Celebrate the ToO by sharing what it means/has meant to you!

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Celebrate the ToO by sharing what it means/has meant to you!

Post by Catspaw »

The ToO has meant so much in so many different ways to people over the past decade, and this thread is a place to share the impact that the ToO has had on your life. It could be through the friends you've made, discussions you've had, ways that the ToO has contributed to your growth, or whatever feels significant to you. People are certainly not limited to only one thing - if you have a ton of stuff you want to share, please go ahead and tell us! :D If one line is all you want to share right now, that's all good too.

I know that we have lots of members who are no longer on regularly but still felt it's impact over the past ten years in some way. (Example: multiple couples met on the ToO, fell in love, got married, and now claim to be too busy to be on the ToO!) :mad:

I'm sure that I'll end up posting again, but one thing that stands out to be are friendships with people that I never would have met otherwise. I've had the chance to get to know some great people and visit places with them/to see them that I wouldn't have done otherwise. Even when seasons change and people get busy or have other priorities, there are still great memories and the ability to connect again instantly over shared experiences that I retain.

One of my most embarrassing memories comes from a trip to see a fellow ToOer. My best friend and I planned a trip to go shopping and hang out not too far from where somebody else was for university, so we planned to meet for lunch. I was driving as we had to cross the Canada/US border, which I previously has usually done with one of my parents driving, and I was caught off-guard when the border guard asked me what we were planning to do. I said something like, "Shopping....[awkward pause while my brain decided that I should share more] and meeting a friend." Then came the question of, "How do you know this friend?" I didn't just want to say "from the internet" so my answer ended up being a bit of a mess as I tried to explain truthfully without sounding like a crazy person, which apparently was not very successful, since I was then asked to pop my trunk so she could look inside. Oh dear. Luckily the guard must have figured out that I was an innocent crazy-sounding person and we were soon on our way, but my best friend still brings that story up every now and then and we laugh. It's funnier now than it was at the time! :lol: I have never done such a thing again at the border! \:D/ Another lesson taught through the power of the ToO!
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Post by JesusFreak777 »

Wow! I don't even know where to begin! I can't believe it has been ten years! I remember waiting all night for the big reveal. I was not on the Town Hall (the ToO's predecessor), but had stumbled upon the Soda Fountain a few months prior and read everything on the site! I anxiously awaited the big surprise, but was worried I'd miss it because it was my spring break and we were leaving on the 1st for a cruise. I joined the morning of the first and was the 22nd citizen to join. \:D/

I quickly became involved with the town and made many many friendships. I have a TON of memories, and I have no idea how I can share them all with you. Basically, this message board changed my life forever. Without it, I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am today - figuratively and physically. Because of the ToO I made many friends, one of whom (David O) convinced me to check out Liberty University, where I later attended and eventually met and married my husband of almost 5 years.

I was a part of the first police force, was CoP (I think) with David O, was part of the very first in real life meetup with Jessicado, The Top Crusader, and Me (the user, not myself...man, that joke never gets old! :hilarious:)

I also got to take part in co-hosting the Unofficial Adventures in Odyssey Podcast with Trent DeWhite (aka Chris) for three years, and through that made many great friendships with the cast and crew of AIO - and their families (darcie). Through that exposure, I got to be a part of the 20th Birthday Bash for AIO in Colorado Springs and meet and hang out with both my fellow ToO'ers and the cast and crew of AIO, as well as other spectacular fans. While there, I along with Catspaw and a few others, helped gently nudge Trent DeWhite and Frank (a girl for those who don't know) together. Apparently it worked, because they eventually got married and are serving as missionaries overseas.

I still keep in touch with many of the dear friends I made here. I'm sorry if I left your name out, I totally didn't mean to! From people coming to visit me for College for a Weekend at Liberty (JIA, Tim Peterson, Angel, Hawkeye and Melissa, Naomi - blanking on her username, and many others), to trading chocolate and book packages with Evil Chick and Catspaw, to LizzyG coming to my wedding, and sparring here and in Colorado with Shadowpaw (he hates me. :mecry: *couggh Gabriel Dragsack)) and crazy skype and conference calls with many of the above plus Sonuna, CA, Taq, EB and EK (I will never be able to get the milk challenge out of my memory - ugh!) and I'm sure a few more I missed as it is 3 am. These past ten years have been unforgettable and incredible, and I treasure each and every memory I have here. I'm so thankful for all of my friends, and the time we've had together. Y'all are awesome! :hug:
Last edited by JesusFreak777 on Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Frank »

Oh man. It's been like five years since I've posted on here.

Typing in this text box, looking at the same old layout, writing again under this username, is seriously like going back to the happy Narnia/Neverland/Pooh Corner of my youth. I've forgotten all the shortcuts for the smilies and I haven't a clue of what's going on anymore, but the feeling of "coming home" is still here.

For all y'all who haven't been on the ToO longer than about seven years or so, I'm Frank. I joined this board the day it opened. After lurking around on the previous AIO forum for awhile, I was excited to get a fresh start and be able to reinvent myself into someone who was bubbly and fun and popular (something I had never experienced in real life).

Before I knew it, the ToO had became one of the best things that had ever happened in my life. I got to know a group of really wonderful people and express digitally what I never would have been able to bring myself to say in real life. It was so blissfully happy, so much fun, so filled with adventure (and yes, I was this overly-dramatic back in 2005, too). Also wonder of wonders, my real-life personality became more and more like Frank. At some point, it became difficult to tell what parts of myself were more real, especially when it came to my relationship with another ToOer named Trent DeWhite (the same guy who co-hosted the UAIOP with JF777).

Ready for the really condensed version? Haha, well, Trent and I started private messaging shortly after the ToO opened in 2005. Haha, I think we started messaging because of a "State Your Ethnicity" topic (did Top start that one?) in which we discovered that we were the only Asians on at the time. I think eventually a lot of people on the ToO had us pegged for each other (yes, there was some nudging from some unnamed persons in Colorado, thank you, and yes we openly flirted on the ToO for like three years), and after the Golden Age of Trank (heh) I hoped we'd somehow get together, but I always thought it would be impossible. Long story short, we spent the next seven years corresponding until finally ending up in the same country at the same time and realizing that we'd spent so many years looking for the "right one" but hadn't ever found anyone better for each other than each other. Well, we finally got it all out, Trent proposed over Skype shortly after, and we got married the next year. We just celebrated our second wedding anniversary last December.

What has the ToO meant to me? It's meant some of the best friends I've ever had in my life, including my husband. I have the ToO to thank for some of the best memories of my life (long hours writing to Trent, Trank, going to Colorado, filling many lovely threads with Catspaw, JF777, Darcie and sooo many others - bah! So happy!). Trent is watching me type this now and just commented that my face looks like I'm in a "happy place." Well, I am. It's here. Thanks for a truly wonderful 10 years, ToO.
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Post by Woody »

Wow. Where to start? I joined this board a little over three years ago. It's amazing how such a short time can forever change a person.

I joined recently after a five-hundred-mile move. I was 13, probably one of the most defining years of anyone's life. I had moved away from the town that I had lived in for my entire life, and all my friends were hundreds of miles away. My two married sisters were also still living in my hometown. I was just getting into AIO, and was looking up information on an episode using AIOwiki, when I noticed a link to something called 'The Town of Odyssey'. Little did I know how great a part of my life the ToO would become. Anyways, I lurked for a few days before finally joining. There was some weird phpBB issue with my account that Catspaw kindly helped me with. Anyways, I made my first post two days after joining(Took me that long to find the forums. I never thought to click on the header :p I'm a bit of an idiot ;))

I have met so many great, great friends on here. You guys have changed my life and pretty much made me who I am today. I found both of my career paths(writing and web design) right here on the ToO. Some of the people here have become my best friends, real life or online(Not mentioning any names, but Samantha14). You were always there, and helped me through some of the most difficult times of my life. You've inspired me in so many ways, in my writing, in my aspirations, and even in my daily life. I really don't know where I'd be if it were not for this site.

So thank you, to each and every one of you, for putting up with that annoying n00b I used to be(and probably still am). For all the time you've taken, showing me the wonders of fiction, and of code. For electing me as Mayor twice, allowing me to give back to the community I so love. And above all, thank you for your wonderful friendship. I love you guys.

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Post by Knight Fisher »

Woody wrote:Anyways, I made my first post two days after joining(Took me that long to find the forums.
It took me two days to figure out how to login properly. :P This place has definitely shaped a large part of who I am.
To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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Post by Jonathan »

In October of 2004 I joined the Town Hall and at the time thought it was really cool. A bunch of AIO fans who talked politics, right up my alley. And it was--lots of AIO talk and other intelligent conversations took place there that I enjoyed. Then this place opened and for those who weren't around for the Town Hall, this site was that site, only with dozens of added features to make it a fun place. While I'm not around much anymore, there are many fun memories that this place has provided. Some of the things it has meant to me over the years:

-Intelligence. One of the things that drew me to the TH was the debates. Usually spirited and usually filled with intelligent people. I learned a lot about myself and my own viewpoints just as much as I learned about others, and how to view them and respond to them. I usually didn't change my mind, but there was, to paraphrase a pm from Dr. Watson while we were in the middle of one of our many debates, plenty of iron sharpening iron. As I was just getting out on my own, this aspect of the boards helped play a role in shaping me mentally.

-Creativity. I am a very, very left-brained person. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but I believe there needs to be balance. And so I have sought out creative outlets to exercise the other side of my brain. The ToO helped bring that balance to me, and in spades. One of the defining differences between the ToO and the TH, the ToO encouraged creativity. From the long reviews I wrote for AIO to the much more fun role playing (for you new folks, Gower's is fun now, but go check out those early threads), the ToO helped round me out this way as well.

-Fellowship. Last and most important on this short list of mine that could me much longer. Contributed to by many things, among them faith, friendship, AIO, working together on leadership teams, and so much more. The people here are what has made this place what it is, and it has been a thing of joy to be a part of it. This fellowship has presented itself to me in many ways, but was personified the greatest in Colorado. That weekend will remain one of the highlights of my life, and as edifying as it was, was a small taste of heaven.

On that note, I'd like to list some names that come to mind, those who played a part in these influences on me, whether in camaraderie, leadership, creativity, or other reasons ; Evil Chick (JEC!), David O, Trent DeWhite, Dr. Watson, Laura Ingalls, Shadowpaw, Catspaw, Top, CA, Zedekiah, EB, Bmuntz, Shad, Frank, JF, Trinarius, Stryper, Me, J-man, Monday, Taq, AIOP, Ruthie, DanP740, Tim Peterson, Lord Kappa, Jennifer Doyle, EK, Sarai Binghamton, and many others I'm certain I've forgotten.

The debates, role playing, the shows, conventions, JEC, the Blackgaards, Gabriel Dragsack, the podcasts, and the fun. It has been a pleasure.
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Post by Taq »

Taq's Short List of Superlatives
  • Claim to Fame: Term 13 Chief of Police
  • Worst Memory: Term 13 Campaign Season
  • Most Epic Moment Online: The revealing of Gabriel Dragsack's true identity
  • Most Epic Moment Offline: Meeting many ToO members at the live show
  • Most Enduring Friend: LizzieG
Jonathan: I'm honored that you mentioned me.

Peace out, everyone!
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Post by LizzieG »

Hello everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Shennifer's real-life sister, and I introduced her to the ToO. :)

I haven't been a part of the ToO for the entire 10 years like some of the others who've posted here, but I feel like I have since I was warmly welcomed by them. I joined in 2006, during Trank's term and right before I started college, and it was one of their contests that I wanted to be a part of that convinced me to sign up. The ToO was a wonderful companion during my college years, but the major turning point was in August 2008. Like Jonathan, that weekend is one of the highlights of my life. It was beautiful and wonderful to visit Odyssey-land for the first time when so many of the actors were there, and it also jump-started many friendships that have continued to this day. I can't count the number of times I've visited or met up with various ToOers over the years -- and in a number of states and Canadian provinces (hanging out with Catspaw in Canada, being a part of the Liberty University meet-up with JIA and many others, seeing Taq in five different states, hosting Trent and Frank at my house and going to their wedding, going to JF777s wedding, and much, much more!)!

And of course, there was that wonderful/terrible summer of 2009, when Taq (love those superlatives -- right back at ya! :hug: ) and I were the Term 13 admins known as iTaliq. (The "terrible" part was the campaign season, as Taq already mentioned). I have fond memories of the contests and events we pioneered during our term, and even though that was a very busy summer, I have no regrets in devoting as much time as I did to the ToO.

I'm sure there's much more I could say, about how the ToO restarted my interest in AIO and ultimately led to some really incredible AIO-related adventures, how it provided friendship during a lonely time in my life, and how it prompted me to deck out my mailbox in Odyssey paraphernalia for the sake of a contest. But I'll end with this little story:

In high school, I ran for Student Council Secretary with the slogan "Vote Lizzi G in 2003!". However, almost no one called me Lizzi at the time. Eventually, "LizzieG" became one of my go-to nicknames on message boards. When I joined the ToO, it was between LizzieG and ChristFollower for my username, and I went with LizzieG. And so when I met up with ToOers, I was Lizzie(G). And I loved it. I spent a summer in Colorado Springs going by Lizzie, and then made the nickname "permanent" a few years ago. So if it hadn't been for the ToO, I most likely wouldn't be "Lizzie"!

It's been quite an adventure, and I'm grateful.
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Post by OdysseyFan »

10 years huh? That just makes me feel old. Have met some awesome people on here and then met some in person. One turned out to be a psychotic arsonist, but overall its been fun.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Frank wrote: I think we started messaging because of a "State Your Ethnicity" topic (did Top start that one?) in which we discovered that we were the only Asians on at the time.
I have no idea if I started it, but I'll take credit for it. \:D/ I know there were tons of "What size of hat do you wear?" type getting to know you threads in the early days. It was good times.
OdysseyFan wrote:10 years huh? That just makes me feel old. Have met some awesome people on here and then met some in person. One turned out to be a psychotic arsonist, but overall its been fun.
I guess statistically we were bound to have one. :(

I'm one of the few people who never *really* left the ToO, although I'm certainly much less active than back in the day. A career in IT makes it really easy to semi-keep up on various forums, though. \:D/

Anyway I hate the ToO and will never come back! :x
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Post by Catspaw »

The Top Crusader wrote:
OdysseyFan wrote:10 years huh? That just makes me feel old. Have met some awesome people on here and then met some in person. One turned out to be a psychotic arsonist, but overall its been fun.
I guess statistically we were bound to have one. :(
If it's the person I'm thinking of, I only knew about one half of that description, but technically that isn't the ToO's fault, but the TH's. Unless this is some totally different person I don't know about.
The Top Crusader wrote:Anyway I hate the ToO and will never come back! :x
Good riddance to bad rubbish. :noway:
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Catspaw wrote:
The Top Crusader wrote:
OdysseyFan wrote:10 years huh? That just makes me feel old. Have met some awesome people on here and then met some in person. One turned out to be a psychotic arsonist, but overall its been fun.
I guess statistically we were bound to have one. :(
If it's the person I'm thinking of, I only knew about one half of that description, but technically that isn't the ToO's fault, but the TH's. Unless this is some totally different person I don't know about.
It was all Jared's fault. :noway:
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Post by Jonathan »

Rembered at least four more names: OdysseyFan, Kait, Darcie, LizzieG.
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Post by The Kings Daughter »

Where to start.

This place was so much a part of my life for about three, four years, that it feels strange not to be an active member anymore. I'm becoming one of those members who just shows up for important dates or in spare time.

The ToO taught me that there are a lot of opinions. ;) It got me excited about what I believe. It reminded me that I need good reasons for what I believe..the ToO started my transition stage from believing things because it's what my parents handed down to me to understanding and forming my own beliefs.
The ToO provided friendship, light-hearted times, and needed discussions at a time in my life where I was very hungry for friendship and social interaction. It was pretty much all of my social life when I began having health problems, anxiety, and depression, which kept me home for many many months.
The ToO helped me learn leadership, kindness, more about God, about tv shows to get addicted to..what didn't it help me learn about? ;)

It helped me meet many friends that to this day I wouldn't trade for the world.

Aww. Now I'm getting mushy and sentimental. This place meant a lot. Bring it in, guys♥

I'll just make a list. That way I don't type an essay. xD Things you guys taught me:

• How to debate nicely x)
• RPGs are wonderful things (Scion's Light, IN, Lady Elisha..)
• a lot of what friends are (IDANCE, Marvin D., iluvsns, JP, Whitty, Bren, all the peoples I'll never be able to list so I won't try, but I hold you all in my heart)(Yeah, the mushy-ness is great. <3 <<- I remember when there WAS no heart emoticon.)(Okay maybe it wasn't that long ago.)
• Sarcasm. So. Much. Sarcasm. I'm looking at you, Top, AE, Amethystic, (SnC♥),
• some of graphic design (snubs)
• forgiveness
• how to face up to humiliating corners I painted myself into
• Not to jump to conclusions
• what a Glomp is
• pranking (mwheheh)
• BBCode and Forum Administrative knowledge.
• sooo much other stuff.

First Memory: Sending Catspaw a very newbie-like (newbies are awesome, by the way. ^_^ I do not say that in a condescending way.) happy birthday message. I had just discovered the amazing :thewave:
Most Regretted/Embarrassing Moment: Some of my behavior during Shark Bait's run for election (Piece of advice to you wonderful newer persons♥ Emotions fly high during election season. Always re-read your posts and make sure you calm down and talk things over with a wise friend before posting emotion-filled things. Some mistakes can never be fixed. :/ )
Hardest Moment: Losing SnC with you all.
Favorite Prank Moment: Making everyone think I was a terrible CoP abusing her powers to edit people's posts on her own whims.
Worst, Most Hilarious Graphics Moment: Photo-shopping Marvin (Morri) into a dress.
Favorite RPG experience: The Resistance

I think I'm done for now. You guys are amazing. I wish I could go back in time to some of those really fun days when we were so young and immature and we had so much time. x)
Last edited by The Kings Daughter on Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

SnC Forever. Miss you still.
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Post by SirWhit »

OdysseyFan wrote:One turned out to be a psychotic arsonist, but overall its been fun.
OdysseyFan wrote:One turned out to be a psychotic arsonist
OdysseyFan wrote:psychotic arsonist
OdysseyFan wrote:psychotic arsonist
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Post by Bren »

When I joined, I was going though a tough time in life. With my grandmother being in and out of the hospital, I didn't get to do a lot. It was amazing to have an online family from the get-go. 4 months after I joined, my grandmother passed away. It was tough since myself and my mom were living together. Everyone was there for me during that time. I have so many fond memories of this place. I started my podcast in part due to this place. I was given the opportunity to serve as a mod for the first time during the Iron Crusader term. For term 16, you guys were kind enough to elect me mayor. And several people supported CC over the years. I even got to play a part in The Chairman story arc.

Among names I could mention, Jellyfish, Jason, JIA, Angel, hestercd, Catspaw, TKD, snubs, Samantha14, EK, Top, violet flower, King Butter Turtle, DAM, American Eagle, Ayn Rand, and KODY 105. I'll leave it at that rather than bore you with a list that is 5 miles long. A lot of you know what you have meant to me without my saying it
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Post by Marvin D. »

I made thousands of dollars here.
"I still see Marvin as a newbie that is just as cool as an oldie." --snubs

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Post by Shennifer »

I joined this lovely forum in 2009, so six years ago. That summer was during a difficult time in my life, but fortunately I've gotten through a lot of it so far. My sister (LizzieG) urged me to join, and I finally did. She helped me make my first avatar (which was from a picture I took during my Senior Trip in Puerto Rico)

I ran for office once, with Dan, and we lost. I dont' think my ideas were all that spectacular, but I liked them, so that's all that matters :-

since joining the ToO, I have also joined numerous fandoms and have been able to fangirl with others on here (most notably about Doctor Who)

I have also been a Random for I don't know how long. I loved their creativity and personalities, so it was easy to want to join them. I definitely tried to fit in too hard, and I also took things WAY to personally back then (still working on that, actually ;) ). I'm happy I've been able to make friends and be a part of the Randoms, be a Random Sister, as my rankbar says.

some of my favorite memories are the Snow Ball Fight, my brief time in Role Playing with Scion's Light, writing fanfics about Randoms. I also remember Skyping with a few randoms (just hearing their voices, but not seeing their faces). I wish I could do that again because I was really shy and it was difficult to say much. I hope I would say a lot more now \:D/

Till the end of the line.
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Post by American Eagle »

The Kings Daughter wrote:The ToO taught me ... that I need good reasons for what I believe..the ToO started my transition stage from believing things because it's what my parents handed down to me to understanding and forming my own beliefs.

This forum was my teenage years. I spent 10+ hours a day on the internet. I had more ToO friends than real life acquaintances. I didn't have a girlfriend. I didn't go outside. >_> I regret that I have so few fond memories from high school, but I'm thankful I had this place. It was my escape. You guys were my best friends.

My life has changed so much since I faded away from this place. No one here would recognize who I've grown into. I'm even more physically mature. If you can believe that. \:D/

Thank you all for the memories and friendships. You helped make up who I am. I have nothing but best wishes for you all.

P.S. This smiley is the greatest one on the internet. \:D/ I'll never forget the code for \:D./
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

Note: My past posts do not necessarily reflect my values. Many of them were made when I was young and (in retrospect) misguided. If you identify a post that expresses misinformation, prejudice, or anything harmful, please let me know.
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Post by Jesus' Princess »

I joined this message board almost 4 years ago now, and when I clicked the "register" button, I had NO idea of the crazy, fantastic, fun, special timesI would have over the next few years, and the wonderful friendships I would be blessed with. I thought I was just signing up for a message board to talk about Odyssey, books, movies, and whatever else was being discussed that day. Boy was I wrong!

My ToO memories range from hilarious, to meaningful, to silly, to exciting, and everywhere in between. You guys graciously put up with my younger, overdramatic, more immature self, who felt like she knew the "right" way, and acted like, at times, you were just wrong if your views clashed with hers. (Don't worry, I've hopefully grown out of that, and my "blanket statements" have become more moderate ;) )

I have fond memories of my term as an admin. I feel like I learned a bit of responsibility during those months, and despite what happened in the second half of the term, I like to think it was a good term in ToO History.

So, from book and movie suggestions (and wow, did I get some good ones!), to interesting news stories (thanks Bookworm! :D), to the times when I reached out to some of you for prayer, and truly felt loved and cared about, this place was a part of my teenage years, and I'm grateful for it. (You guys also introduced me to Pandora - my life has never been the same since that day O:) ) Sure, I laugh when I come across an old post of mine, and I cringe when I see something I wrote in CCDS in all of my 15 year-old wisdom ( :anxious: ) but overall, it was a fantastic place to come meet new people and talk about everything under the sun.

Life has changed a lot in the past year. I've done some growing up, which means less time on the internet, and even less time dedicated to internet forums, but I still pop in every once in a while and see what you guys are up too. I have very fond memories of you guys, and still do a double take when I hear certain letter combinations, like TKD, or hear a certain phrase that makes me think of something funny that happened on here. \:D/

I'll end here. Adios for now guys, thanks for the great times!
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