Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Post by bookworm »

Widely held as one of the few good things in the prequels, people have been saying for years that despite being disappointed by those movies they would be interested in seeing more of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. It's finally happening!

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Post by Catspaw »

This looks awesome! I was already planning to watch and this teaser trailer has definitely raised my interest even more.
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Post by Termite »

Anyone else start dramatically weeping at "we lost," or was it just me? \:D/

Moving on - I'm so excited for where this goes. The fact that the Inquisitors are in it (which definitely adds intrigue to the storytelling due to Rebels), little Luke, Owen able to heap great amount of trauma on Obi Wan. . .never mind Hayden. I'm sure we're getting flashbacks, but I am totally down for a duel with Vader as well. It'd probably be the last time we get James Earl Jones as the voice, so I think it'd be worth it.

Also, it's going to be interesting to see how they handle Obi Wan's personal journey. I have a feeling he's going to be quite bitter and depressed and that we'll get to see that arc back to where he is in A New Hope.

In summary: :panic:
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Post by Catspaw »

Yes, little Luke is so cute! Termite, I hadn't even thought about this might be the last time for James Earl Jones to do the voice. That's all the more reason to be excited.
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Post by Dr. Watson »

I'm so excited to watch Kenobi! :) Seeing the inquisitors in the trailer was cool, and I really hope they bring Vader back for a duel. If Hayden Christiansen is back, then there may also be flashbacks to Clone Wars era with Obi Wan and Anakin. :)
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Post by Termite »

Dr. Watson wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:13 pm I'm so excited to watch Kenobi! :) Seeing the inquisitors in the trailer was cool, and I really hope they bring Vader back for a duel. If Hayden Christiansen is back, then there may also be flashbacks to Clone Wars era with Obi Wan and Anakin. :)
. . .did you watch the new trailer?? Because I think it's happening. I hope it's happening. I will WEEP if it happens, but I so hope is happens \:D/
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Post by Steve »

This is looking like it's going to be the best piece of new Star Wars content since the Clone Wars series finale.
he/him | a little stinker.
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Post by Catspaw »

It looks really good! I'm getting excited about it. With other weekly releases on Disney Plus, I've often waited and watched a couple at a time, sometimes more for practical reasons because my brother and I will watch it "together" (both hit play at the same time an hour apart while talking on the phone) and it can be hard to find a good time. I have a feeling that I'll want to watch this one as soon as episodes are available and then rewatch later for the continuous experience.
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Post by Stephen P »

Definitely looking forward to this!
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Post by Termite »

Bumping this to say the third episode released today (1 and 2 were only out on Friday because of SW Celebration), and I was shrieking/crying/wheezing/all the things. WOW, did they do an incredible job with this show.

If you want some of my more nerdy/rambly thoughts, then here. Be warned: it's a lot. I don't have much of an outlet for talking about it :anxious:
Spoilers for episode 1:
First off: :panic:

I have cried at multiple points every single episode. I can't believe we're getting Obi-Wan and Vades back after all these years.

I LOVE the fact that he has cut himself off from the Force and is barely surviving. The trauma, the nightmares, the need to just make it for Luke's sake - wowowow. Survivor's guilt is real, and it's heartbreaking.

BUT. The fact that he has cut off the Force, and he can't contact Qui-Gon?? Ugh. I so hope we get to hear their first communication after Obi-Wan opens back up and comes back to himself.

Owen Lars has ALL the audacity, and I am here for it.

Obi-Wan tried to give Luke the same toy he's playing with on the Falcon in A New Hope djfakjsdhfa.

I was NOT expecting Alderaan; I'm so happy to see it after just reading Leia: Princess of Alderaan. It's beautiful! Also, the young Leia is PHENOMENAL. Carrie Fisher would've loved her :')

Bail is a bamf, and no I won't comment further.

ANYWAY. The Inquisitors. I would have liked the Grand Inquisitor to have been played by the actor from Rebels, but whatever-his-name-is (I forgot, oops) is doing really well. For not having watched any of Rebels, he's pulling off the cadence of speech so well. And the others all look fantastic.
Episode 2:
The fact that Obi-Wan started acting more like himself once he was on a mission. . .the mannerisms, the beard-stroking, the robe - omw.

Can't remember if it was episode 1 or 2 where he dug up the lightsabers, but the fact that he buried Anakin's with his. . . :(

Again: young Leia is UNREAL. The way she carries herself in this role is incredible. The sass, the smarts, the everything is so spot on. And my favorite thing is that she is physically so tiny. She's perfect. And the way she gets under his skin and figures him out. . .

I was hoping for a "you floated me!!" comment after Obi-Wan caught her. But the fact that he struggled and is using his fists/blaster (so uncivilized) - akjsdhfa. It's being so well-done. His struggle is so obvious. But the comment about Leia reminding him of Padmé. . .gah, right in the feels.

Other feels: the 501st veteran begging. My only solace is that if Tem Morrison was around, then he's probably going to at least cameo as Rex in the Ahsoka series. . .maybe Cody. . .eek.

ANYWAY, the end with Reva and the Grand Inquisitor was interesting. BUT since he's in Rebels all's well. I have another theory on this, but it's relevant to the next episode so I'll pop it under there.

Ngl, I was hoping the transport was going to feature the one and only Hondo Ohnaka, but that's okay xD

But the END. "Anakin." dsdjkhf

There are a lot of theories that Reva is the youngling shown during Order 66 in the first episode, and I think they're right. It would explain her hatred for Obi-Wan, considering he sent out the message telling all Jedi to stay away from the Temple. Never mind the fact that she may have seen Anakin cut down the other younglings. . .only to be taken in by him if he sensed the dark side in her.
Aaaand episode 3:

So that scene was horrible yet fascinating to watch. ANYWAY, as soon as Vades promised Reva the position of Grand Inquisitor I had a thought about it. I think she's too much of a loose cannon to be trusted in leadership, so while she is useful for tracking down Obi-Wan, as soon as she's finished with that she's dead. There's no way Vades would trust someone with her power and ambition to be his second. Why would she stop there when she could take HIS place?? Anyway. There's an interesting fact about the character posters as well - take note of the silhouette in each eye. It's definitely connected to this.

Anyway. Obi-Wan again struggling with the Force. Omw. Then the conversation about Padmé. . .heartbreaking. But I love that some of Obi-Wan's fighting spirit is returning. Until he thought he saw Anakin in one piece, especially knowing what he did to Ani. Gah.

Quinlan Vos lives!! Hoping he'll appear in a later project.

I know some people are frustrated with the amount of time Leia is having in this, but I love it. I love that Obi-Wan opened up to her in a way he hasn't in years, that he gave Leia her first lesson about the Force, and that we get to see just how important she is (like Bail said in episode 1). Because she is. And the fact that she names her son after him and jumps at the mention of his name in A New Hope. . .it just fits so well. It's heartbreaking but oh so satisfying.

But wow. WOW.

Lord Vader has returned with all of the Skywalker dramatics. However, I think this episode just goes to show why Vades is the greatest film/TV villain of all time. The ruthlessness, but the way he toyed with Obi-Wan. . .never mind dragging him through fire just to let him go so Vades can torment him further later. . .I was shocked. Literally " :shock: " the entirety of their exchange.

"I am what you made me." Chills.

And the "duel." Or rather, the way Obi-Wan had his rear handed to him. Omw.

I'm excited to see Leia needle Reva a bit next week. It's nice to know she's not *really* in danger, but I'm still nervous. Very hopeful that Obi-Wan gets in touch with Qui-Gon while recuperating, and that we get flashbacks.
Unfortunately, the racist response to Moses Ingram (she plays the Third Sister) has overshadowed some of my excitement. . .even Ewan McGregor hopped online to address it. People :roll:

Just don't be racist. Period.
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Oh my word, the third episode... :thud: :thud: :thud:

I think this series easily tops all the other Star Wars TV series so far, in quality. Everything is just done so superbly and no scene feels out of place or draggy. It's just pure adrenaline each episode. =D>
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Post by The Top Crusader »

First two episodes I was basically, “oh, okay. This is fine. Kind of fun. Only six episodes so I’ll definitely watch it.”

Then the third episode completely knocked it out of the park. I hope it can maintain the momentum and not just decide he like “oh and hey let’s focus on some weird teen gang with different colored speeder bikes for an episode.”
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Post by Pound Foolish »

I'm kind of tired of these shows all being so short, first off. But I agree with everyone, they're really delivering! It has stupid Star Wars-conrball moments. I laughed aloud when Leia outran all those grown men for so long. And she just keeps outrunning people, Obi-Wan must be truly out of shape if he can't keep up with a little kiddo. But when it really matters, the writing works beautifully. Darth Vader is as intimidating as ever, they have not messed him up at all. He's given very few lines so that each has an effect, just like in the films. THe third episode kicked things in high gear with all the cruelty on display from Vader. That fourth episode was a high point for sure, probably the best episode so far.
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Post by Catspaw »

Termite, thanks for sharing such detailed thoughts. I love seeing everyone's perspective on the show.
I also love little Leia. She is just precious and totally bring the Leia spirit.

Since I am abundantly modest, I just want to brag that as soon as Reva said she planted a tracker, I figured out right away that it was on Lola the ladybug.
I don't want spoilers and I really want to know what happens, so I am watching each week. It's all so good that I want to rewatch the whole thing close together after all the episodes are out.
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Post by Termite »

Catspaw, thanks for reading!! There's more for ya if you dare. . .xD

Sooo...anyone else burst into tears 20 seconds into episode 5, or was that just me?? In my defense, I was was not expecting it in the least, and I'm exhausted, but still!

But oh. my. word. The end of the episode.

Episode 5 spoilers \/
Okay, to start off: there were several Ahsoka parallels. The way Vader was standing at the viewport is what she does in CW S7 EP11 (I think) right before Order 66. The double sabers. The literal pulling a ship down* (even though Ahsoka let Maul go in CW S7 ep 12? She's not really relevant to Obi Wan's story, so I'm assuming this is all we'll "see" of her, but wowowow.

*Side note: everyone's talking about Rey and Starkiller (video game) holding ships (though the latter actually pulled it down), but no one's mentioned Ahsoka having the same strength, and I'm salty about it lol.

I'm sure people are going to complain about the de-aging technology, but they can't overdo it, so I still enjoyed it. The padawan braid. The mullet. Classic banter dfjhjsdhfa. The way the flashback interspersed with the episode.

Leia! I adore this actress. "I'm going to need a ladder." She IS the princess of Alderaan. It was just enough to keep her engaged without taking the focus off the rest of the episode!

Reva. I mean, most everyone guessed she was the youngling, but the confirmation!! The fact that she had to play dead among her friends. . . :(
no wonder she's mad all the time.

Tala and her droid made me really sad, too. And the actress said she played Tala as totally crushing on Obi-Wan, which I liked seeing hints of in their chat. Like, same, ma'am.

The fact that Obi-Wan held off a platoon. He's coming back more and more each episode! I can't wait to see him go full force next week!

Also, I would like to point out that I was right about the Grand Inquisitor \:D/ He's baaack, and Vades was playing Reva the entire time. So now she's going after Luke, which is going to be interesting.

But Vades. Lord Vader. This. THIS is why he is the greatest villain. The saunter through the base (Hoth, anyone??), the way he yanked down and ripped apart a freighter without hardly moving. The way he toyed with Reva by literally waving a hand around. The fact that he had her figured out from the start and was just waiting for this moment. He is Vader in his PRIME and I am HERE for it. Even if his is an intergalactic terrorist. My man was KILLING it.

. . .though you'd think he would have learned from personal experience not to leave someone for dead xD Especially after the GI's quip about revenge keeping him alive. Foreshadowing much??
Anyway, they're already tossing around rumors for a season 2, and Hayden Christensen reportedly wants a Vader spin-off. I'm hoping the latter comes to fruition, but I'm not sure about the former. . .you can tell the work they put into this series, and forcing a second season may take away from that. But we'll see.

Aeva and I are planning on WhatsApp-ing next week so we can watch the finale (and cry) together, and I'm so excited. This series is giving us the best of Star Wars, especially today's episode.
Catspaw wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:35 pmI don't want spoilers and I really want to know what happens, so I am watching each week. It's all so good that I want to rewatch the whole thing close together after all the episodes are out.
End of season binges are the best!
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Post by Catspaw »

Termite wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:51 pm Catspaw, thanks for reading!! There's more for ya if you dare. . .xD
I dare! ;) You clearly know more than me and make me think that I really must watch Rebels sooner rather than later. I always meant to, I just haven't yet. I appreciate your thoughts and how you share some stuff that I didn't know, in addition to your awesome personal thoughts..

Termite wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:51 pmEpisode 5 spoilers \/
I'm sure people are going to complain about the de-aging technology, but they can't overdo it, so I still enjoyed it. The padawan braid. The mullet. Classic banter dfjhjsdhfa. The way the flashback interspersed with the episode.

Leia! I adore this actress. "I'm going to need a ladder." She IS the princess of Alderaan. It was just enough to keep her engaged without taking the focus off the rest of the episode!
I was talking on the phone with my brother as we watched "together" and I saw the padawan braid and said, "Oh my goodness!" and then Anakin turned around and my brother realized what I meant. *high fives herself for being awesome* The technology is so good that I had to assume they were using it, since a lot of years have gone by ;) but it wasn't super obvious, in my opinion. If I saw that clip with no knowledge of the actors or their ages, I don't think I would have questioned if it was just them without the de-aging.

I loved that like from little Leia too! She is so cute and such a good fit for Leia's determination and spirit.
Termite wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:51 pmTala and her droid made me really sad, too. And the actress said she played Tala as totally crushing on Obi-Wan, which I liked seeing hints of in their chat. Like, same, ma'am.
Yes, the droid part was sweet. I was definitely catching that crush vibe too, and I hadn't seen that comment from the actress. Good call! I thought maybe she would see her end in the previous episode. She definitely made an impact on the storyline...and Obi-Wan!
Termite wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:51 pm. . .though you'd think he would have learned from personal experience not to leave someone for dead xD Especially after the GI's quip about revenge keeping him alive. Foreshadowing much??
Yeah, I'm sure that will all work out just fine for red flags here. O:)
Termite wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:51 pm
Catspaw wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:35 pmI don't want spoilers and I really want to know what happens, so I am watching each week. It's all so good that I want to rewatch the whole thing close together after all the episodes are out.
End of season binges are the best!
So true!
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Post by Stephen P »

I really enjoyed the season closer.
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Post by Catspaw »

Yes, so good! :thud: I thought they did a great job of bringing a sense of closure to a show that we know is within a much bigger story. I liked some happy moments amidst all the angst...because that's just the kind of person I am. ;)
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