Administration Appreciation!

Hey, it rhymes!

Come here to voice your comments, concerns, and questions with the mayor and their aides!
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Administration Appreciation!


David and Sarah, thank you so much for stepping up to the plate and being wonderful admins! :thumbsup: (And Shadowpaw did a good job too, we'll miss him. :( ) :wave:

Appreciate those admins! \:D/ Only like 3 more weeks!

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
"I was placed in jail during the reign of Regis for double posting and spamming. :( I felt very naughty." -Danae Doyle

"This is the ToO...Not Wikipedia."-COT "I had some really good replies to that, but they were too rude, so I deleted them. Nice going, CoT. You made me be nice for once." :( -CA
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Post by Ruthie »

CoT- usually you don't use a whole lot of smilies....huh....

^^sorry, just something I noticed... :anxious:

*hugs all admins and mods*

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Post by EK »

<3 Admin peeps.
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Post by Mr.Whit »

Yeah you guys are great.
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Post by Catspaw »

David O and Sarah, I'm glad that you guys were admins this term and took care of the things! \:D/ Yay! I'm sure that the Shadowpaw dude who you had to work with was a challenge, but you persevered! Good for you! \:D/
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Post by Kairi »

You guys did a great job! =D> I'll miss you guys being admins. Shadowpaw, the whole Gabe Dragsack/Regis Blackgaard thing was pure genius! I hope to see more story-arcs in the future!
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Post by Oba-rai »

Like EK said, <3 Admin peeps, only more distinguished-type. I really liked the nice, easy-going Mayor/CoP team, and your innovative style of leadership. Nothing really changed that didn't need to be changed, and the ideas were pretty good. ^_^ I didn't feel like voting for you all, but it was a nice alternative. :)

And Shadowpaw - much thanks for ToO-related-type-things! I'm glad you set up the ToO, and as the famous song goes:


I am the very model of a royal dutch arcadian
I've years of great experience at being a Canadian
I love the joy of giving bots the final seconds of disgrace
Instead of flaming all the n00bs I keep attached my public face


Instead of flaming newbies he keeps attached his public face,
Instead of flaming newbies he keeps attached his public face,
Instead of flaming newbies he keeps attached his public - public face.


I'm good at memorizing helpful hints for phpBB
And pondering the day on which I finally turn 23
In short, if you are eager to become a grand Canadian
become the very model of a royal Dutch arcadian


In short, if you are eager to become a grand Canadian
become the very model of a royal Dutch arcadian


I know our epic history, from Coralfish to Isom, too
I keep a massive, awesome site because that's just what I should do
I could suspend the payment for the hosting of the grand old ToO
Actually - I dare not try - for lack of living would ensue

there is more...
but the rest is lost in darkness
they may be copper,
annoying little coins! but,
they might be giants.
save your pandas: vote racecar!
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Haha, thank you very much for that song Sarai, it was quite fun to read... and surprisingly accurate, if I were to ever sing such a song ;). =D>
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Post by Catspaw »

:lol: Sarai, that's pure genius! I love it! \:D/ You're so creative!
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Post by Aelwyn »

Y'all did a wonderful job! :D
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

My Shaodwpaw song would be more like:
*dramatic and scary music, thunder in teh background*
I'm the evil dictator

Shadowpaw Fan club:

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah-Yeah

I'm the evil dictator
I'm the board creator,
I'm the RPG-Maker

Anti-Shadowpaw Club:

No, No, no-no

All: Shadowpaw! Yeah, YEah, YEah Shadowpaw

He's completely evil!

Shadowpaw Fan Club:

Noway, Noway!

I am evil

Shadowpaw Fan Club:

Noway, Noway!

Shadowpaw Anti-Club
We hate him,
We wanna be admin
He needs to fix his plumbing
He's the terrible!

Shadowpaw Fan club:
He's really, really cool!
He makes us super super drool
We'll use him as a tool,
To make him buy us a mule!


*Loud crash and lightning strikes *

The mood change and a new hip-hop type music comes on. Everyone shakes their bottoms and disco dances

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah SHADOWPAW


EVIL, Evil, Evil!

Cool, Cool, Cool!



Music suddenly changes to sad and dramatic music


I will never surrender! NEVER! AHHHHHH

*shadowpaw falls down fainting*

*everyone else faints*

*curtains close the end*
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David O
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Post by David O »

That's incredible! I think I'll start putting that to music right away! \:D/

Top, maybe we could play that one as you walk down the aisle! \:D/
Not dead yet.
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Post by Catspaw »

I can't wait to hear that composition, David O! I'm sure that it would be very...unique. ;) *tries to learn how to disco, for hakeber's benefit* ;)

I think that this song is more appropriate than any other suggestions that I've heard of for Top to come down the aisle to - I approve! \:D/
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Post by Aram »

Ah, yes. the time has flown...

(I enjoyed the song, Sarai.)

Two Thumbs up, JF and David, you've done a good job.
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

The OdivaD wrote:That's incredible! I think I'll start putting that to music right away! \:D/

Top, maybe we could play that one as you walk down the aisle! \:D/
Yeah... and some of the words may be read dramatically instead of sung.

And the disco part I want the song that goes

da-da-da (<very fast) da da da (<slower) da-da-da (<very fast)

Anyway, you should add other verses and words too!

As for Top's wedding song... I have a better one:


*Top is wearing broadway-style black top-hat-black-suit-and-black-walking-cane-with-white-top.*

*CA is wearing a pretty wedding dress*

*the other ladies of Odyssey are behind them in polka dot skirts that reach to their knees and flaring red-and-white polka dot shirts. Their hair is tied up into two cute little ponytails at the ears and they are wearing bright yellow heeled shoes. They are the back-up singers*

*background- broadway stage*

*music is simply dandy*

Top: My name is Top

Ladies: Top-Top-Top

Top: I'm' the Top Crusader

*Top dances around the stage in a sort of broadway dance with his walking stick*

*ladies do a nice broadway dancing-background singers stuff like *

Ladies: The Top Crusader

CA in melodious voice: And I'm the Connnnnnntineeeental AAAAAaaaadmiral

*music stops and everyone stares at CA*

*music turns a little more marchy *

Top continues suddenlt, trying to sound like Mr. Doolittlein My Fair Lady but failing entirely "I'm the TOP CRUsader and I"M getting MARRIED IN THE MORNING!"

CA: Ding-dong the bells are gonna chime!

Ladies: Chime, Chimes, The bells are gonne chime for the Top Crusader.

Top: Elect me for mayor,

CA: Say another prayer,

Top and CA: But get us to the church on timeeeeee

Ladies: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Top: Get us to the church

CA: Get us to the church

Ladies: Get them to the church on timmeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Ladies chant: Uhuh uhuh uhuh....


*top and ca suddenly start ballroom dancing*

*top twirls ca and takes her hand. *

*they walk off 'into the sunset' *

*top turns his head back and says*

TOP: Toodle-doo

*Top turns about and then the curtain slowly closes.*

*while the curtain closes the ladies go*

Ladies 'softly': Get them to the church... on.... timeeeeeeeeeee."
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Post by Catspaw »

:lol: That's fabulous, hakeber! I love it! I can tell that you've definitely seen My Fair Lady at least once! I think that would be quite interesting! \:D/
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

Catspaw and Her Creampuff Annual Celebration Verse Preview

*enter catspaw wearing viking hat and opera costume*


Enter choir of opera singers singing:
Catspaw makes her creampuff, yeah, yeah,
Catspaw makes her creampuff, yeah, yeah,


choir of opera singers singing:
She threatens to put glass,
She's of her own class,
She has very little mass,
She is


Choir joins in: ANd her Creampuff!


Choir joins in: ANd her Creampuff!

CHoir getting louder and louder: Catspaw, Catspaw, Catspaw, Catspawwwww

Everyone: And her creampuff!

Catspaw: Don't forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgeetttttttttttttttttttttttt my naillllll fileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Choir chants:
Don't forget her nailfile
Don't forget her nailfile
Don't forget her nailfile
Don't forget her naifilllllllleeeeeeeeeeee


*censored off because this is only a preview*
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Post by Fei »

You two admins have been great and I honestly hate to see you guys step down. :)
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

They are not going to step down, their term is finishing. O_o

Here's a tribute to David O and JF777

Mixed Comments:
Youse r d admins,
Thank ya so much for stepping up to the plate
Wonderful admins! Thumbs Up!
David O and Sarah, I'm glad that you guys were admins this term and took care of the things! Dancing Yay! I'm sure that the Shadowpaw dude who you had to work with was a challenge, but you persevered! Good for you!

Hakeber's Comment: Youse were great! Your termw ould better if I won the election, however. I will continue your great work! Please vtoe Hakeber!
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Post by Fei »

Uh... that's what I meant. :P