Choose Your Own Adventure

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Post by V-lady »

"Sure....",You reply. You hand her ten dollars, and as soon as you do, she runs away. You chase her as she zigzags through the woods, but then you stumble over a root and fall to the ground. You get up and...

1) Continue to chase her.
2) Decide to forget about the ten dollars and find you own way.
3) Realize that you sprained your ankle when you fell.
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Cheese Wiz Rules
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Post by JD »

you Continue to chase her even though you Realized that you sprained your ankle when you fell ten dollars is alot of money until BAM you get hit by the old lady pan and then she carry you into a cave once you woke up your hanging upside down with a pot above your (because your upside down) you

1) you use your magnetic power to get the key of the handcuffs that are on your feet unlock them then RUN
2) you wait to get killed
3) our you YELL for fun
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Post by Storm »

You wait to get killed thinking she might have a soft heart and isn't really going to boil you in a pot, shes just going to wash some clothes. So you ask for your ten dollars back and the lady dumps you into the pot.

So Do you:

1) Have fun thinking this is just the bath that you should have taken
2) Scream and try to get out of the pot

1 Timothy 4:12
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Argyle Ninja
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Post by Argyle Ninja »

You scream bloody murder and try to get out of the pot. However, the old woman is still there chains a large, vicious looking dog to the pot. Obviously it's an attempt to keep you exactly where you are. She mumbles something about needing other ingredients and leaves you alone with the monstrous canine. You:

1. Attempt to distract the dog by taking off your shoes and tossing them to it. Then you run for your life.

2. Hit the dog on the nose and attempt to run for it.
Not that frog, Styles. That's a good frog.
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Over the Rainbow
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Post by Over the Rainbow »

You hit the dog and make a run for it. Suddenly, a dark tall figure emerges from the shadows. The figure turns out to be MacGyver who gasps:

"Hey! You're not Penny Parker!"
"MacGyver!" You scream in a high pitched voice because you're a huge fan. "I have all of your seasons!"
"Will you help me find Penny?"

Do you:

1. Help him find Penny.
2. Tell him "sorry" and look for the nearest exit.
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Post by JD »

You say No Way but then he takes his pocket knife out and is about to stab you so u decide to help out you and Mac get out of the cave and start walking for a while then you get to a fork in the forest.

1) u and Mac go to the Left were its pitch DARK?
2) u and Mac got the right were it is VERY BRIGHT?
3) you go to the right Mac goes to the left?
4) u go to the left Mac goes to the right?
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Over the Rainbow
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Post by Over the Rainbow »

You decide that you want to go into the pitch darkness. You than hear a howling sound and chains rattling.

Do you:

1. Run away.
2. Investigate the noise.
3. Stare at MacGyver and think how cute he is.
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Post by Storm »

You've always been interested in Howling sounds and chains rattling so you go towards that direction, however it is almost impossible because since you cannot see anything you keep fumbling around and bonking into things, So you:

1) Decide to give up your curiosity for howling and chains rattling, and you go back the way you came


2) Decide to press forward even though you have no idea where you are and where you are going

1 Timothy 4:12
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Iron and Light
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Post by Iron and Light »

You decide to press forward and come face to face with a rabid wolf chained to a far wall. Suddenly, chains are wrapped around your own wrists and ankles. You scream, and struggle, however the chains begin dragging you towards the wolf- closer and closer you come..... Your foot nudges something- a large, gnarled stick. You:

1. Grab the stick and smash the wolf over the head.
2. Decide to use the stick to try and pry open your chains.
3. Get our your flint and make a fire with the stick so as to scare the wolf away.
4. Decide to do nothing and wait for a rescuer to come and save you.
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Post by violet flower »

You grab the stick and smash it over his head. Stunned by this the wolf backs away. After about 5 minute of carefully watching the wolf you hear footsteps coming your way do you:

Try to escape
Wait it may be a rescuer.
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Post by Storm »

You try to escape, because everyone knows that ominous footsteps walking towards a dead wolf are bad. So you hide still watching, just in case it is a rescuer, then you see a man come into view and cut the wolfs skin so you:

1) Investigate, the person probably is the leader and you could get big bucks for turning him in


2) Scurry away, he probably has some drugs or explosives in the wolfs belly

1 Timothy 4:12
Do Hard Things
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Post by Candy »

You Investigate. But It was Explosives the wolves belly you get scared and shriek, unfortunately he hears you and starts pulling you back the way you came. Suddenly, he makes a grunting noise, and the wall of the cave slides out, you hear chanting. It's at least 500 indians! do you
(1. pretend that you're one of them and start chanting too
(2. Scream at the top of your lungs.
I'd rather live as if there were a God, and found out there isn't, then to live as if there weren't a God, and find out there is.
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Post by Movieman »

You pretend your an indian, but they see through your pitiful disguise (or lack thereof). As your start running for your life, you look back to see that not only the indians but the wolf is chasing you as well!

1. Turn around and try to knock down one of the indians, hoping the wolf will attack him instead.

2. Keep running while trying to figure a way out of this problem.

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Post by Angel »

You keep running as fast as you can. Soon, you come to a clearing (or what seems to be one in the darkness), you hear water. You rush to the water, now realizing it is a stream. You see something stretched out across the river; a bridge! You get on the bridge, and notice that the indians are simply watching you now. On the middle of the bridge you stare at them while catching your breath, wondering what's going on. You suddenly hear a huge tital wave coming your way.


1. Try to make a run for the other side of the bridge.
2. You brace yourself.
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Post by Candy »

You decide to try to make a run for it, after all, at least this way, you have a chance of surviving. But, unfortunately, the tidal wave catches you and sends you downstrteam with the rest of the water. Suddenly, you wash up on the same beach that you were walking on! Then some man comes screaming some random numbers, But yet, you feel like you've heard them before, The numbers are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. And Suddenly you:
1. start screaming and run away into the woods again,
2. try to swim away
I'd rather live as if there were a God, and found out there isn't, then to live as if there weren't a God, and find out there is.
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Wants David O Piano
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Post by Movieman »

You start screaming and run into the woods. You don't get too far into the woods before you start to hear what sounds like whispering. You look all around you, but you don't see anyone. All of the sudden a gigantic cloud of black smoke bursts into the clearing where you are. As this cloud ominously floats toward you...

1. You run the opposite way and hope you can outrun it.

2. You stand perfectly still and hope it will lose interest in you.

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