was unthinkable Finn could hold up for a while. The stormtroopers apparently train with electrostaffs now, so those skills could carry over to this similar to Rey's staff. If this was a plain old sword fight I wouldn't have had a problem with it; what I'm getting at isn't a matter of ability, but of possibility. Using a lighstaber isn't the same as using a sword, the blade has no weight, it's just energy. If a random guy picked one up and tried to wave it around he'd probably cut himself right in half because he wouldn't be accustomed to the resistance or lack thereof. It requires a connection to the Force to help guide your motions to use the proper amount of control. But we may find out Finn is Force sensitive in the future, who knows.
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Post by Shennifer »

I'm definitely suspending some belief, but Finn probably tried to adapt what he could (and possibly imitate what Kylo was doing?).

Do you agree with my assessment of Rey? or did you just not respond to that part

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Post by bookworm »

I did agree. As I said I had a much lesser problem accepting that one because she does have the Force. Combined with her staff training, Kylo being wounded, and Kylo probably being caught off guard and frustrated by facing someone who was able to match him for the first time, it's reasonable she managed to hold up. And it was a great point you made that it wasn't until she focused that she really got it together. She was getting by first, but when Kylo mentioned the Force she remembered what Maz had told her about clearing her mind, and that turned the tide.
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Knight Fisher
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Post by Knight Fisher »

On Finn everyone I've discussed it with though Kylo was just playing with him in that fight. Plus I think the big thing they hammered home with this is that Kylo Ren wont be written as a villain. He's being developed as a character who is a villain but not fulling trained. He's on the Dark Side of Rey's arc and thus they mirror.
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