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Post by SirWhit »

Not sure. Maybe as an experiment to see how it does? Or maybe to try to get a more classic-esque feel. Classic Who four-parters are essentially the same length as New Who two-parters, I think.
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Post by Woody »

Well, these next two episodes are stand-alones. But I would imagine it's due to how poorly received Series 7 (and a few of the Series 8 stand-alones) was. Anyways, since Series 9 has been consistently the best series yet, I'd say the two-parters are definitely a good thing! ;)

And just to put it out there, a Classic Who four-parter would be 10 minutes longer than a New Who two-parter.
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Post by Taps »

But seriously guys... What an incredible episode. Can't wait to see what they accomplish with the last two of the series. Series 9 has honestly without a doubt been my favorite of nu Who. Simply incredible stuff.
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Post by The Kings Daughter »

That was so appropriate and well done. I had hoped that Clara would find someone (maybe someone who needed a Nanny?) to live for/die for again, but as for where they were in Clara's storyline, this was very well done and appropriate. She decided to run nonstop with the Doctor for the rest of her life...and you can't last forever. I wish she had 'sacrificed' for Rigsly, but it was in character that she did it as a tactical maneuver. Her talking about Danny and running showed where she was at this series...but her speech to the Doctor showed her old caring heart.

That's one thing that disappointed me about her character from series 7-9 though. She started out as a Nanny and kid-lover and person full of wonder, then she progressed to a more self-focused person (still caring though) who loved two people very much, and then she just became like the Twelfth Doctor. She lost what really made her so, so helpful and empathetic towards those around her.

Overall though, I approve very much. Which makes this the first companion leaving I've ever been able to say that for.

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Post by Woody »

Ooooooh, I have written so much about this episode. Well, the last ten minutes, I mean.

In short: I'm very disappointed in this end for Clara. I'm currently hoping against hope that Moffat will pull one of his famous death retcons here, because I am so very unsatisfied with this.

I've written well over 1000 words in comments on Doctor Who TV about this, and since I'd rather not go through the emotional turmoil of writing it all again, I'll simply quote a few of my comments here:
I desperately hope this isn't the true end of Clara Oswald. Her goodbye speech was great, very true to her character, but the circumstances leading to her death? No. This death was for a different character. This death was meant for a reckless Clara Oswald. The one that was supposed to be developed this season. But until this episode, that development was entirely in word, not deed. And that... It just feels wrong. Though I must admit, Sarah Dollard did an amazing job with the impossible task of developing Clara to this point in just a single episode.

Then there's the fact that she died at all. Clara is my favorite companion. I want better for her. I think she deserves better, and yes, is owed better. I don't know how I can ever look at Clara the same way after seeing this. Her soul was literally sucked out of her. How can I go back, and see her alive, without thinking of her standing in that street, screaming and dying? Without, like the Doctor says, seeing ghosts?

Then there's the fact that we knew this was coming. The foreshadowing was overbearingly obvious, which to me casts a shadow over the entire season, which is a shame, because it's been an amazing season. My #1 priority when watching or reading a story is that it should surprise me. I'm not surprised. And I'm desperately clinging to the hope that since Moffat said I would be, that this isn't the end of the story.

Not to mention the fact that the Doctor just stood there. He saved Ashildr (And how I wish he hadn't), why wouldn't he save Clara? The man's a 2000-year-old freaking Time Lord genius with a time machine, and he can't fix this? Even I can think of ways to save her! Force the sentence onto yourself, Doctor. Or use your regeneration energy to resurrect her. Isn't she worth more to you than Davros? People will say that wouldn't work, well I don't care. The Doctor should have tried something, the Doctor would try something. But the Doctor wasn't there, we were stuck with whoever he was referring to when he said Ashildr was stuck with him.
Even though it hurts, I'm choosing to remain in the hope phase. We've got two episodes left, and I can't believe the Doctor won't try to fix this... *crosses fingers*
It's strange, mourning a fictional character… but I genuinely am. For the first several hours after watching the episode, it just felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I just can't stop thinking about the fact that my Clara is gone… it really feels like a close friend has just died before my very eyes. It's awful.
Right now, I'm in a state of denial. I'm grasping at straws, hoping against hope that this isn't the end. I've always been against resurrecting dead characters, I’ve always thought it unrealistic. But right now, I don't care about reality. Reality hurts bad enough, must fiction hurt as well? Let Clara have a happy ending. She's done so much for the Doctor, she's endeared herself to so many fans… She is, essentially, the Sarah Jane of New Who. I wish she could have as nice an ending. That I could go back and watch her episodes thinking of her as a now-earthbound schoolteacher who occasionally fights aliens in her own spin-off, like she deserved. Instead, I'll think of that dead-eyed stare as the smoke leaks out of her mouth… I honestly think that image will haunt my rewatches of Series 7-9 for the rest of time…
Farewell, Clara Oswald. Please, just stop being dead. One more impossible miracle. For me. For the Doctor. For all of us. Please.
Unfortunately, I have fears that this Golden Age of Doctor Who will die with Clara Oswald. I really believe that the dynamic shared by Capaldi and Coleman is what made Series 8 & 9 so great, and what has brought us to this pinnacle of the revived era. I will sorely miss their bantering, their mutual respect, the complete lack of romance, and especially those rare hugs. It's a shame how little we saw of them together this Series.

I do, however, have high hopes for this year's Christmas Special. Both Peter and Alex are such wonderful actors. I'm not sure what their interactions will be like, but one thing I am sure of: It will be fantastic.

I desperately hope the next actor to take on the companion mantle will be able to live up to the high standards Jenna has set. It seems like an insurmountable task, so I'm trying to keep my expectations low. Nevertheless, I have a lot of confidence in the casting of this show. Of course, regardless of the companion, I'm confident that Peter Capaldi could carry the show by himself. But I have doubts that anyone can reach the heights achieved by Twelve and Clara.

Of course, I used to think no one could possibly beat Ten and Donna. Boy was I wrong.
Overall, I'm just really disappointed that this happened, and that we were forced to actually watch her die. I'm not joking when I say that Clara's entire era is scarred for me now. I can't even watch Deep Breath, because of that scene where Strax says she's going to live a long life. I can't even look at filming pictures for Victoria (Jenna's new show) without crying. Every time I watch a YouTube tribute video, I just can't get the picture of that dead-eyed stare out of my head. Series 8 & 9 are my 3rd and 1st place series, and I'm genuinely scared that I can never watch them again.

I can't help it. I'm mourning. I'm seriously stricken with grief right now. I don't even understand how it's possible for me to be so distraught over a fictional character, but I am...

And don't mock me for it. I punched the last guy that did.

I'll leave you with these wonderful articles I read last week about why Clara shouldn't die, as well as my alternate ending to the episode itself: ... -78037.htm ... -78125.htm
Oh yeah, and I wrote an article for the 52nd anniversary yesterday: ... -78288.htm
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Post by The Kings Daughter »

^ I don't think I'd mind that at all...even though I think that I can be okay with and even approve where last week left off (story wise....emotional wise...well, I was trying not to think about that bit) But Jenna is in the second part of the finale, looks probable. I thought that maybe they would just have 12 meet another version of Clara and he would be happy that part of her still lives on...but the alternative is that he does try to save her. Because he wouldn't sit idly by. And they did call Clara's leaving an 'arc', so...:)

"Steven [Moffat] and I sat down a year and a half ago and tried to work out the best place to do it and tell a really good story. We're not going to give any details, but it will happen at some point this season. ... We worked out a really good story arc out, so hopefully people will love it." (article)

“Literally I have nothing in mind for Clara, she’s vanished from the fictional universe forever. But I think what she’s going to do by the end of this series will shock, horrify and surprise you, in roughly that order.” ([url= ... -77554.htm[/url])

Well, we've had shock and we've had horror...Let's hope the furpise is going to be a splendid one. ;)

Edit: We haven't heard anything more about a hybrid in this series, have we? Or was Osgood the hybrid?

(And for the record, I don't think your weird. Losing fictional people does feel like losing friends to varying extents. :/ )
Last edited by The Kings Daughter on Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Taps »

Not to overhype "Heaven Sent" or anything, but it is without a doubt one of the best Doctor Who stories I have ever seen. The writing, directing and acting was superb, the story has endless replay value, the cliffhanger was excellent and it's just all around one of the most satisfying, engaging and masterful pieces of artistic drama I have ever seen. Simply incredible stuff. This season is fantastic, and I seriously cannot wait for the finale. If the finale is even close to as good as Heaven Sent or the rest of the season it may be my favorite season of Dr. Who of all time, period. Incredible stuff.
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Post by The Kings Daughter »


I have never been so perfectly pleased with a Companion's departure.

And I would have been mad if he had never remembered Clara at all. But that bit at the diner and then her parting 'gifts' to him. Per. Fect. <3<3
Last edited by The Kings Daughter on Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Shennifer »

really, really good finale. I am pleased.
though it is bittersweet, I liked that Clara is going to travel as long as she can, with Me, until she has to go back and die. really wonderful send off for actress I believe
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Post by Woody »

The more I think about it, the more I love this ending. It really completes Clara's development. Her arc over Series 8 & 9 was that she was becoming more and more like the Doctor. Now, she is just like him, right down to her own TARDIS and companion.

And that final diner scene is simply beautiful. The reveal that Clara knew exactly who the Doctor was, and he had no idea, was sad. And it was beautiful. The greatest thing is, even though the Doctor forgot her, he remembers her now. That was Clara's gift to him, through the diner. She gave him back his TARDIS, which had her picture on it. They will meet again. The universe is a very small place when the Doctor wants to find you.

And just saying, I will be extremely upset if we don't get a Clara/Ashildr spin-off now.
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Post by Shennifer »

New video, the first of many. Will be posting a new video reviewing the past Christmas specials leading up to the latest one

enjoy! :)


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Post by Woody »

Just a note to you lot, I won't be seeing the Christmas Special until December 28th, as I'm waiting to see it in theaters, so PLEASE NO SPOILERS!
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Post by SirWhit »

Bump: series 10 premieres in a week.

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Post by Woody »

Isn't it exciting? =D

Also, to anyone who hasn't been keeping up with Who news but plans on watching the series, avoid any and all news related to Doctor Who. A massive spoiler leaked last week, and believe me, you don't want to know.
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Post by Marvin D. »

Woody wrote:Isn't it exciting? =D

Also, to anyone who hasn't been keeping up with Who news but plans on watching the series, avoid any and all news related to Doctor Who. A massive spoiler leaked last week, and believe me, you don't want to know.

are you referring to
John Simm returning as the Master?

because I wouldn't count that as a spoiler, merely promotional material...
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Post by Woody »

Well, most assume Simm's return is what Moffat was referring to here, and if he considers it a spoiler, so do I.

As for it being a spoiler on its own merit, well, a multi-Master episode is a first for the show, and a pretty big one in my opinion. I would rather have been in the dark.
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Post by SirWhit »

Update: ... -83827.htm
Really excited for Extremis, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, and World Enough and Time. I wonder who dies in World Enough and Time...Possibly Bill?
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Post by Woody »

Okay, this has my speculative brain going crazy
It's just occurred to me, we still haven't seen Twelve go back to help the other Doctors save Gallifrey. What better way to send Twelve off than to return to the moment when we first saw him? And going out a fighter? What greater fight is there for the Doctor than the fight to save Gallifrey and end the Time War? \:D/
Dang it, I hate it when I figure out the plan in advance :(
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Post by SirWhit »

He had the old TARDIS interior during that scene though....Which I suppose could just be chalked up to them not having a new design yet, but I always assumed that he just popped over during the time he was gone in Deep Breath.
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