606: "The Chosen One II"


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Post by Applesauce »

Well, I said last week that I didn't think there would be too many surprises in part two, and contrary to what everyone else said....I was wrong. I was very surprised (though pleased) by the notion that the Washingtons would be taking Kelly in. This season I'm finally liking the Washingtons more and more, and the addition of Kelly will just make it more interesting. Now, I knew that they would adopt Kelly the instant the idea came up, but this episode still managed to keep me interested all the way through despite my knowing the ending. The Washingtons came to the decision in a very interesting and believable way. I thought all the acting and reactions were realistic, and I loved the scene between Ed and Kelly at her house. I found it odd at first that there were two episodes in a row that dealt with Tamika's attitude, but this one brought it to a close in a very nice way. I think she's finally maturing.

I like how the writers seem to be really "shaking up" the lives of frequent characters these days. First you've got the Strausburgs, a family that's been around since '98 and is now separating (rather than Connie, who was brought to the show as the daughter in a broken family), and now the Washingtons, who have been around since the Novacom arc ended and are now adopting a (rather than the Mulligans, who came to the show and started adopting right from the beginning). These are families that we can relate to, and are now going through change. It really adds a great depth to the show.

One thing I was disappointed in was the fact that there was no closing to the storyline of Connie's book. That means that it definitely was erased. I was wishfully thinking that there would magically be another copy somewhere so that we could see what happened when she finally tried to publish it. However, this does add an interesting twist to Connie's story, and I completely understand why the writers did this. But I hope she tries re-writing it, even though I know I wouldn't want to if I had lost 650 pages of hard work!

Well, I wouldn't say this episode is "out of this world," but I did give it five stars. Great show! =D>
noname wrote:Next week's will be about Eugene, the Hand Up organization, and Leonard's notion from CoD that the organization is a waste of time.
You know this? How?

Anyway, I hope you're right. I really want at least one more LM ep this season. (Although I'd be mildly disappointed if there is no Christmas show this year.)

EDIT: never mind. I just heard the preview on whitsend.org. Can't wait. \:D/
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Post by LizzieG »

I liked it, but it was a little disappointing and predictable compared to the first part. That, and there are still many unanswered questions...though I'm looking forward to finding out those answers.

Four stars.

Oh, and I think The Undeniable Truth will be about Leonard Meltsner. At least I hope it will be. It would make sense to end with a cliffhanger episode about him.

EDIT: lol, just read the summary...never mind :-
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Post by Christian Cowgirl »

Prancer wrote: One thing I was disappointed in was the fact that there was no closing to the storyline of Connie's book. That means that it definitely was erased. I was wishfully thinking that there would magically be another copy somewhere so that we could see what happened when she finally tried to publish it. However, this does add an interesting twist to Connie's story, and I completely understand why the writers did this. But I hope she tries re-writing it, even though I know I wouldn't want to if I had lost 650 pages of hard work!
I still don't like this part of the ep. either. And I thought some would have pointed it out by now that theres almost no way a 10 year old would know how to completly erase files off a hard drive unless she reformated. Which she didn't because that was "the only thing" missing off the computer. If Kelly would have just deleted the file Eugene should have been able to recover it.
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Yeah, the file erasing was kind of weird. There's no way a 10 year old, let alone most people, would know how to completely remove a file from the system. She would have needed to install software to do it and then run that software on the system to permanently erase that block of data. Even reformatting the hard drive wouldn't completely destroy it (I had a hard drive corrupted just last month and I needed to retrieve some files. In doing so, I came across files I haven't seen in years... and I reformat a couple of times a year!)

A file can be deleted, sure, and most families or companies wouldn't know how to retrieve it, but someone who has spent his entire life on computers, like Eugene, would realize it takes a lot for a file to be completely erased. Hearing Eugene, the resident computer genius, reluctantly give up and say that there's no way to retrieve the file.. well, it just kinda pulled me out of it. When you delete a file, it tells the system to "free" that space up so it can be used, if needed, by something else. Kellie would not only need to find where that file was stored on the hard-drive (not an easy thing to do), but she would need to overwrite it 100's of times before the data is destroyed completely. Because even if part of it was destroyed, a good portion of it could still be retrieved (and considering this was a text based document, it would be relatively easy to track down the corrupted data and salvage what was left.)

This of course says nothing about the motivation Kellie had in deleting the file in the first place. Which really had no weight... I mean if Connie decided to write a story about Kellie's life and had included this story in her book, I could see Kellie maybe going to those lengths. But over a dedication? A dedication that doesn't matter anyway because Kellie refused to give her last name? It just seemed like a forced event to create some conflict for Connie that will play into future episodes (kind of like Connie firing Lucy in "Camp What-A-Nut.") I'm all for conflicts to play out over multiple shows, but when the conflict itself isn't believeable, it's hard to muster any kind of interest in it.

I did like Connie's reaction to the event though, and that she didn't change her opinion. It wasn't so neatly tied up like other aspects of the episode were, some disappointingly so (I didn't really like how part 1 built up the show to keep listeners tuned in, only to have everything happen off site (the mother being found, Kellie being found, Kellie telling her side of the story, the court stuff etc...). Having Whit just "explain" everything seemed to jar the pacing of the episodes, and the incredibly delayed reaction of Whit/Eugene/Connie putting together the possibility that Kellie had something to do with the theft of the money seemed beyond belief.

Overall, I think the episode was good... but there was a lot of stuff that held it back from being better than good.
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Post by paschott »

Well, we're going through the Foster process right now. This episode touched me because of that. When Kelly was kicked out in part 1, I felt for the character. I was glad to hear the Washington family's thought process when trying to figure out whether they could handle another kid in the house. It was especially touching considering that this is a tough decision and foster kids generally have been in some really rough places. Kelly's character actually was pretty believable (and mild) in that light.

Just a quick note on the process - the Washington's aren't necessarily adopting her. They are providing foster care. Kelly will be in their care, but she's still not their kid legally. She is in the state's care and the whole thing opens up the door to either bring Kelly's family in (through the legal proceedings, visits, etc) or to move towards adopting Kelly if the mother loses custody.

Personally, I would like to see something worked out where Kelly's mom gets into the picture and gets the help that she needs to straighten out their lives. Kelly doesn't necessarily have to move away, but some sort of mentoring process would be great. If they go the adoption route, they need to show Kelly's emotions as she realizes that she won't be going back to her mom. That's a pretty big change for any kid. Even as nice as the Washingtons are, Kelly's going to be a handful as her emotions go on a roller coaster of highs (being chosen) and lows (disconnected from everything she's ever known).

Related to this, I'm glad to see that Odyssey is exploring the idea of foster parenting. It's a great process and a place where we are really needed to make a difference. Kids in the foster system really need someone to love them and help them realize that they are valuable. Also, if we don't take them into a loving home and show them that God loves them, who will? There are others out there who may be in it for less altruistic reasons and that just doesn't help the children. Latest I've heard is that with the growth of drug labs, kids are more in need than ever. :(

All in all, I liked this two-parter and look forward to seeing the development of this plot line.

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Post by Aelwyn »

Thanks for explaining the foster process. :) I think it would be cool if it ended up that someone in Odyssey adopted Kelly - if not the Washington's, soneone else.
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Post by Fei »

I felt that it was imcomplete. I wish this question was answered: Will she get punished or ask for forgivness for Connie's book?
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Post by paschott »

Sounds like the book thing will be an upcoming plot line. I still don't quite understand how it can be deleted beyond Eugene's ability to recover. Reading the data recovery services stories, they can recover from almost anything. Even if Kelly's a prodigy when it comes to computers, she wouldn't be able to totally erase one file. That just takes more expertise than most people have, let alone a 10 year old.
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Post by Nathan Hoobler »

Santapaw wrote:Yeah, the file erasing was kind of weird. There's no way a 10 year old, let alone most people, would know how to completely remove a file from the system. She would have needed to install software to do it and then run that software on the system to permanently erase that block of data. Even reformatting the hard drive wouldn't completely destroy it (I had a hard drive corrupted just last month and I needed to retrieve some files. In doing so, I came across files I haven't seen in years... and I reformat a couple of times a year!)
It would be hard for a 10-year-old to completely erase a file...on a PC. But we don't know that Connie had a PC. Connie's pretty cool and hip so she'd probably have a Mac. Overwriting is easier on a Mac. (What isn't?) Choose "Secure Empty Trash" from the Finder menu and everything's overwritten.

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Post by Macnut »

Nathan Hoobler wrote:Overwriting is easier on a Mac. (What isn't?)
I've always liked you Nathan! :D

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Post by Fei »

That is very true! I did that once with five school assignments and I somehow put those files in the trash and later I deleted them! Ofcourse, Connie is cool and she must not have a PC! ;)
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Post by Smaug the Dragon »

You know, maybe Kelly didn't delete the files at all! Maybe some computer genius (you never know!) had a good reason why that book shouldn't get pulished and deleted it all. Of course I'm almost certaintly completely wrong and will just end up looking like an eejit!

Anyway I really liked this episode and I thought that Tamika's reaction was very well done and relistic. I knew that the Washingtons would adopt Kelly as soon as the idea was mentioned but I still enjoyed listening to them trying to figure out what to do. I almost wished that Tamika would mention the Los Perros Frescosto Kelly and say that her brother used to write music too. Oh, one point that I forgot to mention last week was, why was Ed so amazed that Kelly wrote songs at 10? Wasn't Tamika 10 too? Maybe he just thought it was amazing to find another 10 year old song writer? Anyway all in all a great episode, that I forgot to write the review for until now, which kind of stinks because all the points I wanted to make have pretty much been made already by someone else. :(

4 stars to 4 and 1/2 stars (maybe 4.25 ;) )
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Post by Jonathan »

Elrohir wrote:The only thing I didn't like is that it seemed to overemphasize the goodness of Man.
I noticed that too. And it bugged me.

While this ep (which I only just heard--yay for working full time) wasn't nearly as good as part 1, I still enjoyed it. Sure, there wasn't any mystery really, but it felt real. For example, after the kids were dismissed from the family meeting and Ed and Elaine started talking, it hit me; the Washingtons are real! Seriously, it wasn't wacky or anything! I liked it.

And while I am glad that Kelly is being adopted or whatever (which wasn't a surprise in the least) I did think that the ending was, well, cheesy. But then again, I'm not very emotional like Ed and Elaine appearently are.

So only two complaints, and one I can deal with. 3.5 stars.

And on a final note, I want to listen to two old eps b/c of this. Hold-up for one (since they had the 'good person' issue down pat) and Suspicious Minds--I listened to it in the car while driving back to college on Sunday, and it came to mind when Connie and Whit were talking about the cash register and money and what not ^_^
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Post by #1KellyFan »

Anyway, back to the episode itself. I like Kelly, only wanted my mother to love me. The other things I have in common with Kelly are we are both musically gifted and we both enjoy writing our own songs. And we are both very sweet most of the time. But unlike Kelly, I DO NOT smoke and I have never stolen from anyone. Also, I’m not as manipulative as she is.

Before I continue with this review, I want to clear up one thing that keeps coming up in a lot of posts. Kelly DID ERASE CONNIE’S BOOK. She erased it because she didn’t want Connie to put her name in the book for fear her mother would find her.

Now that that is out of the way, on with my review.

As for why Kelly sent back the money she stole, she knew it was the right thing to do. Kelly is good deep down and that goodness got the better of her in that instance.

As for Connie mentioning Mitch and Budapest, she did. I’ve listened to the Chosen One at least twenty times since it aired and I have memorized the entire episode. Kelly: “Do you have a boyfriend? Connie says, :Had. He moved to Budapest. And I don’t want this to get all depressing.” That is when Kelly mentions the top ten reasons Mitch liked Boot pest more than he liked me.

As for Kelly not wanting her name in the book, I think I know why. Even though her mother didn’t care about her, Kelly was still afraid of her mother finding her and taking her back. I know that feeling. Also, Kelly was NOT lying about her mother beating her. If you remember in the beginning scene, Kelly’s mother hit her with the frying pan Kelly destroyed while making her dinner.

Also, the Washingtons’ take Kelly in after she comes to Witsend. That’s how they are introduced to her. They don’t find her anywhere. They get to know her once she arrives at Witsend. And it’s Ed who meets Kelly first.

The one scene that got me was when Kelly is in the park and holding the doll Ed gave her. When she starts crying after pressing it a few times, I almost started crying too. I know how it feels to want nothing more than to be loved by someone you know is supposed to love you, but never will.

And the episode title refers to Kelly being chosen by the Washingtons’ as well as by God. Eugene sums it up in his talk with Ed. Eugene: “I don’t know if I would have been able to put it into words at the time, but it was very nice to be chosen. Maybe it would make a difference in Kelly’s life as well. Just to be chosen.”

The one funny line from Eugene was when he says that the family who took him in had children who moved out shortly after he arrived! GOL!
Overall, this episode was amazing and it is def my first favorite!
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